path: root/README
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+git-refinery web interface
+This is a small Django-based web application that is intended to help in
+the preparation of software release notes. It enables you to browse through
+commits in a git repository, add short notes on each commit and then gather
+up those notes. You can also easily search and categorise commits.
+There are two main methods of setting up this application - within
+a set of Docker containers, or standalone. The Docker-based setup
+is more suited for production whereas standalone is a bit easier
+for development. This document will consider only the Docker-based
+setup; for standalone please see README.devel.
+Docker Setup
+The dockersetup.py script will set up and configure a cluster of 3
+docker containers:
+ - gitrefineryapp: the application
+ - gitrefinerydb: the database
+ - gitrefineryweb: NGINX web server (as a proxy and for serving static content)
+The script will edit all necessary configuration files, build and launch all
+containers, and do the initial database setup.
+1) Install docker and docker-compose per instructions:
+ https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
+ ** Note: for latest docker-compose version follow the directions above,
+ rather than using a perhaps outdated one provided by your distribution.
+2) Run the setup script (dockersetup.py). You can optionally supply your
+ hostname, proxy settings, a sql database file of layer mappings to import,
+ and a host to container port mapping. For more information, run:
+ ./dockersetup.py -h
+ Example command to run containers with a proxy:
+ ./dockersetup.py -p http://<proxyserver>:<port>
+ NOTE: If you want email sending to work (required for user registration and
+ password resets), you should use the -e/--email-host option to specify your
+ outgoing email server.
+3) Once the script completes, open a web browser and navigate to the URL
+ printed out by the script. By default that would be: https://localhost:8081
+4) If you need to rerun this script for any reason a second time, you'll need
+ to choose between two modes:
+ A) Updating (-u/--update) - updates the code and runs any database upgrades
+ if applicable, or
+ B) Reinstalling (-r/--reinstall) - deletes the containers and reinstalls
+ from scratch. Be warned that this will throw away all data in the
+ database.
+ Note that updating with -u/--update will only work if the configuration
+ changes originally made by dockersetup.py upon installation (e.g. passwords,
+ hostname, etc.) are still present in the source tree.
+- Network issues behind a proxy when building container: On some systems
+ (particularly where dnsmasq is installed), /etc/resolv.conf is set to
+ 127.0.0.x, rather than your local DNS server. Docker will look there for
+ your DNS server, and when it fails to find it it will default to using a
+ public one (frequently Many corporate proxies blocks public DNS
+ servers, so you will need to manually supply the DNS server to docker using
+ /etc/docker/daemon.json:
+ {"dns": ["xx.xx.xx.xx] }
+1. Open the application (at when running
+ a local test) and log in with the button at the top right if you haven't
+ already
+2. Click "Add repository", enter the details and click "Save"
+3. Click "Add release", enter the details and click "Save"
+4. Click "Import release" and wait for the repository to be fetched - you
+ can see progress on the console if you're running the test server
+5. You can click on individual shortlog links to expand to see the full
+ commit message. If you define some categories (using the admin interface),
+ then you can click on a category to add the commit to that category and
+ add notes specific to the category - these will appear in the final
+ release notes output under the category. If no notes are entered, the
+ commit shortlog will be used.
+6. Enter notes for commits as desired. You can use the search functionality
+ to find commits, and label commits for easy searching later.
+7. When finished, you can see the entire list of commit notes by clicking
+ on the "Review notes" button at the bottom of the page. If these are to
+ your satisfaction, just copy and paste to your release notes document,
+ and you're done!
+Security Considerations
+Some things to be aware of from a security perspective:
+* By default, anyone can register themselves an account. If you wish to
+ disable new user registration and manage users manually through the admin
+ interface instead, then add the following line to docker/settings.py:
+ Then, assuming you have already run dockersetup.py to install the
+ application, run the following command to update it:
+./dockersetup.py -u
+* By default, dockersetup.py enables connection to the web server via
+ HTTPS using a self-signed certificate; connections via HTTP are
+ re-directed to HTTPS. However, the self-signed certificate is only
+ intended to provide a minimum level of security, but will result in
+ browser warnings and is not recommended for production - instead,
+ obtain and use your own certificate/key pair corresponding to the
+ domain which will be used to access the application in production,
+ or alternatively if the application is accessible to the internet you
+ can use Let's Encrypt.
+* Django supports several databases. By default, dockersetup.py sets up mariadb
+ for database and uses default settings from upstream. For production setup,
+ you might consider applying different rules or use your preferred
+ database.
+ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/databases/
+* If you provide your own certificates for HTTPS, you should probably
+ also enable HSTS in your configuration. Refer to the Django Security
+ guide for details on how to do that:
+ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/security/#ssl-https
+* To reset a forgotten account password, you can either use the password
+ reset function ( /accounts/password_reset/ ) or alternatively from the
+ backend you can run the following command:
+ docker-compose exec layersapp /opt/layerindex/manage.py changepassword <username>
+* The web-based password reset function will ask the user answers to
+ security questions they selected and answered when they created the
+ account. Admins can configure the selectable security questions in
+ the admin interface under "Security questions"; however, be cautious
+ about deleting or substantially changing a question if you already
+ have user accounts that have given answers to that question, as doing
+ so will invalidate the user-set answers. You can check this if you go
+ to delete the security question in the admin interface - any user
+ answers will show up as "Security question answers" listed to be
+ deleted along with the question.
+ Note: the superuser created during setup will not have answers to
+ security questions set, so if you think you might need to use the
+ password reset function later you will need to set these by logging
+ into the application and then going to Edit Profile on the top-right
+ user drop-down menu.
+* Security question answers are stored using the same mechanism as
+ for passwords, i.e. a secure one-way hash; thus answers cannot be
+ retrieved from the database once set. Additionally, if a user wants
+ to change one of their answers via the Edit Profile function, they
+ will be required to re-specify all of them.
+* Account lockout: this application will lock out the user in two ways:
+ - By IP address (using django-axes) after too many invalid login attempts.
+ (default 3). The lockout can be removed using the following command:
+ docker-compose exec layersapp /opt/layerindex/manage.py axes_reset
+ If you wish to disable this, remove or comment out "axes" in
+ INSTALLED_APPS. For more information on configuring axes, see:
+ https://django-axes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+ - By account for too many incorrect password reset attempts. To remove
+ this lockout, log into the admin interface, go to Users, click on the
+ the user, tick the Active checkbox and then save.
+The code for this application is maintained by the Yocto Project.
+The latest version of the code can always be found here:
+ http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/git-refinery-web/
+Contributions are welcome. Please send patches / pull requests to
+yocto@yoctoproject.org with '[git-refinery-web]' in the subject.
+This application is based upon the Django project template, whose files
+are covered by the BSD license and are copyright (c) Django Software
+Foundation and individual contributors.
+Bundled Bootstrap 3 (including Glyphicons) is redistributed under the
+MIT license.
+Bundled jQuery is redistributed under the MIT license.
+Bundled JavaScript Cookie is redistributed under the MIT license.
+All other content is copyright (C) 2014-2018 Intel Corporation and
+licensed under the MIT license (unless otherwise noted) - see
+COPYING.MIT for details.
+* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.