path: root/toasteruitest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toasteruitest/')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toasteruitest/ b/toasteruitest/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78c99624c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toasteruitest/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# This is script consist of common utils like sorting, getting attribute and so on.
+# These modules are used for running all selected toaster cases
+# on selected web browser manifested in toaster_test.cfg
+import errno
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+class Listattr(object):
+ """
+ Set of list attribute. This is used to determine what the list content is.
+ Later on we may add more attributes here.
+ """
+ NULL = "null"
+ NUMBERS = "numbers"
+ STRINGS = "strings"
+ PERCENT = "percentage"
+ SIZE = "size"
+ UNKNOWN = "unknown"
+def get_log_root_dir():
+ max_depth = 5
+ parent_dir = '../'
+ for number in range(0, max_depth):
+ if os.path.isdir(sys.path[0] + os.sep + (os.pardir + os.sep)*number + 'log'):
+ log_root_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0] + os.sep + (os.pardir + os.sep)*number + 'log')
+ break
+ if number == (max_depth - 1):
+ print('No log dir found. Please check')
+ raise Exception
+ return log_root_dir
+def get_list_attr(testlist):
+ """
+ To determine the list content
+ """
+ if not testlist:
+ return Listattr.NULL
+ listtest = testlist[:]
+ try:
+ listtest.remove('')
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ pattern_percent = re.compile(r"^([0-9])+(\.)?([0-9])*%$")
+ pattern_size = re.compile(r"^([0-9])+(\.)?([0-9])*( )*(K)*(M)*(G)*B$")
+ pattern_number = re.compile(r"^([0-9])+(\.)?([0-9])*$")
+ def get_patterned_number(pattern, tlist):
+ count = 0
+ for item in tlist:
+ if, item):
+ count += 1
+ return count
+ if get_patterned_number(pattern_percent, listtest) == len(listtest):
+ return Listattr.PERCENT
+ elif get_patterned_number(pattern_size, listtest) == len(listtest):
+ return Listattr.SIZE
+ elif get_patterned_number(pattern_number, listtest) == len(listtest):
+ return Listattr.NUMBERS
+ else:
+ return Listattr.STRINGS
+def is_list_sequenced(testlist):
+ """
+ Function to tell if list is sequenced
+ Currently we may have list made up of: Strings ; numbers ; percentage ; time; size
+ Each has respective way to determine if it's sequenced.
+ """
+ test_list = testlist[:]
+ try:
+ test_list.remove('')
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.NULL :
+ return True
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.STRINGS :
+ return (sorted(test_list) == test_list)
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.NUMBERS :
+ list_number = []
+ for item in test_list:
+ list_number.append(eval(item))
+ return (sorted(list_number) == list_number)
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.PERCENT :
+ list_number = []
+ for item in test_list:
+ list_number.append(eval(item.strip('%')))
+ return (sorted(list_number) == list_number)
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.SIZE :
+ list_number = []
+ # currently SIZE is splitted by space
+ for item in test_list:
+ if item.split()[1].upper() == "KB":
+ list_number.append(1024 * eval(item.split()[0]))
+ elif item.split()[1].upper() == "MB":
+ list_number.append(1024 * 1024 * eval(item.split()[0]))
+ elif item.split()[1].upper() == "GB":
+ list_number.append(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * eval(item.split()[0]))
+ else:
+ list_number.append(eval(item.split()[0]))
+ return (sorted(list_number) == list_number)
+ else:
+ print('Unrecognized list type, please check')
+ return False
+def is_list_inverted(testlist):
+ """
+ Function to tell if list is inverted
+ Currently we may have list made up of: Strings ; numbers ; percentage ; time; size
+ Each has respective way to determine if it's inverted.
+ """
+ test_list = testlist[:]
+ try:
+ test_list.remove('')
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.NULL :
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 1")
+ return True
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.STRINGS :
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 2")
+ return (sorted(test_list, reverse = True) == test_list)
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 3")
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.NUMBERS :
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 4")
+ list_number = []
+ for item in test_list:
+ list_number.append(eval(item))
+ return (sorted(list_number, reverse = True) == list_number)
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.PERCENT :
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 5")
+ list_number = []
+ for item in test_list:
+ list_number.append(eval(item.strip('%')))
+ return (sorted(list_number, reverse = True) == list_number)
+ elif get_list_attr(testlist) == Listattr.SIZE :
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 6")
+ list_number = []
+ # currently SIZE is splitted by space. such as 0 B; 1 KB; 2 MB
+ for item in test_list:
+ if item.split()[1].upper() == "KB":
+ list_number.append(1024 * eval(item.split()[0]))
+ elif item.split()[1].upper() == "MB":
+ list_number.append(1024 * 1024 * eval(item.split()[0]))
+ elif item.split()[1].upper() == "GB":
+ list_number.append(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * eval(item.split()[0]))
+ else:
+ list_number.append(eval(item.split()[0]))
+ return (sorted(list_number, reverse = True) == list_number)
+ else:
+ print ("is_list_inverted ---> 7")
+ print('Unrecognized list type, please check')
+ return False
+def replace_file_content(filename, item, option):
+ f = open(filename)
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ output = open(filename, 'w')
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith(item):
+ output.write(item + " = '" + option + "'\n")
+ else:
+ output.write(line)
+ output.close()
+def extract_number_from_string(s):
+ """
+ extract the numbers in a string. return type is 'list'
+ """
+ return re.findall(r'([0-9]+)', s)
+def mkdir_p(dir):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dir):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+# Below is decorator derived from toaster backend test code
+class NoParsingFilter(logging.Filter):
+ def filter(self, record):
+ return record.levelno == 100
+#rewrite the run method of unittest.TestCase to add testcase logging
+def LogResults(original_class):
+ orig_method =
+ from time import strftime, gmtime
+ caller = 'toaster'
+ timestamp = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', gmtime())
+ logfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'results-' + caller + '.' + timestamp + '.log')
+ linkfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'results-' + caller + '.log')
+ # rewrite the run method of unittest.TestCase to add testcase logging
+ def run(self, result, *args, **kws):
+ orig_method(self, result, *args, **kws)
+ passed = True
+ testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
+ # if test case is decorated then use it's number, else use it's name
+ try:
+ test_case = testMethod.test_case
+ except AttributeError:
+ test_case = self._testMethodName
+ class_name = str(testMethod.im_class).split("'")[1]
+ # create custom logging level for filtering.
+ custom_log_level = 100
+ logging.addLevelName(custom_log_level, 'RESULTS')
+ def results(self, message, *args, **kws):
+ if self.isEnabledFor(custom_log_level):
+ self.log(custom_log_level, message, *args, **kws)
+ logging.Logger.results = results
+ logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile,
+ filemode='w',
+ format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%H:%M:%S',
+ level=custom_log_level)
+ for handler in logging.root.handlers:
+ handler.addFilter(NoParsingFilter())
+ local_log = logging.getLogger(caller)
+ # check status of tests and record it
+ for (name, msg) in result.errors:
+ if (self._testMethodName == str(name).split(' ')[0]) and (class_name in str(name).split(' ')[1]):
+ local_log.results("Testcase " + str(test_case) + ": ERROR")
+ local_log.results("Testcase " + str(test_case) + ":\n" + msg)
+ passed = False
+ for (name, msg) in result.failures:
+ if (self._testMethodName == str(name).split(' ')[0]) and (class_name in str(name).split(' ')[1]):
+ local_log.results("Testcase " + str(test_case) + ": FAILED")
+ local_log.results("Testcase " + str(test_case) + ":\n" + msg)
+ passed = False
+ for (name, msg) in result.skipped:
+ if (self._testMethodName == str(name).split(' ')[0]) and (class_name in str(name).split(' ')[1]):
+ local_log.results("Testcase " + str(test_case) + ": SKIPPED")
+ passed = False
+ if passed:
+ local_log.results("Testcase " + str(test_case) + ": PASSED")
+ # Create symlink to the current log
+ if os.path.exists(linkfile):
+ os.remove(linkfile)
+ os.symlink(logfile, linkfile)
+ = run
+ return original_class \ No newline at end of file