path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/xmlstream.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/xmlstream.py')
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diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/xmlstream.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/xmlstream.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/protocols/jabber/xmlstream.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test.test_jabberxmlstream -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-XMPP XML Streams
-Building blocks for setting up XML Streams, including helping classes for
-doing authentication on either client or server side, and working with XML
-from zope.interface import directlyProvides, implements
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionLost
-from twisted.python import failure, log, randbytes
-from twisted.python.hashlib import sha1
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error, ijabber, jid
-from twisted.words.xish import domish, xmlstream
-from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_CONNECTED_EVENT
-from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_START_EVENT
-from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_END_EVENT
-from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_ERROR_EVENT
- from twisted.internet import ssl
-except ImportError:
- ssl = None
-if ssl and not ssl.supported:
- ssl = None
-STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT = intern("//event/stream/authd")
-INIT_FAILED_EVENT = intern("//event/xmpp/initfailed")
-NS_STREAMS = 'http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'
-NS_XMPP_TLS = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'
-Reset = object()
-def hashPassword(sid, password):
- """
- Create a SHA1-digest string of a session identifier and password.
- @param sid: The stream session identifier.
- @type sid: C{unicode}.
- @param password: The password to be hashed.
- @type password: C{unicode}.
- """
- if not isinstance(sid, unicode):
- raise TypeError("The session identifier must be a unicode object")
- if not isinstance(password, unicode):
- raise TypeError("The password must be a unicode object")
- input = u"%s%s" % (sid, password)
- return sha1(input.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
-class Authenticator:
- """
- Base class for business logic of initializing an XmlStream
- Subclass this object to enable an XmlStream to initialize and authenticate
- to different types of stream hosts (such as clients, components, etc.).
- Rules:
- 1. The Authenticator MUST dispatch a L{STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT} when the
- stream has been completely initialized.
- 2. The Authenticator SHOULD reset all state information when
- L{associateWithStream} is called.
- 3. The Authenticator SHOULD override L{streamStarted}, and start
- initialization there.
- @type xmlstream: L{XmlStream}
- @ivar xmlstream: The XmlStream that needs authentication
- @note: the term authenticator is historical. Authenticators perform
- all steps required to prepare the stream for the exchange
- of XML stanzas.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.xmlstream = None
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Called by the XmlStream when the underlying socket connection is
- in place.
- This allows the Authenticator to send an initial root element, if it's
- connecting, or wait for an inbound root from the peer if it's accepting
- the connection.
- Subclasses can use self.xmlstream.send() to send any initial data to
- the peer.
- """
- def streamStarted(self, rootElement):
- """
- Called by the XmlStream when the stream has started.
- A stream is considered to have started when the start tag of the root
- element has been received.
- This examines C{rootElement} to see if there is a version attribute.
- If absent, C{0.0} is assumed per RFC 3920. Subsequently, the
- minimum of the version from the received stream header and the
- value stored in L{xmlstream} is taken and put back in L{xmlstream}.
- Extensions of this method can extract more information from the
- stream header and perform checks on them, optionally sending
- stream errors and closing the stream.
- """
- if rootElement.hasAttribute("version"):
- version = rootElement["version"].split(".")
- try:
- version = (int(version[0]), int(version[1]))
- except (IndexError, ValueError):
- version = (0, 0)
- else:
- version = (0, 0)
- self.xmlstream.version = min(self.xmlstream.version, version)
- def associateWithStream(self, xmlstream):
- """
- Called by the XmlStreamFactory when a connection has been made
- to the requested peer, and an XmlStream object has been
- instantiated.
- The default implementation just saves a handle to the new
- XmlStream.
- @type xmlstream: L{XmlStream}
- @param xmlstream: The XmlStream that will be passing events to this
- Authenticator.
- """
- self.xmlstream = xmlstream
-class ConnectAuthenticator(Authenticator):
- """
- Authenticator for initiating entities.
- """
- namespace = None
- def __init__(self, otherHost):
- self.otherHost = otherHost
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.xmlstream.namespace = self.namespace
- self.xmlstream.otherEntity = jid.internJID(self.otherHost)
- self.xmlstream.sendHeader()
- def initializeStream(self):
- """
- Perform stream initialization procedures.
- An L{XmlStream} holds a list of initializer objects in its
- C{initializers} attribute. This method calls these initializers in
- order and dispatches the C{STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT} event when the list has
- been successfully processed. Otherwise it dispatches the
- C{INIT_FAILED_EVENT} event with the failure.
- Initializers may return the special L{Reset} object to halt the
- initialization processing. It signals that the current initializer was
- successfully processed, but that the XML Stream has been reset. An
- example is the TLSInitiatingInitializer.
- """
- def remove_first(result):
- self.xmlstream.initializers.pop(0)
- return result
- def do_next(result):
- """
- Take the first initializer and process it.
- On success, the initializer is removed from the list and
- then next initializer will be tried.
- """
- if result is Reset:
- return None
- try:
- init = self.xmlstream.initializers[0]
- except IndexError:
- self.xmlstream.dispatch(self.xmlstream, STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT)
- return None
- else:
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(init.initialize)
- d.addCallback(remove_first)
- d.addCallback(do_next)
- return d
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- d.addCallback(do_next)
- d.addErrback(self.xmlstream.dispatch, INIT_FAILED_EVENT)
- def streamStarted(self, rootElement):
- """
- Called by the XmlStream when the stream has started.
- This extends L{Authenticator.streamStarted} to extract further stream
- headers from C{rootElement}, optionally wait for stream features being
- received and then call C{initializeStream}.
- """
- Authenticator.streamStarted(self, rootElement)
- self.xmlstream.sid = rootElement.getAttribute("id")
- if rootElement.hasAttribute("from"):
- self.xmlstream.otherEntity = jid.internJID(rootElement["from"])
- # Setup observer for stream features, if applicable
- if self.xmlstream.version >= (1, 0):
- def onFeatures(element):
- features = {}
- for feature in element.elements():
- features[(feature.uri, feature.name)] = feature
- self.xmlstream.features = features
- self.initializeStream()
- self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver('/features[@xmlns="%s"]' %
- onFeatures)
- else:
- self.initializeStream()
-class ListenAuthenticator(Authenticator):
- """
- Authenticator for receiving entities.
- """
- namespace = None
- def associateWithStream(self, xmlstream):
- """
- Called by the XmlStreamFactory when a connection has been made.
- Extend L{Authenticator.associateWithStream} to set the L{XmlStream}
- to be non-initiating.
- """
- Authenticator.associateWithStream(self, xmlstream)
- self.xmlstream.initiating = False
- def streamStarted(self, rootElement):
- """
- Called by the XmlStream when the stream has started.
- This extends L{Authenticator.streamStarted} to extract further
- information from the stream headers from C{rootElement}.
- """
- Authenticator.streamStarted(self, rootElement)
- self.xmlstream.namespace = rootElement.defaultUri
- if rootElement.hasAttribute("to"):
- self.xmlstream.thisEntity = jid.internJID(rootElement["to"])
- self.xmlstream.prefixes = {}
- for prefix, uri in rootElement.localPrefixes.iteritems():
- self.xmlstream.prefixes[uri] = prefix
- self.xmlstream.sid = unicode(randbytes.secureRandom(8).encode('hex'))
-class FeatureNotAdvertized(Exception):
- """
- Exception indicating a stream feature was not advertized, while required by
- the initiating entity.
- """
-class BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer(object):
- """
- Base class for initializers with a stream feature.
- This assumes the associated XmlStream represents the initiating entity
- of the connection.
- @cvar feature: tuple of (uri, name) of the stream feature root element.
- @type feature: tuple of (C{str}, C{str})
- @ivar required: whether the stream feature is required to be advertized
- by the receiving entity.
- @type required: C{bool}
- """
- implements(ijabber.IInitiatingInitializer)
- feature = None
- required = False
- def __init__(self, xs):
- self.xmlstream = xs
- def initialize(self):
- """
- Initiate the initialization.
- Checks if the receiving entity advertizes the stream feature. If it
- does, the initialization is started. If it is not advertized, and the
- C{required} instance variable is C{True}, it raises
- L{FeatureNotAdvertized}. Otherwise, the initialization silently
- succeeds.
- """
- if self.feature in self.xmlstream.features:
- return self.start()
- elif self.required:
- raise FeatureNotAdvertized
- else:
- return None
- def start(self):
- """
- Start the actual initialization.
- May return a deferred for asynchronous initialization.
- """
-class TLSError(Exception):
- """
- TLS base exception.
- """
-class TLSFailed(TLSError):
- """
- Exception indicating failed TLS negotiation
- """
-class TLSRequired(TLSError):
- """
- Exception indicating required TLS negotiation.
- This exception is raised when the receiving entity requires TLS
- negotiation and the initiating does not desire to negotiate TLS.
- """
-class TLSNotSupported(TLSError):
- """
- Exception indicating missing TLS support.
- This exception is raised when the initiating entity wants and requires to
- negotiate TLS when the OpenSSL library is not available.
- """
-class TLSInitiatingInitializer(BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer):
- """
- TLS stream initializer for the initiating entity.
- It is strongly required to include this initializer in the list of
- initializers for an XMPP stream. By default it will try to negotiate TLS.
- An XMPP server may indicate that TLS is required. If TLS is not desired,
- set the C{wanted} attribute to False instead of removing it from the list
- of initializers, so a proper exception L{TLSRequired} can be raised.
- @cvar wanted: indicates if TLS negotiation is wanted.
- @type wanted: C{bool}
- """
- feature = (NS_XMPP_TLS, 'starttls')
- wanted = True
- _deferred = None
- def onProceed(self, obj):
- """
- Proceed with TLS negotiation and reset the XML stream.
- """
- self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/failure', self.onFailure)
- ctx = ssl.CertificateOptions()
- self.xmlstream.transport.startTLS(ctx)
- self.xmlstream.reset()
- self.xmlstream.sendHeader()
- self._deferred.callback(Reset)
- def onFailure(self, obj):
- self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/proceed', self.onProceed)
- self._deferred.errback(TLSFailed())
- def start(self):
- """
- Start TLS negotiation.
- This checks if the receiving entity requires TLS, the SSL library is
- available and uses the C{required} and C{wanted} instance variables to
- determine what to do in the various different cases.
- For example, if the SSL library is not available, and wanted and
- required by the user, it raises an exception. However if it is not
- required by both parties, initialization silently succeeds, moving
- on to the next step.
- """
- if self.wanted:
- if ssl is None:
- if self.required:
- return defer.fail(TLSNotSupported())
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- else:
- pass
- elif self.xmlstream.features[self.feature].required:
- return defer.fail(TLSRequired())
- else:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- self._deferred = defer.Deferred()
- self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver("/proceed", self.onProceed)
- self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver("/failure", self.onFailure)
- self.xmlstream.send(domish.Element((NS_XMPP_TLS, "starttls")))
- return self._deferred
-class XmlStream(xmlstream.XmlStream):
- """
- XMPP XML Stream protocol handler.
- @ivar version: XML stream version as a tuple (major, minor). Initially,
- this is set to the minimally supported version. Upon
- receiving the stream header of the peer, it is set to the
- minimum of that value and the version on the received
- header.
- @type version: (C{int}, C{int})
- @ivar namespace: default namespace URI for stream
- @type namespace: C{unicode}
- @ivar thisEntity: JID of this entity
- @type thisEntity: L{JID}
- @ivar otherEntity: JID of the peer entity
- @type otherEntity: L{JID}
- @ivar sid: session identifier
- @type sid: C{unicode}
- @ivar initiating: True if this is the initiating stream
- @type initiating: C{bool}
- @ivar features: map of (uri, name) to stream features element received from
- the receiving entity.
- @type features: C{dict} of (C{unicode}, C{unicode}) to L{domish.Element}.
- @ivar prefixes: map of URI to prefixes that are to appear on stream
- header.
- @type prefixes: C{dict} of C{unicode} to C{unicode}
- @ivar initializers: list of stream initializer objects
- @type initializers: C{list} of objects that provide L{IInitializer}
- @ivar authenticator: associated authenticator that uses C{initializers} to
- initialize the XML stream.
- """
- version = (1, 0)
- namespace = 'invalid'
- thisEntity = None
- otherEntity = None
- sid = None
- initiating = True
- _headerSent = False # True if the stream header has been sent
- def __init__(self, authenticator):
- xmlstream.XmlStream.__init__(self)
- self.prefixes = {NS_STREAMS: 'stream'}
- self.authenticator = authenticator
- self.initializers = []
- self.features = {}
- # Reset the authenticator
- authenticator.associateWithStream(self)
- def _callLater(self, *args, **kwargs):
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- return reactor.callLater(*args, **kwargs)
- def reset(self):
- """
- Reset XML Stream.
- Resets the XML Parser for incoming data. This is to be used after
- successfully negotiating a new layer, e.g. TLS and SASL. Note that
- registered event observers will continue to be in place.
- """
- self._headerSent = False
- self._initializeStream()
- def onStreamError(self, errelem):
- """
- Called when a stream:error element has been received.
- Dispatches a L{STREAM_ERROR_EVENT} event with the error element to
- allow for cleanup actions and drops the connection.
- @param errelem: The received error element.
- @type errelem: L{domish.Element}
- """
- self.dispatch(failure.Failure(error.exceptionFromStreamError(errelem)),
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def sendHeader(self):
- """
- Send stream header.
- """
- # set up optional extra namespaces
- localPrefixes = {}
- for uri, prefix in self.prefixes.iteritems():
- if uri != NS_STREAMS:
- localPrefixes[prefix] = uri
- rootElement = domish.Element((NS_STREAMS, 'stream'), self.namespace,
- localPrefixes=localPrefixes)
- if self.otherEntity:
- rootElement['to'] = self.otherEntity.userhost()
- if self.thisEntity:
- rootElement['from'] = self.thisEntity.userhost()
- if not self.initiating and self.sid:
- rootElement['id'] = self.sid
- if self.version >= (1, 0):
- rootElement['version'] = "%d.%d" % self.version
- self.send(rootElement.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0))
- self._headerSent = True
- def sendFooter(self):
- """
- Send stream footer.
- """
- self.send('</stream:stream>')
- def sendStreamError(self, streamError):
- """
- Send stream level error.
- If we are the receiving entity, and haven't sent the header yet,
- we sent one first.
- After sending the stream error, the stream is closed and the transport
- connection dropped.
- @param streamError: stream error instance
- @type streamError: L{error.StreamError}
- """
- if not self._headerSent and not self.initiating:
- self.sendHeader()
- if self._headerSent:
- self.send(streamError.getElement())
- self.sendFooter()
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def send(self, obj):
- """
- Send data over the stream.
- This overrides L{xmlstream.Xmlstream.send} to use the default namespace
- of the stream header when serializing L{domish.IElement}s. It is
- assumed that if you pass an object that provides L{domish.IElement},
- it represents a direct child of the stream's root element.
- """
- if domish.IElement.providedBy(obj):
- obj = obj.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes,
- defaultUri=self.namespace,
- prefixesInScope=self.prefixes.values())
- xmlstream.XmlStream.send(self, obj)
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Called when a connection is made.
- Notifies the authenticator when a connection has been made.
- """
- xmlstream.XmlStream.connectionMade(self)
- self.authenticator.connectionMade()
- def onDocumentStart(self, rootElement):
- """
- Called when the stream header has been received.
- Extracts the header's C{id} and C{version} attributes from the root
- element. The C{id} attribute is stored in our C{sid} attribute and the
- C{version} attribute is parsed and the minimum of the version we sent
- and the parsed C{version} attribute is stored as a tuple (major, minor)
- in this class' C{version} attribute. If no C{version} attribute was
- present, we assume version 0.0.
- If appropriate (we are the initiating stream and the minimum of our and
- the other party's version is at least 1.0), a one-time observer is
- registered for getting the stream features. The registered function is
- C{onFeatures}.
- Ultimately, the authenticator's C{streamStarted} method will be called.
- @param rootElement: The root element.
- @type rootElement: L{domish.Element}
- """
- xmlstream.XmlStream.onDocumentStart(self, rootElement)
- # Setup observer for stream errors
- self.addOnetimeObserver("/error[@xmlns='%s']" % NS_STREAMS,
- self.onStreamError)
- self.authenticator.streamStarted(rootElement)
-class XmlStreamFactory(xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory):
- """
- Factory for Jabber XmlStream objects as a reconnecting client.
- Note that this differs from L{xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory} in that
- it generates Jabber specific L{XmlStream} instances that have
- authenticators.
- """
- protocol = XmlStream
- def __init__(self, authenticator):
- xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory.__init__(self, authenticator)
- self.authenticator = authenticator
-class XmlStreamServerFactory(xmlstream.BootstrapMixin,
- protocol.ServerFactory):
- """
- Factory for Jabber XmlStream objects as a server.
- @since: 8.2.
- @ivar authenticatorFactory: Factory callable that takes no arguments, to
- create a fresh authenticator to be associated
- with the XmlStream.
- """
- protocol = XmlStream
- def __init__(self, authenticatorFactory):
- xmlstream.BootstrapMixin.__init__(self)
- self.authenticatorFactory = authenticatorFactory
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- """
- Create an instance of XmlStream.
- A new authenticator instance will be created and passed to the new
- XmlStream. Registered bootstrap event observers are installed as well.
- """
- authenticator = self.authenticatorFactory()
- xs = self.protocol(authenticator)
- xs.factory = self
- self.installBootstraps(xs)
- return xs
-class TimeoutError(Exception):
- """
- Exception raised when no IQ response has been received before the
- configured timeout.
- """
-def upgradeWithIQResponseTracker(xs):
- """
- Enhances an XmlStream for iq response tracking.
- This makes an L{XmlStream} object provide L{IIQResponseTracker}. When a
- response is an error iq stanza, the deferred has its errback invoked with a
- failure that holds a L{StanzaException<error.StanzaException>} that is
- easier to examine.
- """
- def callback(iq):
- """
- Handle iq response by firing associated deferred.
- """
- if getattr(iq, 'handled', False):
- return
- try:
- d = xs.iqDeferreds[iq["id"]]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- del xs.iqDeferreds[iq["id"]]
- iq.handled = True
- if iq['type'] == 'error':
- d.errback(error.exceptionFromStanza(iq))
- else:
- d.callback(iq)
- def disconnected(_):
- """
- Make sure deferreds do not linger on after disconnect.
- This errbacks all deferreds of iq's for which no response has been
- received with a L{ConnectionLost} failure. Otherwise, the deferreds
- will never be fired.
- """
- iqDeferreds = xs.iqDeferreds
- xs.iqDeferreds = {}
- for d in iqDeferreds.itervalues():
- d.errback(ConnectionLost())
- xs.iqDeferreds = {}
- xs.iqDefaultTimeout = getattr(xs, 'iqDefaultTimeout', None)
- xs.addObserver(xmlstream.STREAM_END_EVENT, disconnected)
- xs.addObserver('/iq[@type="result"]', callback)
- xs.addObserver('/iq[@type="error"]', callback)
- directlyProvides(xs, ijabber.IIQResponseTracker)
-class IQ(domish.Element):
- """
- Wrapper for an iq stanza.
- Iq stanzas are used for communications with a request-response behaviour.
- Each iq request is associated with an XML stream and has its own unique id
- to be able to track the response.
- @ivar timeout: if set, a timeout period after which the deferred returned
- by C{send} will have its errback called with a
- L{TimeoutError} failure.
- @type timeout: C{float}
- """
- timeout = None
- def __init__(self, xmlstream, stanzaType="set"):
- """
- @type xmlstream: L{xmlstream.XmlStream}
- @param xmlstream: XmlStream to use for transmission of this IQ
- @type stanzaType: C{str}
- @param stanzaType: IQ type identifier ('get' or 'set')
- """
- domish.Element.__init__(self, (None, "iq"))
- self.addUniqueId()
- self["type"] = stanzaType
- self._xmlstream = xmlstream
- def send(self, to=None):
- """
- Send out this iq.
- Returns a deferred that is fired when an iq response with the same id
- is received. Result responses will be passed to the deferred callback.
- Error responses will be transformed into a
- L{StanzaError<error.StanzaError>} and result in the errback of the
- deferred being invoked.
- @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
- """
- if to is not None:
- self["to"] = to
- if not ijabber.IIQResponseTracker.providedBy(self._xmlstream):
- upgradeWithIQResponseTracker(self._xmlstream)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self._xmlstream.iqDeferreds[self['id']] = d
- timeout = self.timeout or self._xmlstream.iqDefaultTimeout
- if timeout is not None:
- def onTimeout():
- del self._xmlstream.iqDeferreds[self['id']]
- d.errback(TimeoutError("IQ timed out"))
- call = self._xmlstream._callLater(timeout, onTimeout)
- def cancelTimeout(result):
- if call.active():
- call.cancel()
- return result
- d.addBoth(cancelTimeout)
- self._xmlstream.send(self)
- return d
-def toResponse(stanza, stanzaType=None):
- """
- Create a response stanza from another stanza.
- This takes the addressing and id attributes from a stanza to create a (new,
- empty) response stanza. The addressing attributes are swapped and the id
- copied. Optionally, the stanza type of the response can be specified.
- @param stanza: the original stanza
- @type stanza: L{domish.Element}
- @param stanzaType: optional response stanza type
- @type stanzaType: C{str}
- @return: the response stanza.
- @rtype: L{domish.Element}
- """
- toAddr = stanza.getAttribute('from')
- fromAddr = stanza.getAttribute('to')
- stanzaID = stanza.getAttribute('id')
- response = domish.Element((None, stanza.name))
- if toAddr:
- response['to'] = toAddr
- if fromAddr:
- response['from'] = fromAddr
- if stanzaID:
- response['id'] = stanzaID
- if stanzaType:
- response['type'] = stanzaType
- return response
-class XMPPHandler(object):
- """
- XMPP protocol handler.
- Classes derived from this class implement (part of) one or more XMPP
- extension protocols, and are referred to as a subprotocol implementation.
- """
- implements(ijabber.IXMPPHandler)
- def __init__(self):
- self.parent = None
- self.xmlstream = None
- def setHandlerParent(self, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- self.parent.addHandler(self)
- def disownHandlerParent(self, parent):
- self.parent.removeHandler(self)
- self.parent = None
- def makeConnection(self, xs):
- self.xmlstream = xs
- self.connectionMade()
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Called after a connection has been established.
- Can be overridden to perform work before stream initialization.
- """
- def connectionInitialized(self):
- """
- The XML stream has been initialized.
- Can be overridden to perform work after stream initialization, e.g. to
- set up observers and start exchanging XML stanzas.
- """
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- The XML stream has been closed.
- This method can be extended to inspect the C{reason} argument and
- act on it.
- """
- self.xmlstream = None
- def send(self, obj):
- """
- Send data over the managed XML stream.
- @note: The stream manager maintains a queue for data sent using this
- method when there is no current initialized XML stream. This
- data is then sent as soon as a new stream has been established
- and initialized. Subsequently, L{connectionInitialized} will be
- called again. If this queueing is not desired, use C{send} on
- C{self.xmlstream}.
- @param obj: data to be sent over the XML stream. This is usually an
- object providing L{domish.IElement}, or serialized XML. See
- L{xmlstream.XmlStream} for details.
- """
- self.parent.send(obj)
-class XMPPHandlerCollection(object):
- """
- Collection of XMPP subprotocol handlers.
- This allows for grouping of subprotocol handlers, but is not an
- L{XMPPHandler} itself, so this is not recursive.
- @ivar handlers: List of protocol handlers.
- @type handlers: C{list} of objects providing
- L{IXMPPHandler}
- """
- implements(ijabber.IXMPPHandlerCollection)
- def __init__(self):
- self.handlers = []
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- Act as a container for handlers.
- """
- return iter(self.handlers)
- def addHandler(self, handler):
- """
- Add protocol handler.
- Protocol handlers are expected to provide L{ijabber.IXMPPHandler}.
- """
- self.handlers.append(handler)
- def removeHandler(self, handler):
- """
- Remove protocol handler.
- """
- self.handlers.remove(handler)
-class StreamManager(XMPPHandlerCollection):
- """
- Business logic representing a managed XMPP connection.
- This maintains a single XMPP connection and provides facilities for packet
- routing and transmission. Business logic modules are objects providing
- L{ijabber.IXMPPHandler} (like subclasses of L{XMPPHandler}), and added
- using L{addHandler}.
- @ivar xmlstream: currently managed XML stream
- @type xmlstream: L{XmlStream}
- @ivar logTraffic: if true, log all traffic.
- @type logTraffic: C{bool}
- @ivar _initialized: Whether the stream represented by L{xmlstream} has
- been initialized. This is used when caching outgoing
- stanzas.
- @type _initialized: C{bool}
- @ivar _packetQueue: internal buffer of unsent data. See L{send} for details.
- @type _packetQueue: C{list}
- """
- logTraffic = False
- def __init__(self, factory):
- XMPPHandlerCollection.__init__(self)
- self.xmlstream = None
- self._packetQueue = []
- self._initialized = False
- factory.addBootstrap(STREAM_CONNECTED_EVENT, self._connected)
- factory.addBootstrap(STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT, self._authd)
- factory.addBootstrap(INIT_FAILED_EVENT, self.initializationFailed)
- factory.addBootstrap(STREAM_END_EVENT, self._disconnected)
- self.factory = factory
- def addHandler(self, handler):
- """
- Add protocol handler.
- When an XML stream has already been established, the handler's
- C{connectionInitialized} will be called to get it up to speed.
- """
- XMPPHandlerCollection.addHandler(self, handler)
- # get protocol handler up to speed when a connection has already
- # been established
- if self.xmlstream and self._initialized:
- handler.makeConnection(self.xmlstream)
- handler.connectionInitialized()
- def _connected(self, xs):
- """
- Called when the transport connection has been established.
- Here we optionally set up traffic logging (depending on L{logTraffic})
- and call each handler's C{makeConnection} method with the L{XmlStream}
- instance.
- """
- def logDataIn(buf):
- log.msg("RECV: %r" % buf)
- def logDataOut(buf):
- log.msg("SEND: %r" % buf)
- if self.logTraffic:
- xs.rawDataInFn = logDataIn
- xs.rawDataOutFn = logDataOut
- self.xmlstream = xs
- for e in self:
- e.makeConnection(xs)
- def _authd(self, xs):
- """
- Called when the stream has been initialized.
- Send out cached stanzas and call each handler's
- C{connectionInitialized} method.
- """
- # Flush all pending packets
- for p in self._packetQueue:
- xs.send(p)
- self._packetQueue = []
- self._initialized = True
- # Notify all child services which implement
- # the IService interface
- for e in self:
- e.connectionInitialized()
- def initializationFailed(self, reason):
- """
- Called when stream initialization has failed.
- Stream initialization has halted, with the reason indicated by
- C{reason}. It may be retried by calling the authenticator's
- C{initializeStream}. See the respective authenticators for details.
- @param reason: A failure instance indicating why stream initialization
- failed.
- @type reason: L{failure.Failure}
- """
- def _disconnected(self, reason):
- """
- Called when the stream has been closed.
- From this point on, the manager doesn't interact with the
- L{XmlStream} anymore and notifies each handler that the connection
- was lost by calling its C{connectionLost} method.
- """
- self.xmlstream = None
- self._initialized = False
- # Notify all child services which implement
- # the IService interface
- for e in self:
- e.connectionLost(reason)
- def send(self, obj):
- """
- Send data over the XML stream.
- When there is no established XML stream, the data is queued and sent
- out when a new XML stream has been established and initialized.
- @param obj: data to be sent over the XML stream. See
- L{xmlstream.XmlStream.send} for details.
- """
- if self._initialized:
- self.xmlstream.send(obj)
- else:
- self._packetQueue.append(obj)
-__all__ = ['Authenticator', 'BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer',
- 'ConnectAuthenticator', 'FeatureNotAdvertized',
- 'INIT_FAILED_EVENT', 'IQ', 'ListenAuthenticator', 'NS_STREAMS',
- 'STREAM_START_EVENT', 'StreamManager', 'TLSError', 'TLSFailed',
- 'TLSInitiatingInitializer', 'TLSNotSupported', 'TLSRequired',
- 'TimeoutError', 'XMPPHandler', 'XMPPHandlerCollection', 'XmlStream',
- 'XmlStreamFactory', 'XmlStreamServerFactory', 'hashPassword',
- 'toResponse', 'upgradeWithIQResponseTracker']