path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/ftp.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/ftp.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2955 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/ftp.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_ftp -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-An FTP protocol implementation
-# System Imports
-import os
-import time
-import re
-import operator
-import stat
-import errno
-import fnmatch
-import warnings
- import pwd, grp
-except ImportError:
- pwd = grp = None
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-# Twisted Imports
-from twisted import copyright
-from twisted.internet import reactor, interfaces, protocol, error, defer
-from twisted.protocols import basic, policies
-from twisted.python import log, failure, filepath
-from twisted.python.compat import reduce
-from twisted.cred import error as cred_error, portal, credentials, checkers
-# constants
-# response codes
-CMD_OK = "200.1"
-TYPE_SET_OK = "200.2"
-DIR_STATUS = "212"
-FILE_STATUS = "213"
-HELP_MSG = "214"
-NAME_SYS_TYPE = "215"
-WELCOME_MSG = "220.2"
-GOODBYE_MSG = "221.2"
-USR_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED = "230.1" # v1 of code 230
-GUEST_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED = "230.2" # v2 of code 230
-PWD_REPLY = "257.1"
-MKD_REPLY = "257.2"
-USR_NAME_OK_NEED_PASS = "331.1" # v1 of Code 331
-GUEST_NAME_OK_NEED_EMAIL = "331.2" # v2 of code 331
-SYNTAX_ERR = "500"
-BAD_CMD_SEQ = "503"
-NOT_LOGGED_IN = "530.1" # v1 of code 530 - please log in
-AUTH_FAILURE = "530.2" # v2 of code 530 - authorization failure
-FILE_NOT_FOUND = "550.1" # no such file or directory
-PERMISSION_DENIED = "550.2" # permission denied
-ANON_USER_DENIED = "550.3" # anonymous users can't alter filesystem
-IS_NOT_A_DIR = "550.4" # rmd called on a path that is not a directory
-FILE_EXISTS = "550.6"
-IS_A_DIR = "550.7"
-PAGE_TYPE_UNK = "551"
- # -- 100's --
- RESTART_MARKER_REPLY: '110 MARK yyyy-mmmm', # TODO: this must be fixed
- SERVICE_READY_IN_N_MINUTES: '120 service ready in %s minutes',
- DATA_CNX_ALREADY_OPEN_START_XFR: '125 Data connection already open, starting transfer',
- FILE_STATUS_OK_OPEN_DATA_CNX: '150 File status okay; about to open data connection.',
- # -- 200's --
- CMD_OK: '200 Command OK',
- TYPE_SET_OK: '200 Type set to %s.',
- CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_SUPERFLUOUS: '202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site',
- SYS_STATUS_OR_HELP_REPLY: '211 System status reply',
- DIR_STATUS: '212 %s',
- FILE_STATUS: '213 %s',
- HELP_MSG: '214 help: %s',
- NAME_SYS_TYPE: '215 UNIX Type: L8',
- WELCOME_MSG: "220 %s",
- SVC_READY_FOR_NEW_USER: '220 Service ready',
- SVC_CLOSING_CTRL_CNX: '221 Service closing control connection',
- GOODBYE_MSG: '221 Goodbye.',
- DATA_CNX_OPEN_NO_XFR_IN_PROGRESS: '225 data connection open, no transfer in progress',
- CLOSING_DATA_CNX: '226 Abort successful',
- TXFR_COMPLETE_OK: '226 Transfer Complete.',
- ENTERING_PASV_MODE: '227 Entering Passive Mode (%s).',
- ENTERING_EPSV_MODE: '229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||%s|).', # where is epsv defined in the rfc's?
- USR_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED: '230 User logged in, proceed',
- GUEST_LOGGED_IN_PROCEED: '230 Anonymous login ok, access restrictions apply.',
- REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK: '250 Requested File Action Completed OK', #i.e. CWD completed ok
- PWD_REPLY: '257 "%s"',
- MKD_REPLY: '257 "%s" created',
- # -- 300's --
- USR_NAME_OK_NEED_PASS: '331 Password required for %s.',
- GUEST_NAME_OK_NEED_EMAIL: '331 Guest login ok, type your email address as password.',
- NEED_ACCT_FOR_LOGIN: '332 Need account for login.',
- REQ_FILE_ACTN_PENDING_FURTHER_INFO: '350 Requested file action pending further information.',
-# -- 400's --
- SVC_NOT_AVAIL_CLOSING_CTRL_CNX: '421 Service not available, closing control connection.',
- TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS: '421 Too many users right now, try again in a few minutes.',
- CANT_OPEN_DATA_CNX: "425 Can't open data connection.",
- CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED: '426 Transfer aborted. Data connection closed.',
- REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_FILE_UNAVAIL: '450 Requested action aborted. File unavailable.',
- REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_LOCAL_ERR: '451 Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.',
- REQ_ACTN_ABRTD_INSUFF_STORAGE: '452 Requested action aborted. Insufficient storage.',
- # -- 500's --
- SYNTAX_ERR: "500 Syntax error: %s",
- SYNTAX_ERR_IN_ARGS: '501 syntax error in argument(s) %s.',
- CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD: "502 Command '%s' not implemented",
- BAD_CMD_SEQ: '503 Incorrect sequence of commands: %s',
- CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD_FOR_PARAM: "504 Not implemented for parameter '%s'.",
- NOT_LOGGED_IN: '530 Please login with USER and PASS.',
- AUTH_FAILURE: '530 Sorry, Authentication failed.',
- NEED_ACCT_FOR_STOR: '532 Need an account for storing files',
- FILE_NOT_FOUND: '550 %s: No such file or directory.',
- PERMISSION_DENIED: '550 %s: Permission denied.',
- ANON_USER_DENIED: '550 Anonymous users are forbidden to change the filesystem',
- IS_NOT_A_DIR: '550 Cannot rmd, %s is not a directory',
- FILE_EXISTS: '550 %s: File exists',
- IS_A_DIR: '550 %s: is a directory',
- REQ_ACTN_NOT_TAKEN: '550 Requested action not taken: %s',
- PAGE_TYPE_UNK: '551 Page type unknown',
- EXCEEDED_STORAGE_ALLOC: '552 Requested file action aborted, exceeded file storage allocation',
- FILENAME_NOT_ALLOWED: '553 Requested action not taken, file name not allowed'
-class InvalidPath(Exception):
- """
- Internal exception used to signify an error during parsing a path.
- """
-def toSegments(cwd, path):
- """
- Normalize a path, as represented by a list of strings each
- representing one segment of the path.
- """
- if path.startswith('/'):
- segs = []
- else:
- segs = cwd[:]
- for s in path.split('/'):
- if s == '.' or s == '':
- continue
- elif s == '..':
- if segs:
- segs.pop()
- else:
- raise InvalidPath(cwd, path)
- elif '\0' in s or '/' in s:
- raise InvalidPath(cwd, path)
- else:
- segs.append(s)
- return segs
-def errnoToFailure(e, path):
- """
- Map C{OSError} and C{IOError} to standard FTP errors.
- """
- if e == errno.ENOENT:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- elif e == errno.EACCES or e == errno.EPERM:
- return defer.fail(PermissionDeniedError(path))
- elif e == errno.ENOTDIR:
- return defer.fail(IsNotADirectoryError(path))
- elif e == errno.EEXIST:
- return defer.fail(FileExistsError(path))
- elif e == errno.EISDIR:
- return defer.fail(IsADirectoryError(path))
- else:
- return defer.fail()
-class FTPCmdError(Exception):
- """
- Generic exception for FTP commands.
- """
- def __init__(self, *msg):
- Exception.__init__(self, *msg)
- self.errorMessage = msg
- def response(self):
- """
- Generate a FTP response message for this error.
- """
- return RESPONSE[self.errorCode] % self.errorMessage
-class FileNotFoundError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when trying to access a non existent file or directory.
- """
- errorCode = FILE_NOT_FOUND
-class AnonUserDeniedError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when an anonymous user issues a command that will alter the
- filesystem
- """
- errorCode = ANON_USER_DENIED
-class PermissionDeniedError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when access is attempted to a resource to which access is
- not allowed.
- """
-class IsNotADirectoryError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when RMD is called on a path that isn't a directory.
- """
- errorCode = IS_NOT_A_DIR
-class FileExistsError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when attempted to override an existing resource.
- """
- errorCode = FILE_EXISTS
-class IsADirectoryError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when DELE is called on a path that is a directory.
- """
- errorCode = IS_A_DIR
-class CmdSyntaxError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when a command syntax is wrong.
- """
- errorCode = SYNTAX_ERR
-class CmdArgSyntaxError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when a command is called with wrong value or a wrong number of
- arguments.
- """
- errorCode = SYNTAX_ERR_IN_ARGS
-class CmdNotImplementedError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when an unimplemented command is given to the server.
- """
- errorCode = CMD_NOT_IMPLMNTD
-class CmdNotImplementedForArgError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when the handling of a parameter for a command is not implemented by
- the server.
- """
-class FTPError(Exception):
- pass
-class PortConnectionError(Exception):
- pass
-class BadCmdSequenceError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when a client sends a series of commands in an illogical sequence.
- """
- errorCode = BAD_CMD_SEQ
-class AuthorizationError(FTPCmdError):
- """
- Raised when client authentication fails.
- """
- errorCode = AUTH_FAILURE
-def debugDeferred(self, *_):
- log.msg('debugDeferred(): %s' % str(_), debug=True)
-# -- DTP Protocol --
-_months = [
- None,
- 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
-class DTP(object, protocol.Protocol):
- implements(interfaces.IConsumer)
- isConnected = False
- _cons = None
- _onConnLost = None
- _buffer = None
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.isConnected = True
- self.factory.deferred.callback(None)
- self._buffer = []
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.isConnected = False
- if self._onConnLost is not None:
- self._onConnLost.callback(None)
- def sendLine(self, line):
- self.transport.write(line + '\r\n')
- def _formatOneListResponse(self, name, size, directory, permissions, hardlinks, modified, owner, group):
- def formatMode(mode):
- return ''.join([mode & (256 >> n) and 'rwx'[n % 3] or '-' for n in range(9)])
- def formatDate(mtime):
- now = time.gmtime()
- info = {
- 'month': _months[mtime.tm_mon],
- 'day': mtime.tm_mday,
- 'year': mtime.tm_year,
- 'hour': mtime.tm_hour,
- 'minute': mtime.tm_min
- }
- if now.tm_year != mtime.tm_year:
- return '%(month)s %(day)02d %(year)5d' % info
- else:
- return '%(month)s %(day)02d %(hour)02d:%(minute)02d' % info
- format = ('%(directory)s%(permissions)s%(hardlinks)4d '
- '%(owner)-9s %(group)-9s %(size)15d %(date)12s '
- '%(name)s')
- return format % {
- 'directory': directory and 'd' or '-',
- 'permissions': formatMode(permissions),
- 'hardlinks': hardlinks,
- 'owner': owner[:8],
- 'group': group[:8],
- 'size': size,
- 'date': formatDate(time.gmtime(modified)),
- 'name': name}
- def sendListResponse(self, name, response):
- self.sendLine(self._formatOneListResponse(name, *response))
- # Proxy IConsumer to our transport
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- return self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self.transport.unregisterProducer()
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def write(self, data):
- if self.isConnected:
- return self.transport.write(data)
- raise Exception("Crap damn crap damn crap damn")
- # Pretend to be a producer, too.
- def _conswrite(self, bytes):
- try:
- self._cons.write(bytes)
- except:
- self._onConnLost.errback()
- def dataReceived(self, bytes):
- if self._cons is not None:
- self._conswrite(bytes)
- else:
- self._buffer.append(bytes)
- def _unregConsumer(self, ignored):
- self._cons.unregisterProducer()
- self._cons = None
- del self._onConnLost
- return ignored
- def registerConsumer(self, cons):
- assert self._cons is None
- self._cons = cons
- self._cons.registerProducer(self, True)
- for chunk in self._buffer:
- self._conswrite(chunk)
- self._buffer = None
- if self.isConnected:
- self._onConnLost = d = defer.Deferred()
- d.addBoth(self._unregConsumer)
- return d
- else:
- self._cons.unregisterProducer()
- self._cons = None
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def resumeProducing(self):
- self.transport.resumeProducing()
- def pauseProducing(self):
- self.transport.pauseProducing()
- def stopProducing(self):
- self.transport.stopProducing()
-class DTPFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- """
- Client factory for I{data transfer process} protocols.
- @ivar peerCheck: perform checks to make sure the ftp-pi's peer is the same
- as the dtp's
- @ivar pi: a reference to this factory's protocol interpreter
- @ivar _state: Indicates the current state of the DTPFactory. Initially,
- this is L{_IN_PROGRESS}. If the connection fails or times out, it is
- L{_FAILED}. If the connection succeeds before the timeout, it is
- """
- _IN_PROGRESS = object()
- _FAILED = object()
- _FINISHED = object()
- _state = _IN_PROGRESS
- # -- configuration variables --
- peerCheck = False
- # -- class variables --
- def __init__(self, pi, peerHost=None, reactor=None):
- """Constructor
- @param pi: this factory's protocol interpreter
- @param peerHost: if peerCheck is True, this is the tuple that the
- generated instance will use to perform security checks
- """
- self.pi = pi # the protocol interpreter that is using this factory
- self.peerHost = peerHost # the from FTP.transport.peerHost()
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred() # deferred will fire when instance is connected
- self.delayedCall = None
- if reactor is None:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self._reactor = reactor
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- log.msg('DTPFactory.buildProtocol', debug=True)
- if self._state is not self._IN_PROGRESS:
- return None
- self._state = self._FINISHED
- self.cancelTimeout()
- p = DTP()
- p.factory = self
- p.pi = self.pi
- self.pi.dtpInstance = p
- return p
- def stopFactory(self):
- log.msg('dtpFactory.stopFactory', debug=True)
- self.cancelTimeout()
- def timeoutFactory(self):
- log.msg('timed out waiting for DTP connection')
- if self._state is not self._IN_PROGRESS:
- return
- self._state = self._FAILED
- d = self.deferred
- self.deferred = None
- d.errback(
- PortConnectionError(defer.TimeoutError("DTPFactory timeout")))
- def cancelTimeout(self):
- if self.delayedCall is not None and self.delayedCall.active():
- log.msg('cancelling DTP timeout', debug=True)
- self.delayedCall.cancel()
- def setTimeout(self, seconds):
- log.msg('DTPFactory.setTimeout set to %s seconds' % seconds)
- self.delayedCall = self._reactor.callLater(seconds, self.timeoutFactory)
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- if self._state is not self._IN_PROGRESS:
- return
- self._state = self._FAILED
- d = self.deferred
- self.deferred = None
- d.errback(PortConnectionError(reason))
-# -- FTP-PI (Protocol Interpreter) --
-class ASCIIConsumerWrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, cons):
- self.cons = cons
- self.registerProducer = cons.registerProducer
- self.unregisterProducer = cons.unregisterProducer
- assert os.linesep == "\r\n" or len(os.linesep) == 1, "Unsupported platform (yea right like this even exists)"
- if os.linesep == "\r\n":
- self.write = cons.write
- def write(self, bytes):
- return self.cons.write(bytes.replace(os.linesep, "\r\n"))
-class FileConsumer(object):
- """
- A consumer for FTP input that writes data to a file.
- @ivar fObj: a file object opened for writing, used to write data received.
- @type fObj: C{file}
- """
- implements(interfaces.IConsumer)
- def __init__(self, fObj):
- self.fObj = fObj
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- self.producer = producer
- assert streaming
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self.producer = None
- self.fObj.close()
- def write(self, bytes):
- self.fObj.write(bytes)
-class FTPOverflowProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):
- """FTP mini-protocol for when there are too many connections."""
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
-class FTP(object, basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
- """
- Protocol Interpreter for the File Transfer Protocol
- @ivar state: The current server state. One of L{UNAUTH},
- @ivar shell: The connected avatar
- @ivar binary: The transfer mode. If false, ASCII.
- @ivar dtpFactory: Generates a single DTP for this session
- @ivar dtpPort: Port returned from listenTCP
- @ivar listenFactory: A callable with the signature of
- L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP.listenTCP} which will be used
- to create Ports for passive connections (mainly for testing).
- @ivar passivePortRange: iterator used as source of passive port numbers.
- @type passivePortRange: C{iterator}
- """
- disconnected = False
- # States an FTP can be in
- # how long the DTP waits for a connection
- dtpTimeout = 10
- portal = None
- shell = None
- dtpFactory = None
- dtpPort = None
- dtpInstance = None
- binary = True
- passivePortRange = xrange(0, 1)
- listenFactory = reactor.listenTCP
- def reply(self, key, *args):
- msg = RESPONSE[key] % args
- self.sendLine(msg)
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.state = self.UNAUTH
- self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
- self.reply(WELCOME_MSG, self.factory.welcomeMessage)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- # if we have a DTP protocol instance running and
- # we lose connection to the client's PI, kill the
- # DTP connection and close the port
- if self.dtpFactory:
- self.cleanupDTP()
- self.setTimeout(None)
- if hasattr(self.shell, 'logout') and self.shell.logout is not None:
- self.shell.logout()
- self.shell = None
- self.transport = None
- def timeoutConnection(self):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- self.resetTimeout()
- self.pauseProducing()
- def processFailed(err):
- if err.check(FTPCmdError):
- self.sendLine(err.value.response())
- elif (err.check(TypeError) and
- err.value.args[0].find('takes exactly') != -1):
- self.reply(SYNTAX_ERR, "%s requires an argument." % (cmd,))
- else:
- log.msg("Unexpected FTP error")
- log.err(err)
- self.reply(REQ_ACTN_NOT_TAKEN, "internal server error")
- def processSucceeded(result):
- if isinstance(result, tuple):
- self.reply(*result)
- elif result is not None:
- self.reply(result)
- def allDone(ignored):
- if not self.disconnected:
- self.resumeProducing()
- spaceIndex = line.find(' ')
- if spaceIndex != -1:
- cmd = line[:spaceIndex]
- args = (line[spaceIndex + 1:],)
- else:
- cmd = line
- args = ()
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.processCommand, cmd, *args)
- d.addCallbacks(processSucceeded, processFailed)
- d.addErrback(log.err)
- # XXX It burnsss
- # LineReceiver doesn't let you resumeProducing inside
- # lineReceived atm
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- reactor.callLater(0, d.addBoth, allDone)
- def processCommand(self, cmd, *params):
- cmd = cmd.upper()
- if self.state == self.UNAUTH:
- if cmd == 'USER':
- return self.ftp_USER(*params)
- elif cmd == 'PASS':
- return BAD_CMD_SEQ, "USER required before PASS"
- else:
- return NOT_LOGGED_IN
- elif self.state == self.INAUTH:
- if cmd == 'PASS':
- return self.ftp_PASS(*params)
- else:
- return BAD_CMD_SEQ, "PASS required after USER"
- elif self.state == self.AUTHED:
- method = getattr(self, "ftp_" + cmd, None)
- if method is not None:
- return method(*params)
- return defer.fail(CmdNotImplementedError(cmd))
- elif self.state == self.RENAMING:
- if cmd == 'RNTO':
- return self.ftp_RNTO(*params)
- else:
- return BAD_CMD_SEQ, "RNTO required after RNFR"
- def getDTPPort(self, factory):
- """
- Return a port for passive access, using C{self.passivePortRange}
- attribute.
- """
- for portn in self.passivePortRange:
- try:
- dtpPort = self.listenFactory(portn, factory)
- except error.CannotListenError:
- continue
- else:
- return dtpPort
- raise error.CannotListenError('', portn,
- "No port available in range %s" %
- (self.passivePortRange,))
- def ftp_USER(self, username):
- """
- First part of login. Get the username the peer wants to
- authenticate as.
- """
- if not username:
- return defer.fail(CmdSyntaxError('USER requires an argument'))
- self._user = username
- self.state = self.INAUTH
- if self.factory.allowAnonymous and self._user == self.factory.userAnonymous:
- else:
- return (USR_NAME_OK_NEED_PASS, username)
- # TODO: add max auth try before timeout from ip...
- # TODO: need to implement minimal ABOR command
- def ftp_PASS(self, password):
- """
- Second part of login. Get the password the peer wants to
- authenticate with.
- """
- if self.factory.allowAnonymous and self._user == self.factory.userAnonymous:
- # anonymous login
- creds = credentials.Anonymous()
- else:
- # user login
- creds = credentials.UsernamePassword(self._user, password)
- del self._user
- def _cbLogin((interface, avatar, logout)):
- assert interface is IFTPShell, "The realm is busted, jerk."
- self.shell = avatar
- self.logout = logout
- self.workingDirectory = []
- self.state = self.AUTHED
- return reply
- def _ebLogin(failure):
- failure.trap(cred_error.UnauthorizedLogin, cred_error.UnhandledCredentials)
- self.state = self.UNAUTH
- raise AuthorizationError
- d = self.portal.login(creds, None, IFTPShell)
- d.addCallbacks(_cbLogin, _ebLogin)
- return d
- def ftp_PASV(self):
- """Request for a passive connection
- from the rfc::
- This command requests the server-DTP to \"listen\" on a data port
- (which is not its default data port) and to wait for a connection
- rather than initiate one upon receipt of a transfer command. The
- response to this command includes the host and port address this
- server is listening on.
- """
- # if we have a DTP port set up, lose it.
- if self.dtpFactory is not None:
- # cleanupDTP sets dtpFactory to none. Later we'll do
- # cleanup here or something.
- self.cleanupDTP()
- self.dtpFactory = DTPFactory(pi=self)
- self.dtpFactory.setTimeout(self.dtpTimeout)
- self.dtpPort = self.getDTPPort(self.dtpFactory)
- host = self.transport.getHost().host
- port = self.dtpPort.getHost().port
- self.reply(ENTERING_PASV_MODE, encodeHostPort(host, port))
- return self.dtpFactory.deferred.addCallback(lambda ign: None)
- def ftp_PORT(self, address):
- addr = map(int, address.split(','))
- ip = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % tuple(addr[:4])
- port = addr[4] << 8 | addr[5]
- # if we have a DTP port set up, lose it.
- if self.dtpFactory is not None:
- self.cleanupDTP()
- self.dtpFactory = DTPFactory(pi=self, peerHost=self.transport.getPeer().host)
- self.dtpFactory.setTimeout(self.dtpTimeout)
- self.dtpPort = reactor.connectTCP(ip, port, self.dtpFactory)
- def connected(ignored):
- def connFailed(err):
- err.trap(PortConnectionError)
- return self.dtpFactory.deferred.addCallbacks(connected, connFailed)
- def ftp_LIST(self, path=''):
- """ This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the
- passive DTP. If the pathname specifies a directory or other
- group of files, the server should transfer a list of files
- in the specified directory. If the pathname specifies a
- file then the server should send current information on the
- file. A null argument implies the user's current working or
- default directory.
- """
- # Uh, for now, do this retarded thing.
- if self.dtpInstance is None or not self.dtpInstance.isConnected:
- return defer.fail(BadCmdSequenceError('must send PORT or PASV before RETR'))
- # bug in konqueror
- if path == "-a":
- path = ''
- # bug in gFTP 2.0.15
- if path == "-aL":
- path = ''
- # bug in Nautilus 2.10.0
- if path == "-L":
- path = ''
- # bug in ange-ftp
- if path == "-la":
- path = ''
- def gotListing(results):
- for (name, attrs) in results:
- self.dtpInstance.sendListResponse(name, attrs)
- self.dtpInstance.transport.loseConnection()
- return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,)
- try:
- segments = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- d = self.shell.list(
- segments,
- ('size', 'directory', 'permissions', 'hardlinks',
- 'modified', 'owner', 'group'))
- d.addCallback(gotListing)
- return d
- def ftp_NLST(self, path):
- """
- This command causes a directory listing to be sent from the server to
- the client. The pathname should specify a directory or other
- system-specific file group descriptor. An empty path implies the current
- working directory. If the path is non-existent, send nothing. If the
- path is to a file, send only the file name.
- @type path: C{str}
- @param path: The path for which a directory listing should be returned.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @return: a L{Deferred} which will be fired when the listing request
- is finished.
- """
- # XXX: why is this check different from ftp_RETR/ftp_STOR? See #4180
- if self.dtpInstance is None or not self.dtpInstance.isConnected:
- return defer.fail(
- BadCmdSequenceError('must send PORT or PASV before RETR'))
- try:
- segments = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- def cbList(results):
- """
- Send, line by line, each file in the directory listing, and then
- close the connection.
- @type results: A C{list} of C{tuple}. The first element of each
- C{tuple} is a C{str} and the second element is a C{list}.
- @param results: The names of the files in the directory.
- @rtype: C{tuple}
- @return: A C{tuple} containing the status code for a successful
- transfer.
- """
- for (name, ignored) in results:
- self.dtpInstance.sendLine(name)
- self.dtpInstance.transport.loseConnection()
- return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,)
- def cbGlob(results):
- for (name, ignored) in results:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, segments[-1]):
- self.dtpInstance.sendLine(name)
- self.dtpInstance.transport.loseConnection()
- return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,)
- def listErr(results):
- """
- RFC 959 specifies that an NLST request may only return directory
- listings. Thus, send nothing and just close the connection.
- @type results: L{Failure}
- @param results: The L{Failure} wrapping a L{FileNotFoundError} that
- occurred while trying to list the contents of a nonexistent
- directory.
- @rtype: C{tuple}
- @returns: A C{tuple} containing the status code for a successful
- transfer.
- """
- self.dtpInstance.transport.loseConnection()
- return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,)
- # XXX This globbing may be incomplete: see #4181
- if segments and (
- '*' in segments[-1] or '?' in segments[-1] or
- ('[' in segments[-1] and ']' in segments[-1])):
- d = self.shell.list(segments[:-1])
- d.addCallback(cbGlob)
- else:
- d = self.shell.list(segments)
- d.addCallback(cbList)
- # self.shell.list will generate an error if the path is invalid
- d.addErrback(listErr)
- return d
- def ftp_CWD(self, path):
- try:
- segments = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- # XXX Eh, what to fail with here?
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- def accessGranted(result):
- self.workingDirectory = segments
- return self.shell.access(segments).addCallback(accessGranted)
- def ftp_CDUP(self):
- return self.ftp_CWD('..')
- def ftp_PWD(self):
- return (PWD_REPLY, '/' + '/'.join(self.workingDirectory))
- def ftp_RETR(self, path):
- """
- This command causes the content of a file to be sent over the data
- transfer channel. If the path is to a folder, an error will be raised.
- @type path: C{str}
- @param path: The path to the file which should be transferred over the
- data transfer channel.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @return: a L{Deferred} which will be fired when the transfer is done.
- """
- if self.dtpInstance is None:
- raise BadCmdSequenceError('PORT or PASV required before RETR')
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- # XXX For now, just disable the timeout. Later we'll want to
- # leave it active and have the DTP connection reset it
- # periodically.
- self.setTimeout(None)
- # Put it back later
- def enableTimeout(result):
- self.setTimeout(self.factory.timeOut)
- return result
- # And away she goes
- if not self.binary:
- cons = ASCIIConsumerWrapper(self.dtpInstance)
- else:
- cons = self.dtpInstance
- def cbSent(result):
- return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,)
- def ebSent(err):
- log.msg("Unexpected error attempting to transmit file to client:")
- log.err(err)
- if err.check(FTPCmdError):
- return err
- def cbOpened(file):
- # Tell them what to doooo
- if self.dtpInstance.isConnected:
- else:
- d = file.send(cons)
- d.addCallbacks(cbSent, ebSent)
- return d
- def ebOpened(err):
- if not err.check(PermissionDeniedError, FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError):
- log.msg("Unexpected error attempting to open file for transmission:")
- log.err(err)
- if err.check(FTPCmdError):
- return (err.value.errorCode, '/'.join(newsegs))
- return (FILE_NOT_FOUND, '/'.join(newsegs))
- d = self.shell.openForReading(newsegs)
- d.addCallbacks(cbOpened, ebOpened)
- d.addBoth(enableTimeout)
- # Pass back Deferred that fires when the transfer is done
- return d
- def ftp_STOR(self, path):
- if self.dtpInstance is None:
- raise BadCmdSequenceError('PORT or PASV required before STOR')
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- # XXX For now, just disable the timeout. Later we'll want to
- # leave it active and have the DTP connection reset it
- # periodically.
- self.setTimeout(None)
- # Put it back later
- def enableTimeout(result):
- self.setTimeout(self.factory.timeOut)
- return result
- def cbSent(result):
- return (TXFR_COMPLETE_OK,)
- def ebSent(err):
- log.msg("Unexpected error receiving file from client:")
- log.err(err)
- if err.check(FTPCmdError):
- return err
- def cbConsumer(cons):
- if not self.binary:
- cons = ASCIIConsumerWrapper(cons)
- d = self.dtpInstance.registerConsumer(cons)
- # Tell them what to doooo
- if self.dtpInstance.isConnected:
- else:
- return d
- def cbOpened(file):
- d = file.receive()
- d.addCallback(cbConsumer)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignored: file.close())
- d.addCallbacks(cbSent, ebSent)
- return d
- def ebOpened(err):
- if not err.check(PermissionDeniedError, FileNotFoundError, IsNotADirectoryError):
- log.msg("Unexpected error attempting to open file for upload:")
- log.err(err)
- if isinstance(err.value, FTPCmdError):
- return (err.value.errorCode, '/'.join(newsegs))
- return (FILE_NOT_FOUND, '/'.join(newsegs))
- d = self.shell.openForWriting(newsegs)
- d.addCallbacks(cbOpened, ebOpened)
- d.addBoth(enableTimeout)
- # Pass back Deferred that fires when the transfer is done
- return d
- def ftp_SIZE(self, path):
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- def cbStat((size,)):
- return (FILE_STATUS, str(size))
- return self.shell.stat(newsegs, ('size',)).addCallback(cbStat)
- def ftp_MDTM(self, path):
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- def cbStat((modified,)):
- return (FILE_STATUS, time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(modified)))
- return self.shell.stat(newsegs, ('modified',)).addCallback(cbStat)
- def ftp_TYPE(self, type):
- p = type.upper()
- if p:
- f = getattr(self, 'type_' + p[0], None)
- if f is not None:
- return f(p[1:])
- return self.type_UNKNOWN(p)
- return (SYNTAX_ERR,)
- def type_A(self, code):
- if code == '' or code == 'N':
- self.binary = False
- return (TYPE_SET_OK, 'A' + code)
- else:
- return defer.fail(CmdArgSyntaxError(code))
- def type_I(self, code):
- if code == '':
- self.binary = True
- return (TYPE_SET_OK, 'I')
- else:
- return defer.fail(CmdArgSyntaxError(code))
- def type_UNKNOWN(self, code):
- return defer.fail(CmdNotImplementedForArgError(code))
- def ftp_SYST(self):
- return NAME_SYS_TYPE
- def ftp_STRU(self, structure):
- p = structure.upper()
- if p == 'F':
- return (CMD_OK,)
- return defer.fail(CmdNotImplementedForArgError(structure))
- def ftp_MODE(self, mode):
- p = mode.upper()
- if p == 'S':
- return (CMD_OK,)
- return defer.fail(CmdNotImplementedForArgError(mode))
- def ftp_MKD(self, path):
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- return self.shell.makeDirectory(newsegs).addCallback(lambda ign: (MKD_REPLY, path))
- def ftp_RMD(self, path):
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- return self.shell.removeDirectory(newsegs).addCallback(lambda ign: (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,))
- def ftp_DELE(self, path):
- try:
- newsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, path)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- return self.shell.removeFile(newsegs).addCallback(lambda ign: (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,))
- def ftp_NOOP(self):
- return (CMD_OK,)
- def ftp_RNFR(self, fromName):
- self._fromName = fromName
- self.state = self.RENAMING
- def ftp_RNTO(self, toName):
- fromName = self._fromName
- del self._fromName
- self.state = self.AUTHED
- try:
- fromsegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, fromName)
- tosegs = toSegments(self.workingDirectory, toName)
- except InvalidPath:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(fromName))
- return self.shell.rename(fromsegs, tosegs).addCallback(lambda ign: (REQ_FILE_ACTN_COMPLETED_OK,))
- def ftp_QUIT(self):
- self.reply(GOODBYE_MSG)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- self.disconnected = True
- def cleanupDTP(self):
- """call when DTP connection exits
- """
- log.msg('cleanupDTP', debug=True)
- log.msg(self.dtpPort)
- dtpPort, self.dtpPort = self.dtpPort, None
- if interfaces.IListeningPort.providedBy(dtpPort):
- dtpPort.stopListening()
- elif interfaces.IConnector.providedBy(dtpPort):
- dtpPort.disconnect()
- else:
- assert False, "dtpPort should be an IListeningPort or IConnector, instead is %r" % (dtpPort,)
- self.dtpFactory.stopFactory()
- self.dtpFactory = None
- if self.dtpInstance is not None:
- self.dtpInstance = None
-class FTPFactory(policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory):
- """
- A factory for producing ftp protocol instances
- @ivar timeOut: the protocol interpreter's idle timeout time in seconds,
- default is 600 seconds.
- @ivar passivePortRange: value forwarded to C{protocol.passivePortRange}.
- @type passivePortRange: C{iterator}
- """
- protocol = FTP
- overflowProtocol = FTPOverflowProtocol
- allowAnonymous = True
- userAnonymous = 'anonymous'
- timeOut = 600
- welcomeMessage = "Twisted %s FTP Server" % (copyright.version,)
- passivePortRange = xrange(0, 1)
- def __init__(self, portal=None, userAnonymous='anonymous'):
- self.portal = portal
- self.userAnonymous = userAnonymous
- self.instances = []
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
- if p is not None:
- p.wrappedProtocol.portal = self.portal
- p.wrappedProtocol.timeOut = self.timeOut
- p.wrappedProtocol.passivePortRange = self.passivePortRange
- return p
- def stopFactory(self):
- # make sure ftp instance's timeouts are set to None
- # to avoid reactor complaints
- [p.setTimeout(None) for p in self.instances if p.timeOut is not None]
- policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory.stopFactory(self)
-# -- Cred Objects --
-class IFTPShell(Interface):
- """
- An abstraction of the shell commands used by the FTP protocol for
- a given user account.
- All path names must be absolute.
- """
- def makeDirectory(path):
- """
- Create a directory.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to create
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @return: A Deferred which fires when the directory has been
- created, or which fails if the directory cannot be created.
- """
- def removeDirectory(path):
- """
- Remove a directory.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to remove
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @return: A Deferred which fires when the directory has been
- removed, or which fails if the directory cannot be removed.
- """
- def removeFile(path):
- """
- Remove a file.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to remove
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @return: A Deferred which fires when the file has been
- removed, or which fails if the file cannot be removed.
- """
- def rename(fromPath, toPath):
- """
- Rename a file or directory.
- @param fromPath: The current name of the path.
- @type fromPath: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @param toPath: The desired new name of the path.
- @type toPath: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @return: A Deferred which fires when the path has been
- renamed, or which fails if the path cannot be renamed.
- """
- def access(path):
- """
- Determine whether access to the given path is allowed.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments
- @return: A Deferred which fires with None if access is allowed
- or which fails with a specific exception type if access is
- denied.
- """
- def stat(path, keys=()):
- """
- Retrieve information about the given path.
- This is like list, except it will never return results about
- child paths.
- """
- def list(path, keys=()):
- """
- Retrieve information about the given path.
- If the path represents a non-directory, the result list should
- have only one entry with information about that non-directory.
- Otherwise, the result list should have an element for each
- child of the directory.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to list
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @param keys: A tuple of keys desired in the resulting
- dictionaries.
- @return: A Deferred which fires with a list of (name, list),
- where the name is the name of the entry as a unicode string
- and each list contains values corresponding to the requested
- keys. The following are possible elements of keys, and the
- values which should be returned for them:
- - C{'size'}: size in bytes, as an integer (this is kinda required)
- - C{'directory'}: boolean indicating the type of this entry
- - C{'permissions'}: a bitvector (see os.stat(foo).st_mode)
- - C{'hardlinks'}: Number of hard links to this entry
- - C{'modified'}: number of seconds since the epoch since entry was
- modified
- - C{'owner'}: string indicating the user owner of this entry
- - C{'group'}: string indicating the group owner of this entry
- """
- def openForReading(path):
- """
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @rtype: C{Deferred} which will fire with L{IReadFile}
- """
- def openForWriting(path):
- """
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @rtype: C{Deferred} which will fire with L{IWriteFile}
- """
-class IReadFile(Interface):
- """
- A file out of which bytes may be read.
- """
- def send(consumer):
- """
- Produce the contents of the given path to the given consumer. This
- method may only be invoked once on each provider.
- @type consumer: C{IConsumer}
- @return: A Deferred which fires when the file has been
- consumed completely.
- """
-class IWriteFile(Interface):
- """
- A file into which bytes may be written.
- """
- def receive():
- """
- Create a consumer which will write to this file. This method may
- only be invoked once on each provider.
- @rtype: C{Deferred} of C{IConsumer}
- """
- def close():
- """
- Perform any post-write work that needs to be done. This method may
- only be invoked once on each provider, and will always be invoked
- after receive().
- @rtype: C{Deferred} of anything: the value is ignored. The FTP client
- will not see their upload request complete until this Deferred has
- been fired.
- """
-def _getgroups(uid):
- """Return the primary and supplementary groups for the given UID.
- @type uid: C{int}
- """
- result = []
- pwent = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
- result.append(pwent.pw_gid)
- for grent in grp.getgrall():
- if pwent.pw_name in grent.gr_mem:
- result.append(grent.gr_gid)
- return result
-def _testPermissions(uid, gid, spath, mode='r'):
- """
- checks to see if uid has proper permissions to access path with mode
- @type uid: C{int}
- @param uid: numeric user id
- @type gid: C{int}
- @param gid: numeric group id
- @type spath: C{str}
- @param spath: the path on the server to test
- @type mode: C{str}
- @param mode: 'r' or 'w' (read or write)
- @rtype: C{bool}
- @return: True if the given credentials have the specified form of
- access to the given path
- """
- if mode == 'r':
- usr = stat.S_IRUSR
- grp = stat.S_IRGRP
- oth = stat.S_IROTH
- amode = os.R_OK
- elif mode == 'w':
- usr = stat.S_IWUSR
- grp = stat.S_IWGRP
- oth = stat.S_IWOTH
- amode = os.W_OK
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid mode %r: must specify 'r' or 'w'" % (mode,))
- access = False
- if os.path.exists(spath):
- if uid == 0:
- access = True
- else:
- s = os.stat(spath)
- if usr & s.st_mode and uid == s.st_uid:
- access = True
- elif grp & s.st_mode and gid in _getgroups(uid):
- access = True
- elif oth & s.st_mode:
- access = True
- if access:
- if not os.access(spath, amode):
- access = False
- log.msg("Filesystem grants permission to UID %d but it is inaccessible to me running as UID %d" % (
- uid, os.getuid()))
- return access
-class FTPAnonymousShell(object):
- """
- An anonymous implementation of IFTPShell
- @type filesystemRoot: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
- @ivar filesystemRoot: The path which is considered the root of
- this shell.
- """
- implements(IFTPShell)
- def __init__(self, filesystemRoot):
- self.filesystemRoot = filesystemRoot
- def _path(self, path):
- return reduce(filepath.FilePath.child, path, self.filesystemRoot)
- def makeDirectory(self, path):
- return defer.fail(AnonUserDeniedError())
- def removeDirectory(self, path):
- return defer.fail(AnonUserDeniedError())
- def removeFile(self, path):
- return defer.fail(AnonUserDeniedError())
- def rename(self, fromPath, toPath):
- return defer.fail(AnonUserDeniedError())
- def receive(self, path):
- path = self._path(path)
- return defer.fail(AnonUserDeniedError())
- def openForReading(self, path):
- """
- Open C{path} for reading.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open.
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @return: A L{Deferred} is returned that will fire with an object
- implementing L{IReadFile} if the file is successfully opened. If
- C{path} is a directory, or if an exception is raised while trying
- to open the file, the L{Deferred} will fire with an error.
- """
- p = self._path(path)
- if p.isdir():
- # Normally, we would only check for EISDIR in open, but win32
- # returns EACCES in this case, so we check before
- return defer.fail(IsADirectoryError(path))
- try:
- f = p.open('r')
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(_FileReader(f))
- def openForWriting(self, path):
- """
- Reject write attempts by anonymous users with
- L{PermissionDeniedError}.
- """
- return defer.fail(PermissionDeniedError("STOR not allowed"))
- def access(self, path):
- p = self._path(path)
- if not p.exists():
- # Again, win32 doesn't report a sane error after, so let's fail
- # early if we can
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- # For now, just see if we can os.listdir() it
- try:
- p.listdir()
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def stat(self, path, keys=()):
- p = self._path(path)
- if p.isdir():
- try:
- statResult = self._statNode(p, keys)
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(statResult)
- else:
- return self.list(path, keys).addCallback(lambda res: res[0][1])
- def list(self, path, keys=()):
- """
- Return the list of files at given C{path}, adding C{keys} stat
- informations if specified.
- @param path: the directory or file to check.
- @type path: C{str}
- @param keys: the list of desired metadata
- @type keys: C{list} of C{str}
- """
- filePath = self._path(path)
- if filePath.isdir():
- entries = filePath.listdir()
- fileEntries = [filePath.child(p) for p in entries]
- elif filePath.isfile():
- entries = [os.path.join(*filePath.segmentsFrom(self.filesystemRoot))]
- fileEntries = [filePath]
- else:
- return defer.fail(FileNotFoundError(path))
- results = []
- for fileName, filePath in zip(entries, fileEntries):
- ent = []
- results.append((fileName, ent))
- if keys:
- try:
- ent.extend(self._statNode(filePath, keys))
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, fileName)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- return defer.succeed(results)
- def _statNode(self, filePath, keys):
- """
- Shortcut method to get stat info on a node.
- @param filePath: the node to stat.
- @type filePath: C{filepath.FilePath}
- @param keys: the stat keys to get.
- @type keys: C{iterable}
- """
- filePath.restat()
- return [getattr(self, '_stat_' + k)(filePath.statinfo) for k in keys]
- _stat_size = operator.attrgetter('st_size')
- _stat_permissions = operator.attrgetter('st_mode')
- _stat_hardlinks = operator.attrgetter('st_nlink')
- _stat_modified = operator.attrgetter('st_mtime')
- def _stat_owner(self, st):
- if pwd is not None:
- try:
- return pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid)[0]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return str(st.st_uid)
- def _stat_group(self, st):
- if grp is not None:
- try:
- return grp.getgrgid(st.st_gid)[0]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return str(st.st_gid)
- def _stat_directory(self, st):
- return bool(st.st_mode & stat.S_IFDIR)
-class _FileReader(object):
- implements(IReadFile)
- def __init__(self, fObj):
- self.fObj = fObj
- self._send = False
- def _close(self, passthrough):
- self._send = True
- self.fObj.close()
- return passthrough
- def send(self, consumer):
- assert not self._send, "Can only call IReadFile.send *once* per instance"
- self._send = True
- d = basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(self.fObj, consumer)
- d.addBoth(self._close)
- return d
-class FTPShell(FTPAnonymousShell):
- """
- An authenticated implementation of L{IFTPShell}.
- """
- def makeDirectory(self, path):
- p = self._path(path)
- try:
- p.makedirs()
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def removeDirectory(self, path):
- p = self._path(path)
- if p.isfile():
- # Win32 returns the wrong errno when rmdir is called on a file
- # instead of a directory, so as we have the info here, let's fail
- # early with a pertinent error
- return defer.fail(IsNotADirectoryError(path))
- try:
- os.rmdir(p.path)
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def removeFile(self, path):
- p = self._path(path)
- if p.isdir():
- # Win32 returns the wrong errno when remove is called on a
- # directory instead of a file, so as we have the info here,
- # let's fail early with a pertinent error
- return defer.fail(IsADirectoryError(path))
- try:
- p.remove()
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def rename(self, fromPath, toPath):
- fp = self._path(fromPath)
- tp = self._path(toPath)
- try:
- os.rename(fp.path, tp.path)
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, fromPath)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def openForWriting(self, path):
- """
- Open C{path} for writing.
- @param path: The path, as a list of segments, to open.
- @type path: C{list} of C{unicode}
- @return: A L{Deferred} is returned that will fire with an object
- implementing L{IWriteFile} if the file is successfully opened. If
- C{path} is a directory, or if an exception is raised while trying
- to open the file, the L{Deferred} will fire with an error.
- """
- p = self._path(path)
- if p.isdir():
- # Normally, we would only check for EISDIR in open, but win32
- # returns EACCES in this case, so we check before
- return defer.fail(IsADirectoryError(path))
- try:
- fObj = p.open('w')
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- return errnoToFailure(e.errno, path)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- return defer.succeed(_FileWriter(fObj))
-class _FileWriter(object):
- implements(IWriteFile)
- def __init__(self, fObj):
- self.fObj = fObj
- self._receive = False
- def receive(self):
- assert not self._receive, "Can only call IWriteFile.receive *once* per instance"
- self._receive = True
- # FileConsumer will close the file object
- return defer.succeed(FileConsumer(self.fObj))
- def close(self):
- return defer.succeed(None)
-class BaseFTPRealm:
- """
- Base class for simple FTP realms which provides an easy hook for specifying
- the home directory for each user.
- """
- implements(portal.IRealm)
- def __init__(self, anonymousRoot):
- self.anonymousRoot = filepath.FilePath(anonymousRoot)
- def getHomeDirectory(self, avatarId):
- """
- Return a L{FilePath} representing the home directory of the given
- avatar. Override this in a subclass.
- @param avatarId: A user identifier returned from a credentials checker.
- @type avatarId: C{str}
- @rtype: L{FilePath}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "%r did not override getHomeDirectory" % (self.__class__,))
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
- for iface in interfaces:
- if iface is IFTPShell:
- if avatarId is checkers.ANONYMOUS:
- avatar = FTPAnonymousShell(self.anonymousRoot)
- else:
- avatar = FTPShell(self.getHomeDirectory(avatarId))
- return (IFTPShell, avatar,
- getattr(avatar, 'logout', lambda: None))
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Only IFTPShell interface is supported by this realm")
-class FTPRealm(BaseFTPRealm):
- """
- @type anonymousRoot: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
- @ivar anonymousRoot: Root of the filesystem to which anonymous
- users will be granted access.
- @type userHome: L{filepath.FilePath}
- @ivar userHome: Root of the filesystem containing user home directories.
- """
- def __init__(self, anonymousRoot, userHome='/home'):
- BaseFTPRealm.__init__(self, anonymousRoot)
- self.userHome = filepath.FilePath(userHome)
- def getHomeDirectory(self, avatarId):
- """
- Use C{avatarId} as a single path segment to construct a child of
- C{self.userHome} and return that child.
- """
- return self.userHome.child(avatarId)
-class SystemFTPRealm(BaseFTPRealm):
- """
- L{SystemFTPRealm} uses system user account information to decide what the
- home directory for a particular avatarId is.
- This works on POSIX but probably is not reliable on Windows.
- """
- def getHomeDirectory(self, avatarId):
- """
- Return the system-defined home directory of the system user account with
- the name C{avatarId}.
- """
- path = os.path.expanduser('~' + avatarId)
- if path.startswith('~'):
- raise cred_error.UnauthorizedLogin()
- return filepath.FilePath(path)
-# --- FTP CLIENT -------------------------------------------------------------
-# And now for the client...
-# Notes:
-# * Reference: http://cr.yp.to/ftp.html
-# * FIXME: Does not support pipelining (which is not supported by all
-# servers anyway). This isn't a functionality limitation, just a
-# small performance issue.
-# * Only has a rudimentary understanding of FTP response codes (although
-# the full response is passed to the caller if they so choose).
-# * Assumes that USER and PASS should always be sent
-# * Always sets TYPE I (binary mode)
-# * Doesn't understand any of the weird, obscure TELNET stuff (\377...)
-# * FIXME: Doesn't share any code with the FTPServer
-class ConnectionLost(FTPError):
- pass
-class CommandFailed(FTPError):
- pass
-class BadResponse(FTPError):
- pass
-class UnexpectedResponse(FTPError):
- pass
-class UnexpectedData(FTPError):
- pass
-class FTPCommand:
- def __init__(self, text=None, public=0):
- self.text = text
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- self.ready = 1
- self.public = public
- self.transferDeferred = None
- def fail(self, failure):
- if self.public:
- self.deferred.errback(failure)
-class ProtocolWrapper(protocol.Protocol):
- def __init__(self, original, deferred):
- self.original = original
- self.deferred = deferred
- def makeConnection(self, transport):
- self.original.makeConnection(transport)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.original.dataReceived(data)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.original.connectionLost(reason)
- # Signal that transfer has completed
- self.deferred.callback(None)
-class IFinishableConsumer(interfaces.IConsumer):
- """
- A Consumer for producers that finish.
- @since: 11.0
- """
- def finish():
- """
- The producer has finished producing.
- """
-class SenderProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- implements(IFinishableConsumer)
- def __init__(self):
- # Fired upon connection
- self.connectedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
- # Fired upon disconnection
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- #Protocol stuff
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- raise UnexpectedData(
- "Received data from the server on a "
- "send-only data-connection"
- )
- def makeConnection(self, transport):
- protocol.Protocol.makeConnection(self, transport)
- self.connectedDeferred.callback(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if reason.check(error.ConnectionDone):
- self.deferred.callback('connection done')
- else:
- self.deferred.errback(reason)
- #IFinishableConsumer stuff
- def write(self, data):
- self.transport.write(data)
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- """
- Register the given producer with our transport.
- """
- self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- """
- Unregister the previously registered producer.
- """
- self.transport.unregisterProducer()
- def finish(self):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
-def decodeHostPort(line):
- """Decode an FTP response specifying a host and port.
- @return: a 2-tuple of (host, port).
- """
- abcdef = re.sub('[^0-9, ]', '', line)
- parsed = [int(p.strip()) for p in abcdef.split(',')]
- for x in parsed:
- if x < 0 or x > 255:
- raise ValueError("Out of range", line, x)
- a, b, c, d, e, f = parsed
- host = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (a, b, c, d)
- port = (int(e) << 8) + int(f)
- return host, port
-def encodeHostPort(host, port):
- numbers = host.split('.') + [str(port >> 8), str(port % 256)]
- return ','.join(numbers)
-def _unwrapFirstError(failure):
- failure.trap(defer.FirstError)
- return failure.value.subFailure
-class FTPDataPortFactory(protocol.ServerFactory):
- """Factory for data connections that use the PORT command
- (i.e. "active" transfers)
- """
- noisy = 0
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- # This is a bit hackish -- we already have a Protocol instance,
- # so just return it instead of making a new one
- # FIXME: Reject connections from the wrong address/port
- # (potential security problem)
- self.protocol.factory = self
- self.port.loseConnection()
- return self.protocol
-class FTPClientBasic(basic.LineReceiver):
- """
- Foundations of an FTP client.
- """
- debug = False
- def __init__(self):
- self.actionQueue = []
- self.greeting = None
- self.nextDeferred = defer.Deferred().addCallback(self._cb_greeting)
- self.nextDeferred.addErrback(self.fail)
- self.response = []
- self._failed = 0
- def fail(self, error):
- """
- Give an error to any queued deferreds.
- """
- self._fail(error)
- def _fail(self, error):
- """
- Errback all queued deferreds.
- """
- if self._failed:
- # We're recursing; bail out here for simplicity
- return error
- self._failed = 1
- if self.nextDeferred:
- try:
- self.nextDeferred.errback(failure.Failure(ConnectionLost('FTP connection lost', error)))
- except defer.AlreadyCalledError:
- pass
- for ftpCommand in self.actionQueue:
- ftpCommand.fail(failure.Failure(ConnectionLost('FTP connection lost', error)))
- return error
- def _cb_greeting(self, greeting):
- self.greeting = greeting
- def sendLine(self, line):
- """
- (Private) Sends a line, unless line is None.
- """
- if line is None:
- return
- basic.LineReceiver.sendLine(self, line)
- def sendNextCommand(self):
- """
- (Private) Processes the next command in the queue.
- """
- ftpCommand = self.popCommandQueue()
- if ftpCommand is None:
- self.nextDeferred = None
- return
- if not ftpCommand.ready:
- self.actionQueue.insert(0, ftpCommand)
- reactor.callLater(1.0, self.sendNextCommand)
- self.nextDeferred = None
- return
- # FIXME: this if block doesn't belong in FTPClientBasic, it belongs in
- # FTPClient.
- if ftpCommand.text == 'PORT':
- self.generatePortCommand(ftpCommand)
- if self.debug:
- log.msg('<-- %s' % ftpCommand.text)
- self.nextDeferred = ftpCommand.deferred
- self.sendLine(ftpCommand.text)
- def queueCommand(self, ftpCommand):
- """
- Add an FTPCommand object to the queue.
- If it's the only thing in the queue, and we are connected and we aren't
- waiting for a response of an earlier command, the command will be sent
- immediately.
- @param ftpCommand: an L{FTPCommand}
- """
- self.actionQueue.append(ftpCommand)
- if (len(self.actionQueue) == 1 and self.transport is not None and
- self.nextDeferred is None):
- self.sendNextCommand()
- def queueStringCommand(self, command, public=1):
- """
- Queues a string to be issued as an FTP command
- @param command: string of an FTP command to queue
- @param public: a flag intended for internal use by FTPClient. Don't
- change it unless you know what you're doing.
- @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when the response to the
- command has been received.
- """
- ftpCommand = FTPCommand(command, public)
- self.queueCommand(ftpCommand)
- return ftpCommand.deferred
- def popCommandQueue(self):
- """
- Return the front element of the command queue, or None if empty.
- """
- if self.actionQueue:
- return self.actionQueue.pop(0)
- else:
- return None
- def queueLogin(self, username, password):
- """
- Login: send the username, send the password.
- If the password is C{None}, the PASS command won't be sent. Also, if
- the response to the USER command has a response code of 230 (User logged
- in), then PASS won't be sent either.
- """
- # Prepare the USER command
- deferreds = []
- userDeferred = self.queueStringCommand('USER ' + username, public=0)
- deferreds.append(userDeferred)
- # Prepare the PASS command (if a password is given)
- if password is not None:
- passwordCmd = FTPCommand('PASS ' + password, public=0)
- self.queueCommand(passwordCmd)
- deferreds.append(passwordCmd.deferred)
- # Avoid sending PASS if the response to USER is 230.
- # (ref: http://cr.yp.to/ftp/user.html#user)
- def cancelPasswordIfNotNeeded(response):
- if response[0].startswith('230'):
- # No password needed!
- self.actionQueue.remove(passwordCmd)
- return response
- userDeferred.addCallback(cancelPasswordIfNotNeeded)
- # Error handling.
- for deferred in deferreds:
- # If something goes wrong, call fail
- deferred.addErrback(self.fail)
- # But also swallow the error, so we don't cause spurious errors
- deferred.addErrback(lambda x: None)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- """
- (Private) Parses the response messages from the FTP server.
- """
- # Add this line to the current response
- if self.debug:
- log.msg('--> %s' % line)
- self.response.append(line)
- # Bail out if this isn't the last line of a response
- # The last line of response starts with 3 digits followed by a space
- codeIsValid = re.match(r'\d{3} ', line)
- if not codeIsValid:
- return
- code = line[0:3]
- # Ignore marks
- if code[0] == '1':
- return
- # Check that we were expecting a response
- if self.nextDeferred is None:
- self.fail(UnexpectedResponse(self.response))
- return
- # Reset the response
- response = self.response
- self.response = []
- # Look for a success or error code, and call the appropriate callback
- if code[0] in ('2', '3'):
- # Success
- self.nextDeferred.callback(response)
- elif code[0] in ('4', '5'):
- # Failure
- self.nextDeferred.errback(failure.Failure(CommandFailed(response)))
- else:
- # This shouldn't happen unless something screwed up.
- log.msg('Server sent invalid response code %s' % (code,))
- self.nextDeferred.errback(failure.Failure(BadResponse(response)))
- # Run the next command
- self.sendNextCommand()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self._fail(reason)
-class _PassiveConnectionFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- noisy = False
- def __init__(self, protoInstance):
- self.protoInstance = protoInstance
- def buildProtocol(self, ignored):
- self.protoInstance.factory = self
- return self.protoInstance
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- e = FTPError('Connection Failed', reason)
- self.protoInstance.deferred.errback(e)
-class FTPClient(FTPClientBasic):
- """
- L{FTPClient} is a client implementation of the FTP protocol which
- exposes FTP commands as methods which return L{Deferred}s.
- Each command method returns a L{Deferred} which is called back when a
- successful response code (2xx or 3xx) is received from the server or
- which is error backed if an error response code (4xx or 5xx) is received
- from the server or if a protocol violation occurs. If an error response
- code is received, the L{Deferred} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping a
- L{CommandFailed} instance. The L{CommandFailed} instance is created
- with a list of the response lines received from the server.
- See U{RFC 959<http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt>} for error code
- definitions.
- Both active and passive transfers are supported.
- @ivar passive: See description in __init__.
- """
- connectFactory = reactor.connectTCP
- def __init__(self, username='anonymous',
- password='twisted@twistedmatrix.com',
- passive=1):
- """
- Constructor.
- I will login as soon as I receive the welcome message from the server.
- @param username: FTP username
- @param password: FTP password
- @param passive: flag that controls if I use active or passive data
- connections. You can also change this after construction by
- assigning to C{self.passive}.
- """
- FTPClientBasic.__init__(self)
- self.queueLogin(username, password)
- self.passive = passive
- def fail(self, error):
- """
- Disconnect, and also give an error to any queued deferreds.
- """
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- self._fail(error)
- def receiveFromConnection(self, commands, protocol):
- """
- Retrieves a file or listing generated by the given command,
- feeding it to the given protocol.
- @param commands: list of strings of FTP commands to execute then receive
- the results of (e.g. C{LIST}, C{RETR})
- @param protocol: A L{Protocol} B{instance} e.g. an
- L{FTPFileListProtocol}, or something that can be adapted to one.
- Typically this will be an L{IConsumer} implementation.
- @return: L{Deferred}.
- """
- protocol = interfaces.IProtocol(protocol)
- wrapper = ProtocolWrapper(protocol, defer.Deferred())
- return self._openDataConnection(commands, wrapper)
- def queueLogin(self, username, password):
- """
- Login: send the username, send the password, and
- set retrieval mode to binary
- """
- FTPClientBasic.queueLogin(self, username, password)
- d = self.queueStringCommand('TYPE I', public=0)
- # If something goes wrong, call fail
- d.addErrback(self.fail)
- # But also swallow the error, so we don't cause spurious errors
- d.addErrback(lambda x: None)
- def sendToConnection(self, commands):
- """
- @return: A tuple of two L{Deferred}s:
- - L{Deferred} L{IFinishableConsumer}. You must call
- the C{finish} method on the IFinishableConsumer when the file
- is completely transferred.
- - L{Deferred} list of control-connection responses.
- """
- s = SenderProtocol()
- r = self._openDataConnection(commands, s)
- return (s.connectedDeferred, r)
- def _openDataConnection(self, commands, protocol):
- """
- This method returns a DeferredList.
- """
- cmds = [FTPCommand(command, public=1) for command in commands]
- cmdsDeferred = defer.DeferredList([cmd.deferred for cmd in cmds],
- fireOnOneErrback=True, consumeErrors=True)
- cmdsDeferred.addErrback(_unwrapFirstError)
- if self.passive:
- # Hack: use a mutable object to sneak a variable out of the
- # scope of doPassive
- _mutable = [None]
- def doPassive(response):
- """Connect to the port specified in the response to PASV"""
- host, port = decodeHostPort(response[-1][4:])
- f = _PassiveConnectionFactory(protocol)
- _mutable[0] = self.connectFactory(host, port, f)
- pasvCmd = FTPCommand('PASV')
- self.queueCommand(pasvCmd)
- pasvCmd.deferred.addCallback(doPassive).addErrback(self.fail)
- results = [cmdsDeferred, pasvCmd.deferred, protocol.deferred]
- d = defer.DeferredList(results, fireOnOneErrback=True, consumeErrors=True)
- d.addErrback(_unwrapFirstError)
- # Ensure the connection is always closed
- def close(x, m=_mutable):
- m[0] and m[0].disconnect()
- return x
- d.addBoth(close)
- else:
- # We just place a marker command in the queue, and will fill in
- # the host and port numbers later (see generatePortCommand)
- portCmd = FTPCommand('PORT')
- # Ok, now we jump through a few hoops here.
- # This is the problem: a transfer is not to be trusted as complete
- # until we get both the "226 Transfer complete" message on the
- # control connection, and the data socket is closed. Thus, we use
- # a DeferredList to make sure we only fire the callback at the
- # right time.
- portCmd.transferDeferred = protocol.deferred
- portCmd.protocol = protocol
- portCmd.deferred.addErrback(portCmd.transferDeferred.errback)
- self.queueCommand(portCmd)
- # Create dummy functions for the next callback to call.
- # These will also be replaced with real functions in
- # generatePortCommand.
- portCmd.loseConnection = lambda result: result
- portCmd.fail = lambda error: error
- # Ensure that the connection always gets closed
- cmdsDeferred.addErrback(lambda e, pc=portCmd: pc.fail(e) or e)
- results = [cmdsDeferred, portCmd.deferred, portCmd.transferDeferred]
- d = defer.DeferredList(results, fireOnOneErrback=True, consumeErrors=True)
- d.addErrback(_unwrapFirstError)
- for cmd in cmds:
- self.queueCommand(cmd)
- return d
- def generatePortCommand(self, portCmd):
- """
- (Private) Generates the text of a given PORT command.
- """
- # The problem is that we don't create the listening port until we need
- # it for various reasons, and so we have to muck about to figure out
- # what interface and port it's listening on, and then finally we can
- # create the text of the PORT command to send to the FTP server.
- # FIXME: This method is far too ugly.
- # FIXME: The best solution is probably to only create the data port
- # once per FTPClient, and just recycle it for each new download.
- # This should be ok, because we don't pipeline commands.
- # Start listening on a port
- factory = FTPDataPortFactory()
- factory.protocol = portCmd.protocol
- listener = reactor.listenTCP(0, factory)
- factory.port = listener
- # Ensure we close the listening port if something goes wrong
- def listenerFail(error, listener=listener):
- if listener.connected:
- listener.loseConnection()
- return error
- portCmd.fail = listenerFail
- # Construct crufty FTP magic numbers that represent host & port
- host = self.transport.getHost().host
- port = listener.getHost().port
- portCmd.text = 'PORT ' + encodeHostPort(host, port)
- def escapePath(self, path):
- """
- Returns a FTP escaped path (replace newlines with nulls).
- """
- # Escape newline characters
- return path.replace('\n', '\0')
- def retrieveFile(self, path, protocol, offset=0):
- """
- Retrieve a file from the given path
- This method issues the 'RETR' FTP command.
- The file is fed into the given Protocol instance. The data connection
- will be passive if self.passive is set.
- @param path: path to file that you wish to receive.
- @param protocol: a L{Protocol} instance.
- @param offset: offset to start downloading from
- @return: L{Deferred}
- """
- cmds = ['RETR ' + self.escapePath(path)]
- if offset:
- cmds.insert(0, ('REST ' + str(offset)))
- return self.receiveFromConnection(cmds, protocol)
- retr = retrieveFile
- def storeFile(self, path, offset=0):
- """
- Store a file at the given path.
- This method issues the 'STOR' FTP command.
- @return: A tuple of two L{Deferred}s:
- - L{Deferred} L{IFinishableConsumer}. You must call
- the C{finish} method on the IFinishableConsumer when the file
- is completely transferred.
- - L{Deferred} list of control-connection responses.
- """
- cmds = ['STOR ' + self.escapePath(path)]
- if offset:
- cmds.insert(0, ('REST ' + str(offset)))
- return self.sendToConnection(cmds)
- stor = storeFile
- def rename(self, pathFrom, pathTo):
- """
- Rename a file.
- This method issues the I{RNFR}/I{RNTO} command sequence to rename
- C{pathFrom} to C{pathTo}.
- @param: pathFrom: the absolute path to the file to be renamed
- @type pathFrom: C{str}
- @param: pathTo: the absolute path to rename the file to.
- @type pathTo: C{str}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the rename operation has
- succeeded or failed. If it succeeds, the L{Deferred} is called
- back with a two-tuple of lists. The first list contains the
- responses to the I{RNFR} command. The second list contains the
- responses to the I{RNTO} command. If either I{RNFR} or I{RNTO}
- fails, the L{Deferred} is errbacked with L{CommandFailed} or
- L{BadResponse}.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @since: 8.2
- """
- renameFrom = self.queueStringCommand('RNFR ' + self.escapePath(pathFrom))
- renameTo = self.queueStringCommand('RNTO ' + self.escapePath(pathTo))
- fromResponse = []
- # Use a separate Deferred for the ultimate result so that Deferred
- # chaining can't interfere with its result.
- result = defer.Deferred()
- # Bundle up all the responses
- result.addCallback(lambda toResponse: (fromResponse, toResponse))
- def ebFrom(failure):
- # Make sure the RNTO doesn't run if the RNFR failed.
- self.popCommandQueue()
- result.errback(failure)
- # Save the RNFR response to pass to the result Deferred later
- renameFrom.addCallbacks(fromResponse.extend, ebFrom)
- # Hook up the RNTO to the result Deferred as well
- renameTo.chainDeferred(result)
- return result
- def list(self, path, protocol):
- """
- Retrieve a file listing into the given protocol instance.
- This method issues the 'LIST' FTP command.
- @param path: path to get a file listing for.
- @param protocol: a L{Protocol} instance, probably a
- L{FTPFileListProtocol} instance. It can cope with most common file
- listing formats.
- @return: L{Deferred}
- """
- if path is None:
- path = ''
- return self.receiveFromConnection(['LIST ' + self.escapePath(path)], protocol)
- def nlst(self, path, protocol):
- """
- Retrieve a short file listing into the given protocol instance.
- This method issues the 'NLST' FTP command.
- NLST (should) return a list of filenames, one per line.
- @param path: path to get short file listing for.
- @param protocol: a L{Protocol} instance.
- """
- if path is None:
- path = ''
- return self.receiveFromConnection(['NLST ' + self.escapePath(path)], protocol)
- def cwd(self, path):
- """
- Issues the CWD (Change Working Directory) command. It's also
- available as changeDirectory, which parses the result.
- @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when done.
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('CWD ' + self.escapePath(path))
- def changeDirectory(self, path):
- """
- Change the directory on the server and parse the result to determine
- if it was successful or not.
- @type path: C{str}
- @param path: The path to which to change.
- @return: a L{Deferred} which will be called back when the directory
- change has succeeded or errbacked if an error occurrs.
- """
- warnings.warn(
- "FTPClient.changeDirectory is deprecated in Twisted 8.2 and "
- "newer. Use FTPClient.cwd instead.",
- category=DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=2)
- def cbResult(result):
- if result[-1][:3] != '250':
- return failure.Failure(CommandFailed(result))
- return True
- return self.cwd(path).addCallback(cbResult)
- def makeDirectory(self, path):
- """
- Make a directory
- This method issues the MKD command.
- @param path: The path to the directory to create.
- @type path: C{str}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the server responds. If the
- directory is created, the L{Deferred} is called back with the
- server response. If the server response indicates the directory
- was not created, the L{Deferred} is errbacked with a L{Failure}
- wrapping L{CommandFailed} or L{BadResponse}.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @since: 8.2
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('MKD ' + self.escapePath(path))
- def removeFile(self, path):
- """
- Delete a file on the server.
- L{removeFile} issues a I{DELE} command to the server to remove the
- indicated file. Note that this command cannot remove a directory.
- @param path: The path to the file to delete. May be relative to the
- current dir.
- @type path: C{str}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the server responds. On error,
- it is errbacked with either L{CommandFailed} or L{BadResponse}. On
- success, it is called back with a list of response lines.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @since: 8.2
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('DELE ' + self.escapePath(path))
- def removeDirectory(self, path):
- """
- Delete a directory on the server.
- L{removeDirectory} issues a I{RMD} command to the server to remove the
- indicated directory. Described in RFC959.
- @param path: The path to the directory to delete. May be relative to
- the current working directory.
- @type path: C{str}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the server responds. On error,
- it is errbacked with either L{CommandFailed} or L{BadResponse}. On
- success, it is called back with a list of response lines.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @since: 11.1
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('RMD ' + self.escapePath(path))
- def cdup(self):
- """
- Issues the CDUP (Change Directory UP) command.
- @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when done.
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('CDUP')
- def pwd(self):
- """
- Issues the PWD (Print Working Directory) command.
- The L{getDirectory} does the same job but automatically parses the
- result.
- @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called when done. It is up to the
- caller to interpret the response, but the L{parsePWDResponse} method
- in this module should work.
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('PWD')
- def getDirectory(self):
- """
- Returns the current remote directory.
- @return: a L{Deferred} that will be called back with a C{str} giving
- the remote directory or which will errback with L{CommandFailed}
- if an error response is returned.
- """
- def cbParse(result):
- try:
- # The only valid code is 257
- if int(result[0].split(' ', 1)[0]) != 257:
- raise ValueError
- except (IndexError, ValueError):
- return failure.Failure(CommandFailed(result))
- path = parsePWDResponse(result[0])
- if path is None:
- return failure.Failure(CommandFailed(result))
- return path
- return self.pwd().addCallback(cbParse)
- def quit(self):
- """
- Issues the I{QUIT} command.
- @return: A L{Deferred} that fires when the server acknowledges the
- I{QUIT} command. The transport should not be disconnected until
- this L{Deferred} fires.
- """
- return self.queueStringCommand('QUIT')
-class FTPFileListProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):
- """Parser for standard FTP file listings
- This is the evil required to match::
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README
- If you need different evil for a wacky FTP server, you can
- override either C{fileLinePattern} or C{parseDirectoryLine()}.
- It populates the instance attribute self.files, which is a list containing
- dicts with the following keys (examples from the above line):
- - filetype: e.g. 'd' for directories, or '-' for an ordinary file
- - perms: e.g. 'rw-r--r--'
- - nlinks: e.g. 1
- - owner: e.g. 'root'
- - group: e.g. 'other'
- - size: e.g. 531
- - date: e.g. 'Jan 29 03:26'
- - filename: e.g. 'README'
- - linktarget: e.g. 'some/file'
- Note that the 'date' value will be formatted differently depending on the
- date. Check U{http://cr.yp.to/ftp.html} if you really want to try to parse
- it.
- @ivar files: list of dicts describing the files in this listing
- """
- fileLinePattern = re.compile(
- r'^(?P<filetype>.)(?P<perms>.{9})\s+(?P<nlinks>\d*)\s*'
- r'(?P<owner>\S+)\s+(?P<group>\S+)\s+(?P<size>\d+)\s+'
- r'(?P<date>...\s+\d+\s+[\d:]+)\s+(?P<filename>([^ ]|\\ )*?)'
- r'( -> (?P<linktarget>[^\r]*))?\r?$'
- )
- delimiter = '\n'
- def __init__(self):
- self.files = []
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- d = self.parseDirectoryLine(line)
- if d is None:
- self.unknownLine(line)
- else:
- self.addFile(d)
- def parseDirectoryLine(self, line):
- """Return a dictionary of fields, or None if line cannot be parsed.
- @param line: line of text expected to contain a directory entry
- @type line: str
- @return: dict
- """
- match = self.fileLinePattern.match(line)
- if match is None:
- return None
- else:
- d = match.groupdict()
- d['filename'] = d['filename'].replace(r'\ ', ' ')
- d['nlinks'] = int(d['nlinks'])
- d['size'] = int(d['size'])
- if d['linktarget']:
- d['linktarget'] = d['linktarget'].replace(r'\ ', ' ')
- return d
- def addFile(self, info):
- """Append file information dictionary to the list of known files.
- Subclasses can override or extend this method to handle file
- information differently without affecting the parsing of data
- from the server.
- @param info: dictionary containing the parsed representation
- of the file information
- @type info: dict
- """
- self.files.append(info)
- def unknownLine(self, line):
- """Deal with received lines which could not be parsed as file
- information.
- Subclasses can override this to perform any special processing
- needed.
- @param line: unparsable line as received
- @type line: str
- """
- pass
-def parsePWDResponse(response):
- """Returns the path from a response to a PWD command.
- Responses typically look like::
- 257 "/home/andrew" is current directory.
- For this example, I will return C{'/home/andrew'}.
- If I can't find the path, I return C{None}.
- """
- match = re.search('"(.*)"', response)
- if match:
- return match.groups()[0]
- else:
- return None