# meta-qcom ![latest build](https://github.com/linaro/meta-qcom/actions/workflows/push.yml/badge.svg) ![daily builds](https://github.com/linaro/meta-qcom/actions/workflows/daily.yml/badge.svg) ## Introduction OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project layer for Qualcomm based platforms. This layer depends on: ``` URI: https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core.git layers: meta branch: master revision: HEAD ``` This layers has an optional dependency on meta-oe layer: ``` URI: https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded.git layers: meta-oe branch: master revision: HEAD ``` The dependency is optional, and not strictly required. When meta-oe is enabled in the build (e.g. it is used in BBLAYERS) then additional recipes from meta-qcom are added to the metadata. You can refer to meta-qcom/conf/layer.conf for the implementation details. ## Device support All contemporary boards are supported by a single qcom-armv8a machine. Please use it instead of using the per-board configuration file. In order to enable support for the particular device extend the qcom-armv8a.conf file . ## Quick build If you're new to the Yocto Project, you might want to read the ![Yocto Project Quick Build](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.html) document in order to setup your Yocto Project build environment. From inside ```poky``` folder, clone this repository: ``` git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-qcom ``` Now, from inside ```poky``` folder initialize your build folder: ``` source oe-init-build-env build/qcom-armv8a ``` The script will cd into the newly created ```build/qcom-armv8a``` folder. From within this folder, add meta-qcom layer: ``` bitbake-layers add-layer ../../meta-qcom ``` Change ```MACHINE``` variable into ```conf/local.conf``` to: ``` MACHINE ?= "qcom-armv8a" ``` Finally, build your image: ``` bitbake core-image-minimal ``` ## Contributing If you want to contribute changes, you can send Github pull requests at https://github.com/Linaro/meta-qcom/pulls. You can discuss about this layer, on `#linaro` on Libera Chat IRC network. ## Reporting issues Please report any issue on https://github.com/Linaro/meta-qcom/issues ## Maintainer(s) Dmitry Baryshkov