path: root/scripts/manual-test-helper
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/manual-test-helper')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/manual-test-helper b/scripts/manual-test-helper
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d1d1741ed9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/manual-test-helper
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Manual tests execution helper
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+import argparse
+def scan_test_case(jdata):
+ # Scan the test suite JSON and print out all the name of test cases
+ print("Test Suite Name: %s" % jdata[0]['test']['@alias'].split(".", 1)[0])
+ print("\nTotal number of test cases in this test suite: " + "%s\n" % total)
+ for i in range(0, total):
+ print("%s. " % (i+1) + jdata[i]['test']['@alias'].split(".", 1)[1])
+ sys.exit()
+def scan_test_results(tresult):
+ completed = []
+ scan = len(tresult[0]['testsuite']['testcase'])
+ for i in range(0, scan):
+ join_name = tresult[0]['testsuitename'] + "." + tresult[0]['testsuite']['testcase'][i]['testcasename']
+ completed.append(join_name)
+ return completed
+def write_json_result(args, fname, results):
+ if args.output:
+ fname = args.output
+ with open(fname, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(results, f, ensure_ascii=True, indent=4)
+def execute_test_steps(args, testID, jdata):
+ tsuite = jdata[testID]['test']['@alias'].split(".", 1)[0]
+ tcase = jdata[testID]['test']['@alias'].split(".", 1)[1]
+ compare_tcase = []
+ print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+ print("Executing test case:" + " " + jdata[testID]['test']['@alias'])
+ print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+ print("You have total " + max(jdata[testID]['test']['execution'].keys()) + " test steps to be executed.")
+ print("------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ for step in range (1, int(max(jdata[testID]['test']['execution'].keys()) + "1")):
+ print("Step %s: " % step + jdata[testID]['test']['execution']['%s' % step]['run'])
+ print("Expected output: " + jdata[testID]['test']['execution']['%s' % step]['result'])
+ if step == int(max(jdata[testID]['test']['execution'].keys())):
+ done = input("\nPlease provide test results: (P)assed/(F)ailed/(B)locked? \n")
+ break
+ else:
+ done = input("\nPlease press ENTER when you are done to proceed to next step.\n")
+ step = step + 1
+ if done == "p" or done == "P":
+ res = "PASSED"
+ elif done == "f" or done == "F":
+ res = "FAILED"
+ elif done == "b" or done == "B":
+ res = "BLOCKED"
+ else:
+ res = "SKIPPED"
+ if not temp:
+ temp.append({'testsuitename': '%s' % tsuite, 'testsuite': {'testcase': [{'testcasename': '%s' % tcase, 'testresult': '%s' % res}]}})
+ elif args.rerun:
+ for i in range(len(temp[0]['testsuite']['testcase'])):
+ compare_tcase = temp[0]['testsuite']['testcase'][i]['testcasename']
+ if tcase in compare_tcase:
+ temp[0]['testsuite']['testcase'][i]['testresult'] = res
+ break
+ else:
+ temp[0]['testsuite']['testcase'].append({'testcasename': '%s' % tcase, 'testresult': '%s' % res})
+ return temp
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ global total
+ global temp
+ global results
+ global fname
+ results = []
+ temp = []
+ fname = "test_results.json"
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Helper script for results populating during manual test execution.')
+ # Required: test suite file path
+ required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
+ required.add_argument('-F', '--file', dest='file', action='store', required=True,
+ help='Specify path to manual test case JSON file. Note: Please use "" to encapsulate the file path.')
+ optional = parser._action_groups.pop()
+ # Optional: Scan and show all test cases in single test suite file
+ optional.add_argument('-S', '--scan', action='store_true',
+ help='Scan and show all test cases in the provided JSON file in console.')
+ # Optional: Resume manual test execution
+ optional.add_argument('-R', '--resume', action='store_true',
+ help='Resume the manual test execution with existing test result file.')
+ # Optional: Rerun specific test case
+ optional.add_argument('-r', '--rerun', dest='rerun', action='store',
+ help='Re-run specific test case with existing test result file.')
+ # Optional: Run specific test case
+ optional.add_argument('-tc', '--testcase', dest='testcasename', action='store',
+ help='Run a specific test case.')
+ # Optional: Choose specific test range
+ optional.add_argument('-tr', '--testrange', nargs='*', dest='testrange', action='store', type=int,
+ help='Run a specific range of test cases. Note: Use "-S/--scan" to see the numbers associated to test cases.')
+ # Optional: Output test results to new file, if not specified, default is test_results.json
+ optional.add_argument('-o', '--out', dest='output', action='store',
+ help='Retrieve/Save test results from/to specific result file. Provide your own test results file name. Default is test_results.json. Note: Please use "" to encapsulate the file name.')
+ parser._action_groups.append(optional)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ data = json.load(open('%s' % args.file))
+ total = len(data)
+ if args.scan:
+ scan_test_case(data)
+ if args.output:
+ fname = args.output
+ if os.path.isfile(fname) and not args.output and not args.resume and not args.rerun:
+ print("\nWARNING: File %s " %fname + "exists in the same location.")
+ print("\nNOTE: You can either rename the existing result file or use \"-o/--out\" option to provide a new file name.")
+ sys.exit()
+ elif args.resume:
+ temp = json.load(open(fname))
+ clist = scan_test_results(temp)
+ compare_alias = []
+ for i in range(0, total):
+ compare_alias.append(data[i]['test']['@alias'])
+ if len(clist) == len(compare_alias):
+ print("All manual test exection for \"%s\" were completed. Please check \"%s\" for test results." % (data[0]['test']['@alias'].split(".", 1)[0], fname))
+ else:
+ for i in range(0, total):
+ if compare_alias[i] not in clist:
+ results = execute_test_steps(args, i, data)
+ write_json_result(args, fname, results)
+ sys.exit()
+ if (args.testcasename or args.rerun):
+ """ Run specific test case """
+ if args.rerun:
+ args.testcasename = args.rerun
+ temp = json.load(open(fname))
+ alias = data[0]['test']['@alias'].split(".", 1)[0] + "." + args.testcasename
+ for i in range(0, total):
+ compare_alias = data[i]['test']['@alias']
+ if alias == compare_alias:
+ results = execute_test_steps(args, i, data)
+ write_json_result(args, fname, results)
+ else:
+ i = i + 1
+ sys.exit()
+ if args.testrange:
+ if len(args.testrange) == 2:
+ # Compute the range
+ start = args.testrange[0] - 1
+ end = args.testrange[1]
+ check_range = range(0,total)
+ if start not in check_range:
+ print("ERROR: The input you provided is out of range. \nNote: You can check the valid range using using -S/--scan option.")
+ elif end not in check_range:
+ print("ERROR: The input you provided is out of range. \nNote: You can check the valid range using using -S/--scan option.")
+ else:
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ results = execute_test_steps(args, i, data)
+ write_json_result(args, fname, results)
+ elif len(args.testrange) == 1:
+ print("ERROR: Please provide a range by using -tr/--testrange value1 value2")
+ else:
+ # Script will run all tests normally by having test suite file path
+ for i in range(0, total):
+ results = execute_test_steps(args, i, data)
+ write_json_result(args, fname, results)
+ sys.exit() \ No newline at end of file