This repository contains the Proof-of-Concept code for SPDX3 support in the Yocto Project. What does the code include: * The SPDX3 generation with JSON-LD serialization, still using .json extension * Implementations of the core, and software profiles Here are the known limitations: * At the time of writing this code, the SPDX3 specification is still undergoing changes. Especially, the root element has not been yet decided. Because of that, the code might require changes when the final specification is released. * Some parts of the SPDX3 require clarifications. Current issues: - Software.Package.homepage is sometiemes also called homePage: need to confirm spelling - Core.Relationship.from needs special care in Python as it conflicts with a built-in - should suppliedBy be serialized by an array or as a single string? - In examples, SpdxDocument has an attribute namespace. It does not in the documentation - what is the equivalent of the documentNamespace that was in 2.2? * SPDX3 introduces modular model, where content depends on the profile used. The configuration of profiles to generate needs to be reworked. Today, generation is gated by variables shared with SPDX2.2 code like SPDX_INCLUDE_SOURCES. In SPDX3 it could be done by enabling specific profiles and variables like SPDX3_ENABLE_LICENSING or SPDX3_ENABLE_SECURITY. * The implementation includes data similar to the YP SPDX 2.2 content. SPDX 3.0 has additional profiles and fields that did not exist in the earier version. The project needs a discussion on what is useful to include in the YP SPDX. Additional profiles and classes might be implemented to carry that data. * The security profile implementation has been prototyped. However, some part of the needed data is necessary from the cve-check database (for example: CVSS). Obtaining the information is possible, but will require dependency on the cve-check to download the database, then refactoring of the cve-check database accesses so that they can be done from other classes while keeping correct locks. Also, VulnAssessmentRelationship requires classification of fixes as "Fixed", "NotAffected", while YP cve-check has only one category for both. At the moment of writing this, there is a patch on the ML.