The official OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for Intel SoCFPGA platforms.

Yocto Project Compatible

The BSPs contained in this layer are compatible with the Yocto Project
as per the requirements listed here:



This layer depends on:

  URI: git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky

Supported U-Boot and Linux Kernels

It is important to understand the support and release of u-boot-socfpga
and linux-socfpga in the github.com/altera-opensource repositories.  Only
currently supported and maintained releases/branches are available in the
repository. As such, supported kernel and u-boot releases are updated regularly
in currently supported meta-intel-fpga branches.  Kernel and u-boot releases
which are no longer supported are removed.

Supported branches

Only branches listed appropriately in https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Stable_branch_maintenance are maintained.

Choosing Kernel Versions

This layer has a few providers for the kernel.  These are the linux-socfpga,
linux-socfpga-lts, linux-socfpga-ltsi, and linux-socfpga-ltsi-rt kernels.

To specify a linux-socfpga kernel, add the following to your conf/local.conf

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-socfpga"
	PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-socfpga = "5.7%"

or for the linux-socfpga-lts kernel

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-socfpga-lts"
	PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-socfpga = "5.4%"

or for the linux-socfpga-ltsi kernel

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-socfpga-ltsi"
	PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-socfpga-ltsi = "4.14%"

or for the linux-socfpga-ltsi-rt kernel

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-socfpga-ltsi-rt"
	PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-socfpga-ltsi-rt = "4.14%"

Please note that older kernels will not compile with GCC 5+ and you will need
to specify in your conf/local.conf to revert to older 4.9 toolchain.

Specifying Devicetrees and U-Boot Configurations

All of the supported machines select default u-boot configurations and devicetrees.
These selections can be overridden in the local.conf or by defining your own
machine in your own layer.

An example of this is the Arria10 SoC Dev Kit, which is a supported configuration
in the U-Boot default configuration definition.

	UBOOT_CONFIG = "arria10-socdk"
	UBOOT_EXTLINUX_FDT_default = "../socfpga_arria10_socdk_sdmmc.dtb"

The above overrides the u-boot configuration, "arria10-socdk" is a target in u-boot,
and configures distroboot to indicate the arria10-socdk devicetree.
Please keep in mind that not all targets are using distroboot in u-boot and may
require u-boot environment changes.

Guidelines for submitting patches

Please submit any patches against meta-intel BSPs to the meta-intel
mailing list (meta-intel@lists.yoctoproject.org).  Also, if your patches are
available via a public git repository, please also include a URL to
the repo and branch containing your patches as that makes it easier
for maintainers to grab and test your patches.

There are patch submission scripts available that will, among other
things, automatically include the repo URL and branch as mentioned.
Please see the Yocto Project Development Manual sections entitled
'Using Scripts to Push a Change Upstream and Request a Pull' and
'Using Email to Submit a Patch' for details.

Regardless of how you submit a patch or patchset, the patches should
at minimum follow the suggestions outlined in the 'Submitting a Change
to the Yocto Project' section in the Yocto Project Development Manual.
Specifically, they should:

  - Include a 'Signed-off-by:' line.  A commit can't legally be pulled
    in without this.

  - Provide a single-line, short summary of the change.  This short
    description should be prefixed by the BSP or recipe name, as
    appropriate, followed by a colon.  Capitalize the first character
    of the summary (following the colon).

  - For the body of the commit message, provide detailed information
    that describes what you changed, why you made the change, and the
    approach you used.

  - If the change addresses a specific bug or issue that is associated
    with a bug-tracking ID, include a reference to that ID in your
    detailed description in the following format: [YOCTO #<bug-id>].

  - Pay attention to line length - please don't allow any particular
    line in the commit message to stretch past 72 characters.

  - For any non-trivial patch, provide information about how you
    tested the patch, and for any non-trivial or non-obvious testing
    setup, provide details of that setup.

Doing a quick 'git log' in meta-intel-fpga will provide you with many
examples of good example commits if you have questions about any
aspect of the preferred format.

The meta-intel-fpga maintainers will do their best to review and/or
pull in a patch or patchset within 48 hours of the time it was posted.
For larger and/or more involved patches and patchsets, the review
process may take longer.

Please see the meta-intel-fpga/MAINTAINERS file for the list of
maintainers and their specific areas; it's also a good idea to cc: the
specific maintainer, if applicable.