# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only ''' Created on Aug 21, 2018 __author__ = "Tracy Graydon" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2018 Intel Corp." __credits__ = ["Tracy Graydon"] __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "2.0" __maintainer__ = "Tracy Graydon" __email__ = "tracy.graydon@intel.com" We use different paths on the different AB clusters. Figure out what cluster we are on and set some paths accordingly. Root path on the yocto.io AB cluster is /srv/autobuilder. For "old" cluster, it's /srv/www/vhosts. where_am_i figures it out for us. ''' import os import sys import socket def where_am_i(): hosts = ["ubuntu2004-ty-1", "ubuntu2004-ty-2", "ubuntu1804-ty-1", "ubuntu1804-ty-2", "ubuntu1804-ty-3", "ubuntu1604-ty-1", "centos7-ty-1", "centos7-ty-2", "centos7-ty-3", "centos7-ty-4", "centos8-ty-1", "centos8-ty-2", "fedora29-ty-1", "fedora30-ty-1", "fedora30-ty-2", "debian8-ty-1", "debian9-ty-2", "debian10-ty-1", "debian10-ty-2", "debian10-ty-3", "tumbleweed-ty-1", "tumbleweed-ty-2", "tumbleweed-ty-3", "opensuse151-ty-1", "opensuse150-ty-1", "ubuntu1804-ty-1", "ubuntu1804-ty-2", "ubuntu1804-ty-3", "perf-ubuntu1604", "perf-centos7", "ubuntu1804-arm-1"] abhost = socket.getfqdn() print "ABHOST: %s" %abhost if "yocto.io" in abhost or abhost in hosts: VHOSTS = "/srv/autobuilder" elif "autobuilder.yoctoproject.org" in abhost: VHOSTS = "/srv/www/vhosts" else: print("I don't recognize this host, so defaulting to /srv/www/vhosts") # Uncomment this if you want to use /srv/autobuilder as the VHOSTS dir. It's useful for testing. #VHOSTS = "/srv/autobuilder" VHOSTS = "/srv/www/vhosts" print("Setting VHOSTS to %s" %VHOSTS) AB_HOME = os.path.join(VHOSTS, "autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/pub") # uninative release (uninative.py) uses this AB_BASE = os.path.join(AB_HOME, "releases") # all RC candidates live here DL_HOME = os.path.join(VHOSTS, "downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases") # uninative release (uninative.py) uses this DL_BASE = os.path.join(DL_HOME, "yocto") # all other releases use this path_dict = {'VHOSTS': VHOSTS, 'AB_HOME': AB_HOME, 'AB_BASE': AB_BASE, 'DL_HOME': DL_HOME, 'DL_BASE': DL_BASE} return path_dict if __name__ == '__main__': PATH_VARS = where_am_i() VHOSTS = PATH_VARS['VHOSTS'] AB_HOME = PATH_VARS['AB_HOME'] AB_BASE = PATH_VARS['AB_BASE'] DL_HOME = PATH_VARS['DL_HOME'] DL_BASE = PATH_VARS['DL_BASE'] print("VHOSTS: %s" %VHOSTS) print("AB_HOME: %s" %AB_HOME) print("AB_BASE: %s" %AB_BASE) print("DL_HOME: %s" %DL_HOME) print("DL_BASE: %s" %DL_BASE)