This repo is designed to work in conjuction yocto-autobuilder. Whilst yocto-autobuilder is designed to cover all releases, this repo has a branch per release and contains the hooks that do the actual build configuration and execution. can be used to verify the JSON before committing, symlink this to .git/hooks/pre-commit (ln -s ../../scripts/ .git/hooks/pre-commit). Its likely most users will end up having to customise this repository for their needs. The scripts themselves should be more generically reusable, the config.json, less so as it represents the Yocto Project Autobuilder test matrix. There are two customisation options possible, one is through variable substitution, the other is through overlaying configuration files. The standard config.json tries to at least allow substitution of the paths. A local-example.json is included to show how you could override these from a separate config file, simply passing: ABHELPER_JSON="config.json local-example.json" into the environment of the autobuilder. ABHELPER_JSON="config.json /some/location/local.json" would also allow customisation. Authors: Richard Purdie Joshua Lock