#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: # # Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Intel Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # DESCRIPTION # This is a recipe upgrade helper script for the Yocto Project. # Use 'upgrade-helper.py -h' for more help. # # AUTHORS # Laurentiu Palcu # Marius Avram # import argparse import os import subprocess import logging as log from logging import debug as D from logging import info as I from logging import warning as W from logging import error as E from logging import critical as C import re import signal import sys import configparser as cp from datetime import datetime from datetime import date import shutil sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'modules')) from errors import * from utils.git import Git from utils.devtool import Devtool from utils.bitbake import * from utils.emailhandler import Email from statistics import Statistics from steps import upgrade_steps from testimage import TestImage if not os.getenv('BUILDDIR', False): E(" You must source oe-init-build-env before running this script!\n") E(" It is recommended to create a fresh build directory with it:\n") E(" $ . oe-init-build-env build-auh\n") exit(1) import shutil # Use the location of devtool to find scriptpath and hence bb/oe libs scripts_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(shutil.which("devtool"))) sys.path = sys.path + [scripts_path + '/lib'] import scriptpath scriptpath.add_bitbake_lib_path() scriptpath.add_oe_lib_path() import oe.recipeutils help_text = """Usage examples: * To upgrade xmodmap recipe to the latest available version: $ upgrade-helper.py xmodmap * To attempt to upgrade all recipes and automatically send email messages to maintainers for each attempted recipe as well as a status mail at the end, use: $ upgrade-helper.py all """ DEFAULT_TESTIMAGE = 'core-image-sato' def parse_cmdline(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Package Upgrade Helper', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=help_text) parser.add_argument("recipe", nargs = '+', action='store', default='', help="recipe to be upgraded") parser.add_argument("-t", "--to_version", help="version to upgrade the recipe to") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug-level", type=int, default=4, choices=range(1, 6), help="set the debug level: CRITICAL=1, ERROR=2, WARNING=3, INFO=4, DEBUG=5") parser.add_argument("-e", "--send-emails", action="store_true", default=False, help="send emails to recipe maintainers") parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip-compilation", action="store_true", default=False, help="do not compile, just change the checksums, remove PR, and commit") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config-file", default=None, help="Path to the configuration file. Default is $BUILDDIR/upgrade-helper/upgrade-helper.conf") parser.add_argument("--layer-names", nargs='*', action="store", default='', help="layers to include in the upgrade research") parser.add_argument("--layer-dir", action="store", default='', help="the layers root directory") return parser.parse_args() def parse_config_file(config_file): settings = dict() maintainer_override = dict() if config_file: if os.path.exists(config_file): cfg_file = config_file else: C("Unable to find specified config file %s" % config_file) sys.exit(1) else: cfg_file = os.path.join(get_build_dir(), "upgrade-helper", "upgrade-helper.conf") if os.path.exists(cfg_file): D("Reading config file %s" % cfg_file) cfg = cp.ConfigParser() cfg.read(cfg_file) try: settings_list = cfg.items("settings") for s in settings_list: settings[s[0]] = s[1] except: pass try: maintainer_override_list = cfg.items("maintainer_override") for item in maintainer_override_list: maintainer_override[item[0]] = item[1] except: pass return (settings, maintainer_override) class Updater(object): def __init__(self, args): build_dir = get_build_dir() self.bb = Bitbake(build_dir) self.devtool = Devtool() self.args = args try: self.base_env = self.bb.env() except EmptyEnvError as e: import traceback E( " %s\n%s" % (e.message, traceback.format_exc())) E( " Bitbake output:\n%s" % (e.stdout + e.stderr)) exit(1) self._set_options() self._make_dirs(build_dir) self._add_file_logger() if self.args.send_emails: self.email_handler = Email(settings) self.statistics = Statistics() def _set_options(self): self.opts = {} self.opts['layer_mode'] = settings.get('layer_mode', '') if self.opts['layer_mode'] == 'yes': def _layer_settings_error(setting): E(" In layer mode enable you need to specify %s.\n" % setting) exit(1) layer_settings = ('layer_name', 'layer_dir') for s in layer_settings: self.opts[s] = settings.get(s, '') if not self.opts[s]: _layer_settings_error(s) self.git = Git(self.opts['layer_dir']) self.poky_git = Git(os.path.dirname(os.getenv('PATH', False).split(':')[0])) else: # XXX: assume that the poky directory is the first entry in the PATH self.git = Git(os.path.dirname(os.getenv('PATH', False).split(':')[0])) self.poky_git = None self.opts['machines'] = settings.get('machines', 'qemux86-64 qemuarm_musl').split() self.opts['send_email'] = self.args.send_emails self.opts['author'] = "Upgrade Helper <%s>" % \ settings.get('from', 'uh@not.set') self.opts['skip_compilation'] = self.args.skip_compilation self.opts['buildhistory'] = self._buildhistory_is_enabled() self.opts['testimage'] = self._testimage_is_enabled() def _make_dirs(self, build_dir): self.uh_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, "upgrade-helper") if not os.path.exists(self.uh_dir): os.mkdir(self.uh_dir) self.uh_base_work_dir = settings.get('workdir', self.uh_dir) if self.opts['layer_mode'] == 'yes': self.uh_base_work_dir = os.path.join(self.uh_base_work_dir, self.opts['layer_name']) if not os.path.exists(self.uh_base_work_dir): os.mkdir(self.uh_base_work_dir) self.uh_work_dir = os.path.join(self.uh_base_work_dir, "%s" % \ datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) os.mkdir(self.uh_work_dir) self.uh_recipes_all_dir = os.path.join(self.uh_work_dir, "all") os.mkdir(self.uh_recipes_all_dir) self.uh_recipes_succeed_dir = os.path.join(self.uh_work_dir, "succeed") os.mkdir(self.uh_recipes_succeed_dir) self.uh_recipes_failed_dir = os.path.join(self.uh_work_dir, "failed") os.mkdir(self.uh_recipes_failed_dir) def _add_file_logger(self): fh = log.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.uh_work_dir, "upgrade-helper.log")) logger = log.getLogger() logger.addHandler(fh) def _get_status_msg(self, err): if err: return str(err) else: return "Succeeded" def _buildhistory_is_enabled(self): enabled = False if settings.get("buildhistory", "no") == "yes": if 'buildhistory' in self.base_env['INHERIT']: if not 'BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT' in self.base_env: E(" Buildhistory was INHERIT in conf/local.conf"\ " but need BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT=1 please set.") exit(1) if not self.base_env['BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT'] == '1': E(" Buildhistory was INHERIT in conf/local.conf"\ " but need BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT=1 please set.") exit(1) if self.opts['skip_compilation']: W(" Buildhistory disabled because user" \ " skip compilation!") else: enabled = True else: E(" Buildhistory was enabled in upgrade-helper.conf"\ " but isn't INHERIT in conf/local.conf, if you want"\ " to enable please set.") exit(1) return enabled def _testimage_is_enabled(self): enabled = False if settings.get("testimage", "no") == "yes": if 'testimage' in self.base_env['IMAGE_CLASSES']: if not "ptest" in self.base_env["DISTRO_FEATURES"]: E(" testimage requires ptest in DISTRO_FEATURES please add to"\ " conf/local.conf.") exit(1) enabled = True else: E(" testimage was enabled in upgrade-helper.conf"\ " but isn't added to IMAGE_CLASSES in conf/local.conf, \ if you want to enable please set.") exit(1) return enabled def _get_packages_to_upgrade(self, packages=None): if packages is None: I( "Nothing to upgrade") exit(0) else: return packages # this function will be called at the end of each recipe upgrade def pkg_upgrade_handler(self, pkg_ctx): mail_header = \ "Hello,\n\nthis email is a notification from the Auto Upgrade Helper\n" \ "that the automatic attempt to upgrade the recipe *%s* to *%s* has %s.\n\n" license_change_info = \ "*LICENSE CHANGED* please review the %s file, update the LICENSE\n" \ "variable in the recipe if needed and summarize the changes\n" \ "in the commit message via 'License-Update:' tag.\n" \ "(example: 'License-Update: copyright years updated.')\n\n" next_steps_info = \ "Next steps:\n" \ " - apply the patch: git am %s\n" \ " - check the changes to upstream patches and summarize them in the commit message,\n" \ " - compile an image that contains the package\n" \ " - perform some basic sanity tests\n" \ " - amend the patch and sign it off: git commit -s --reset-author --amend\n" \ " - send it to the appropriate mailing list\n\n" \ "Alternatively, if you believe the recipe should not be upgraded at this time,\n" \ "you can fill RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file so that\n" \ "automatic upgrades would no longer be attempted.\n\n" mail_footer = \ "Please review the attached files for further information and build/update failures.\n" \ "Any problem please file a bug at https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Automated%20Update%20Handler\n\n" \ "Regards,\nThe Upgrade Helper" if pkg_ctx['MAINTAINER'] in maintainer_override: to_addr = maintainer_override[pkg_ctx['MAINTAINER']] elif 'global_maintainer_override' in settings: to_addr = settings['global_maintainer_override'] else: to_addr = pkg_ctx['MAINTAINER'] cc_addr = None if "cc_recipients" in settings: if 'unassigned' in to_addr: to_addr = settings["cc_recipients"].split() else: cc_addr = settings["cc_recipients"].split() newversion = pkg_ctx['NPV'] if not pkg_ctx['NPV'].endswith("new-commits-available") else pkg_ctx['NSRCREV'] subject = "[AUH] " + pkg_ctx['PN'] + ": upgrading to " + newversion if not pkg_ctx['error']: subject += " SUCCEEDED" else: subject += " FAILED" msg_body = mail_header % (pkg_ctx['PN'], newversion, self._get_status_msg(pkg_ctx['error'])) if pkg_ctx['error'] is not None: msg_body += """Detailed error information: %s %s %s """ %(pkg_ctx['error'].message if pkg_ctx['error'].message else "", pkg_ctx['error'].stdout if pkg_ctx['error'].stdout else "" , pkg_ctx['error'].stderr if pkg_ctx['error'].stderr else "") if 'license_diff_fn' in pkg_ctx: license_diff_fn = pkg_ctx['license_diff_fn'] msg_body += license_change_info % license_diff_fn if 'patch_file' in pkg_ctx and pkg_ctx['patch_file'] != None: msg_body += next_steps_info % (os.path.basename(pkg_ctx['patch_file'])) msg_body += mail_footer # Add possible attachments to email attachments = [] for attachment in os.listdir(pkg_ctx['workdir']): attachment_fullpath = os.path.join(pkg_ctx['workdir'], attachment) if os.path.isfile(attachment_fullpath): attachments.append(attachment_fullpath) # Also add the patch inline using the 'scissors': # https://git-scm.com/docs/git-mailinfo#Documentation/git-mailinfo.txt---scissors if attachment_fullpath.endswith('.patch'): msg_body += "\n\n-- >8 --\n%s" % (open(attachment_fullpath).read()) if self.opts['send_email']: self.email_handler.send_email(to_addr, subject, msg_body, attachments, cc_addr=cc_addr) # Preserve email for review purposes. email_file = os.path.join(pkg_ctx['workdir'], "email_summary") with open(email_file, "w+") as f: f.write("To: %s\n" % to_addr) if isinstance(cc_addr, list): f.write("To: %s\n" % ' '.join(cc_addr)) else: f.write("Cc: %s\n" % cc_addr) f.write("Subject: %s\n" % subject) f.write("Attachments: %s\n" % ' '.join(attachments)) f.write("\n%s\n" % msg_body) def commit_changes(self, pkg_ctx): try: pkg_ctx['patch_file'] = None I(" %s: Auto commit changes ..." % pkg_ctx['PN']) self.git.add(pkg_ctx['recipe_dir']) self.git.commit(pkg_ctx['commit_msg'], self.opts['author']) stdout = self.git.create_patch(pkg_ctx['workdir']) pkg_ctx['patch_file'] = stdout.strip() if not pkg_ctx['patch_file']: msg = "Patch file not generated." E(" %s: %s\n %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], msg, stdout)) raise Error(msg, stdout) else: I(" %s: Save patch in directory: %s." % (pkg_ctx['PN'], pkg_ctx['workdir'])) revert_policy = settings.get('commit_revert_policy', 'failed_to_build') if (pkg_ctx['error'] is not None and revert_policy == 'failed_to_build'): I("Due to build errors, the commit will also be reverted to avoid cascading upgrade failures.") self.git.revert("HEAD") elif revert_policy == 'all': I("The commit will be reverted to follow the policy set in the configuration file.") self.git.revert("HEAD") except Error as e: msg = '' for line in e.stdout.split("\n"): if line.find("nothing to commit") == 0: msg = "Nothing to commit!" I(" %s: %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], msg)) I(" %s: %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], e.stdout)) raise e def send_status_mail(self, statistics_summary, attachments): if "status_recipients" not in settings: E(" Could not send status email, no recipients set!") return -1 to_list = settings["status_recipients"].split() if self.opts['layer_mode'] == 'yes': subject = "[AUH] Upgrade status %s: %s" \ % (self.opts['layer_name'], date.isoformat(date.today())) else: subject = "[AUH] Upgrade status: " + date.isoformat(date.today()) if self.statistics.total_attempted: self.email_handler.send_email(to_list, subject, statistics_summary, attachments) else: W("No recipes attempted, not sending status mail!") def run(self, package_list=None): pkgs_to_upgrade = self._get_packages_to_upgrade(package_list) total_pkgs = len(pkgs_to_upgrade) pkgs_ctx = {} I(" ########### The list of recipes to be upgraded #############") for pkg_to_upgrade in pkgs_to_upgrade: I(" %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % ( pkg_to_upgrade["layer_name"], pkg_to_upgrade["pn"], pkg_to_upgrade["cur_ver"], pkg_to_upgrade["next_ver"], pkg_to_upgrade["maintainer"], pkg_to_upgrade["revision"], )) p = pkg_to_upgrade["pn"] pkgs_ctx[p] = {} pkgs_ctx[p]['PN'] = p pkgs_ctx[p]['PV'] = pkg_to_upgrade["cur_ver"] pkgs_ctx[p]['NPV'] = pkg_to_upgrade["next_ver"] pkgs_ctx[p]['MAINTAINER'] = pkg_to_upgrade["maintainer"] pkgs_ctx[p]['NSRCREV'] = pkg_to_upgrade["revision"] pkgs_ctx[p]['base_dir'] = self.uh_recipes_all_dir I(" ############################################################") if pkgs_to_upgrade and not self.args.skip_compilation: I(" Building gcc runtimes ...") for machine in self.opts['machines']: I(" building gcc runtime for %s" % machine) try: self.bb.complete("gcc-runtime", machine) except Exception as e: E(" Can't build gcc-runtime for %s." % machine) if isinstance(e, Error): E(e.stdout + e.stderr) else: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) succeeded_pkgs_ctx = [] failed_pkgs_ctx = [] attempted_pkgs = 0 for pkg_to_upgrade in pkgs_to_upgrade: pn = pkg_to_upgrade["pn"] pkg_ctx = pkgs_ctx[pn] pkg_ctx['error'] = None attempted_pkgs += 1 I(" ATTEMPT PACKAGE %d/%d" % (attempted_pkgs, total_pkgs)) try: I(" %s: Upgrading to %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], pkg_ctx['NPV'])) for step, msg in upgrade_steps: if msg is not None: I(" %s: %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], msg)) step(self.devtool, self.bb, self.git, self.opts, pkg_ctx) succeeded_pkgs_ctx.append(pkg_ctx) I(" %s: Upgrade SUCCESSFUL! Please test!" % pkg_ctx['PN']) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, UpgradeNotNeededError): I(" %s: %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], e.message)) elif isinstance(e, UnsupportedProtocolError): I(" %s: %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], e.message)) else: if not isinstance(e, Error): import traceback msg = "Failed(unknown error)\n" + traceback.format_exc() e = Error(message=msg) error = e E(" %s: %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], e.message)) if 'workdir' in pkg_ctx and os.listdir(pkg_ctx['workdir']): E(" %s: Upgrade FAILED! Logs and/or file diffs are available in %s" % (pkg_ctx['PN'], pkg_ctx['workdir'])) pkg_ctx['error'] = e failed_pkgs_ctx.append(pkg_ctx) try: self.commit_changes(pkg_ctx) except: if pkg_ctx in succeeded_pkgs_ctx: succeeded_pkgs_ctx.remove(pkg_ctx) failed_pkgs_ctx.append(pkg_ctx) if self.opts['testimage']: ctxs = {} ctxs['succeeded'] = succeeded_pkgs_ctx ctxs['failed'] = failed_pkgs_ctx image = settings.get('testimage_name', DEFAULT_TESTIMAGE) tim = TestImage(self.bb, self.git, self.uh_work_dir, self.opts, ctxs, image) tim.run() for pn in pkgs_ctx.keys(): pkg_ctx = pkgs_ctx[pn] if pkg_ctx in succeeded_pkgs_ctx: os.symlink(pkg_ctx['workdir'], os.path.join( \ self.uh_recipes_succeed_dir, pkg_ctx['PN'])) else: os.symlink(pkg_ctx['workdir'], os.path.join( \ self.uh_recipes_failed_dir, pkg_ctx['PN'])) self.statistics.update(pkg_ctx['PN'], pkg_ctx['NPV'], pkg_ctx['MAINTAINER'], pkg_ctx['error']) self.pkg_upgrade_handler(pkg_ctx) if attempted_pkgs > 0: publish_work_url = settings.get('publish_work_url', '') attach_tarball = settings.get('summary_includes_tarball', True) work_tarball = os.path.join(self.uh_base_work_dir, os.path.basename(self.uh_work_dir) + '.tar.gz') if publish_work_url or attach_tarball: I(" Generating work tarball in %s ..." % work_tarball) tar_cmd = ["tar", "-chzf", work_tarball, "-C", self.uh_base_work_dir, os.path.basename(self.uh_work_dir)] import subprocess if subprocess.call(tar_cmd): E(" Work tarball (%s) generation failed..." % (work_tarball)) E(" Tar command: %s" % (" ".join(tar_cmd))) publish_work_url = '' attach_tarball = False statistics_summary = self.statistics.get_summary( publish_work_url, os.path.basename(self.uh_work_dir)) statistics_file = os.path.join(self.uh_work_dir, "statistics_summary") with open(statistics_file, "w+") as f: f.write(statistics_summary) I(" %s" % statistics_summary) attachments = [] if attach_tarball: attachments.append(work_tarball) if self.opts['send_email']: self.send_status_mail(statistics_summary, attachments) class UniverseUpdater(Updater): def __init__(self, args): Updater.__init__(self, args) if len(args.recipe) == 1 and args.recipe[0] == "all" and self.opts['layer_mode'] != 'yes': self.recipes = [('', [])] elif self.opts['layer_mode'] == 'yes': # when layer mode is enabled and no recipes are specified # we need to figure out what recipes are provided by the # layer to try upgrade self.recipes = [] for layer in self.opts['layer_name'].split(' '): recipes_for_layer = self._get_recipes_by_layer(layer) I("layer %s => Recipes %s", layer, recipes_for_layer) self.recipes.append((layer, recipes_for_layer)) else: self.recipes = [('', args.recipe)] if args.to_version: if len(self.recipes) != 1: E(" -t is only supported when upgrade one recipe\n") exit(1) def _get_recipes_by_layer(self, layer=''): recipes = [] recipe_regex = re.compile('^(?P.*):$') layer_regex = re.compile('^ (?P.*) +') layers = False name = '' output = subprocess.check_output('bitbake-layers show-recipes', shell=True) for line in output.decode("utf-8") .split('\n'): s = recipe_regex.search(line) if s: name = s.group('name') continue if not 'skipped' in line: s = layer_regex.search(line) if s: if s.group('name').strip() == layer: recipes.append(name) return recipes def _prepare(self): if settings.get("clean_sstate", "no") == "yes" and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(get_build_dir(), "sstate-cache")): I(" Removing sstate directory ...") shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(get_build_dir(), "sstate-cache")) if settings.get("clean_tmp", "no") == "yes" and \ os.path.exists(self.base_env['TMPDIR']): I(" Removing tmp directory ...") shutil.rmtree(self.base_env['TMPDIR']) # checks if maintainer is in whitelist and that the recipe itself is not # blacklisted: python, gcc, etc. Also, check the history if the recipe # hasn't already been tried def _pkg_upgradable(self, pn, next_ver, maintainer): if not maintainer: D(" Skipping upgrade of %s: no maintainer" % pn) return False if "blacklist" in settings: for p in settings["blacklist"].split(): if p == pn: D(" Skipping upgrade of %s: blacklist" % pn) return False if "maintainers_whitelist" in settings: found = False for m in settings["maintainers_whitelist"].split(): if maintainer.find(m) != -1: found = True break if found == False: D(" Skipping upgrade of %s: maintainer \"%s\" not in whitelist" % (pn, maintainer)) return False # drop native/cross/cross-canadian recipes. We deal with native # when upgrading the main recipe but we keep away of cross* pkgs... # for now if pn.find("cross") != -1 or pn.find("native") != -1: D(" Skipping upgrade of %s: is cross or native" % pn) return False return True def _get_packages_to_upgrade(self, packages=None): # Prepare a single pkg dict data (or None is not upgradable) from recipeutils.get_recipe_upgrade_status data. def _get_pkg_to_upgrade(self, layer_name, pn, status, cur_ver, next_ver, maintainer, revision, no_upgrade_reason): pkg_to_upgrade = None if self.args.to_version: next_ver = self.args.to_version if status == 'UPDATE' and not no_upgrade_reason: # Always do the upgrade if recipes are specified if self.recipes and pn in self.recipes or self._pkg_upgradable(pn, next_ver, maintainer): pkg_to_upgrade = { "layer_name": layer_name, "pn": pn, "cur_ver": cur_ver, "next_ver": next_ver, "maintainer": maintainer, "revision": revision } else: if no_upgrade_reason: I(" Skip package %s/%s (status = %s, current version = %s," \ " next version = %s, no upgrade reason = %s)" % (layer_name, pn, status, cur_ver, next_ver, no_upgrade_reason)) else: I(" Skip package %s/%s (status = %s, current version = %s," \ " next version = %s)" % (layer_name, pn, status, cur_ver, next_ver)) return pkg_to_upgrade pkgs_list = [] for layer_name, layer_recipes in self.recipes: pkgs = oe.recipeutils.get_recipe_upgrade_status(layer_recipes) for pkg in pkgs: pn, status, cur_ver, next_ver, maintainer, revision, no_upgrade_reason = pkg pkg_to_upgrade = _get_pkg_to_upgrade(self, layer_name, pn, status, cur_ver, next_ver, maintainer, revision, no_upgrade_reason) if pkg_to_upgrade: pkgs_list.append(pkg_to_upgrade) return pkgs_list def pkg_upgrade_handler(self, pkg_ctx): super(UniverseUpdater, self).pkg_upgrade_handler(pkg_ctx) def run(self): self._prepare() super(UniverseUpdater, self).run() def close_child_processes(signal_id, frame): pid = os.getpgrp() os.killpg(pid, signal.SIGKILL) if __name__ == "__main__": global settings global maintainer_override devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb') if subprocess.call(["git", "config", "user.name"], stdout=devnull,stderr=devnull) or \ subprocess.call(["git", "config", "user.email"], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull): E(" Git isn't configured please configure user name and email\n") exit(1) with open(os.getenv('BUILDDIR')+"/conf/local.conf") as f: import re for line in f.readlines(): if re.match(r"^MACHINE\s*=", line): E(" The following line found in local.conf - please use ?= or ?== instead as otherwise AUH will not be able to set the desired target machine\n") E(" {}".format(line)) exit(1) if re.match(r"^TCLIBC\s*=", line): E(" The following line found in local.conf - please use ?= or ?== instead as otherwise AUH will not be able to set the desired C library\n") E(" {}".format(line)) exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, close_child_processes) debug_levels = [log.CRITICAL, log.ERROR, log.WARNING, log.INFO, log.DEBUG] args = parse_cmdline() log.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=debug_levels[args.debug_level - 1]) settings, maintainer_override = parse_config_file(args.config_file) if args.layer_names != '' and args.layer_dir == '': E("layer-dir is mandatory if layers are defined") exit(1) elif args.layer_names != '': settings['layer_mode'] = 'yes' settings['layer_dir'] = args.layer_dir settings['layer_name'] = ' '.join(args.layer_names) updater = UniverseUpdater(args) updater.run()