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-Prior versions of the yocto-autobuilder required an extensive knowledge of
-buildbot as well as basic python. Over the years, as more targets were added
-the main configuation file had become hard to maintain, harder to read and,
-frankly, was not utilizing the power of buildbot. This document will explain
-some of the rational behind the refactor, introduce end users to the new
-configuration language, introduce the concept of customized buildsteps and
-give some basic instruction on how to modify an autobuilder setup.
-- buildhistory is not functional
-- still missing some needed build targets
- - oe-core
- - fsl
- - p1022ds
- - bunch of meta-intel
- -
-- minor UI cleanup for toggling of triggered layers
-- bbpriority needs to work
-- verify buildappsrcrev
-- deploy stuff
-- killing triggers. this has been a long standing issue. look into
-What is it
-Yocto Autobuilder is essentially some extension to the vanilla build bot.
-This extension mainly addresses configuration file handling and Yocto specific
-build steps.
-For better maintainability, the Autobuilder (see Autobuilder.py located at
-lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/), handles configuration from multiple
-Additional build steps such as CheckOutLayers.py or CreateBBLayersConf are
-Yocto specific and simplify the bulders configuration.
-Nothing here has changed much.
-git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-autobuilder
-cd yocto-autobuilder
-. ./yocto-autobuilder-setup
-yocto-start-autobuilder both
-In the bad old days, the yocto-autobuilder configuration was stored in a single
-file. This file contained both build target definitions as well as helper code/
-custom buildsteps. This was obviously a "bad thing". We've now removed all
-build target configuration out into the config/* directory
-There are two needed files in this directory. One file, autobuilder.conf, is a
-global definition file which sets various globals that controllers and workers need
-to know about. This hasn't really changed from prior versions.
-One new file is yoctoAB.conf. This is the only required file needed for build
-target definitions. However, as it would be a bad practice to have all build
-targets within a single file, you may define build targets in other *.conf files.
-As long as those conf files live within the config directory, the
-yocto-autobuilder will automatically load them. This allows us to keep things
-nice and neat.
-The main BuildSets section required for the configuration contains a single
-order: ['nightly', 'nightly-x86']
-The order property tells buildbot what order you wish to display build targets
-in on the waterfall page. This can not be used with vanilla buildbot as there is
-a small patch required to utilize this functionality.
-buildset configuration
-Each buildset must start with a section name followed by at three to four
-builders: A string or list of builders used to build the buildset
-repos: A list of dicts. Each item will contain a dict entry:
- 'name_of_repo':
- {'repourl':'git://path.to/git_repo',
- 'bbpriority':'1',
- 'branch':'master'}}
- Either poky or openembedded must be the first repo listed, as that is
- the base directory for building, and anything listed before it will be
- deleted when the base directory is checked out.
-NOTE: bbpriority is currently not used
-props: A list of dicts. This is used when you need to add properties to a
- builder. An example of this would be build-appliance which needs to have
- a buildappsrcrev property passed so it knows which version from the poky
- repo to pull. prop_type is basically buildbot scheduler properties with
- the args sent as dict pairs. See:
- http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/0.8.6/manual/cfg-schedulers.html#forcesched-parameters
-steps: A list of dicts. These steps can be either custom buildsteps or basic
- buildbot buildsteps with args passed as dict pairs. Custom buildsteps
- that we utilize are in lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps.
- CreateBBLayersConf: This build step creates the bblayers.conf used by the
- build system to determine which layers to use and where to find them.
- {'CreateBBLayersConf': {'buildprovider' : 'yocto',
- 'bsplayer':'True',
- 'bspprovider':'intel',
- 'bbtextprepend':'text_to_prepend',
- 'bbtextappend':'text_to_append',
- 'layerdirs': ['layerdir1', 'layerdir2', ...]}}
- buildprovider: Optional and defaults to 'yocto'. If this is set to
- 'yocto', then it adds the layers' 'meta', 'meta-yocto' and
- 'meta-yocto-bsp' to BBLAYERS. If set to 'oe', then only 'meta' is
- added to BBLAYERS.
- bsplayer: Optional and defaults to False. Set this to 'True' if you
- want to use an established BSP layer and include its default layers.
- bspprovider: Required if bsplayer is set to True. Defines the BSP
- provider so the default layers can be included. At this time only
- 'intel', 'fsl-ppc' and 'fsl-arm' are recognized.
- bbtextprepend: Prepends the given text to bblayers.conf. Use \n in
- the text to start a new line and always end the text with a \n. For
- example:
- 'bbtextprepend': '#Adding one comment line\n#Adding a second comment line\n'
- bbtextappend: Appends the given text to bblayers.conf. Same format
- as bbtextprepend.
- layerdirs: Used to add layers to BBLAYERS. Layers are added in the
- order specified and are added after the layers created by the
- buildprovider. For example:
- 'layerdirs': ['meta-openembedded/meta-oe',
- 'meta-openembedded/meta-networking',
- 'meta-openembedded/meta-gnome']
- will append the layers meta-openembedded/meta-oe,
- meta-openembedded/meta-networking, and meta-openembedded/meta-gnome
- to BBLAYERS. Note that this will override any default layers from a
- bspprovider.
-scheduler: A list of dicts. Each item defines a scheduler associated with this
- buildset:
- 'name_of_scheduler':
- {'type': 'Nightly'}
- The scheduler type is specified by the 'type' property, where supported
- values are 'Nightly' or 'SingleBranchScheduler', with 'Nightly' as the
- default. Additional properties are used to configure the scheduler and
- are type-specific:
- Nightly scheduler properties:
- month: The month in which to start the build, with January = 1.
- This defaults to '*', meaning every month.
- dayOfWeek: The day of the week in which to start the build, with
- Monday = 1. This defaults to '*', meaning every day.
- hour: The hour of the day in which to start the build, with
- 12:00 AM = 0. This must be set by the user.
- minute: The minute of the hour in which to start the build, with
- 0 to 59 as valid values. This must be set by the user.
- SingleBranchScheduler properties:
- repository: the repository to attach the scheduler to; this
- is the repo name from the 'repos' section; the branch which
- the scheduler is attached to matches that in the repo
- definition.
- stable-timer: how long (in seconds) to wait after change before
- triggering build to allow for changes to settle. Defaults
- to 60 seconds.
- change-user: the user name which the remote hook will use; the
- default value is the repository name as per the 'repository'
- property.
- change-password: password which the remote hook will use; the
- default is the buildbot default 'changepw' -- if your
- autobuilder is publically accessible, you want to keep this
- secret to avoid injection of arbitrary changes into your
- autobuilder.
- changesource: the type of changesource to use for the scheduler;
- the default setting is a PBChangeSource. Only other valid
- option is 'GitPoller' for a GitPoller changesource. See the
- official Buildbot documentation at
- http://docs.buildbot.net/latest/manual/cfg-changesources.html
- for more information on changesources.
- interval: The interval between polling for changes. Only valid
- for GitPoller changesources. Defaults to 300 seconds (five
- minutes).
- Extra Notes on SingleBranchScheduler setup
- ------------------------------------------
- There is one SBS scheduler for each repository in the buildset, i.e.,
- if your buildset contains more repositories, and you want build
- triggered by changes to any of them, you need to define a scheduler
- for each. This also means that you can mix and match, e.g., only
- do nightly rebuilds for some repos and immediate for others.
- The scheduler change filter is set up to watch changes only in the
- single repository specified. If you are using a PBChangeSource, you
- have to set up your repository hook to send the repository url in the
- change set with the --repository argument to git_buildbot.py, e.g.,
- your git post-receive hook could look something like:
- #!/bin/sh
- echo "$1 $2 $3" | \
- git_buildbot.py --repository="git://some_repo..."
- For local testing, you can use a post-merge hook instead, along
- these lines:
- #!/bin/sh
- PRE=$(git rev-parse 'HEAD@{1}')
- POST=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- SYMNAME=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD)
- echo "$PRE $POST $SYMNAME" | \
- git_buildbot.py --repository="file:///where_your_repo_is"
- Because of the way builbot change sources work, your change user
- names must not collide with the user names used by your workers.
- If you are using a GitPoller changesource and you specify a valid
- repository but an non-existent branch, Buildbot will silently ignore
- your scheduler. If a repository has changed recently but your build
- has not triggered, validate that your repository and branch settings
- are valid.
- For either a PBChangeSource or a GitPoller changesource, the
- scheduler will not see the initial repository discovery as a change.
- If you are using a SingleBranchScheduler schedule, it is good
- practice to force a build to verify the buildset works correctly.
-Example of PBChangeSource:
-builders: 'builder1'
-repos: [{'poky':
- {'repourl':'git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky',
- 'bbpriority':'1',
- 'branch':'master'}},
- {'meta-qt3':
- {'repourl':'git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-qt3',
- 'bbpriority':'2',
- 'branch':'master'}}]
-steps: [{'SetDest':{}},
- {'CheckOutLayers': {}},
- {'RunPreamble': {}},
- {'CreateAutoConf': {'machine': 'qemux86', 'SDKMACHINE' : 'i686',
- 'distro': 'poky'}},
- {'CreateBBLayersConf': {'buildprovider' : 'yocto'}},
- {'BuildImages': {'images': 'core-image-sato core-image-sato-dev'}},
- {'RunSanityTests': {'images': 'core-image-minimal core-image-sato'}},
- {'PublishArtifacts': {'artifacts': ['qemux86', 'atom-pc']}}]
-scheduler: [{'dev-branch-scheduler' :
- {'type':'SingleBranchScheduler',
- 'repository':'poky',
- 'stable-timer':30,
- 'change-password':'secret_change_password'}}]
-Example of MultiBranch GitPoller:
-builders: 'example-worker'
-repos: [{'poky-contrib':
- {'repourl':'git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib',
- 'layerversion':{'core':'meta', 'yoctobsp':'meta-yocto-bsp'},
- 'branch':'tgraydon/poky'}},
- {'meta-qt3':
- {'repourl':'git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib',
- 'branch':'tgraydon/meta-qt3'}}]
-steps: [{'SetDest':{}},
- {'CheckOutLayers': {}},
- {'RunPreamble': {}},
- {'GetDistroVersion' : {'distro': 'poky'}},
- {'CreateAutoConf': {'machine': 'qemux86', 'SDKMACHINE' : 'i686',
- 'distro': 'poky'}},
- {'CreateBBLayersConf': {'buildprovider' : 'yocto'}},
- {'BuildImages': {'images': 'core-image-sato'}},
- {'PublishLayerTarballs':{}},
- {'PublishArtifacts': {'artifacts': ['qemux86', 'atom-pc']}}]
-scheduler: [{'git-poller-scheduler':
- {'type':'SingleBranchScheduler',
- 'changesource':'GitPoller',
- 'repository':'poky-contrib',
- 'branch':'tgraydon/poky',
- 'interval':3600},
- 'stable-timer':300}}]
-scheduler: [{'git-poller-scheduler':
- {'type':'SingleBranchScheduler',
- 'changesource':'GitPoller',
- 'repository':'poky-contrib',
- 'branch':'tgraydon/meta-qt3',
- 'interval':3600},
- 'stable-timer':300}}]
-Note that the 'change-password' property is not used for GitPoller. This
-buildset config may also be found in the build-config.examples directory.
-Adding Buildsteps
-I've included the basic buildsteps required to do general building as well as an
-example buildstep called HelloWorld.py.
-from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand
-class HelloWorld(ShellCommand):
- haltOnFailure = True
- flunkOnFailure = True
- name = "Hello World"
- def __init__(self, factory, argdict=None, **kwargs):
- self.firstname=""
- self.lastname=""
- self.factory = factory
- for k, v in argdict.iteritems():
- if k=="name":
- self.firstname=v
- elif k=="lastname":
- self.lastname=v
- else:
- setattr(self, k, v)
- self.description = "Hello World"
- self.command = "echo 'Hello World " + self.firstname + " " + self.lastname + "'"
- ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- def describe(self, done=False):
- description = ShellCommand.describe(self,done)
- return description
-We see that this is an inherited class (from ShellCommand) that overrides the
-__init__ and describe methods of ShellCommand. All custom buildsteps MUST override
-__init__ of the inherited class, adding the argdict and kwargs properties to the
-class. This allows us to pass arguments specific to the custom buildstep in via
-an argument dictionary while allowing us to pass arguments in that will get passed
-up to the inherited class as a keyworded, variable length argument list.
-We do this so that adding buildsteps is essentially drag and drop. By adding a
-custom buildstep to lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobuilder/buildsteps you can
-just reference it within your config file without making any changes to the core
-Autobuilder codebase.