path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/helper.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_helper -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Partial in-memory terminal emulator
-@author: Jp Calderone
-import re, string
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.conch.insults import insults
-class CharacterAttribute:
- """Represents the attributes of a single character.
- Character set, intensity, underlinedness, blinkitude, video
- reversal, as well as foreground and background colors made up a
- character's attributes.
- """
- def __init__(self, charset=insults.G0,
- bold=False, underline=False,
- blink=False, reverseVideo=False,
- foreground=WHITE, background=BLACK,
- _subtracting=False):
- self.charset = charset
- self.bold = bold
- self.underline = underline
- self.blink = blink
- self.reverseVideo = reverseVideo
- self.foreground = foreground
- self.background = background
- self._subtracting = _subtracting
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return vars(self) == vars(other)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def copy(self):
- c = self.__class__()
- c.__dict__.update(vars(self))
- return c
- def wantOne(self, **kw):
- k, v = kw.popitem()
- if getattr(self, k) != v:
- attr = self.copy()
- attr._subtracting = not v
- setattr(attr, k, v)
- return attr
- else:
- return self.copy()
- def toVT102(self):
- # Spit out a vt102 control sequence that will set up
- # all the attributes set here. Except charset.
- attrs = []
- if self._subtracting:
- attrs.append(0)
- if self.bold:
- attrs.append(insults.BOLD)
- if self.underline:
- attrs.append(insults.UNDERLINE)
- if self.blink:
- attrs.append(insults.BLINK)
- if self.reverseVideo:
- attrs.append(insults.REVERSE_VIDEO)
- if self.foreground != WHITE:
- attrs.append(FOREGROUND + self.foreground)
- if self.background != BLACK:
- attrs.append(BACKGROUND + self.background)
- if attrs:
- return '\x1b[' + ';'.join(map(str, attrs)) + 'm'
- return ''
-# XXX - need to support scroll regions and scroll history
-class TerminalBuffer(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- An in-memory terminal emulator.
- """
- implements(insults.ITerminalTransport)
- 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9',
- 'F10', 'F11', 'F12'):
- exec '%s = object()' % (keyID,)
- TAB = '\t'
- BACKSPACE = '\x7f'
- width = 80
- height = 24
- fill = ' '
- void = object()
- def getCharacter(self, x, y):
- return self.lines[y][x]
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.reset()
- def write(self, bytes):
- """
- Add the given printable bytes to the terminal.
- Line feeds in C{bytes} will be replaced with carriage return / line
- feed pairs.
- """
- for b in bytes.replace('\n', '\r\n'):
- self.insertAtCursor(b)
- def _currentCharacterAttributes(self):
- return CharacterAttribute(self.activeCharset, **self.graphicRendition)
- def insertAtCursor(self, b):
- """
- Add one byte to the terminal at the cursor and make consequent state
- updates.
- If b is a carriage return, move the cursor to the beginning of the
- current row.
- If b is a line feed, move the cursor to the next row or scroll down if
- the cursor is already in the last row.
- Otherwise, if b is printable, put it at the cursor position (inserting
- or overwriting as dictated by the current mode) and move the cursor.
- """
- if b == '\r':
- self.x = 0
- elif b == '\n':
- self._scrollDown()
- elif b in string.printable:
- if self.x >= self.width:
- self.nextLine()
- ch = (b, self._currentCharacterAttributes())
- if self.modes.get(insults.modes.IRM):
- self.lines[self.y][self.x:self.x] = [ch]
- self.lines[self.y].pop()
- else:
- self.lines[self.y][self.x] = ch
- self.x += 1
- def _emptyLine(self, width):
- return [(self.void, self._currentCharacterAttributes()) for i in xrange(width)]
- def _scrollDown(self):
- self.y += 1
- if self.y >= self.height:
- self.y -= 1
- del self.lines[0]
- self.lines.append(self._emptyLine(self.width))
- def _scrollUp(self):
- self.y -= 1
- if self.y < 0:
- self.y = 0
- del self.lines[-1]
- self.lines.insert(0, self._emptyLine(self.width))
- def cursorUp(self, n=1):
- self.y = max(0, self.y - n)
- def cursorDown(self, n=1):
- self.y = min(self.height - 1, self.y + n)
- def cursorBackward(self, n=1):
- self.x = max(0, self.x - n)
- def cursorForward(self, n=1):
- self.x = min(self.width, self.x + n)
- def cursorPosition(self, column, line):
- self.x = column
- self.y = line
- def cursorHome(self):
- self.x = self.home.x
- self.y = self.home.y
- def index(self):
- self._scrollDown()
- def reverseIndex(self):
- self._scrollUp()
- def nextLine(self):
- """
- Update the cursor position attributes and scroll down if appropriate.
- """
- self.x = 0
- self._scrollDown()
- def saveCursor(self):
- self._savedCursor = (self.x, self.y)
- def restoreCursor(self):
- self.x, self.y = self._savedCursor
- del self._savedCursor
- def setModes(self, modes):
- for m in modes:
- self.modes[m] = True
- def resetModes(self, modes):
- for m in modes:
- try:
- del self.modes[m]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def setPrivateModes(self, modes):
- """
- Enable the given modes.
- Track which modes have been enabled so that the implementations of
- other L{insults.ITerminalTransport} methods can be properly implemented
- to respect these settings.
- @see: L{resetPrivateModes}
- @see: L{insults.ITerminalTransport.setPrivateModes}
- """
- for m in modes:
- self.privateModes[m] = True
- def resetPrivateModes(self, modes):
- """
- Disable the given modes.
- @see: L{setPrivateModes}
- @see: L{insults.ITerminalTransport.resetPrivateModes}
- """
- for m in modes:
- try:
- del self.privateModes[m]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def applicationKeypadMode(self):
- self.keypadMode = 'app'
- def numericKeypadMode(self):
- self.keypadMode = 'num'
- def selectCharacterSet(self, charSet, which):
- self.charsets[which] = charSet
- def shiftIn(self):
- self.activeCharset = insults.G0
- def shiftOut(self):
- self.activeCharset = insults.G1
- def singleShift2(self):
- oldActiveCharset = self.activeCharset
- self.activeCharset = insults.G2
- f = self.insertAtCursor
- def insertAtCursor(b):
- f(b)
- del self.insertAtCursor
- self.activeCharset = oldActiveCharset
- self.insertAtCursor = insertAtCursor
- def singleShift3(self):
- oldActiveCharset = self.activeCharset
- self.activeCharset = insults.G3
- f = self.insertAtCursor
- def insertAtCursor(b):
- f(b)
- del self.insertAtCursor
- self.activeCharset = oldActiveCharset
- self.insertAtCursor = insertAtCursor
- def selectGraphicRendition(self, *attributes):
- for a in attributes:
- if a == insults.NORMAL:
- self.graphicRendition = {
- 'bold': False,
- 'underline': False,
- 'blink': False,
- 'reverseVideo': False,
- 'foreground': WHITE,
- 'background': BLACK}
- elif a == insults.BOLD:
- self.graphicRendition['bold'] = True
- elif a == insults.UNDERLINE:
- self.graphicRendition['underline'] = True
- elif a == insults.BLINK:
- self.graphicRendition['blink'] = True
- elif a == insults.REVERSE_VIDEO:
- self.graphicRendition['reverseVideo'] = True
- else:
- try:
- v = int(a)
- except ValueError:
- log.msg("Unknown graphic rendition attribute: " + repr(a))
- else:
- self.graphicRendition['foreground'] = v - FOREGROUND
- self.graphicRendition['background'] = v - BACKGROUND
- else:
- log.msg("Unknown graphic rendition attribute: " + repr(a))
- def eraseLine(self):
- self.lines[self.y] = self._emptyLine(self.width)
- def eraseToLineEnd(self):
- width = self.width - self.x
- self.lines[self.y][self.x:] = self._emptyLine(width)
- def eraseToLineBeginning(self):
- self.lines[self.y][:self.x + 1] = self._emptyLine(self.x + 1)
- def eraseDisplay(self):
- self.lines = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in xrange(self.height)]
- def eraseToDisplayEnd(self):
- self.eraseToLineEnd()
- height = self.height - self.y - 1
- self.lines[self.y + 1:] = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(height)]
- def eraseToDisplayBeginning(self):
- self.eraseToLineBeginning()
- self.lines[:self.y] = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(self.y)]
- def deleteCharacter(self, n=1):
- del self.lines[self.y][self.x:self.x+n]
- self.lines[self.y].extend(self._emptyLine(min(self.width - self.x, n)))
- def insertLine(self, n=1):
- self.lines[self.y:self.y] = [self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(n)]
- del self.lines[self.height:]
- def deleteLine(self, n=1):
- del self.lines[self.y:self.y+n]
- self.lines.extend([self._emptyLine(self.width) for i in range(n)])
- def reportCursorPosition(self):
- return (self.x, self.y)
- def reset(self):
- self.home = insults.Vector(0, 0)
- self.x = self.y = 0
- self.modes = {}
- self.privateModes = {}
- self.setPrivateModes([insults.privateModes.AUTO_WRAP,
- insults.privateModes.CURSOR_MODE])
- self.numericKeypad = 'app'
- self.activeCharset = insults.G0
- self.graphicRendition = {
- 'bold': False,
- 'underline': False,
- 'blink': False,
- 'reverseVideo': False,
- 'foreground': WHITE,
- 'background': BLACK}
- self.charsets = {
- insults.G0: insults.CS_US,
- insults.G1: insults.CS_US,
- insults.G2: insults.CS_ALTERNATE,
- insults.G3: insults.CS_ALTERNATE_SPECIAL}
- self.eraseDisplay()
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, buf):
- print 'Could not handle', repr(buf)
- def __str__(self):
- lines = []
- for L in self.lines:
- buf = []
- length = 0
- for (ch, attr) in L:
- if ch is not self.void:
- buf.append(ch)
- length = len(buf)
- else:
- buf.append(self.fill)
- lines.append(''.join(buf[:length]))
- return '\n'.join(lines)
-class ExpectationTimeout(Exception):
- pass
-class ExpectableBuffer(TerminalBuffer):
- _mark = 0
- def connectionMade(self):
- TerminalBuffer.connectionMade(self)
- self._expecting = []
- def write(self, bytes):
- TerminalBuffer.write(self, bytes)
- self._checkExpected()
- def cursorHome(self):
- TerminalBuffer.cursorHome(self)
- self._mark = 0
- def _timeoutExpected(self, d):
- d.errback(ExpectationTimeout())
- self._checkExpected()
- def _checkExpected(self):
- s = str(self)[self._mark:]
- while self._expecting:
- expr, timer, deferred = self._expecting[0]
- if timer and not timer.active():
- del self._expecting[0]
- continue
- for match in expr.finditer(s):
- if timer:
- timer.cancel()
- del self._expecting[0]
- self._mark += match.end()
- s = s[match.end():]
- deferred.callback(match)
- break
- else:
- return
- def expect(self, expression, timeout=None, scheduler=reactor):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- timer = None
- if timeout:
- timer = scheduler.callLater(timeout, self._timeoutExpected, d)
- self._expecting.append((re.compile(expression), timer, d))
- self._checkExpected()
- return d
-__all__ = ['CharacterAttribute', 'TerminalBuffer', 'ExpectableBuffer']