path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/tree.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/tree.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1122 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/tree.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/tree.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5cc71aa7..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from itertools import count
-import re, os, cStringIO, time, cgi, urlparse
-from xml.dom import minidom as dom
-from xml.sax.handler import ErrorHandler, feature_validation
-from xml.dom.pulldom import SAX2DOM
-from xml.sax import make_parser
-from xml.sax.xmlreader import InputSource
-from twisted.python import htmlizer, text
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.web import domhelpers
-import process, latex, indexer, numberer, htmlbook
-# relative links to html files
-def fixLinks(document, ext):
- """
- Rewrite links to XHTML lore input documents so they point to lore XHTML
- output documents.
- Any node with an C{href} attribute which does not contain a value starting
- with C{http}, C{https}, C{ftp}, or C{mailto} and which does not have a
- C{class} attribute of C{absolute} or which contains C{listing} and which
- does point to an URL ending with C{html} will have that attribute value
- rewritten so that the filename extension is C{ext} instead of C{html}.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @type ext: C{str}
- @param ext: The extension to use when selecting an output file name. This
- replaces the extension of the input file name.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- supported_schemes=['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'mailto']
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, 'href'):
- href = node.getAttribute("href")
- if urlparse.urlparse(href)[0] in supported_schemes:
- continue
- if node.getAttribute("class") == "absolute":
- continue
- if node.getAttribute("class").find('listing') != -1:
- continue
- # This is a relative link, so it should be munged.
- if href.endswith('html') or href[:href.rfind('#')].endswith('html'):
- fname, fext = os.path.splitext(href)
- if '#' in fext:
- fext = ext+'#'+fext.split('#', 1)[1]
- else:
- fext = ext
- node.setAttribute("href", fname + fext)
-def addMtime(document, fullpath):
- """
- Set the last modified time of the given document.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The output template which defines the presentation of the
- last modified time.
- @type fullpath: C{str}
- @param fullpath: The file name from which to take the last modified time.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class","mtime"):
- txt = dom.Text()
- txt.data = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(fullpath))
- node.appendChild(txt)
-def _getAPI(node):
- """
- Retrieve the fully qualified Python name represented by the given node.
- The name is represented by one or two aspects of the node: the value of the
- node's first child forms the end of the name. If the node has a C{base}
- attribute, that attribute's value is prepended to the node's value, with
- C{.} separating the two parts.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The fully qualified Python name.
- """
- base = ""
- if node.hasAttribute("base"):
- base = node.getAttribute("base") + "."
- return base+node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
-def fixAPI(document, url):
- """
- Replace API references with links to API documentation.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @type url: C{str}
- @param url: A string which will be interpolated with the fully qualified
- Python name of any API reference encountered in the input document, the
- result of which will be used as a link to API documentation for that name
- in the output document.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- # API references
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class", "API"):
- fullname = _getAPI(node)
- anchor = dom.Element('a')
- anchor.setAttribute('href', url % (fullname,))
- anchor.setAttribute('title', fullname)
- while node.childNodes:
- child = node.childNodes[0]
- node.removeChild(child)
- anchor.appendChild(child)
- node.appendChild(anchor)
- if node.hasAttribute('base'):
- node.removeAttribute('base')
-def fontifyPython(document):
- """
- Syntax color any node in the given document which contains a Python source
- listing.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- def matcher(node):
- return (node.nodeName == 'pre' and node.hasAttribute('class') and
- node.getAttribute('class') == 'python')
- for node in domhelpers.findElements(document, matcher):
- fontifyPythonNode(node)
-def fontifyPythonNode(node):
- """
- Syntax color the given node containing Python source code.
- The node must have a parent.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- oldio = cStringIO.StringIO()
- latex.getLatexText(node, oldio.write,
- entities={'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&'})
- oldio = cStringIO.StringIO(oldio.getvalue().strip()+'\n')
- howManyLines = len(oldio.getvalue().splitlines())
- newio = cStringIO.StringIO()
- htmlizer.filter(oldio, newio, writer=htmlizer.SmallerHTMLWriter)
- lineLabels = _makeLineNumbers(howManyLines)
- newel = dom.parseString(newio.getvalue()).documentElement
- newel.setAttribute("class", "python")
- node.parentNode.replaceChild(newel, node)
- newel.insertBefore(lineLabels, newel.firstChild)
-def addPyListings(document, dir):
- """
- Insert Python source listings into the given document from files in the
- given directory based on C{py-listing} nodes.
- Any node in C{document} with a C{class} attribute set to C{py-listing} will
- have source lines taken from the file named in that node's C{href}
- attribute (searched for in C{dir}) inserted in place of that node.
- If a node has a C{skipLines} attribute, its value will be parsed as an
- integer and that many lines will be skipped at the beginning of the source
- file.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The document within which to make listing replacements.
- @type dir: C{str}
- @param dir: The directory in which to find source files containing the
- referenced Python listings.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
- "py-listing"):
- filename = node.getAttribute("href")
- outfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
- lines = map(str.rstrip, open(os.path.join(dir, filename)).readlines())
- skip = node.getAttribute('skipLines') or 0
- lines = lines[int(skip):]
- howManyLines = len(lines)
- data = '\n'.join(lines)
- data = cStringIO.StringIO(text.removeLeadingTrailingBlanks(data))
- htmlizer.filter(data, outfile, writer=htmlizer.SmallerHTMLWriter)
- sourceNode = dom.parseString(outfile.getvalue()).documentElement
- sourceNode.insertBefore(_makeLineNumbers(howManyLines), sourceNode.firstChild)
- _replaceWithListing(node, sourceNode.toxml(), filename, "py-listing")
-def _makeLineNumbers(howMany):
- """
- Return an element which will render line numbers for a source listing.
- @param howMany: The number of lines in the source listing.
- @type howMany: C{int}
- @return: An L{dom.Element} which can be added to the document before
- the source listing to add line numbers to it.
- """
- # Figure out how many digits wide the widest line number label will be.
- width = len(str(howMany))
- # Render all the line labels with appropriate padding
- labels = ['%*d' % (width, i) for i in range(1, howMany + 1)]
- # Create a p element with the right style containing the labels
- p = dom.Element('p')
- p.setAttribute('class', 'py-linenumber')
- t = dom.Text()
- t.data = '\n'.join(labels) + '\n'
- p.appendChild(t)
- return p
-def _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, class_):
- captionTitle = domhelpers.getNodeText(node)
- if captionTitle == os.path.basename(filename):
- captionTitle = 'Source listing'
- text = ('<div class="%s">%s<div class="caption">%s - '
- '<a href="%s"><span class="filename">%s</span></a></div></div>' %
- (class_, val, captionTitle, filename, filename))
- newnode = dom.parseString(text).documentElement
- node.parentNode.replaceChild(newnode, node)
-def addHTMLListings(document, dir):
- """
- Insert HTML source listings into the given document from files in the given
- directory based on C{html-listing} nodes.
- Any node in C{document} with a C{class} attribute set to C{html-listing}
- will have source lines taken from the file named in that node's C{href}
- attribute (searched for in C{dir}) inserted in place of that node.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The document within which to make listing replacements.
- @type dir: C{str}
- @param dir: The directory in which to find source files containing the
- referenced HTML listings.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
- "html-listing"):
- filename = node.getAttribute("href")
- val = ('<pre class="htmlsource">\n%s</pre>' %
- cgi.escape(open(os.path.join(dir, filename)).read()))
- _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, "html-listing")
-def addPlainListings(document, dir):
- """
- Insert text listings into the given document from files in the given
- directory based on C{listing} nodes.
- Any node in C{document} with a C{class} attribute set to C{listing} will
- have source lines taken from the file named in that node's C{href}
- attribute (searched for in C{dir}) inserted in place of that node.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The document within which to make listing replacements.
- @type dir: C{str}
- @param dir: The directory in which to find source files containing the
- referenced text listings.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
- "listing"):
- filename = node.getAttribute("href")
- val = ('<pre>\n%s</pre>' %
- cgi.escape(open(os.path.join(dir, filename)).read()))
- _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, "listing")
-def getHeaders(document):
- """
- Return all H2 and H3 nodes in the given document.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @rtype: C{list}
- """
- return domhelpers.findElements(
- document,
- lambda n, m=re.compile('h[23]$').match: m(n.nodeName))
-def generateToC(document):
- """
- Create a table of contents for the given document.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @rtype: A DOM Node
- @return: a Node containing a table of contents based on the headers of the
- given document.
- """
- subHeaders = None
- headers = []
- for element in getHeaders(document):
- if element.tagName == 'h2':
- subHeaders = []
- headers.append((element, subHeaders))
- elif subHeaders is None:
- raise ValueError(
- "No H3 element is allowed until after an H2 element")
- else:
- subHeaders.append(element)
- auto = count().next
- def addItem(headerElement, parent):
- anchor = dom.Element('a')
- name = 'auto%d' % (auto(),)
- anchor.setAttribute('href', '#' + name)
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = domhelpers.getNodeText(headerElement)
- anchor.appendChild(text)
- headerNameItem = dom.Element('li')
- headerNameItem.appendChild(anchor)
- parent.appendChild(headerNameItem)
- anchor = dom.Element('a')
- anchor.setAttribute('name', name)
- headerElement.appendChild(anchor)
- toc = dom.Element('ol')
- for headerElement, subHeaders in headers:
- addItem(headerElement, toc)
- if subHeaders:
- subtoc = dom.Element('ul')
- toc.appendChild(subtoc)
- for subHeaderElement in subHeaders:
- addItem(subHeaderElement, subtoc)
- return toc
-def putInToC(document, toc):
- """
- Insert the given table of contents into the given document.
- The node with C{class} attribute set to C{toc} has its children replaced
- with C{toc}.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @type toc: A DOM Node
- """
- tocOrig = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, 'class', 'toc')
- if tocOrig:
- tocOrig= tocOrig[0]
- tocOrig.childNodes = [toc]
-def removeH1(document):
- """
- Replace all C{h1} nodes in the given document with empty C{span} nodes.
- C{h1} nodes mark up document sections and the output template is given an
- opportunity to present this information in a different way.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- h1 = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, 'h1')
- empty = dom.Element('span')
- for node in h1:
- node.parentNode.replaceChild(empty, node)
-def footnotes(document):
- """
- Find footnotes in the given document, move them to the end of the body, and
- generate links to them.
- A footnote is any node with a C{class} attribute set to C{footnote}.
- Footnote links are generated as superscript. Footnotes are collected in a
- C{ol} node at the end of the document.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- footnotes = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
- "footnote")
- if not footnotes:
- return
- footnoteElement = dom.Element('ol')
- id = 1
- for footnote in footnotes:
- href = dom.parseString('<a href="#footnote-%(id)d">'
- '<super>%(id)d</super></a>'
- % vars()).documentElement
- text = ' '.join(domhelpers.getNodeText(footnote).split())
- href.setAttribute('title', text)
- target = dom.Element('a')
- target.setAttribute('name', 'footnote-%d' % (id,))
- target.childNodes = [footnote]
- footnoteContent = dom.Element('li')
- footnoteContent.childNodes = [target]
- footnoteElement.childNodes.append(footnoteContent)
- footnote.parentNode.replaceChild(href, footnote)
- id += 1
- body = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, "body")[0]
- header = dom.parseString('<h2>Footnotes</h2>').documentElement
- body.childNodes.append(header)
- body.childNodes.append(footnoteElement)
-def notes(document):
- """
- Find notes in the given document and mark them up as such.
- A note is any node with a C{class} attribute set to C{note}.
- (I think this is a very stupid feature. When I found it I actually
- exclaimed out loud. -exarkun)
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- notes = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class", "note")
- notePrefix = dom.parseString('<strong>Note: </strong>').documentElement
- for note in notes:
- note.childNodes.insert(0, notePrefix)
-def findNodeJustBefore(target, nodes):
- """
- Find the last Element which is a sibling of C{target} and is in C{nodes}.
- @param target: A node the previous sibling of which to return.
- @param nodes: A list of nodes which might be the right node.
- @return: The previous sibling of C{target}.
- """
- while target is not None:
- node = target.previousSibling
- while node is not None:
- if node in nodes:
- return node
- node = node.previousSibling
- target = target.parentNode
- raise RuntimeError("Oops")
-def getFirstAncestorWithSectionHeader(entry):
- """
- Visit the ancestors of C{entry} until one with at least one C{h2} child
- node is found, then return all of that node's C{h2} child nodes.
- @type entry: A DOM Node
- @param entry: The node from which to begin traversal. This node itself is
- excluded from consideration.
- @rtype: C{list} of DOM Nodes
- @return: All C{h2} nodes of the ultimately selected parent node.
- """
- for a in domhelpers.getParents(entry)[1:]:
- headers = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(a, "h2")
- if len(headers) > 0:
- return headers
- return []
-def getSectionNumber(header):
- """
- Retrieve the section number of the given node.
- This is probably intended to interact in a rather specific way with
- L{numberDocument}.
- @type header: A DOM Node or L{None}
- @param header: The section from which to extract a number. The section
- number is the value of this node's first child.
- @return: C{None} or a C{str} giving the section number.
- """
- if not header:
- return None
- return domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(header.childNodes[0])
-def getSectionReference(entry):
- """
- Find the section number which contains the given node.
- This function looks at the given node's ancestry until it finds a node
- which defines a section, then returns that section's number.
- @type entry: A DOM Node
- @param entry: The node for which to determine the section.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The section number, as returned by C{getSectionNumber} of the
- first ancestor of C{entry} which defines a section, as determined by
- L{getFirstAncestorWithSectionHeader}.
- """
- headers = getFirstAncestorWithSectionHeader(entry)
- myHeader = findNodeJustBefore(entry, headers)
- return getSectionNumber(myHeader)
-def index(document, filename, chapterReference):
- """
- Extract index entries from the given document and store them for later use
- and insert named anchors so that the index can link back to those entries.
- Any node with a C{class} attribute set to C{index} is considered an index
- entry.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @type filename: C{str}
- @param filename: A link to the output for the given document which will be
- included in the index to link to any index entry found here.
- @type chapterReference: ???
- @param chapterReference: ???
- @return: C{None}
- """
- entries = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class", "index")
- if not entries:
- return
- i = 0;
- for entry in entries:
- i += 1
- anchor = 'index%02d' % i
- if chapterReference:
- ref = getSectionReference(entry) or chapterReference
- else:
- ref = 'link'
- indexer.addEntry(filename, anchor, entry.getAttribute('value'), ref)
- # does nodeName even affect anything?
- entry.nodeName = entry.tagName = entry.endTagName = 'a'
- for attrName in entry.attributes.keys():
- entry.removeAttribute(attrName)
- entry.setAttribute('name', anchor)
-def setIndexLink(template, indexFilename):
- """
- Insert a link to an index document.
- Any node with a C{class} attribute set to C{index-link} will have its tag
- name changed to C{a} and its C{href} attribute set to C{indexFilename}.
- @type template: A DOM Node or Document
- @param template: The output template which defines the presentation of the
- version information.
- @type indexFilename: C{str}
- @param indexFilename: The address of the index document to which to link.
- If any C{False} value, this function will remove all index-link nodes.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- indexLinks = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template,
- "class",
- "index-link")
- for link in indexLinks:
- if indexFilename is None:
- link.parentNode.removeChild(link)
- else:
- link.nodeName = link.tagName = link.endTagName = 'a'
- for attrName in link.attributes.keys():
- link.removeAttribute(attrName)
- link.setAttribute('href', indexFilename)
-def numberDocument(document, chapterNumber):
- """
- Number the sections of the given document.
- A dot-separated chapter, section number is added to the beginning of each
- section, as defined by C{h2} nodes.
- This is probably intended to interact in a rather specific way with
- L{getSectionNumber}.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @type chapterNumber: C{int}
- @param chapterNumber: The chapter number of this content in an overall
- document.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- i = 1
- for node in domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, "h2"):
- label = dom.Text()
- label.data = "%s.%d " % (chapterNumber, i)
- node.insertBefore(label, node.firstChild)
- i += 1
-def fixRelativeLinks(document, linkrel):
- """
- Replace relative links in C{str} and C{href} attributes with links relative
- to C{linkrel}.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The output template.
- @type linkrel: C{str}
- @param linkrel: An prefix to apply to all relative links in C{src} or
- C{href} attributes in the input document when generating the output
- document.
- """
- for attr in 'src', 'href':
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, attr):
- href = node.getAttribute(attr)
- if not href.startswith('http') and not href.startswith('/'):
- node.setAttribute(attr, linkrel+node.getAttribute(attr))
-def setTitle(template, title, chapterNumber):
- """
- Add title and chapter number information to the template document.
- The title is added to the end of the first C{title} tag and the end of the
- first tag with a C{class} attribute set to C{title}. If specified, the
- chapter is inserted before the title.
- @type template: A DOM Node or Document
- @param template: The output template which defines the presentation of the
- version information.
- @type title: C{list} of DOM Nodes
- @param title: Nodes from the input document defining its title.
- @type chapterNumber: C{int}
- @param chapterNumber: The chapter number of this content in an overall
- document. If not applicable, any C{False} value will result in this
- information being omitted.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- if numberer.getNumberSections() and chapterNumber:
- titleNode = dom.Text()
- # This is necessary in order for cloning below to work. See Python
- # isuse 4851.
- titleNode.ownerDocument = template.ownerDocument
- titleNode.data = '%s. ' % (chapterNumber,)
- title.insert(0, titleNode)
- for nodeList in (domhelpers.findNodesNamed(template, "title"),
- domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class",
- 'title')):
- if nodeList:
- for titleNode in title:
- nodeList[0].appendChild(titleNode.cloneNode(True))
-def setAuthors(template, authors):
- """
- Add author information to the template document.
- Names and contact information for authors are added to each node with a
- C{class} attribute set to C{authors} and to the template head as C{link}
- nodes.
- @type template: A DOM Node or Document
- @param template: The output template which defines the presentation of the
- version information.
- @type authors: C{list} of two-tuples of C{str}
- @param authors: List of names and contact information for the authors of
- the input document.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template,
- "class", 'authors'):
- # First, similarly to setTitle, insert text into an <div
- # class="authors">
- container = dom.Element('span')
- for name, href in authors:
- anchor = dom.Element('a')
- anchor.setAttribute('href', href)
- anchorText = dom.Text()
- anchorText.data = name
- anchor.appendChild(anchorText)
- if (name, href) == authors[-1]:
- if len(authors) == 1:
- container.appendChild(anchor)
- else:
- andText = dom.Text()
- andText.data = 'and '
- container.appendChild(andText)
- container.appendChild(anchor)
- else:
- container.appendChild(anchor)
- commaText = dom.Text()
- commaText.data = ', '
- container.appendChild(commaText)
- node.appendChild(container)
- # Second, add appropriate <link rel="author" ...> tags to the <head>.
- head = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(template, 'head')[0]
- authors = [dom.parseString('<link rel="author" href="%s" title="%s"/>'
- % (href, name)).childNodes[0]
- for name, href in authors]
- head.childNodes.extend(authors)
-def setVersion(template, version):
- """
- Add a version indicator to the given template.
- @type template: A DOM Node or Document
- @param template: The output template which defines the presentation of the
- version information.
- @type version: C{str}
- @param version: The version string to add to the template.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class",
- "version"):
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = version
- node.appendChild(text)
-def getOutputFileName(originalFileName, outputExtension, index=None):
- """
- Return a filename which is the same as C{originalFileName} except for the
- extension, which is replaced with C{outputExtension}.
- For example, if C{originalFileName} is C{'/foo/bar.baz'} and
- C{outputExtension} is C{'quux'}, the return value will be
- C{'/foo/bar.quux'}.
- @type originalFileName: C{str}
- @type outputExtension: C{stR}
- @param index: ignored, never passed.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- return os.path.splitext(originalFileName)[0]+outputExtension
-def munge(document, template, linkrel, dir, fullpath, ext, url, config, outfileGenerator=getOutputFileName):
- """
- Mutate C{template} until it resembles C{document}.
- @type document: A DOM Node or Document
- @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be
- presented.
- @type template: A DOM Node or Document
- @param template: The template document which defines the desired
- presentation format of the content.
- @type linkrel: C{str}
- @param linkrel: An prefix to apply to all relative links in C{src} or
- C{href} attributes in the input document when generating the output
- document.
- @type dir: C{str}
- @param dir: The directory in which to search for source listing files.
- @type fullpath: C{str}
- @param fullpath: The file name which contained the input document.
- @type ext: C{str}
- @param ext: The extension to use when selecting an output file name. This
- replaces the extension of the input file name.
- @type url: C{str}
- @param url: A string which will be interpolated with the fully qualified
- Python name of any API reference encountered in the input document, the
- result of which will be used as a link to API documentation for that name
- in the output document.
- @type config: C{dict}
- @param config: Further specification of the desired form of the output.
- Valid keys in this dictionary::
- noapi: If present and set to a True value, links to API documentation
- will not be generated.
- version: A string which will be included in the output to indicate the
- version of this documentation.
- @type outfileGenerator: Callable of C{str}, C{str} returning C{str}
- @param outfileGenerator: Output filename factory. This is invoked with the
- intput filename and C{ext} and the output document is serialized to the
- file with the name returned.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- fixRelativeLinks(template, linkrel)
- addMtime(template, fullpath)
- removeH1(document)
- if not config.get('noapi', False):
- fixAPI(document, url)
- fontifyPython(document)
- fixLinks(document, ext)
- addPyListings(document, dir)
- addHTMLListings(document, dir)
- addPlainListings(document, dir)
- putInToC(template, generateToC(document))
- footnotes(document)
- notes(document)
- setIndexLink(template, indexer.getIndexFilename())
- setVersion(template, config.get('version', ''))
- # Insert the document into the template
- chapterNumber = htmlbook.getNumber(fullpath)
- title = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, 'title')[0].childNodes
- setTitle(template, title, chapterNumber)
- if numberer.getNumberSections() and chapterNumber:
- numberDocument(document, chapterNumber)
- index(document, outfileGenerator(os.path.split(fullpath)[1], ext),
- htmlbook.getReference(fullpath))
- authors = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, 'link')
- authors = [(node.getAttribute('title') or '',
- node.getAttribute('href') or '')
- for node in authors
- if node.getAttribute('rel') == 'author']
- setAuthors(template, authors)
- body = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, "body")[0]
- tmplbody = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class",
- "body")[0]
- tmplbody.childNodes = body.childNodes
- tmplbody.setAttribute("class", "content")
-class _LocationReportingErrorHandler(ErrorHandler):
- """
- Define a SAX error handler which can report the location of fatal
- errors.
- Unlike the errors reported during parsing by other APIs in the xml
- package, this one tries to mismatched tag errors by including the
- location of both the relevant opening and closing tags.
- """
- def __init__(self, contentHandler):
- self.contentHandler = contentHandler
- def fatalError(self, err):
- # Unfortunately, the underlying expat error code is only exposed as
- # a string. I surely do hope no one ever goes and localizes expat.
- if err.getMessage() == 'mismatched tag':
- expect, begLine, begCol = self.contentHandler._locationStack[-1]
- endLine, endCol = err.getLineNumber(), err.getColumnNumber()
- raise process.ProcessingFailure(
- "mismatched close tag at line %d, column %d; expected </%s> "
- "(from line %d, column %d)" % (
- endLine, endCol, expect, begLine, begCol))
- raise process.ProcessingFailure(
- '%s at line %d, column %d' % (err.getMessage(),
- err.getLineNumber(),
- err.getColumnNumber()))
-class _TagTrackingContentHandler(SAX2DOM):
- """
- Define a SAX content handler which keeps track of the start location of
- all open tags. This information is used by the above defined error
- handler to report useful locations when a fatal error is encountered.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- SAX2DOM.__init__(self)
- self._locationStack = []
- def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
- self._docLocator = locator
- SAX2DOM.setDocumentLocator(self, locator)
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- self._locationStack.append((name, self._docLocator.getLineNumber(), self._docLocator.getColumnNumber()))
- SAX2DOM.startElement(self, name, attrs)
- def endElement(self, name):
- self._locationStack.pop()
- SAX2DOM.endElement(self, name)
-class _LocalEntityResolver(object):
- """
- Implement DTD loading (from a local source) for the limited number of
- DTDs which are allowed for Lore input documents.
- @ivar filename: The name of the file containing the lore input
- document.
- @ivar knownDTDs: A mapping from DTD system identifiers to L{FilePath}
- instances pointing to the corresponding DTD.
- """
- s = FilePath(__file__).sibling
- knownDTDs = {
- None: s("xhtml1-strict.dtd"),
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd": s("xhtml1-strict.dtd"),
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd": s("xhtml1-transitional.dtd"),
- "xhtml-lat1.ent": s("xhtml-lat1.ent"),
- "xhtml-symbol.ent": s("xhtml-symbol.ent"),
- "xhtml-special.ent": s("xhtml-special.ent"),
- }
- del s
- def __init__(self, filename):
- self.filename = filename
- def resolveEntity(self, publicId, systemId):
- source = InputSource()
- source.setSystemId(systemId)
- try:
- dtdPath = self.knownDTDs[systemId]
- except KeyError:
- raise process.ProcessingFailure(
- "Invalid DTD system identifier (%r) in %s. Only "
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd "
- "is allowed." % (systemId, self.filename))
- source.setByteStream(dtdPath.open())
- return source
-def parseFileAndReport(filename, _open=file):
- """
- Parse and return the contents of the given lore XHTML document.
- @type filename: C{str}
- @param filename: The name of a file containing a lore XHTML document to
- load.
- @raise process.ProcessingFailure: When the contents of the specified file
- cannot be parsed.
- @rtype: A DOM Document
- @return: The document contained in C{filename}.
- """
- content = _TagTrackingContentHandler()
- error = _LocationReportingErrorHandler(content)
- parser = make_parser()
- parser.setContentHandler(content)
- parser.setErrorHandler(error)
- # In order to call a method on the expat parser which will be used by this
- # parser, we need the expat parser to be created. This doesn't happen
- # until reset is called, normally by the parser's parse method. That's too
- # late for us, since it will then go on to parse the document without
- # letting us do any extra set up. So, force the expat parser to be created
- # here, and then disable reset so that the parser created is the one
- # actually used to parse our document. Resetting is only needed if more
- # than one document is going to be parsed, and that isn't the case here.
- parser.reset()
- parser.reset = lambda: None
- # This is necessary to make the xhtml1 transitional declaration optional.
- # It causes LocalEntityResolver.resolveEntity(None, None) to be called.
- # LocalEntityResolver handles that case by giving out the xhtml1
- # transitional dtd. Unfortunately, there is no public API for manipulating
- # the expat parser when using xml.sax. Using the private _parser attribute
- # may break. It's also possible that make_parser will return a parser
- # which doesn't use expat, but uses some other parser. Oh well. :(
- # -exarkun
- parser._parser.UseForeignDTD(True)
- parser.setEntityResolver(_LocalEntityResolver(filename))
- # This is probably no-op because expat is not a validating parser. Who
- # knows though, maybe you figured out a way to not use expat.
- parser.setFeature(feature_validation, False)
- fObj = _open(filename)
- try:
- try:
- parser.parse(fObj)
- except IOError, e:
- raise process.ProcessingFailure(
- e.strerror + ", filename was '" + filename + "'")
- finally:
- fObj.close()
- return content.document
-def makeSureDirectoryExists(filename):
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
- if (not os.path.exists(dirname)):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
-def doFile(filename, linkrel, ext, url, templ, options={}, outfileGenerator=getOutputFileName):
- """
- Process the input document at C{filename} and write an output document.
- @type filename: C{str}
- @param filename: The path to the input file which will be processed.
- @type linkrel: C{str}
- @param linkrel: An prefix to apply to all relative links in C{src} or
- C{href} attributes in the input document when generating the output
- document.
- @type ext: C{str}
- @param ext: The extension to use when selecting an output file name. This
- replaces the extension of the input file name.
- @type url: C{str}
- @param url: A string which will be interpolated with the fully qualified
- Python name of any API reference encountered in the input document, the
- result of which will be used as a link to API documentation for that name
- in the output document.
- @type templ: A DOM Node or Document
- @param templ: The template on which the output document will be based.
- This is mutated and then serialized to the output file.
- @type options: C{dict}
- @param options: Further specification of the desired form of the output.
- Valid keys in this dictionary::
- noapi: If present and set to a True value, links to API documentation
- will not be generated.
- version: A string which will be included in the output to indicate the
- version of this documentation.
- @type outfileGenerator: Callable of C{str}, C{str} returning C{str}
- @param outfileGenerator: Output filename factory. This is invoked with the
- intput filename and C{ext} and the output document is serialized to the
- file with the name returned.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- doc = parseFileAndReport(filename)
- clonedNode = templ.cloneNode(1)
- munge(doc, clonedNode, linkrel, os.path.dirname(filename), filename, ext,
- url, options, outfileGenerator)
- newFilename = outfileGenerator(filename, ext)
- _writeDocument(newFilename, clonedNode)
-def _writeDocument(newFilename, clonedNode):
- """
- Serialize the given node to XML into the named file.
- @param newFilename: The name of the file to which the XML will be
- written. If this is in a directory which does not exist, the
- directory will be created.
- @param clonedNode: The root DOM node which will be serialized.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- makeSureDirectoryExists(newFilename)
- f = open(newFilename, 'w')
- f.write(clonedNode.toxml('utf-8'))
- f.close()