path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_insults.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_insults.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 496 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_insults.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_insults -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import ServerProtocol, ClientProtocol
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import CS_UK, CS_US, CS_DRAWING, CS_ALTERNATE, CS_ALTERNATE_SPECIAL
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import G0, G1
-from twisted.conch.insults.insults import modes
-def _getattr(mock, name):
- return super(Mock, mock).__getattribute__(name)
-def occurrences(mock):
- return _getattr(mock, 'occurrences')
-def methods(mock):
- return _getattr(mock, 'methods')
-def _append(mock, obj):
- occurrences(mock).append(obj)
-default = object()
-class Mock(object):
- callReturnValue = default
- def __init__(self, methods=None, callReturnValue=default):
- """
- @param methods: Mapping of names to return values
- @param callReturnValue: object __call__ should return
- """
- self.occurrences = []
- if methods is None:
- methods = {}
- self.methods = methods
- if callReturnValue is not default:
- self.callReturnValue = callReturnValue
- def __call__(self, *a, **kw):
- returnValue = _getattr(self, 'callReturnValue')
- if returnValue is default:
- returnValue = Mock()
- # _getattr(self, 'occurrences').append(('__call__', returnValue, a, kw))
- _append(self, ('__call__', returnValue, a, kw))
- return returnValue
- def __getattribute__(self, name):
- methods = _getattr(self, 'methods')
- if name in methods:
- attrValue = Mock(callReturnValue=methods[name])
- else:
- attrValue = Mock()
- # _getattr(self, 'occurrences').append((name, attrValue))
- _append(self, (name, attrValue))
- return attrValue
-class MockMixin:
- def assertCall(self, occurrence, methodName, expectedPositionalArgs=(),
- expectedKeywordArgs={}):
- attr, mock = occurrence
- self.assertEqual(attr, methodName)
- self.assertEqual(len(occurrences(mock)), 1)
- [(call, result, args, kw)] = occurrences(mock)
- self.assertEqual(call, "__call__")
- self.assertEqual(args, expectedPositionalArgs)
- self.assertEqual(kw, expectedKeywordArgs)
- return result
-_byteGroupingTestTemplate = """\
-def testByte%(groupName)s(self):
- transport = StringTransport()
- proto = Mock()
- parser = self.protocolFactory(lambda: proto)
- parser.factory = self
- parser.makeConnection(transport)
- bytes = self.TEST_BYTES
- while bytes:
- chunk = bytes[:%(bytesPer)d]
- bytes = bytes[%(bytesPer)d:]
- parser.dataReceived(chunk)
- self.verifyResults(transport, proto, parser)
-class ByteGroupingsMixin(MockMixin):
- protocolFactory = None
- for word, n in [('Pairs', 2), ('Triples', 3), ('Quads', 4), ('Quints', 5), ('Sexes', 6)]:
- exec _byteGroupingTestTemplate % {'groupName': word, 'bytesPer': n}
- del word, n
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "makeConnection", (parser,))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
-del _byteGroupingTestTemplate
-class ServerArrowKeys(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- protocolFactory = ServerProtocol
- # All the arrow keys once
- TEST_BYTES = '\x1b[A\x1b[B\x1b[C\x1b[D'
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for arrow in (parser.UP_ARROW, parser.DOWN_ARROW,
- parser.RIGHT_ARROW, parser.LEFT_ARROW):
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (arrow, None))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- self.failIf(occurrences(proto))
-class PrintableCharacters(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- protocolFactory = ServerProtocol
- # Some letters and digits, first on their own, then capitalized,
- # then modified with alt
- TEST_BYTES = 'abc123ABC!@#\x1ba\x1bb\x1bc\x1b1\x1b2\x1b3'
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for char in 'abc123ABC!@#':
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (char, None))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- for char in 'abc123':
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (char, parser.ALT))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- occs = occurrences(proto)
- self.failIf(occs, "%r should have been []" % (occs,))
-class ServerFunctionKeys(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """Test for parsing and dispatching function keys (F1 - F12)
- """
- protocolFactory = ServerProtocol
- byteList = []
- for bytes in ('OP', 'OQ', 'OR', 'OS', # F1 - F4
- '15~', '17~', '18~', '19~', # F5 - F8
- '20~', '21~', '23~', '24~'): # F9 - F12
- byteList.append('\x1b[' + bytes)
- TEST_BYTES = ''.join(byteList)
- del byteList, bytes
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for funcNum in range(1, 13):
- funcArg = getattr(parser, 'F%d' % (funcNum,))
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "keystrokeReceived", (funcArg, None))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- self.failIf(occurrences(proto))
-class ClientCursorMovement(ByteGroupingsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- protocolFactory = ClientProtocol
- d2 = "\x1b[2B"
- r4 = "\x1b[4C"
- u1 = "\x1b[A"
- l2 = "\x1b[2D"
- # Move the cursor down two, right four, up one, left two, up one, left two
- TEST_BYTES = d2 + r4 + u1 + l2 + u1 + l2
- del d2, r4, u1, l2
- def verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser):
- ByteGroupingsMixin.verifyResults(self, transport, proto, parser)
- for (method, count) in [('Down', 2), ('Forward', 4), ('Up', 1),
- ('Backward', 2), ('Up', 1), ('Backward', 2)]:
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(proto).pop(0), "cursor" + method, (count,))
- self.assertEqual(occurrences(result), [])
- self.failIf(occurrences(proto))
-class ClientControlSequences(unittest.TestCase, MockMixin):
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = StringTransport()
- self.proto = Mock()
- self.parser = ClientProtocol(lambda: self.proto)
- self.parser.factory = self
- self.parser.makeConnection(self.transport)
- result = self.assertCall(occurrences(self.proto).pop(0), "makeConnection", (self.parser,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- def testSimpleCardinals(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- ''.join([''.join(['\x1b[' + str(n) + ch for n in ('', 2, 20, 200)]) for ch in 'BACD']))
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for meth in ("Down", "Up", "Forward", "Backward"):
- for count in (1, 2, 20, 200):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "cursor" + meth, (count,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testScrollRegion(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived('\x1b[5;22r\x1b[r')
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "setScrollRegion", (5, 22))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "setScrollRegion", (None, None))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testHeightAndWidth(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b#3\x1b#4\x1b#5\x1b#6")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "doubleHeightLine", (True,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "doubleHeightLine", (False,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "singleWidthLine")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "doubleWidthLine")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testCharacterSet(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- ''.join([''.join(['\x1b' + g + n for n in 'AB012']) for g in '()']))
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for which in (G0, G1):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "selectCharacterSet", (charset, which))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testShifting(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x15\x14")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "shiftIn")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "shiftOut")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testSingleShifts(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1bN\x1bO")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "singleShift2")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "singleShift3")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testKeypadMode(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b=\x1b>")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "applicationKeypadMode")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "numericKeypadMode")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testCursor(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b7\x1b8")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "saveCursor")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "restoreCursor")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testReset(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1bc")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "reset")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testIndex(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1bD\x1bM\x1bE")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "index")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "reverseIndex")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "nextLine")
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testModes(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- "\x1b[" + ';'.join(map(str, [modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM])) + "h")
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- "\x1b[" + ';'.join(map(str, [modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM])) + "l")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "setModes", ([modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM],))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "resetModes", ([modes.KAM, modes.IRM, modes.LNM],))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testErasure(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived(
- "\x1b[K\x1b[1K\x1b[2K\x1b[J\x1b[1J\x1b[2J\x1b[3P")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for meth in ("eraseToLineEnd", "eraseToLineBeginning", "eraseLine",
- "eraseToDisplayEnd", "eraseToDisplayBeginning",
- "eraseDisplay"):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), meth)
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "deleteCharacter", (3,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testLineDeletion(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b[M\x1b[3M")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for arg in (1, 3):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "deleteLine", (arg,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testLineInsertion(self):
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b[L\x1b[3L")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- for arg in (1, 3):
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "insertLine", (arg,))
- self.failIf(occurrences(result))
- self.failIf(occs)
- def testCursorPosition(self):
- methods(self.proto)['reportCursorPosition'] = (6, 7)
- self.parser.dataReceived("\x1b[6n")
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), "\x1b[7;8R")
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- result = self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "reportCursorPosition")
- # This isn't really an interesting assert, since it only tests that
- # our mock setup is working right, but I'll include it anyway.
- self.assertEqual(result, (6, 7))
- def test_applicationDataBytes(self):
- """
- Contiguous non-control bytes are passed to a single call to the
- C{write} method of the terminal to which the L{ClientProtocol} is
- connected.
- """
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- self.parser.dataReceived('a')
- self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "write", ("a",))
- self.parser.dataReceived('bc')
- self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), "write", ("bc",))
- def _applicationDataTest(self, data, calls):
- occs = occurrences(self.proto)
- self.parser.dataReceived(data)
- while calls:
- self.assertCall(occs.pop(0), *calls.pop(0))
- self.assertFalse(occs, "No other calls should happen: %r" % (occs,))
- def test_shiftInAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by a shift-in command are passed to a
- call to C{write} before the terminal's C{shiftIn} method is called.
- """
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x15', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("shiftIn",)])
- def test_shiftOutAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by a shift-out command are passed to a
- call to C{write} before the terminal's C{shiftOut} method is called.
- """
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x14', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("shiftOut",)])
- def test_cursorBackwardAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by a cursor-backward command are passed
- to a call to C{write} before the terminal's C{cursorBackward} method is
- called.
- """
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x08', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("cursorBackward",)])
- def test_escapeAfterApplicationData(self):
- """
- Application data bytes followed by an escape character are passed to a
- call to C{write} before the terminal's handler method for the escape is
- called.
- """
- # Test a short escape
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x1bD', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("index",)])
- # And a long escape
- self._applicationDataTest(
- 'ab\x1b[4h', [
- ("write", ("ab",)),
- ("setModes", ([4],))])
- # There's some other cases too, but they're all handled by the same
- # codepaths as above.
-class ServerProtocolOutputTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the bytes L{ServerProtocol} writes to its transport when its
- methods are called.
- """
- def test_nextLine(self):
- """
- L{ServerProtocol.nextLine} writes C{"\r\n"} to its transport.
- """
- # Why doesn't it write ESC E? Because ESC E is poorly supported. For
- # example, gnome-terminal (many different versions) fails to scroll if
- # it receives ESC E and the cursor is already on the last row.
- protocol = ServerProtocol()
- transport = StringTransport()
- protocol.makeConnection(transport)
- protocol.nextLine()
- self.assertEqual(transport.value(), "\r\n")
-class Deprecations(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests to ensure deprecation of L{insults.colors} and L{insults.client}
- """
- def ensureDeprecated(self, message):
- """
- Ensures that the correct deprecation warning was issued.
- """
- warnings = self.flushWarnings()
- self.assertIdentical(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['message'], message)
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- def test_colors(self):
- """
- The L{insults.colors} module is deprecated
- """
- from twisted.conch.insults import colors
- self.ensureDeprecated("twisted.conch.insults.colors was deprecated "
- "in Twisted 10.1.0: Please use "
- "twisted.conch.insults.helper instead.")
- def test_client(self):
- """
- The L{insults.client} module is deprecated
- """
- from twisted.conch.insults import client
- self.ensureDeprecated("twisted.conch.insults.client was deprecated "
- "in Twisted 10.1.0: Please use "
- "twisted.conch.insults.insults instead.")