path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_modules.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_modules.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_modules.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_modules.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b74f0d0..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_modules.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for twisted.python.modules, abstract access to imported or importable
-import sys
-import itertools
-import zipfile
-import compileall
-import twisted
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.python import modules
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny
-from twisted.python.test.modules_helpers import TwistedModulesTestCase
-from twisted.test.test_paths import zipit
-class BasicTests(TwistedModulesTestCase):
- def test_namespacedPackages(self):
- """
- Duplicate packages are not yielded when iterating over namespace
- packages.
- """
- # Force pkgutil to be loaded already, since the probe package being
- # created depends on it, and the replaceSysPath call below will make
- # pretty much everything unimportable.
- __import__('pkgutil')
- namespaceBoilerplate = (
- 'import pkgutil; '
- '__path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)')
- # Create two temporary directories with packages:
- #
- # entry:
- # test_package/
- # __init__.py
- # nested_package/
- # __init__.py
- # module.py
- #
- # anotherEntry:
- # test_package/
- # __init__.py
- # nested_package/
- # __init__.py
- # module2.py
- #
- # test_package and test_package.nested_package are namespace packages,
- # and when both of these are in sys.path, test_package.nested_package
- # should become a virtual package containing both "module" and
- # "module2"
- entry = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage()
- testPackagePath = entry.child('test_package')
- testPackagePath.child('__init__.py').setContent(namespaceBoilerplate)
- nestedEntry = testPackagePath.child('nested_package')
- nestedEntry.makedirs()
- nestedEntry.child('__init__.py').setContent(namespaceBoilerplate)
- nestedEntry.child('module.py').setContent('')
- anotherEntry = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage()
- anotherPackagePath = anotherEntry.child('test_package')
- anotherPackagePath.child('__init__.py').setContent(namespaceBoilerplate)
- anotherNestedEntry = anotherPackagePath.child('nested_package')
- anotherNestedEntry.makedirs()
- anotherNestedEntry.child('__init__.py').setContent(namespaceBoilerplate)
- anotherNestedEntry.child('module2.py').setContent('')
- self.replaceSysPath([entry.path, anotherEntry.path])
- module = modules.getModule('test_package')
- # We have to use importPackages=True in order to resolve the namespace
- # packages, so we remove the imported packages from sys.modules after
- # walking
- try:
- walkedNames = [
- mod.name for mod in module.walkModules(importPackages=True)]
- finally:
- for module in sys.modules.keys():
- if module.startswith('test_package'):
- del sys.modules[module]
- expected = [
- 'test_package',
- 'test_package.nested_package',
- 'test_package.nested_package.module',
- 'test_package.nested_package.module2',
- ]
- self.assertEqual(walkedNames, expected)
- def test_unimportablePackageGetItem(self):
- """
- If a package has been explicitly forbidden from importing by setting a
- C{None} key in sys.modules under its name,
- L{modules.PythonPath.__getitem__} should still be able to retrieve an
- unloaded L{modules.PythonModule} for that package.
- """
- shouldNotLoad = []
- path = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[self.pathEntryWithOnePackage().path],
- moduleLoader=shouldNotLoad.append,
- importerCache={},
- sysPathHooks={},
- moduleDict={'test_package': None})
- self.assertEqual(shouldNotLoad, [])
- self.assertEqual(path['test_package'].isLoaded(), False)
- def test_unimportablePackageWalkModules(self):
- """
- If a package has been explicitly forbidden from importing by setting a
- C{None} key in sys.modules under its name, L{modules.walkModules} should
- still be able to retrieve an unloaded L{modules.PythonModule} for that
- package.
- """
- existentPath = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage()
- self.replaceSysPath([existentPath.path])
- self.replaceSysModules({"test_package": None})
- walked = list(modules.walkModules())
- self.assertEqual([m.name for m in walked],
- ["test_package"])
- self.assertEqual(walked[0].isLoaded(), False)
- def test_nonexistentPaths(self):
- """
- Verify that L{modules.walkModules} ignores entries in sys.path which
- do not exist in the filesystem.
- """
- existentPath = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage()
- nonexistentPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.failIf(nonexistentPath.exists())
- self.replaceSysPath([existentPath.path])
- expected = [modules.getModule("test_package")]
- beforeModules = list(modules.walkModules())
- sys.path.append(nonexistentPath.path)
- afterModules = list(modules.walkModules())
- self.assertEqual(beforeModules, expected)
- self.assertEqual(afterModules, expected)
- def test_nonDirectoryPaths(self):
- """
- Verify that L{modules.walkModules} ignores entries in sys.path which
- refer to regular files in the filesystem.
- """
- existentPath = self.pathEntryWithOnePackage()
- nonDirectoryPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.failIf(nonDirectoryPath.exists())
- nonDirectoryPath.setContent("zip file or whatever\n")
- self.replaceSysPath([existentPath.path])
- beforeModules = list(modules.walkModules())
- sys.path.append(nonDirectoryPath.path)
- afterModules = list(modules.walkModules())
- self.assertEqual(beforeModules, afterModules)
- def test_twistedShowsUp(self):
- """
- Scrounge around in the top-level module namespace and make sure that
- Twisted shows up, and that the module thusly obtained is the same as
- the module that we find when we look for it explicitly by name.
- """
- self.assertEqual(modules.getModule('twisted'),
- self.findByIteration("twisted"))
- def test_dottedNames(self):
- """
- Verify that the walkModules APIs will give us back subpackages, not just
- subpackages.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- modules.getModule('twisted.python'),
- self.findByIteration("twisted.python",
- where=modules.getModule('twisted')))
- def test_onlyTopModules(self):
- """
- Verify that the iterModules API will only return top-level modules and
- packages, not submodules or subpackages.
- """
- for module in modules.iterModules():
- self.failIf(
- '.' in module.name,
- "no nested modules should be returned from iterModules: %r"
- % (module.filePath))
- def test_loadPackagesAndModules(self):
- """
- Verify that we can locate and load packages, modules, submodules, and
- subpackages.
- """
- for n in ['os',
- 'twisted',
- 'twisted.python',
- 'twisted.python.reflect']:
- m = namedAny(n)
- self.failUnlessIdentical(
- modules.getModule(n).load(),
- m)
- self.failUnlessIdentical(
- self.findByIteration(n).load(),
- m)
- def test_pathEntriesOnPath(self):
- """
- Verify that path entries discovered via module loading are, in fact, on
- sys.path somewhere.
- """
- for n in ['os',
- 'twisted',
- 'twisted.python',
- 'twisted.python.reflect']:
- self.failUnlessIn(
- modules.getModule(n).pathEntry.filePath.path,
- sys.path)
- def test_alwaysPreferPy(self):
- """
- Verify that .py files will always be preferred to .pyc files, regardless of
- directory listing order.
- """
- mypath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- mypath.createDirectory()
- pp = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[mypath.path])
- originalSmartPath = pp._smartPath
- def _evilSmartPath(pathName):
- o = originalSmartPath(pathName)
- originalChildren = o.children
- def evilChildren():
- # normally this order is random; let's make sure it always
- # comes up .pyc-first.
- x = originalChildren()
- x.sort()
- x.reverse()
- return x
- o.children = evilChildren
- return o
- mypath.child("abcd.py").setContent('\n')
- compileall.compile_dir(mypath.path, quiet=True)
- # sanity check
- self.assertEqual(len(mypath.children()), 2)
- pp._smartPath = _evilSmartPath
- self.assertEqual(pp['abcd'].filePath,
- mypath.child('abcd.py'))
- def test_packageMissingPath(self):
- """
- A package can delete its __path__ for some reasons,
- C{modules.PythonPath} should be able to deal with it.
- """
- mypath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- mypath.createDirectory()
- pp = modules.PythonPath(sysPath=[mypath.path])
- subpath = mypath.child("abcd")
- subpath.createDirectory()
- subpath.child("__init__.py").setContent('del __path__\n')
- sys.path.append(mypath.path)
- __import__("abcd")
- try:
- l = list(pp.walkModules())
- self.assertEqual(len(l), 1)
- self.assertEqual(l[0].name, 'abcd')
- finally:
- del sys.modules['abcd']
- sys.path.remove(mypath.path)
-class PathModificationTest(TwistedModulesTestCase):
- """
- These tests share setup/cleanup behavior of creating a dummy package and
- stuffing some code in it.
- """
- _serialnum = itertools.count().next # used to generate serial numbers for
- # package names.
- def setUp(self):
- self.pathExtensionName = self.mktemp()
- self.pathExtension = FilePath(self.pathExtensionName)
- self.pathExtension.createDirectory()
- self.packageName = "pyspacetests%d" % (self._serialnum(),)
- self.packagePath = self.pathExtension.child(self.packageName)
- self.packagePath.createDirectory()
- self.packagePath.child("__init__.py").setContent("")
- self.packagePath.child("a.py").setContent("")
- self.packagePath.child("b.py").setContent("")
- self.packagePath.child("c__init__.py").setContent("")
- self.pathSetUp = False
- def _setupSysPath(self):
- assert not self.pathSetUp
- self.pathSetUp = True
- sys.path.append(self.pathExtensionName)
- def _underUnderPathTest(self, doImport=True):
- moddir2 = self.mktemp()
- fpmd = FilePath(moddir2)
- fpmd.createDirectory()
- fpmd.child("foozle.py").setContent("x = 123\n")
- self.packagePath.child("__init__.py").setContent(
- "__path__.append(%r)\n" % (moddir2,))
- # Cut here
- self._setupSysPath()
- modinfo = modules.getModule(self.packageName)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.findByIteration(self.packageName+".foozle", modinfo,
- importPackages=doImport),
- modinfo['foozle'])
- self.assertEqual(modinfo['foozle'].load().x, 123)
- def test_underUnderPathAlreadyImported(self):
- """
- Verify that iterModules will honor the __path__ of already-loaded packages.
- """
- self._underUnderPathTest()
- def test_underUnderPathNotAlreadyImported(self):
- """
- Verify that iterModules will honor the __path__ of already-loaded packages.
- """
- self._underUnderPathTest(False)
- test_underUnderPathNotAlreadyImported.todo = (
- "This may be impossible but it sure would be nice.")
- def _listModules(self):
- pkginfo = modules.getModule(self.packageName)
- nfni = [modinfo.name.split(".")[-1] for modinfo in
- pkginfo.iterModules()]
- nfni.sort()
- self.assertEqual(nfni, ['a', 'b', 'c__init__'])
- def test_listingModules(self):
- """
- Make sure the module list comes back as we expect from iterModules on a
- package, whether zipped or not.
- """
- self._setupSysPath()
- self._listModules()
- def test_listingModulesAlreadyImported(self):
- """
- Make sure the module list comes back as we expect from iterModules on a
- package, whether zipped or not, even if the package has already been
- imported.
- """
- self._setupSysPath()
- namedAny(self.packageName)
- self._listModules()
- def tearDown(self):
- # Intentionally using 'assert' here, this is not a test assertion, this
- # is just an "oh fuck what is going ON" assertion. -glyph
- if self.pathSetUp:
- HORK = "path cleanup failed: don't be surprised if other tests break"
- assert sys.path.pop() is self.pathExtensionName, HORK+", 1"
- assert self.pathExtensionName not in sys.path, HORK+", 2"
-class RebindingTest(PathModificationTest):
- """
- These tests verify that the default path interrogation API works properly
- even when sys.path has been rebound to a different object.
- """
- def _setupSysPath(self):
- assert not self.pathSetUp
- self.pathSetUp = True
- self.savedSysPath = sys.path
- sys.path = sys.path[:]
- sys.path.append(self.pathExtensionName)
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Clean up sys.path by re-binding our original object.
- """
- if self.pathSetUp:
- sys.path = self.savedSysPath
-class ZipPathModificationTest(PathModificationTest):
- def _setupSysPath(self):
- assert not self.pathSetUp
- zipit(self.pathExtensionName, self.pathExtensionName+'.zip')
- self.pathExtensionName += '.zip'
- assert zipfile.is_zipfile(self.pathExtensionName)
- PathModificationTest._setupSysPath(self)
-class PythonPathTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the class which provides the implementation for all of the
- public API of L{twisted.python.modules}, L{PythonPath}.
- """
- def test_unhandledImporter(self):
- """
- Make sure that the behavior when encountering an unknown importer
- type is not catastrophic failure.
- """
- class SecretImporter(object):
- pass
- def hook(name):
- return SecretImporter()
- syspath = ['example/path']
- sysmodules = {}
- syshooks = [hook]
- syscache = {}
- def sysloader(name):
- return None
- space = modules.PythonPath(
- syspath, sysmodules, syshooks, syscache, sysloader)
- entries = list(space.iterEntries())
- self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1)
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: entries[0]['module'])
- def test_inconsistentImporterCache(self):
- """
- If the path a module loaded with L{PythonPath.__getitem__} is not
- present in the path importer cache, a warning is emitted, but the
- L{PythonModule} is returned as usual.
- """
- space = modules.PythonPath([], sys.modules, [], {})
- thisModule = space[__name__]
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_inconsistentImporterCache])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], UserWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- FilePath(twisted.__file__).parent().dirname() +
- " (for module " + __name__ + ") not in path importer cache "
- "(PEP 302 violation - check your local configuration).")
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- self.assertEqual(thisModule.name, __name__)