path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/types.py
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-# sqlalchemy/types.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""defines genericized SQL types, each represented by a subclass of
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.types.AbstractType`. Dialects define further subclasses of these
-For more information see the SQLAlchemy documentation on types.
-__all__ = [ 'TypeEngine', 'TypeDecorator', 'AbstractType', 'UserDefinedType',
- 'String', 'Integer', 'SmallInteger', 'BigInteger', 'Numeric',
- 'Float', 'DateTime', 'Date', 'Time', 'LargeBinary', 'Binary',
- 'Boolean', 'Unicode', 'MutableType', 'Concatenable',
- 'UnicodeText','PickleType', 'Interval', 'Enum' ]
-import inspect
-import datetime as dt
-import codecs
-from sqlalchemy import exc, schema
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression, operators
-from sqlalchemy.util import pickle
-from sqlalchemy.util.compat import decimal
-from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import Visitable
-from sqlalchemy import util
-from sqlalchemy import processors, events
-import collections
-default = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.engine", "default")
-NoneType = type(None)
-if util.jython:
- import array
-class AbstractType(Visitable):
- """Base for all types - not needed except for backwards
- compatibility."""
-class TypeEngine(AbstractType):
- """Base for built-in types."""
- def copy_value(self, value):
- return value
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- """Return a conversion function for processing bind values.
- Returns a callable which will receive a bind parameter value
- as the sole positional argument and will return a value to
- send to the DB-API.
- If processing is not necessary, the method should return ``None``.
- :param dialect: Dialect instance in use.
- """
- return None
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- """Return a conversion function for processing result row values.
- Returns a callable which will receive a result row column
- value as the sole positional argument and will return a value
- to return to the user.
- If processing is not necessary, the method should return ``None``.
- :param dialect: Dialect instance in use.
- :param coltype: DBAPI coltype argument received in cursor.description.
- """
- return None
- def compare_values(self, x, y):
- """Compare two values for equality."""
- return x == y
- def is_mutable(self):
- """Return True if the target Python type is 'mutable'.
- This allows systems like the ORM to know if a column value can
- be considered 'not changed' by comparing the identity of
- objects alone. Values such as dicts, lists which
- are serialized into strings are examples of "mutable"
- column structures.
- .. note:: This functionality is now superseded by the
- ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` extension described in
- :ref:`mutable_toplevel`.
- When this method is overridden, :meth:`copy_value` should
- also be supplied. The :class:`.MutableType` mixin
- is recommended as a helper.
- """
- return False
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- """Return the corresponding type object from the underlying DB-API, if
- any.
- This can be useful for calling ``setinputsizes()``, for example.
- """
- return None
- def _adapt_expression(self, op, othertype):
- """evaluate the return type of <self> <op> <othertype>,
- and apply any adaptations to the given operator.
- """
- return op, self
- @util.memoized_property
- def _type_affinity(self):
- """Return a rudimental 'affinity' value expressing the general class
- of type."""
- typ = None
- for t in self.__class__.__mro__:
- if t is TypeEngine or t is UserDefinedType:
- return typ
- elif issubclass(t, TypeEngine):
- typ = t
- else:
- return self.__class__
- def dialect_impl(self, dialect):
- """Return a dialect-specific implementation for this :class:`.TypeEngine`."""
- try:
- return dialect._type_memos[self]['impl']
- except KeyError:
- return self._dialect_info(dialect)['impl']
- def _cached_bind_processor(self, dialect):
- """Return a dialect-specific bind processor for this type."""
- try:
- return dialect._type_memos[self]['bind']
- except KeyError:
- d = self._dialect_info(dialect)
- d['bind'] = bp = d['impl'].bind_processor(dialect)
- return bp
- def _cached_result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- """Return a dialect-specific result processor for this type."""
- try:
- return dialect._type_memos[self][coltype]
- except KeyError:
- d = self._dialect_info(dialect)
- # key assumption: DBAPI type codes are
- # constants. Else this dictionary would
- # grow unbounded.
- d[coltype] = rp = d['impl'].result_processor(dialect, coltype)
- return rp
- def _dialect_info(self, dialect):
- """Return a dialect-specific registry which
- caches a dialect-specific implementation, bind processing
- function, and one or more result processing functions."""
- if self in dialect._type_memos:
- return dialect._type_memos[self]
- else:
- impl = self._gen_dialect_impl(dialect)
- if impl is self:
- impl = self.adapt(type(self))
- # this can't be self, else we create a cycle
- assert impl is not self
- dialect._type_memos[self] = d = {'impl':impl}
- return d
- def _gen_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
- return dialect.type_descriptor(self)
- def adapt(self, cls, **kw):
- """Produce an "adapted" form of this type, given an "impl" class
- to work with.
- This method is used internally to associate generic
- types with "implementation" types that are specific to a particular
- dialect.
- """
- return util.constructor_copy(self, cls, **kw)
- def _coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
- """Suggest a type for a 'coerced' Python value in an expression.
- Given an operator and value, gives the type a chance
- to return a type which the value should be coerced into.
- The default behavior here is conservative; if the right-hand
- side is already coerced into a SQL type based on its
- Python type, it is usually left alone.
- End-user functionality extension here should generally be via
- :class:`.TypeDecorator`, which provides more liberal behavior in that
- it defaults to coercing the other side of the expression into this
- type, thus applying special Python conversions above and beyond those
- needed by the DBAPI to both ides. It also provides the public method
- :meth:`.TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value` which is intended for
- end-user customization of this behavior.
- """
- _coerced_type = _type_map.get(type(value), NULLTYPE)
- if _coerced_type is NULLTYPE or _coerced_type._type_affinity \
- is self._type_affinity:
- return self
- else:
- return _coerced_type
- def _compare_type_affinity(self, other):
- return self._type_affinity is other._type_affinity
- def compile(self, dialect=None):
- """Produce a string-compiled form of this :class:`.TypeEngine`.
- When called with no arguments, uses a "default" dialect
- to produce a string result.
- :param dialect: a :class:`.Dialect` instance.
- """
- # arg, return value is inconsistent with
- # ClauseElement.compile()....this is a mistake.
- if not dialect:
- dialect = self._default_dialect
- return dialect.type_compiler.process(self)
- @property
- def _default_dialect(self):
- if self.__class__.__module__.startswith("sqlalchemy.dialects"):
- tokens = self.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0:3]
- mod = ".".join(tokens)
- return getattr(__import__(mod).dialects, tokens[-1]).dialect()
- else:
- return default.DefaultDialect()
- def __str__(self):
- # Py3K
- #return unicode(self.compile())
- # Py2K
- return unicode(self.compile()).\
- encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
- # end Py2K
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Support implementations that were passing arguments"""
- if args or kwargs:
- util.warn_deprecated("Passing arguments to type object "
- "constructor %s is deprecated" % self.__class__)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "%s(%s)" % (
- self.__class__.__name__,
- ", ".join("%s=%r" % (k, getattr(self, k, None))
- for k in inspect.getargspec(self.__init__)[0][1:]))
-class UserDefinedType(TypeEngine):
- """Base for user defined types.
- This should be the base of new types. Note that
- for most cases, :class:`.TypeDecorator` is probably
- more appropriate::
- import sqlalchemy.types as types
- class MyType(types.UserDefinedType):
- def __init__(self, precision = 8):
- self.precision = precision
- def get_col_spec(self):
- return "MYTYPE(%s)" % self.precision
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- def process(value):
- return value
- return process
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- def process(value):
- return value
- return process
- Once the type is made, it's immediately usable::
- table = Table('foo', meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('data', MyType(16))
- )
- """
- __visit_name__ = "user_defined"
- def _adapt_expression(self, op, othertype):
- """evaluate the return type of <self> <op> <othertype>,
- and apply any adaptations to the given operator.
- """
- return self.adapt_operator(op), self
- def adapt_operator(self, op):
- """A hook which allows the given operator to be adapted
- to something new.
- See also UserDefinedType._adapt_expression(), an as-yet-
- semi-public method with greater capability in this regard.
- """
- return op
-class TypeDecorator(TypeEngine):
- """Allows the creation of types which add additional functionality
- to an existing type.
- This method is preferred to direct subclassing of SQLAlchemy's
- built-in types as it ensures that all required functionality of
- the underlying type is kept in place.
- Typical usage::
- import sqlalchemy.types as types
- class MyType(types.TypeDecorator):
- '''Prefixes Unicode values with "PREFIX:" on the way in and
- strips it off on the way out.
- '''
- impl = types.Unicode
- def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
- return "PREFIX:" + value
- def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
- return value[7:]
- def copy(self):
- return MyType(self.impl.length)
- The class-level "impl" variable is required, and can reference any
- TypeEngine class. Alternatively, the load_dialect_impl() method
- can be used to provide different type classes based on the dialect
- given; in this case, the "impl" variable can reference
- ``TypeEngine`` as a placeholder.
- Types that receive a Python type that isn't similar to the ultimate type
- used may want to define the :meth:`TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value`
- method. This is used to give the expression system a hint when coercing
- Python objects into bind parameters within expressions. Consider this
- expression::
- mytable.c.somecol + datetime.date(2009, 5, 15)
- Above, if "somecol" is an ``Integer`` variant, it makes sense that
- we're doing date arithmetic, where above is usually interpreted
- by databases as adding a number of days to the given date.
- The expression system does the right thing by not attempting to
- coerce the "date()" value into an integer-oriented bind parameter.
- However, in the case of ``TypeDecorator``, we are usually changing an
- incoming Python type to something new - ``TypeDecorator`` by default will
- "coerce" the non-typed side to be the same type as itself. Such as below,
- we define an "epoch" type that stores a date value as an integer::
- class MyEpochType(types.TypeDecorator):
- impl = types.Integer
- epoch = datetime.date(1970, 1, 1)
- def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
- return (value - self.epoch).days
- def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
- return self.epoch + timedelta(days=value)
- Our expression of ``somecol + date`` with the above type will coerce the
- "date" on the right side to also be treated as ``MyEpochType``.
- This behavior can be overridden via the
- :meth:`~TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value` method, which returns a type
- that should be used for the value of the expression. Below we set it such
- that an integer value will be treated as an ``Integer``, and any other
- value is assumed to be a date and will be treated as a ``MyEpochType``::
- def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
- if isinstance(value, int):
- return Integer()
- else:
- return self
- """
- __visit_name__ = "type_decorator"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Construct a :class:`.TypeDecorator`.
- Arguments sent here are passed to the constructor
- of the class assigned to the ``impl`` class level attribute,
- where the ``self.impl`` attribute is assigned an instance
- of the implementation type. If ``impl`` at the class level
- is already an instance, then it's assigned to ``self.impl``
- as is.
- Subclasses can override this to customize the generation
- of ``self.impl``.
- """
- if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'impl'):
- raise AssertionError("TypeDecorator implementations "
- "require a class-level variable "
- "'impl' which refers to the class of "
- "type being decorated")
- self.impl = to_instance(self.__class__.impl, *args, **kwargs)
- def _gen_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
- adapted = dialect.type_descriptor(self)
- if adapted is not self:
- return adapted
- # otherwise adapt the impl type, link
- # to a copy of this TypeDecorator and return
- # that.
- typedesc = self.load_dialect_impl(dialect).dialect_impl(dialect)
- tt = self.copy()
- if not isinstance(tt, self.__class__):
- raise AssertionError('Type object %s does not properly '
- 'implement the copy() method, it must '
- 'return an object of type %s' % (self,
- self.__class__))
- tt.impl = typedesc
- return tt
- @util.memoized_property
- def _type_affinity(self):
- return self.impl._type_affinity
- def type_engine(self, dialect):
- """Return a dialect-specific :class:`.TypeEngine` instance for this :class:`.TypeDecorator`.
- In most cases this returns a dialect-adapted form of
- the :class:`.TypeEngine` type represented by ``self.impl``.
- Makes usage of :meth:`dialect_impl` but also traverses
- into wrapped :class:`.TypeDecorator` instances.
- Behavior can be customized here by overriding :meth:`load_dialect_impl`.
- """
- adapted = dialect.type_descriptor(self)
- if type(adapted) is not type(self):
- return adapted
- elif isinstance(self.impl, TypeDecorator):
- return self.impl.type_engine(dialect)
- else:
- return self.load_dialect_impl(dialect)
- def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
- """Return a :class:`.TypeEngine` object corresponding to a dialect.
- This is an end-user override hook that can be used to provide
- differing types depending on the given dialect. It is used
- by the :class:`.TypeDecorator` implementation of :meth:`type_engine`
- to help determine what type should ultimately be returned
- for a given :class:`.TypeDecorator`.
- By default returns ``self.impl``.
- """
- return self.impl
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- """Proxy all other undefined accessors to the underlying
- implementation."""
- return getattr(self.impl, key)
- def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
- """Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.
- Subclasses override this method to return the
- value that should be passed along to the underlying
- :class:`.TypeEngine` object, and from there to the
- DBAPI ``execute()`` method.
- :param value: the value. Can be None.
- :param dialect: the :class:`.Dialect` in use.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
- """Receive a result-row column value to be converted.
- Subclasses override this method to return the
- value that should be passed back to the application,
- given a value that is already processed by
- the underlying :class:`.TypeEngine` object, originally
- from the DBAPI cursor method ``fetchone()`` or similar.
- :param value: the value. Can be None.
- :param dialect: the :class:`.Dialect` in use.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- """Provide a bound value processing function for the given :class:`.Dialect`.
- This is the method that fulfills the :class:`.TypeEngine`
- contract for bound value conversion. :class:`.TypeDecorator`
- will wrap a user-defined implementation of
- :meth:`process_bind_param` here.
- User-defined code can override this method directly,
- though its likely best to use :meth:`process_bind_param` so that
- the processing provided by ``self.impl`` is maintained.
- """
- if self.__class__.process_bind_param.func_code \
- is not TypeDecorator.process_bind_param.func_code:
- process_param = self.process_bind_param
- impl_processor = self.impl.bind_processor(dialect)
- if impl_processor:
- def process(value):
- return impl_processor(process_param(value, dialect))
- else:
- def process(value):
- return process_param(value, dialect)
- return process
- else:
- return self.impl.bind_processor(dialect)
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- """Provide a result value processing function for the given :class:`.Dialect`.
- This is the method that fulfills the :class:`.TypeEngine`
- contract for result value conversion. :class:`.TypeDecorator`
- will wrap a user-defined implementation of
- :meth:`process_result_value` here.
- User-defined code can override this method directly,
- though its likely best to use :meth:`process_result_value` so that
- the processing provided by ``self.impl`` is maintained.
- """
- if self.__class__.process_result_value.func_code \
- is not TypeDecorator.process_result_value.func_code:
- process_value = self.process_result_value
- impl_processor = self.impl.result_processor(dialect,
- coltype)
- if impl_processor:
- def process(value):
- return process_value(impl_processor(value), dialect)
- else:
- def process(value):
- return process_value(value, dialect)
- return process
- else:
- return self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype)
- def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
- """Suggest a type for a 'coerced' Python value in an expression.
- By default, returns self. This method is called by
- the expression system when an object using this type is
- on the left or right side of an expression against a plain Python
- object which does not yet have a SQLAlchemy type assigned::
- expr = table.c.somecolumn + 35
- Where above, if ``somecolumn`` uses this type, this method will
- be called with the value ``operator.add``
- and ``35``. The return value is whatever SQLAlchemy type should
- be used for ``35`` for this particular operation.
- """
- return self
- def _coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
- """See :meth:`.TypeEngine._coerce_compared_value` for a description."""
- return self.coerce_compared_value(op, value)
- def copy(self):
- """Produce a copy of this :class:`.TypeDecorator` instance.
- This is a shallow copy and is provided to fulfill part of
- the :class:`.TypeEngine` contract. It usually does not
- need to be overridden unless the user-defined :class:`.TypeDecorator`
- has local state that should be deep-copied.
- """
- instance = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- instance.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
- return instance
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- """Return the DBAPI type object represented by this :class:`.TypeDecorator`.
- By default this calls upon :meth:`.TypeEngine.get_dbapi_type` of the
- underlying "impl".
- """
- return self.impl.get_dbapi_type(dbapi)
- def copy_value(self, value):
- """Given a value, produce a copy of it.
- By default this calls upon :meth:`.TypeEngine.copy_value`
- of the underlying "impl".
- :meth:`.copy_value` will return the object
- itself, assuming "mutability" is not enabled.
- Only the :class:`.MutableType` mixin provides a copy
- function that actually produces a new object.
- The copying function is used by the ORM when
- "mutable" types are used, to memoize the original
- version of an object as loaded from the database,
- which is then compared to the possibly mutated
- version to check for changes.
- Modern implementations should use the
- ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` extension described in
- :ref:`mutable_toplevel` for intercepting in-place
- changes to values.
- """
- return self.impl.copy_value(value)
- def compare_values(self, x, y):
- """Given two values, compare them for equality.
- By default this calls upon :meth:`.TypeEngine.compare_values`
- of the underlying "impl", which in turn usually
- uses the Python equals operator ``==``.
- This function is used by the ORM to compare
- an original-loaded value with an intercepted
- "changed" value, to determine if a net change
- has occurred.
- """
- return self.impl.compare_values(x, y)
- def is_mutable(self):
- """Return True if the target Python type is 'mutable'.
- This allows systems like the ORM to know if a column value can
- be considered 'not changed' by comparing the identity of
- objects alone. Values such as dicts, lists which
- are serialized into strings are examples of "mutable"
- column structures.
- .. note:: This functionality is now superseded by the
- ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` extension described in
- :ref:`mutable_toplevel`.
- """
- return self.impl.is_mutable()
- def _adapt_expression(self, op, othertype):
- op, typ =self.impl._adapt_expression(op, othertype)
- if typ is self.impl:
- return op, self
- else:
- return op, typ
-class MutableType(object):
- """A mixin that marks a :class:`.TypeEngine` as representing
- a mutable Python object type. This functionality is used
- only by the ORM.
- .. note:: :class:`.MutableType` is superseded as of SQLAlchemy 0.7
- by the ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` extension described in
- :ref:`mutable_toplevel`. This extension provides an event
- driven approach to in-place mutation detection that does not
- incur the severe performance penalty of the :class:`.MutableType`
- approach.
- "mutable" means that changes can occur in place to a value
- of this type. Examples includes Python lists, dictionaries,
- and sets, as well as user-defined objects. The primary
- need for identification of "mutable" types is by the ORM,
- which applies special rules to such values in order to guarantee
- that changes are detected. These rules may have a significant
- performance impact, described below.
- A :class:`.MutableType` usually allows a flag called
- ``mutable=False`` to enable/disable the "mutability" flag,
- represented on this class by :meth:`is_mutable`. Examples
- include :class:`.PickleType` and
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.ARRAY`. Setting
- this flag to ``True`` enables mutability-specific behavior
- by the ORM.
- The :meth:`copy_value` and :meth:`compare_values` functions
- represent a copy and compare function for values of this
- type - implementing subclasses should override these
- appropriately.
- .. warning:: The usage of mutable types has significant performance
- implications when using the ORM. In order to detect changes, the
- ORM must create a copy of the value when it is first
- accessed, so that changes to the current value can be compared
- against the "clean" database-loaded value. Additionally, when the
- ORM checks to see if any data requires flushing, it must scan
- through all instances in the session which are known to have
- "mutable" attributes and compare the current value of each
- one to its "clean"
- value. So for example, if the Session contains 6000 objects (a
- fairly large amount) and autoflush is enabled, every individual
- execution of :class:`.Query` will require a full scan of that subset of
- the 6000 objects that have mutable attributes, possibly resulting
- in tens of thousands of additional method calls for every query.
- As of SQLAlchemy 0.7, the ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` is provided which
- allows an event driven approach to in-place mutation detection. This
- approach should now be favored over the usage of :class:`.MutableType`
- with ``mutable=True``. ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` is described in
- :ref:`mutable_toplevel`.
- """
- def is_mutable(self):
- """Return True if the target Python type is 'mutable'.
- For :class:`.MutableType`, this method is set to
- return ``True``.
- """
- return True
- def copy_value(self, value):
- """Unimplemented."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def compare_values(self, x, y):
- """Compare *x* == *y*."""
- return x == y
-def to_instance(typeobj, *arg, **kw):
- if typeobj is None:
- return NULLTYPE
- if util.callable(typeobj):
- return typeobj(*arg, **kw)
- else:
- return typeobj
-def adapt_type(typeobj, colspecs):
- if isinstance(typeobj, type):
- typeobj = typeobj()
- for t in typeobj.__class__.__mro__[0:-1]:
- try:
- impltype = colspecs[t]
- break
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- # couldnt adapt - so just return the type itself
- # (it may be a user-defined type)
- return typeobj
- # if we adapted the given generic type to a database-specific type,
- # but it turns out the originally given "generic" type
- # is actually a subclass of our resulting type, then we were already
- # given a more specific type than that required; so use that.
- if (issubclass(typeobj.__class__, impltype)):
- return typeobj
- return typeobj.adapt(impltype)
-class NullType(TypeEngine):
- """An unknown type.
- NullTypes will stand in if :class:`~sqlalchemy.Table` reflection
- encounters a column data type unknown to SQLAlchemy. The
- resulting columns are nearly fully usable: the DB-API adapter will
- handle all translation to and from the database data type.
- NullType does not have sufficient information to particpate in a
- ``CREATE TABLE`` statement and will raise an exception if
- encountered during a :meth:`~sqlalchemy.Table.create` operation.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'null'
- def _adapt_expression(self, op, othertype):
- if isinstance(othertype, NullType) or not operators.is_commutative(op):
- return op, self
- else:
- return othertype._adapt_expression(op, self)
-NullTypeEngine = NullType
-class Concatenable(object):
- """A mixin that marks a type as supporting 'concatenation',
- typically strings."""
- def _adapt_expression(self, op, othertype):
- if op is operators.add and issubclass(othertype._type_affinity,
- (Concatenable, NullType)):
- return operators.concat_op, self
- else:
- return op, self
-class _DateAffinity(object):
- """Mixin date/time specific expression adaptations.
- Rules are implemented within Date,Time,Interval,DateTime, Numeric,
- Integer. Based on http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static
- /functions-datetime.html.
- """
- @property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- _blank_dict = util.immutabledict()
- def _adapt_expression(self, op, othertype):
- othertype = othertype._type_affinity
- return op, \
- self._expression_adaptations.get(op, self._blank_dict).\
- get(othertype, NULLTYPE)
-class String(Concatenable, TypeEngine):
- """The base for all string and character types.
- In SQL, corresponds to VARCHAR. Can also take Python unicode objects
- and encode to the database's encoding in bind params (and the reverse for
- result sets.)
- The `length` field is usually required when the `String` type is
- used within a CREATE TABLE statement, as VARCHAR requires a length
- on most databases.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'string'
- def __init__(self, length=None, convert_unicode=False,
- assert_unicode=None, unicode_error=None,
- _warn_on_bytestring=False
- ):
- """
- Create a string-holding type.
- :param length: optional, a length for the column for use in
- DDL statements. May be safely omitted if no ``CREATE
- TABLE`` will be issued. Certain databases may require a
- *length* for use in DDL, and will raise an exception when
- the ``CREATE TABLE`` DDL is issued. Whether the value is
- interpreted as bytes or characters is database specific.
- :param convert_unicode: defaults to False. If True, the
- type will do what is necessary in order to accept
- Python Unicode objects as bind parameters, and to return
- Python Unicode objects in result rows. This may
- require SQLAlchemy to explicitly coerce incoming Python
- unicodes into an encoding, and from an encoding
- back to Unicode, or it may not require any interaction
- from SQLAlchemy at all, depending on the DBAPI in use.
- When SQLAlchemy performs the encoding/decoding,
- the encoding used is configured via
- :attr:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Dialect.encoding`, which
- defaults to `utf-8`.
- The "convert_unicode" behavior can also be turned on
- for all String types by setting
- :attr:`sqlalchemy.engine.base.Dialect.convert_unicode`
- on create_engine().
- To instruct SQLAlchemy to perform Unicode encoding/decoding
- even on a platform that already handles Unicode natively,
- set convert_unicode='force'. This will incur significant
- performance overhead when fetching unicode result columns.
- :param assert_unicode: Deprecated. A warning is raised in all cases
- when a non-Unicode object is passed when SQLAlchemy would coerce
- into an encoding (note: but **not** when the DBAPI handles unicode
- objects natively). To suppress or raise this warning to an error,
- use the Python warnings filter documented at:
- http://docs.python.org/library/warnings.html
- :param unicode_error: Optional, a method to use to handle Unicode
- conversion errors. Behaves like the 'errors' keyword argument to
- the standard library's string.decode() functions. This flag
- requires that `convert_unicode` is set to `"force"` - otherwise,
- SQLAlchemy is not guaranteed to handle the task of unicode
- conversion. Note that this flag adds significant performance
- overhead to row-fetching operations for backends that already
- return unicode objects natively (which most DBAPIs do). This
- flag should only be used as an absolute last resort for reading
- strings from a column with varied or corrupted encodings,
- which only applies to databases that accept invalid encodings
- in the first place (i.e. MySQL. *not* PG, Sqlite, etc.)
- """
- if unicode_error is not None and convert_unicode != 'force':
- raise exc.ArgumentError("convert_unicode must be 'force' "
- "when unicode_error is set.")
- if assert_unicode:
- util.warn_deprecated('assert_unicode is deprecated. '
- 'SQLAlchemy emits a warning in all '
- 'cases where it would otherwise like '
- 'to encode a Python unicode object '
- 'into a specific encoding but a plain '
- 'bytestring is received. This does '
- '*not* apply to DBAPIs that coerce '
- 'Unicode natively.')
- self.length = length
- self.convert_unicode = convert_unicode
- self.unicode_error = unicode_error
- self._warn_on_bytestring = _warn_on_bytestring
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- if self.convert_unicode or dialect.convert_unicode:
- if dialect.supports_unicode_binds and \
- self.convert_unicode != 'force':
- if self._warn_on_bytestring:
- def process(value):
- # Py3K
- #if isinstance(value, bytes):
- # Py2K
- if isinstance(value, str):
- # end Py2K
- util.warn("Unicode type received non-unicode bind "
- "param value.")
- return value
- return process
- else:
- return None
- else:
- encoder = codecs.getencoder(dialect.encoding)
- warn_on_bytestring = self._warn_on_bytestring
- def process(value):
- if isinstance(value, unicode):
- return encoder(value, self.unicode_error)[0]
- elif warn_on_bytestring and value is not None:
- util.warn("Unicode type received non-unicode bind "
- "param value")
- return value
- return process
- else:
- return None
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- wants_unicode = self.convert_unicode or dialect.convert_unicode
- needs_convert = wants_unicode and \
- (dialect.returns_unicode_strings is not True or
- self.convert_unicode == 'force')
- if needs_convert:
- to_unicode = processors.to_unicode_processor_factory(
- dialect.encoding, self.unicode_error)
- if dialect.returns_unicode_strings:
- # we wouldn't be here unless convert_unicode='force'
- # was specified, or the driver has erratic unicode-returning
- # habits. since we will be getting back unicode
- # in most cases, we check for it (decode will fail).
- def process(value):
- if isinstance(value, unicode):
- return value
- else:
- return to_unicode(value)
- return process
- else:
- # here, we assume that the object is not unicode,
- # avoiding expensive isinstance() check.
- return to_unicode
- else:
- return None
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.STRING
-class Text(String):
- """A variably sized string type.
- In SQL, usually corresponds to CLOB or TEXT. Can also take Python
- unicode objects and encode to the database's encoding in bind
- params (and the reverse for result sets.)
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'text'
-class Unicode(String):
- """A variable length Unicode string.
- The ``Unicode`` type is a :class:`.String` which converts Python
- ``unicode`` objects (i.e., strings that are defined as
- ``u'somevalue'``) into encoded bytestrings when passing the value
- to the database driver, and similarly decodes values from the
- database back into Python ``unicode`` objects.
- It's roughly equivalent to using a ``String`` object with
- ``convert_unicode=True``, however
- the type has other significances in that it implies the usage
- of a unicode-capable type being used on the backend, such as NVARCHAR.
- This may affect what type is emitted when issuing CREATE TABLE
- and also may effect some DBAPI-specific details, such as type
- information passed along to ``setinputsizes()``.
- When using the ``Unicode`` type, it is only appropriate to pass
- Python ``unicode`` objects, and not plain ``str``. If a
- bytestring (``str``) is passed, a runtime warning is issued. If
- you notice your application raising these warnings but you're not
- sure where, the Python ``warnings`` filter can be used to turn
- these warnings into exceptions which will illustrate a stack
- trace::
- import warnings
- warnings.simplefilter('error')
- Bytestrings sent to and received from the database are encoded
- using the dialect's
- :attr:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Dialect.encoding`, which defaults
- to `utf-8`.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'unicode'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Create a Unicode-converting String type.
- :param length: optional, a length for the column for use in
- DDL statements. May be safely omitted if no ``CREATE
- TABLE`` will be issued. Certain databases may require a
- *length* for use in DDL, and will raise an exception when
- the ``CREATE TABLE`` DDL is issued. Whether the value is
- interpreted as bytes or characters is database specific.
- :param \**kwargs: passed through to the underlying ``String``
- type.
- """
- kwargs.setdefault('convert_unicode', True)
- kwargs.setdefault('_warn_on_bytestring', True)
- super(Unicode, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class UnicodeText(Text):
- """An unbounded-length Unicode string.
- See :class:`.Unicode` for details on the unicode
- behavior of this object.
- Like ``Unicode``, usage the ``UnicodeText`` type implies a
- unicode-capable type being used on the backend, such as NCLOB.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'unicode_text'
- def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Create a Unicode-converting Text type.
- :param length: optional, a length for the column for use in
- DDL statements. May be safely omitted if no ``CREATE
- TABLE`` will be issued. Certain databases may require a
- *length* for use in DDL, and will raise an exception when
- the ``CREATE TABLE`` DDL is issued. Whether the value is
- interpreted as bytes or characters is database specific.
- """
- kwargs.setdefault('convert_unicode', True)
- kwargs.setdefault('_warn_on_bytestring', True)
- super(UnicodeText, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs)
-class Integer(_DateAffinity, TypeEngine):
- """A type for ``int`` integers."""
- __visit_name__ = 'integer'
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.NUMBER
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- # TODO: need a dictionary object that will
- # handle operators generically here, this is incomplete
- return {
- operators.add:{
- Date:Date,
- Integer:Integer,
- Numeric:Numeric,
- },
- operators.mul:{
- Interval:Interval,
- Integer:Integer,
- Numeric:Numeric,
- },
- # Py2K
- operators.div:{
- Integer:Integer,
- Numeric:Numeric,
- },
- # end Py2K
- operators.truediv:{
- Integer:Integer,
- Numeric:Numeric,
- },
- operators.sub:{
- Integer:Integer,
- Numeric:Numeric,
- },
- }
-class SmallInteger(Integer):
- """A type for smaller ``int`` integers.
- Typically generates a ``SMALLINT`` in DDL, and otherwise acts like
- a normal :class:`.Integer` on the Python side.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'small_integer'
-class BigInteger(Integer):
- """A type for bigger ``int`` integers.
- Typically generates a ``BIGINT`` in DDL, and otherwise acts like
- a normal :class:`.Integer` on the Python side.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'big_integer'
-class Numeric(_DateAffinity, TypeEngine):
- """A type for fixed precision numbers.
- Typically generates DECIMAL or NUMERIC. Returns
- ``decimal.Decimal`` objects by default, applying
- conversion as needed.
- .. note:: The `cdecimal <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cdecimal/>`_ library
- is a high performing alternative to Python's built-in
- ``decimal.Decimal`` type, which performs very poorly in high volume
- situations. SQLAlchemy 0.7 is tested against ``cdecimal`` and supports
- it fully. The type is not necessarily supported by DBAPI
- implementations however, most of which contain an import for plain
- ``decimal`` in their source code, even though some such as psycopg2
- provide hooks for alternate adapters. SQLAlchemy imports ``decimal``
- globally as well. While the alternate ``Decimal`` class can be patched
- into SQLA's ``decimal`` module, overall the most straightforward and
- foolproof way to use "cdecimal" given current DBAPI and Python support
- is to patch it directly into sys.modules before anything else is
- imported::
- import sys
- import cdecimal
- sys.modules["decimal"] = cdecimal
- While the global patch is a little ugly, it's particularly
- important to use just one decimal library at a time since
- Python Decimal and cdecimal Decimal objects
- are not currently compatible *with each other*::
- >>> import cdecimal
- >>> import decimal
- >>> decimal.Decimal("10") == cdecimal.Decimal("10")
- False
- SQLAlchemy will provide more natural support of
- cdecimal if and when it becomes a standard part of Python
- installations and is supported by all DBAPIs.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'numeric'
- def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True):
- """
- Construct a Numeric.
- :param precision: the numeric precision for use in DDL ``CREATE
- TABLE``.
- :param scale: the numeric scale for use in DDL ``CREATE TABLE``.
- :param asdecimal: default True. Return whether or not
- values should be sent as Python Decimal objects, or
- as floats. Different DBAPIs send one or the other based on
- datatypes - the Numeric type will ensure that return values
- are one or the other across DBAPIs consistently.
- When using the ``Numeric`` type, care should be taken to ensure
- that the asdecimal setting is apppropriate for the DBAPI in use -
- when Numeric applies a conversion from Decimal->float or float->
- Decimal, this conversion incurs an additional performance overhead
- for all result columns received.
- DBAPIs that return Decimal natively (e.g. psycopg2) will have
- better accuracy and higher performance with a setting of ``True``,
- as the native translation to Decimal reduces the amount of floating-
- point issues at play, and the Numeric type itself doesn't need
- to apply any further conversions. However, another DBAPI which
- returns floats natively *will* incur an additional conversion
- overhead, and is still subject to floating point data loss - in
- which case ``asdecimal=False`` will at least remove the extra
- conversion overhead.
- """
- self.precision = precision
- self.scale = scale
- self.asdecimal = asdecimal
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.NUMBER
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- if dialect.supports_native_decimal:
- return None
- else:
- return processors.to_float
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- if self.asdecimal:
- if dialect.supports_native_decimal:
- # we're a "numeric", DBAPI will give us Decimal directly
- return None
- else:
- util.warn('Dialect %s+%s does *not* support Decimal '
- 'objects natively, and SQLAlchemy must '
- 'convert from floating point - rounding '
- 'errors and other issues may occur. Please '
- 'consider storing Decimal numbers as strings '
- 'or integers on this platform for lossless '
- 'storage.' % (dialect.name, dialect.driver))
- # we're a "numeric", DBAPI returns floats, convert.
- if self.scale is not None:
- return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory(
- decimal.Decimal, self.scale)
- else:
- return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory(
- decimal.Decimal)
- else:
- if dialect.supports_native_decimal:
- return processors.to_float
- else:
- return None
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- return {
- operators.mul:{
- Interval:Interval,
- Numeric:Numeric,
- Integer:Numeric,
- },
- # Py2K
- operators.div:{
- Numeric:Numeric,
- Integer:Numeric,
- },
- # end Py2K
- operators.truediv:{
- Numeric:Numeric,
- Integer:Numeric,
- },
- operators.add:{
- Numeric:Numeric,
- Integer:Numeric,
- },
- operators.sub:{
- Numeric:Numeric,
- Integer:Numeric,
- }
- }
-class Float(Numeric):
- """A type for ``float`` numbers.
- Returns Python ``float`` objects by default, applying
- conversion as needed.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'float'
- scale = None
- def __init__(self, precision=None, asdecimal=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Construct a Float.
- :param precision: the numeric precision for use in DDL ``CREATE
- TABLE``.
- :param asdecimal: the same flag as that of :class:`.Numeric`, but
- defaults to ``False``. Note that setting this flag to ``True``
- results in floating point conversion.
- """
- self.precision = precision
- self.asdecimal = asdecimal
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- if self.asdecimal:
- return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory(decimal.Decimal)
- else:
- return None
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- return {
- operators.mul:{
- Interval:Interval,
- Numeric:Float,
- },
- # Py2K
- operators.div:{
- Numeric:Float,
- },
- # end Py2K
- operators.truediv:{
- Numeric:Float,
- },
- operators.add:{
- Numeric:Float,
- },
- operators.sub:{
- Numeric:Float,
- }
- }
-class DateTime(_DateAffinity, TypeEngine):
- """A type for ``datetime.datetime()`` objects.
- Date and time types return objects from the Python ``datetime``
- module. Most DBAPIs have built in support for the datetime
- module, with the noted exception of SQLite. In the case of
- SQLite, date and time types are stored as strings which are then
- converted back to datetime objects when rows are returned.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'datetime'
- def __init__(self, timezone=False):
- self.timezone = timezone
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.DATETIME
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- return {
- operators.add:{
- Interval:DateTime,
- },
- operators.sub:{
- Interval:DateTime,
- DateTime:Interval,
- },
- }
-class Date(_DateAffinity,TypeEngine):
- """A type for ``datetime.date()`` objects."""
- __visit_name__ = 'date'
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.DATETIME
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- return {
- operators.add:{
- Integer:Date,
- Interval:DateTime,
- Time:DateTime,
- },
- operators.sub:{
- # date - integer = date
- Integer:Date,
- # date - date = integer.
- Date:Integer,
- Interval:DateTime,
- # date - datetime = interval,
- # this one is not in the PG docs
- # but works
- DateTime:Interval,
- },
- }
-class Time(_DateAffinity,TypeEngine):
- """A type for ``datetime.time()`` objects."""
- __visit_name__ = 'time'
- def __init__(self, timezone=False):
- self.timezone = timezone
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.DATETIME
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- return {
- operators.add:{
- Date:DateTime,
- Interval:Time
- },
- operators.sub:{
- Time:Interval,
- Interval:Time,
- },
- }
-class _Binary(TypeEngine):
- """Define base behavior for binary types."""
- def __init__(self, length=None):
- self.length = length
- # Python 3 - sqlite3 doesn't need the `Binary` conversion
- # here, though pg8000 does to indicate "bytea"
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- DBAPIBinary = dialect.dbapi.Binary
- def process(value):
- x = self
- if value is not None:
- return DBAPIBinary(value)
- else:
- return None
- return process
- # Python 3 has native bytes() type
- # both sqlite3 and pg8000 seem to return it
- # (i.e. and not 'memoryview')
- # Py2K
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- if util.jython:
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- if isinstance(value, array.array):
- return value.tostring()
- return str(value)
- else:
- return None
- else:
- process = processors.to_str
- return process
- # end Py2K
- def _coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
- """See :meth:`.TypeEngine._coerce_compared_value` for a description."""
- if isinstance(value, basestring):
- return self
- else:
- return super(_Binary, self)._coerce_compared_value(op, value)
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.BINARY
-class LargeBinary(_Binary):
- """A type for large binary byte data.
- The Binary type generates BLOB or BYTEA when tables are created,
- and also converts incoming values using the ``Binary`` callable
- provided by each DB-API.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'large_binary'
- def __init__(self, length=None):
- """
- Construct a LargeBinary type.
- :param length: optional, a length for the column for use in
- DDL statements, for those BLOB types that accept a length
- (i.e. MySQL). It does *not* produce a small BINARY/VARBINARY
- type - use the BINARY/VARBINARY types specifically for those.
- May be safely omitted if no ``CREATE
- TABLE`` will be issued. Certain databases may require a
- *length* for use in DDL, and will raise an exception when
- the ``CREATE TABLE`` DDL is issued.
- """
- _Binary.__init__(self, length=length)
-class Binary(LargeBinary):
- """Deprecated. Renamed to LargeBinary."""
- def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
- util.warn_deprecated('The Binary type has been renamed to '
- 'LargeBinary.')
- LargeBinary.__init__(self, *arg, **kw)
-class SchemaType(events.SchemaEventTarget):
- """Mark a type as possibly requiring schema-level DDL for usage.
- Supports types that must be explicitly created/dropped (i.e. PG ENUM type)
- as well as types that are complimented by table or schema level
- constraints, triggers, and other rules.
- :class:`.SchemaType` classes can also be targets for the
- :meth:`.DDLEvents.before_parent_attach` and :meth:`.DDLEvents.after_parent_attach`
- events, where the events fire off surrounding the association of
- the type object with a parent :class:`.Column`.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- self.name = kw.pop('name', None)
- self.quote = kw.pop('quote', None)
- self.schema = kw.pop('schema', None)
- self.metadata = kw.pop('metadata', None)
- if self.metadata:
- self.metadata.append_ddl_listener('before-create',
- util.portable_instancemethod(self._on_metadata_create))
- self.metadata.append_ddl_listener('after-drop',
- util.portable_instancemethod(self._on_metadata_drop))
- def _set_parent(self, column):
- column._on_table_attach(util.portable_instancemethod(self._set_table))
- def _set_table(self, column, table):
- table.append_ddl_listener('before-create',
- util.portable_instancemethod(
- self._on_table_create))
- table.append_ddl_listener('after-drop',
- util.portable_instancemethod(
- self._on_table_drop))
- if self.metadata is None:
- table.metadata.append_ddl_listener('before-create',
- util.portable_instancemethod(self._on_metadata_create))
- table.metadata.append_ddl_listener('after-drop',
- util.portable_instancemethod(self._on_metadata_drop))
- @property
- def bind(self):
- return self.metadata and self.metadata.bind or None
- def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False):
- """Issue CREATE ddl for this type, if applicable."""
- if bind is None:
- bind = schema._bind_or_error(self)
- t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect)
- if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType):
- t.create(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst)
- def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False):
- """Issue DROP ddl for this type, if applicable."""
- if bind is None:
- bind = schema._bind_or_error(self)
- t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect)
- if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType):
- t.drop(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst)
- def _on_table_create(self, event, target, bind, **kw):
- t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect)
- if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType):
- t._on_table_create(event, target, bind, **kw)
- def _on_table_drop(self, event, target, bind, **kw):
- t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect)
- if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType):
- t._on_table_drop(event, target, bind, **kw)
- def _on_metadata_create(self, event, target, bind, **kw):
- t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect)
- if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType):
- t._on_metadata_create(event, target, bind, **kw)
- def _on_metadata_drop(self, event, target, bind, **kw):
- t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect)
- if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType):
- t._on_metadata_drop(event, target, bind, **kw)
-class Enum(String, SchemaType):
- """Generic Enum Type.
- The Enum type provides a set of possible string values which the
- column is constrained towards.
- By default, uses the backend's native ENUM type if available,
- else uses VARCHAR + a CHECK constraint.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'enum'
- def __init__(self, *enums, **kw):
- """Construct an enum.
- Keyword arguments which don't apply to a specific backend are ignored
- by that backend.
- :param \*enums: string or unicode enumeration labels. If unicode
- labels are present, the `convert_unicode` flag is auto-enabled.
- :param convert_unicode: Enable unicode-aware bind parameter and
- result-set processing for this Enum's data. This is set
- automatically based on the presence of unicode label strings.
- :param metadata: Associate this type directly with a ``MetaData``
- object. For types that exist on the target database as an
- independent schema construct (Postgresql), this type will be
- created and dropped within ``create_all()`` and ``drop_all()``
- operations. If the type is not associated with any ``MetaData``
- object, it will associate itself with each ``Table`` in which it is
- used, and will be created when any of those individual tables are
- created, after a check is performed for it's existence. The type is
- only dropped when ``drop_all()`` is called for that ``Table``
- object's metadata, however.
- :param name: The name of this type. This is required for Postgresql
- and any future supported database which requires an explicitly
- named type, or an explicitly named constraint in order to generate
- the type and/or a table that uses it.
- :param native_enum: Use the database's native ENUM type when
- available. Defaults to True. When False, uses VARCHAR + check
- constraint for all backends.
- :param schema: Schemaname of this type. For types that exist on the
- target database as an independent schema construct (Postgresql),
- this parameter specifies the named schema in which the type is
- present.
- :param quote: Force quoting to be on or off on the type's name. If
- left as the default of `None`, the usual schema-level "case
- sensitive"/"reserved name" rules are used to determine if this
- type's name should be quoted.
- """
- self.enums = enums
- self.native_enum = kw.pop('native_enum', True)
- convert_unicode= kw.pop('convert_unicode', None)
- if convert_unicode is None:
- for e in enums:
- if isinstance(e, unicode):
- convert_unicode = True
- break
- else:
- convert_unicode = False
- if self.enums:
- length =max(len(x) for x in self.enums)
- else:
- length = 0
- String.__init__(self,
- length =length,
- convert_unicode=convert_unicode,
- )
- SchemaType.__init__(self, **kw)
- def _should_create_constraint(self, compiler):
- return not self.native_enum or \
- not compiler.dialect.supports_native_enum
- def _set_table(self, column, table):
- if self.native_enum:
- SchemaType._set_table(self, column, table)
- e = schema.CheckConstraint(
- column.in_(self.enums),
- name=self.name,
- _create_rule=util.portable_instancemethod(
- self._should_create_constraint)
- )
- table.append_constraint(e)
- def adapt(self, impltype, **kw):
- if issubclass(impltype, Enum):
- return impltype(name=self.name,
- quote=self.quote,
- schema=self.schema,
- metadata=self.metadata,
- convert_unicode=self.convert_unicode,
- native_enum=self.native_enum,
- *self.enums,
- **kw
- )
- else:
- return super(Enum, self).adapt(impltype, **kw)
-class PickleType(MutableType, TypeDecorator):
- """Holds Python objects, which are serialized using pickle.
- PickleType builds upon the Binary type to apply Python's
- ``pickle.dumps()`` to incoming objects, and ``pickle.loads()`` on
- the way out, allowing any pickleable Python object to be stored as
- a serialized binary field.
- """
- impl = LargeBinary
- def __init__(self, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL,
- pickler=None, mutable=False, comparator=None):
- """
- Construct a PickleType.
- :param protocol: defaults to ``pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL``.
- :param pickler: defaults to cPickle.pickle or pickle.pickle if
- cPickle is not available. May be any object with
- pickle-compatible ``dumps` and ``loads`` methods.
- :param mutable: defaults to False; implements
- :meth:`AbstractType.is_mutable`. When ``True``, incoming
- objects will be compared against copies of themselves
- using the Python "equals" operator, unless the
- ``comparator`` argument is present. See
- :class:`.MutableType` for details on "mutable" type
- behavior. (default changed from ``True`` in
- 0.7.0).
- .. note:: This functionality is now superseded by the
- ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` extension described in
- :ref:`mutable_toplevel`.
- :param comparator: a 2-arg callable predicate used
- to compare values of this type. If left as ``None``,
- the Python "equals" operator is used to compare values.
- """
- self.protocol = protocol
- self.pickler = pickler or pickle
- self.mutable = mutable
- self.comparator = comparator
- super(PickleType, self).__init__()
- def __reduce__(self):
- return PickleType, (self.protocol,
- None,
- self.mutable,
- self.comparator)
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- impl_processor = self.impl.bind_processor(dialect)
- dumps = self.pickler.dumps
- protocol = self.protocol
- if impl_processor:
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- value = dumps(value, protocol)
- return impl_processor(value)
- else:
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- value = dumps(value, protocol)
- return value
- return process
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- impl_processor = self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype)
- loads = self.pickler.loads
- if impl_processor:
- def process(value):
- value = impl_processor(value)
- if value is None:
- return None
- return loads(value)
- else:
- def process(value):
- if value is None:
- return None
- return loads(value)
- return process
- def copy_value(self, value):
- if self.mutable:
- return self.pickler.loads(
- self.pickler.dumps(value, self.protocol))
- else:
- return value
- def compare_values(self, x, y):
- if self.comparator:
- return self.comparator(x, y)
- else:
- return x == y
- def is_mutable(self):
- """Return True if the target Python type is 'mutable'.
- When this method is overridden, :meth:`copy_value` should
- also be supplied. The :class:`.MutableType` mixin
- is recommended as a helper.
- """
- return self.mutable
-class Boolean(TypeEngine, SchemaType):
- """A bool datatype.
- Boolean typically uses BOOLEAN or SMALLINT on the DDL side, and on
- the Python side deals in ``True`` or ``False``.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'boolean'
- def __init__(self, create_constraint=True, name=None):
- """Construct a Boolean.
- :param create_constraint: defaults to True. If the boolean
- is generated as an int/smallint, also create a CHECK constraint
- on the table that ensures 1 or 0 as a value.
- :param name: if a CHECK constraint is generated, specify
- the name of the constraint.
- """
- self.create_constraint = create_constraint
- self.name = name
- def _should_create_constraint(self, compiler):
- return not compiler.dialect.supports_native_boolean
- def _set_table(self, column, table):
- if not self.create_constraint:
- return
- e = schema.CheckConstraint(
- column.in_([0, 1]),
- name=self.name,
- _create_rule=util.portable_instancemethod(
- self._should_create_constraint)
- )
- table.append_constraint(e)
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- if dialect.supports_native_boolean:
- return None
- else:
- return processors.boolean_to_int
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- if dialect.supports_native_boolean:
- return None
- else:
- return processors.int_to_boolean
-class Interval(_DateAffinity, TypeDecorator):
- """A type for ``datetime.timedelta()`` objects.
- The Interval type deals with ``datetime.timedelta`` objects. In
- PostgreSQL, the native ``INTERVAL`` type is used; for others, the
- value is stored as a date which is relative to the "epoch"
- (Jan. 1, 1970).
- Note that the ``Interval`` type does not currently provide date arithmetic
- operations on platforms which do not support interval types natively. Such
- operations usually require transformation of both sides of the expression
- (such as, conversion of both sides into integer epoch values first) which
- currently is a manual procedure (such as via
- :attr:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func`).
- """
- impl = DateTime
- epoch = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
- def __init__(self, native=True,
- second_precision=None,
- day_precision=None):
- """Construct an Interval object.
- :param native: when True, use the actual
- INTERVAL type provided by the database, if
- supported (currently Postgresql, Oracle).
- Otherwise, represent the interval data as
- an epoch value regardless.
- :param second_precision: For native interval types
- which support a "fractional seconds precision" parameter,
- i.e. Oracle and Postgresql
- :param day_precision: for native interval types which
- support a "day precision" parameter, i.e. Oracle.
- """
- super(Interval, self).__init__()
- self.native = native
- self.second_precision = second_precision
- self.day_precision = day_precision
- def adapt(self, cls, **kw):
- if self.native and hasattr(cls, '_adapt_from_generic_interval'):
- return cls._adapt_from_generic_interval(self, **kw)
- else:
- return self.__class__(
- native=self.native,
- second_precision=self.second_precision,
- day_precision=self.day_precision,
- **kw)
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- impl_processor = self.impl.bind_processor(dialect)
- epoch = self.epoch
- if impl_processor:
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- value = epoch + value
- return impl_processor(value)
- else:
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- value = epoch + value
- return value
- return process
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- impl_processor = self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype)
- epoch = self.epoch
- if impl_processor:
- def process(value):
- value = impl_processor(value)
- if value is None:
- return None
- return value - epoch
- else:
- def process(value):
- if value is None:
- return None
- return value - epoch
- return process
- @util.memoized_property
- def _expression_adaptations(self):
- return {
- operators.add:{
- Date:DateTime,
- Interval:Interval,
- DateTime:DateTime,
- Time:Time,
- },
- operators.sub:{
- Interval:Interval
- },
- operators.mul:{
- Numeric:Interval
- },
- operators.truediv: {
- Numeric:Interval
- },
- # Py2K
- operators.div: {
- Numeric:Interval
- }
- # end Py2K
- }
- @property
- def _type_affinity(self):
- return Interval
- def _coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
- """See :meth:`.TypeEngine._coerce_compared_value` for a description."""
- return self.impl._coerce_compared_value(op, value)
-class REAL(Float):
- """The SQL REAL type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'REAL'
-class FLOAT(Float):
- """The SQL FLOAT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'FLOAT'
-class NUMERIC(Numeric):
- """The SQL NUMERIC type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'NUMERIC'
-class DECIMAL(Numeric):
- """The SQL DECIMAL type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DECIMAL'
-class INTEGER(Integer):
- """The SQL INT or INTEGER type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'INTEGER'
-class SMALLINT(SmallInteger):
- """The SQL SMALLINT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'SMALLINT'
-class BIGINT(BigInteger):
- """The SQL BIGINT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'BIGINT'
-class TIMESTAMP(DateTime):
- """The SQL TIMESTAMP type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TIMESTAMP'
- def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
- return dbapi.TIMESTAMP
-class DATETIME(DateTime):
- """The SQL DATETIME type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DATETIME'
-class DATE(Date):
- """The SQL DATE type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'DATE'
-class TIME(Time):
- """The SQL TIME type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TIME'
-class TEXT(Text):
- """The SQL TEXT type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'TEXT'
-class CLOB(Text):
- """The CLOB type.
- This type is found in Oracle and Informix.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'CLOB'
-class VARCHAR(String):
- """The SQL VARCHAR type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'VARCHAR'
-class NVARCHAR(Unicode):
- """The SQL NVARCHAR type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'NVARCHAR'
-class CHAR(String):
- """The SQL CHAR type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'CHAR'
-class NCHAR(Unicode):
- """The SQL NCHAR type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'NCHAR'
-class BLOB(LargeBinary):
- """The SQL BLOB type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'BLOB'
-class BINARY(_Binary):
- """The SQL BINARY type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'BINARY'
-class VARBINARY(_Binary):
- """The SQL VARBINARY type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'VARBINARY'
-class BOOLEAN(Boolean):
- """The SQL BOOLEAN type."""
- __visit_name__ = 'BOOLEAN'
-NULLTYPE = NullType()
-BOOLEANTYPE = Boolean()
-STRINGTYPE = String()
-_type_map = {
- str: String(),
- # Py3K
- #bytes : LargeBinary(),
- # Py2K
- unicode : Unicode(),
- # end Py2K
- int : Integer(),
- float : Numeric(),
- decimal.Decimal : Numeric(),
- dt.date : Date(),
- dt.datetime : DateTime(),
- dt.time : Time(),
- dt.timedelta : Interval(),
- NoneType: NULLTYPE