path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_irc.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/words/test/test_irc.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.words.protocols.irc}.
-import time
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.words.protocols import irc
-from twisted.words.protocols.irc import IRCClient
-from twisted.internet import protocol, task
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport, StringIOWithoutClosing
-class ModeParsingTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.parseModes}.
- """
- paramModes = ('klb', 'b')
- def test_emptyModes(self):
- """
- Parsing an empty mode string raises L{irc.IRCBadModes}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '', [])
- def test_emptyModeSequence(self):
- """
- Parsing a mode string that contains an empty sequence (either a C{+} or
- C{-} followed directly by another C{+} or C{-}, or not followed by
- anything at all) raises L{irc.IRCBadModes}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '++k', [])
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '-+k', [])
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '+', [])
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '-', [])
- def test_malformedModes(self):
- """
- Parsing a mode string that does not start with C{+} or C{-} raises
- L{irc.IRCBadModes}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, 'foo', [])
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '%', [])
- def test_nullModes(self):
- """
- Parsing a mode string that contains no mode characters raises
- L{irc.IRCBadModes}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '+', [])
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes, irc.parseModes, '-', [])
- def test_singleMode(self):
- """
- Parsing a single mode setting with no parameters results in that mode,
- with no parameters, in the "added" direction and no modes in the
- "removed" direction.
- """
- added, removed = irc.parseModes('+s', [])
- self.assertEqual(added, [('s', None)])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [])
- added, removed = irc.parseModes('-s', [])
- self.assertEqual(added, [])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [('s', None)])
- def test_singleDirection(self):
- """
- Parsing a single-direction mode setting with multiple modes and no
- parameters, results in all modes falling into the same direction group.
- """
- added, removed = irc.parseModes('+stn', [])
- self.assertEqual(added, [('s', None),
- ('t', None),
- ('n', None)])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [])
- added, removed = irc.parseModes('-nt', [])
- self.assertEqual(added, [])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [('n', None),
- ('t', None)])
- def test_multiDirection(self):
- """
- Parsing a multi-direction mode setting with no parameters.
- """
- added, removed = irc.parseModes('+s-n+ti', [])
- self.assertEqual(added, [('s', None),
- ('t', None),
- ('i', None)])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [('n', None)])
- def test_consecutiveDirection(self):
- """
- Parsing a multi-direction mode setting containing two consecutive mode
- sequences with the same direction results in the same result as if
- there were only one mode sequence in the same direction.
- """
- added, removed = irc.parseModes('+sn+ti', [])
- self.assertEqual(added, [('s', None),
- ('n', None),
- ('t', None),
- ('i', None)])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [])
- def test_mismatchedParams(self):
- """
- If the number of mode parameters does not match the number of modes
- expecting parameters, L{irc.IRCBadModes} is raised.
- """
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes,
- irc.parseModes,
- '+k', [],
- self.paramModes)
- self.assertRaises(irc.IRCBadModes,
- irc.parseModes,
- '+kl', ['foo', '10', 'lulz_extra_param'],
- self.paramModes)
- def test_parameters(self):
- """
- Modes which require parameters are parsed and paired with their relevant
- parameter, modes which do not require parameters do not consume any of
- the parameters.
- """
- added, removed = irc.parseModes(
- '+klbb',
- ['somekey', '42', 'nick!user@host', 'other!*@*'],
- self.paramModes)
- self.assertEqual(added, [('k', 'somekey'),
- ('l', '42'),
- ('b', 'nick!user@host'),
- ('b', 'other!*@*')])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [])
- added, removed = irc.parseModes(
- '-klbb',
- ['nick!user@host', 'other!*@*'],
- self.paramModes)
- self.assertEqual(added, [])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [('k', None),
- ('l', None),
- ('b', 'nick!user@host'),
- ('b', 'other!*@*')])
- # Mix a no-argument mode in with argument modes.
- added, removed = irc.parseModes(
- '+knbb',
- ['somekey', 'nick!user@host', 'other!*@*'],
- self.paramModes)
- self.assertEqual(added, [('k', 'somekey'),
- ('n', None),
- ('b', 'nick!user@host'),
- ('b', 'other!*@*')])
- self.assertEqual(removed, [])
-stringSubjects = [
- "Hello, this is a nice string with no complications.",
- "xargs%(NUL)smight%(NUL)slike%(NUL)sthis" % {'NUL': irc.NUL },
- "embedded%(CR)snewline%(CR)s%(NL)sFUN%(NL)s" % {'CR': irc.CR,
- 'NL': irc.NL},
- "escape!%(X)s escape!%(M)s %(X)s%(X)sa %(M)s0" % {'X': irc.X_QUOTE,
- 'M': irc.M_QUOTE}
- ]
-class QuotingTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_lowquoteSanity(self):
- """
- Testing client-server level quote/dequote.
- """
- for s in stringSubjects:
- self.assertEqual(s, irc.lowDequote(irc.lowQuote(s)))
- def test_ctcpquoteSanity(self):
- """
- Testing CTCP message level quote/dequote.
- """
- for s in stringSubjects:
- self.assertEqual(s, irc.ctcpDequote(irc.ctcpQuote(s)))
-class Dispatcher(irc._CommandDispatcherMixin):
- """
- A dispatcher that exposes one known command and handles unknown commands.
- """
- prefix = 'disp'
- def disp_working(self, a, b):
- """
- A known command that returns its input.
- """
- return a, b
- def disp_unknown(self, name, a, b):
- """
- Handle unknown commands by returning their name and inputs.
- """
- return name, a, b
-class DispatcherTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{irc._CommandDispatcherMixin}.
- """
- def test_dispatch(self):
- """
- Dispatching a command invokes the correct handler.
- """
- disp = Dispatcher()
- args = (1, 2)
- res = disp.dispatch('working', *args)
- self.assertEqual(res, args)
- def test_dispatchUnknown(self):
- """
- Dispatching an unknown command invokes the default handler.
- """
- disp = Dispatcher()
- name = 'missing'
- args = (1, 2)
- res = disp.dispatch(name, *args)
- self.assertEqual(res, (name,) + args)
- def test_dispatchMissingUnknown(self):
- """
- Dispatching an unknown command, when no default handler is present,
- results in an exception being raised.
- """
- disp = Dispatcher()
- disp.disp_unknown = None
- self.assertRaises(irc.UnhandledCommand, disp.dispatch, 'bar')
-class ServerSupportedFeatureTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{ServerSupportedFeatures} and related functions.
- """
- def test_intOrDefault(self):
- """
- L{_intOrDefault} converts values to C{int} if possible, otherwise
- returns a default value.
- """
- self.assertEqual(irc._intOrDefault(None), None)
- self.assertEqual(irc._intOrDefault([]), None)
- self.assertEqual(irc._intOrDefault(''), None)
- self.assertEqual(irc._intOrDefault('hello', 5), 5)
- self.assertEqual(irc._intOrDefault('123'), 123)
- self.assertEqual(irc._intOrDefault(123), 123)
- def test_splitParam(self):
- """
- L{ServerSupportedFeatures._splitParam} splits ISUPPORT parameters
- into key and values. Parameters without a separator are split into a
- key and a list containing only the empty string. Escaped parameters
- are unescaped.
- """
- params = [('FOO', ('FOO', [''])),
- ('FOO=', ('FOO', [''])),
- ('FOO=1', ('FOO', ['1'])),
- ('FOO=1,2,3', ('FOO', ['1', '2', '3'])),
- ('FOO=A\\x20B', ('FOO', ['A B'])),
- ('FOO=\\x5Cx', ('FOO', ['\\x'])),
- ('FOO=\\', ('FOO', ['\\'])),
- ('FOO=\\n', ('FOO', ['\\n']))]
- _splitParam = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures._splitParam
- for param, expected in params:
- res = _splitParam(param)
- self.assertEqual(res, expected)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _splitParam, 'FOO=\\x')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _splitParam, 'FOO=\\xNN')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _splitParam, 'FOO=\\xN')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _splitParam, 'FOO=\\x20\\x')
- def test_splitParamArgs(self):
- """
- L{ServerSupportedFeatures._splitParamArgs} splits ISUPPORT parameter
- arguments into key and value. Arguments without a separator are
- split into a key and an empty string.
- """
- res = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures._splitParamArgs(['A:1', 'B:2', 'C:', 'D'])
- self.assertEqual(res, [('A', '1'),
- ('B', '2'),
- ('C', ''),
- ('D', '')])
- def test_splitParamArgsProcessor(self):
- """
- L{ServerSupportedFeatures._splitParamArgs} uses the argument processor
- passed to to convert ISUPPORT argument values to some more suitable
- form.
- """
- res = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures._splitParamArgs(['A:1', 'B:2', 'C'],
- irc._intOrDefault)
- self.assertEqual(res, [('A', 1),
- ('B', 2),
- ('C', None)])
- def test_parsePrefixParam(self):
- """
- L{ServerSupportedFeatures._parsePrefixParam} parses the ISUPPORT PREFIX
- parameter into a mapping from modes to prefix symbols, returns
- C{None} if there is no parseable prefix parameter or raises
- C{ValueError} if the prefix parameter is malformed.
- """
- _parsePrefixParam = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures._parsePrefixParam
- self.assertEqual(_parsePrefixParam(''), None)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, _parsePrefixParam, 'hello')
- self.assertEqual(_parsePrefixParam('(ov)@+'),
- {'o': ('@', 0),
- 'v': ('+', 1)})
- def test_parseChanModesParam(self):
- """
- L{ServerSupportedFeatures._parseChanModesParam} parses the ISUPPORT
- CHANMODES parameter into a mapping from mode categories to mode
- characters. Passing fewer than 4 parameters results in the empty string
- for the relevant categories. Passing more than 4 parameters raises
- C{ValueError}.
- """
- _parseChanModesParam = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures._parseChanModesParam
- self.assertEqual(
- _parseChanModesParam([]),
- {'addressModes': '',
- 'param': '',
- 'setParam': '',
- 'noParam': ''})
- self.assertEqual(
- _parseChanModesParam(['b', 'k', 'l', 'imnpst']),
- {'addressModes': 'b',
- 'param': 'k',
- 'setParam': 'l',
- 'noParam': 'imnpst'})
- self.assertEqual(
- _parseChanModesParam(['b', 'k', 'l']),
- {'addressModes': 'b',
- 'param': 'k',
- 'setParam': 'l',
- 'noParam': ''})
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError,
- _parseChanModesParam, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
- def test_parse(self):
- """
- L{ServerSupportedFeatures.parse} changes the internal state of the
- instance to reflect the features indicated by the parsed ISUPPORT
- parameters, including unknown parameters and unsetting previously set
- parameters.
- """
- supported = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures()
- supported.parse(['MODES=4',
- 'CHANLIMIT=#:20,&:10',
- 'INVEX',
- self.assertEqual(supported.getFeature('MODES'), 4)
- self.assertEqual(supported.getFeature('CHANLIMIT'),
- [('#', 20),
- ('&', 10)])
- self.assertEqual(supported.getFeature('INVEX'), 'I')
- self.assertEqual(supported.getFeature('EXCEPTS'), 'Z')
- self.assertEqual(supported.getFeature('UNKNOWN'), ('A', 'B', 'C'))
- self.assertTrue(supported.hasFeature('INVEX'))
- supported.parse(['-INVEX'])
- self.assertFalse(supported.hasFeature('INVEX'))
- # Unsetting a previously unset parameter should not be a problem.
- supported.parse(['-INVEX'])
- def _parse(self, features):
- """
- Parse all specified features according to the ISUPPORT specifications.
- @type features: C{list} of C{(featureName, value)}
- @param features: Feature names and values to parse
- @rtype: L{irc.ServerSupportedFeatures}
- """
- supported = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures()
- features = ['%s=%s' % (name, value or '')
- for name, value in features]
- supported.parse(features)
- return supported
- def _parseFeature(self, name, value=None):
- """
- Parse a feature, with the given name and value, according to the
- ISUPPORT specifications and return the parsed value.
- """
- supported = self._parse([(name, value)])
- return supported.getFeature(name)
- def _testIntOrDefaultFeature(self, name, default=None):
- """
- Perform some common tests on a feature known to use L{_intOrDefault}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature(name, None),
- default)
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature(name, 'notanint'),
- default)
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature(name, '42'),
- 42)
- def _testFeatureDefault(self, name, features=None):
- """
- Features known to have default values are reported as being present by
- L{irc.ServerSupportedFeatures.hasFeature}, and their value defaults
- correctly, when they don't appear in an ISUPPORT message.
- """
- default = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures()._features[name]
- if features is None:
- features = [('DEFINITELY_NOT', 'a_feature')]
- supported = self._parse(features)
- self.assertTrue(supported.hasFeature(name))
- self.assertEqual(supported.getFeature(name), default)
- def test_support_CHANMODES(self):
- """
- The CHANMODES ISUPPORT parameter is parsed into a C{dict} giving the
- four mode categories, C{'addressModes'}, C{'param'}, C{'setParam'}, and
- C{'noParam'}.
- """
- self._testFeatureDefault('CHANMODES')
- self._testFeatureDefault('CHANMODES', [('CHANMODES', 'b,,lk,')])
- self._testFeatureDefault('CHANMODES', [('CHANMODES', 'b,,lk,ha,ha')])
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('CHANMODES', ''),
- {'addressModes': '',
- 'param': '',
- 'setParam': '',
- 'noParam': ''})
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('CHANMODES', ',A'),
- {'addressModes': '',
- 'param': 'A',
- 'setParam': '',
- 'noParam': ''})
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('CHANMODES', 'A,Bc,Def,Ghij'),
- {'addressModes': 'A',
- 'param': 'Bc',
- 'setParam': 'Def',
- 'noParam': 'Ghij'})
- def test_support_IDCHAN(self):
- """
- The IDCHAN support parameter is parsed into a sequence of two-tuples
- giving channel prefix and ID length pairs.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('IDCHAN', '!:5'),
- [('!', '5')])
- def test_support_MAXLIST(self):
- """
- The MAXLIST support parameter is parsed into a sequence of two-tuples
- giving modes and their limits.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('MAXLIST', 'b:25,eI:50'),
- [('b', 25), ('eI', 50)])
- # A non-integer parameter argument results in None.
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('MAXLIST', 'b:25,eI:50,a:3.1415'),
- [('b', 25), ('eI', 50), ('a', None)])
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('MAXLIST', 'b:25,eI:50,a:notanint'),
- [('b', 25), ('eI', 50), ('a', None)])
- def test_support_NETWORK(self):
- """
- The NETWORK support parameter is parsed as the network name, as
- specified by the server.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('NETWORK', 'IRCNet'),
- 'IRCNet')
- def test_support_SAFELIST(self):
- """
- The SAFELIST support parameter is parsed into a boolean indicating
- whether the safe "list" command is supported or not.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('SAFELIST'),
- True)
- def test_support_STATUSMSG(self):
- """
- The STATUSMSG support parameter is parsed into a string of channel
- status that support the exclusive channel notice method.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('STATUSMSG', '@+'),
- '@+')
- def test_support_TARGMAX(self):
- """
- The TARGMAX support parameter is parsed into a dictionary, mapping
- strings to integers, of the maximum number of targets for a particular
- command.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('TARGMAX', 'PRIVMSG:4,NOTICE:3'),
- {'PRIVMSG': 4,
- 'NOTICE': 3})
- # A non-integer parameter argument results in None.
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('TARGMAX', 'PRIVMSG:4,NOTICE:3,KICK:3.1415'),
- {'PRIVMSG': 4,
- 'NOTICE': 3,
- 'KICK': None})
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('TARGMAX', 'PRIVMSG:4,NOTICE:3,KICK:notanint'),
- {'PRIVMSG': 4,
- 'NOTICE': 3,
- 'KICK': None})
- def test_support_NICKLEN(self):
- """
- The NICKLEN support parameter is parsed into an integer value
- indicating the maximum length of a nickname the client may use,
- otherwise, if the parameter is missing or invalid, the default value
- (as specified by RFC 1459) is used.
- """
- default = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures()._features['NICKLEN']
- self._testIntOrDefaultFeature('NICKLEN', default)
- def test_support_CHANNELLEN(self):
- """
- The CHANNELLEN support parameter is parsed into an integer value
- indicating the maximum channel name length, otherwise, if the
- parameter is missing or invalid, the default value (as specified by
- RFC 1459) is used.
- """
- default = irc.ServerSupportedFeatures()._features['CHANNELLEN']
- self._testIntOrDefaultFeature('CHANNELLEN', default)
- def test_support_CHANTYPES(self):
- """
- The CHANTYPES support parameter is parsed into a tuple of
- valid channel prefix characters.
- """
- self._testFeatureDefault('CHANTYPES')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('CHANTYPES', '#&%'),
- ('#', '&', '%'))
- def test_support_KICKLEN(self):
- """
- The KICKLEN support parameter is parsed into an integer value
- indicating the maximum length of a kick message a client may use.
- """
- self._testIntOrDefaultFeature('KICKLEN')
- def test_support_PREFIX(self):
- """
- The PREFIX support parameter is parsed into a dictionary mapping
- modes to two-tuples of status symbol and priority.
- """
- self._testFeatureDefault('PREFIX')
- self._testFeatureDefault('PREFIX', [('PREFIX', 'hello')])
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('PREFIX', None),
- None)
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('PREFIX', '(ohv)@%+'),
- {'o': ('@', 0),
- 'h': ('%', 1),
- 'v': ('+', 2)})
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('PREFIX', '(hov)@%+'),
- {'o': ('%', 1),
- 'h': ('@', 0),
- 'v': ('+', 2)})
- def test_support_TOPICLEN(self):
- """
- The TOPICLEN support parameter is parsed into an integer value
- indicating the maximum length of a topic a client may set.
- """
- self._testIntOrDefaultFeature('TOPICLEN')
- def test_support_MODES(self):
- """
- The MODES support parameter is parsed into an integer value
- indicating the maximum number of "variable" modes (defined as being
- modes from C{addressModes}, C{param} or C{setParam} categories for
- the C{CHANMODES} ISUPPORT parameter) which may by set on a channel
- by a single MODE command from a client.
- """
- self._testIntOrDefaultFeature('MODES')
- def test_support_EXCEPTS(self):
- """
- The EXCEPTS support parameter is parsed into the mode character
- to be used for "ban exception" modes. If no parameter is specified
- then the character C{e} is assumed.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('EXCEPTS', 'Z'),
- 'Z')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('EXCEPTS'),
- 'e')
- def test_support_INVEX(self):
- """
- The INVEX support parameter is parsed into the mode character to be
- used for "invite exception" modes. If no parameter is specified then
- the character C{I} is assumed.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('INVEX', 'Z'),
- 'Z')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._parseFeature('INVEX'),
- 'I')
-class IRCClientWithoutLogin(irc.IRCClient):
- performLogin = 0
-class CTCPTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient} CTCP handling.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.file = StringIOWithoutClosing()
- self.transport = protocol.FileWrapper(self.file)
- self.client = IRCClientWithoutLogin()
- self.client.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.addCleanup(self.transport.loseConnection)
- self.addCleanup(self.client.connectionLost, None)
- def test_ERRMSG(self):
- """Testing CTCP query ERRMSG.
- Not because this is this is an especially important case in the
- field, but it does go through the entire dispatch/decode/encode
- process.
- """
- errQuery = (":nick!guy@over.there PRIVMSG #theChan :"
- "%(X)cERRMSG t%(X)c%(EOL)s"
- % {'X': irc.X_DELIM,
- 'EOL': irc.CR + irc.LF})
- errReply = ("NOTICE nick :%(X)cERRMSG t :"
- "No error has occoured.%(X)c%(EOL)s"
- % {'X': irc.X_DELIM,
- 'EOL': irc.CR + irc.LF})
- self.client.dataReceived(errQuery)
- reply = self.file.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(errReply, reply)
- def test_noNumbersVERSION(self):
- """
- If attributes for version information on L{IRCClient} are set to
- C{None}, the parts of the CTCP VERSION response they correspond to
- are omitted.
- """
- self.client.versionName = "FrobozzIRC"
- self.client.ctcpQuery_VERSION("nick!guy@over.there", "#theChan", None)
- versionReply = ("NOTICE nick :%(X)cVERSION %(vname)s::"
- "%(X)c%(EOL)s"
- % {'X': irc.X_DELIM,
- 'EOL': irc.CR + irc.LF,
- 'vname': self.client.versionName})
- reply = self.file.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(versionReply, reply)
- def test_fullVERSION(self):
- """
- The response to a CTCP VERSION query includes the version number and
- environment information, as specified by L{IRCClient.versionNum} and
- L{IRCClient.versionEnv}.
- """
- self.client.versionName = "FrobozzIRC"
- self.client.versionNum = "1.2g"
- self.client.versionEnv = "ZorkOS"
- self.client.ctcpQuery_VERSION("nick!guy@over.there", "#theChan", None)
- versionReply = ("NOTICE nick :%(X)cVERSION %(vname)s:%(vnum)s:%(venv)s"
- "%(X)c%(EOL)s"
- % {'X': irc.X_DELIM,
- 'EOL': irc.CR + irc.LF,
- 'vname': self.client.versionName,
- 'vnum': self.client.versionNum,
- 'venv': self.client.versionEnv})
- reply = self.file.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(versionReply, reply)
- def test_noDuplicateCTCPDispatch(self):
- """
- Duplicated CTCP messages are ignored and no reply is made.
- """
- def testCTCP(user, channel, data):
- self.called += 1
- self.called = 0
- self.client.ctcpQuery_TESTTHIS = testCTCP
- self.client.irc_PRIVMSG(
- 'foo!bar@baz.quux', [
- '#chan',
- '%(X)sTESTTHIS%(X)sfoo%(X)sTESTTHIS%(X)s' % {'X': irc.X_DELIM}])
- self.assertEqual(
- self.file.getvalue(),
- '')
- self.assertEqual(self.called, 1)
- def test_noDefaultDispatch(self):
- """
- The fallback handler is invoked for unrecognized CTCP messages.
- """
- def unknownQuery(user, channel, tag, data):
- self.calledWith = (user, channel, tag, data)
- self.called += 1
- self.called = 0
- self.patch(self.client, 'ctcpUnknownQuery', unknownQuery)
- self.client.irc_PRIVMSG(
- 'foo!bar@baz.quux', [
- '#chan',
- '%(X)sNOTREAL%(X)s' % {'X': irc.X_DELIM}])
- self.assertEqual(
- self.file.getvalue(),
- '')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.calledWith,
- ('foo!bar@baz.quux', '#chan', 'NOTREAL', None))
- self.assertEqual(self.called, 1)
- # The fallback handler is not invoked for duplicate unknown CTCP
- # messages.
- self.client.irc_PRIVMSG(
- 'foo!bar@baz.quux', [
- '#chan',
- '%(X)sNOTREAL%(X)sfoo%(X)sNOTREAL%(X)s' % {'X': irc.X_DELIM}])
- self.assertEqual(self.called, 2)
-class NoticingClient(IRCClientWithoutLogin, object):
- methods = {
- 'created': ('when',),
- 'yourHost': ('info',),
- 'myInfo': ('servername', 'version', 'umodes', 'cmodes'),
- 'luserClient': ('info',),
- 'bounce': ('info',),
- 'isupport': ('options',),
- 'luserChannels': ('channels',),
- 'luserOp': ('ops',),
- 'luserMe': ('info',),
- 'receivedMOTD': ('motd',),
- 'privmsg': ('user', 'channel', 'message'),
- 'joined': ('channel',),
- 'left': ('channel',),
- 'noticed': ('user', 'channel', 'message'),
- 'modeChanged': ('user', 'channel', 'set', 'modes', 'args'),
- 'pong': ('user', 'secs'),
- 'signedOn': (),
- 'kickedFrom': ('channel', 'kicker', 'message'),
- 'nickChanged': ('nick',),
- 'userJoined': ('user', 'channel'),
- 'userLeft': ('user', 'channel'),
- 'userKicked': ('user', 'channel', 'kicker', 'message'),
- 'action': ('user', 'channel', 'data'),
- 'topicUpdated': ('user', 'channel', 'newTopic'),
- 'userRenamed': ('oldname', 'newname')}
- def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
- # It is important that IRCClient.__init__ is not called since
- # traditionally it did not exist, so it is important that nothing is
- # initialised there that would prevent subclasses that did not (or
- # could not) invoke the base implementation. Any protocol
- # initialisation should happen in connectionMode.
- self.calls = []
- def __getattribute__(self, name):
- if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
- return super(NoticingClient, self).__getattribute__(name)
- try:
- args = super(NoticingClient, self).__getattribute__('methods')[name]
- except KeyError:
- return super(NoticingClient, self).__getattribute__(name)
- else:
- return self.makeMethod(name, args)
- def makeMethod(self, fname, args):
- def method(*a, **kw):
- if len(a) > len(args):
- raise TypeError("TypeError: %s() takes %d arguments "
- "(%d given)" % (fname, len(args), len(a)))
- for (name, value) in zip(args, a):
- if name in kw:
- raise TypeError("TypeError: %s() got multiple values "
- "for keyword argument '%s'" % (fname, name))
- else:
- kw[name] = value
- if len(kw) != len(args):
- raise TypeError("TypeError: %s() takes %d arguments "
- "(%d given)" % (fname, len(args), len(a)))
- self.calls.append((fname, kw))
- return method
-def pop(dict, key, default):
- try:
- value = dict[key]
- except KeyError:
- return default
- else:
- del dict[key]
- return value
-class ClientImplementationTests(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.transport = StringTransport()
- self.client = NoticingClient()
- self.client.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self.addCleanup(self.transport.loseConnection)
- self.addCleanup(self.client.connectionLost, None)
- def _serverTestImpl(self, code, msg, func, **kw):
- host = pop(kw, 'host', 'server.host')
- nick = pop(kw, 'nick', 'nickname')
- args = pop(kw, 'args', '')
- message = (":" +
- host + " " +
- code + " " +
- nick + " " +
- args + " :" +
- msg + "\r\n")
- self.client.dataReceived(message)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.calls,
- [(func, kw)])
- def testYourHost(self):
- msg = "Your host is some.host[blah.blah/6667], running version server-version-3"
- self._serverTestImpl("002", msg, "yourHost", info=msg)
- def testCreated(self):
- msg = "This server was cobbled together Fri Aug 13 18:00:25 UTC 2004"
- self._serverTestImpl("003", msg, "created", when=msg)
- def testMyInfo(self):
- msg = "server.host server-version abcDEF bcdEHI"
- self._serverTestImpl("004", msg, "myInfo",
- servername="server.host",
- version="server-version",
- umodes="abcDEF",
- cmodes="bcdEHI")
- def testLuserClient(self):
- msg = "There are 9227 victims and 9542 hiding on 24 servers"
- self._serverTestImpl("251", msg, "luserClient",
- info=msg)
- def _sendISUPPORT(self):
- "PREFIX=(ov)@+ CASEMAPPING=ascii CAPAB IRCD=dancer")
- msg = "are available on this server"
- self._serverTestImpl("005", msg, "isupport", args=args,
- options=['MODES=4',
- 'CHANLIMIT=#:20',
- 'NICKLEN=16',
- 'USERLEN=10',
- 'HOSTLEN=63',
- 'TOPICLEN=450',
- 'KICKLEN=450',
- 'KEYLEN=23',
- 'PREFIX=(ov)@+',
- 'CASEMAPPING=ascii',
- 'CAPAB',
- 'IRCD=dancer'])
- def test_ISUPPORT(self):
- """
- The client parses ISUPPORT messages sent by the server and calls
- L{IRCClient.isupport}.
- """
- self._sendISUPPORT()
- def testBounce(self):
- msg = "Try server some.host, port 321"
- self._serverTestImpl("010", msg, "bounce",
- info=msg)
- def testLuserChannels(self):
- args = "7116"
- msg = "channels formed"
- self._serverTestImpl("254", msg, "luserChannels", args=args,
- channels=int(args))
- def testLuserOp(self):
- args = "34"
- msg = "flagged staff members"
- self._serverTestImpl("252", msg, "luserOp", args=args,
- ops=int(args))
- def testLuserMe(self):
- msg = "I have 1937 clients and 0 servers"
- self._serverTestImpl("255", msg, "luserMe",
- info=msg)
- def test_receivedMOTD(self):
- """
- Lines received in I{RPL_MOTDSTART} and I{RPL_MOTD} are delivered to
- L{IRCClient.receivedMOTD} when I{RPL_ENDOFMOTD} is received.
- """
- lines = [
- ":host.name 375 nickname :- host.name Message of the Day -",
- ":host.name 372 nickname :- Welcome to host.name",
- ":host.name 376 nickname :End of /MOTD command."]
- for L in lines:
- self.assertEqual(self.client.calls, [])
- self.client.dataReceived(L + '\r\n')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.calls,
- [("receivedMOTD", {"motd": ["host.name Message of the Day -", "Welcome to host.name"]})])
- # After the motd is delivered, the tracking variable should be
- # reset.
- self.assertIdentical(self.client.motd, None)
- def test_withoutMOTDSTART(self):
- """
- If L{IRCClient} receives I{RPL_MOTD} and I{RPL_ENDOFMOTD} without
- receiving I{RPL_MOTDSTART}, L{IRCClient.receivedMOTD} is still
- called with a list of MOTD lines.
- """
- lines = [
- ":host.name 372 nickname :- Welcome to host.name",
- ":host.name 376 nickname :End of /MOTD command."]
- for L in lines:
- self.client.dataReceived(L + '\r\n')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.calls,
- [("receivedMOTD", {"motd": ["Welcome to host.name"]})])
- def _clientTestImpl(self, sender, group, type, msg, func, **kw):
- ident = pop(kw, 'ident', 'ident')
- host = pop(kw, 'host', 'host')
- wholeUser = sender + '!' + ident + '@' + host
- message = (":" +
- wholeUser + " " +
- type + " " +
- group + " :" +
- msg + "\r\n")
- self.client.dataReceived(message)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.calls,
- [(func, kw)])
- self.client.calls = []
- def testPrivmsg(self):
- msg = "Tooty toot toot."
- self._clientTestImpl("sender", "#group", "PRIVMSG", msg, "privmsg",
- ident="ident", host="host",
- # Expected results below
- user="sender!ident@host",
- channel="#group",
- message=msg)
- self._clientTestImpl("sender", "recipient", "PRIVMSG", msg, "privmsg",
- ident="ident", host="host",
- # Expected results below
- user="sender!ident@host",
- channel="recipient",
- message=msg)
- def test_getChannelModeParams(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.getChannelModeParams} uses ISUPPORT information, either
- given by the server or defaults, to determine which channel modes
- require arguments when being added or removed.
- """
- add, remove = map(sorted, self.client.getChannelModeParams())
- self.assertEqual(add, ['b', 'h', 'k', 'l', 'o', 'v'])
- self.assertEqual(remove, ['b', 'h', 'o', 'v'])
- def removeFeature(name):
- name = '-' + name
- msg = "are available on this server"
- self._serverTestImpl(
- '005', msg, 'isupport', args=name, options=[name])
- self.assertIdentical(
- self.client.supported.getFeature(name), None)
- self.client.calls = []
- # Remove CHANMODES feature, causing getFeature('CHANMODES') to return
- # None.
- removeFeature('CHANMODES')
- add, remove = map(sorted, self.client.getChannelModeParams())
- self.assertEqual(add, ['h', 'o', 'v'])
- self.assertEqual(remove, ['h', 'o', 'v'])
- # Remove PREFIX feature, causing getFeature('PREFIX') to return None.
- removeFeature('PREFIX')
- add, remove = map(sorted, self.client.getChannelModeParams())
- self.assertEqual(add, [])
- self.assertEqual(remove, [])
- # Restore ISUPPORT features.
- self._sendISUPPORT()
- self.assertNotIdentical(
- self.client.supported.getFeature('PREFIX'), None)
- def test_getUserModeParams(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.getUserModeParams} returns a list of user modes (modes that
- the user sets on themself, outside of channel modes) that require
- parameters when added and removed, respectively.
- """
- add, remove = map(sorted, self.client.getUserModeParams())
- self.assertEqual(add, [])
- self.assertEqual(remove, [])
- def _sendModeChange(self, msg, args='', target=None):
- """
- Build a MODE string and send it to the client.
- """
- if target is None:
- target = '#chan'
- message = ":Wolf!~wolf@yok.utu.fi MODE %s %s %s\r\n" % (
- target, msg, args)
- self.client.dataReceived(message)
- def _parseModeChange(self, results, target=None):
- """
- Parse the results, do some test and return the data to check.
- """
- if target is None:
- target = '#chan'
- for n, result in enumerate(results):
- method, data = result
- self.assertEqual(method, 'modeChanged')
- self.assertEqual(data['user'], 'Wolf!~wolf@yok.utu.fi')
- self.assertEqual(data['channel'], target)
- results[n] = tuple([data[key] for key in ('set', 'modes', 'args')])
- return results
- def _checkModeChange(self, expected, target=None):
- """
- Compare the expected result with the one returned by the client.
- """
- result = self._parseModeChange(self.client.calls, target)
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- self.client.calls = []
- def test_modeMissingDirection(self):
- """
- Mode strings that do not begin with a directional character, C{'+'} or
- C{'-'}, have C{'+'} automatically prepended.
- """
- self._sendModeChange('s')
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 's', (None,))])
- def test_noModeParameters(self):
- """
- No parameters are passed to L{IRCClient.modeChanged} for modes that
- don't take any parameters.
- """
- self._sendModeChange('-s')
- self._checkModeChange([(False, 's', (None,))])
- self._sendModeChange('+n')
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 'n', (None,))])
- def test_oneModeParameter(self):
- """
- Parameters are passed to L{IRCClient.modeChanged} for modes that take
- parameters.
- """
- self._sendModeChange('+o', 'a_user')
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 'o', ('a_user',))])
- self._sendModeChange('-o', 'a_user')
- self._checkModeChange([(False, 'o', ('a_user',))])
- def test_mixedModes(self):
- """
- Mixing adding and removing modes that do and don't take parameters
- invokes L{IRCClient.modeChanged} with mode characters and parameters
- that match up.
- """
- self._sendModeChange('+osv', 'a_user another_user')
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 'osv', ('a_user', None, 'another_user'))])
- self._sendModeChange('+v-os', 'a_user another_user')
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 'v', ('a_user',)),
- (False, 'os', ('another_user', None))])
- def test_tooManyModeParameters(self):
- """
- Passing an argument to modes that take no parameters results in
- L{IRCClient.modeChanged} not being called and an error being logged.
- """
- self._sendModeChange('+s', 'wrong')
- self._checkModeChange([])
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(irc.IRCBadModes)
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- self.assertSubstring(
- 'Too many parameters', errors[0].getErrorMessage())
- def test_tooFewModeParameters(self):
- """
- Passing no arguments to modes that do take parameters results in
- L{IRCClient.modeChange} not being called and an error being logged.
- """
- self._sendModeChange('+o')
- self._checkModeChange([])
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(irc.IRCBadModes)
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- self.assertSubstring(
- 'Not enough parameters', errors[0].getErrorMessage())
- def test_userMode(self):
- """
- A C{MODE} message whose target is our user (the nickname of our user,
- to be precise), as opposed to a channel, will be parsed according to
- the modes specified by L{IRCClient.getUserModeParams}.
- """
- target = self.client.nickname
- # Mode "o" on channels is supposed to take a parameter, but since this
- # is not a channel this will not cause an exception.
- self._sendModeChange('+o', target=target)
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 'o', (None,))], target=target)
- def getUserModeParams():
- return ['Z', '']
- # Introduce our own user mode that takes an argument.
- self.patch(self.client, 'getUserModeParams', getUserModeParams)
- self._sendModeChange('+Z', 'an_arg', target=target)
- self._checkModeChange([(True, 'Z', ('an_arg',))], target=target)
- def test_heartbeat(self):
- """
- When the I{RPL_WELCOME} message is received a heartbeat is started that
- will send a I{PING} message to the IRC server every
- L{irc.IRCClient.heartbeatInterval} seconds. When the transport is
- closed the heartbeat looping call is stopped too.
- """
- def _createHeartbeat():
- heartbeat = self._originalCreateHeartbeat()
- heartbeat.clock = self.clock
- return heartbeat
- self.clock = task.Clock()
- self._originalCreateHeartbeat = self.client._createHeartbeat
- self.patch(self.client, '_createHeartbeat', _createHeartbeat)
- self.assertIdentical(self.client._heartbeat, None)
- self.client.irc_RPL_WELCOME('foo', [])
- self.assertNotIdentical(self.client._heartbeat, None)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.hostname, 'foo')
- # Pump the clock enough to trigger one LoopingCall.
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), '')
- self.clock.advance(self.client.heartbeatInterval)
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), 'PING foo\r\n')
- # When the connection is lost the heartbeat is stopped.
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- self.client.connectionLost(None)
- self.assertEqual(
- len(self.clock.getDelayedCalls()), 0)
- self.assertIdentical(self.client._heartbeat, None)
- def test_heartbeatDisabled(self):
- """
- If L{irc.IRCClient.heartbeatInterval} is set to C{None} then no
- heartbeat is created.
- """
- self.assertIdentical(self.client._heartbeat, None)
- self.client.heartbeatInterval = None
- self.client.irc_RPL_WELCOME('foo', [])
- self.assertIdentical(self.client._heartbeat, None)
-class BasicServerFunctionalityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.f = StringIOWithoutClosing()
- self.t = protocol.FileWrapper(self.f)
- self.p = irc.IRC()
- self.p.makeConnection(self.t)
- def check(self, s):
- self.assertEqual(self.f.getvalue(), s)
- def testPrivmsg(self):
- self.p.privmsg("this-is-sender", "this-is-recip", "this is message")
- self.check(":this-is-sender PRIVMSG this-is-recip :this is message\r\n")
- def testNotice(self):
- self.p.notice("this-is-sender", "this-is-recip", "this is notice")
- self.check(":this-is-sender NOTICE this-is-recip :this is notice\r\n")
- def testAction(self):
- self.p.action("this-is-sender", "this-is-recip", "this is action")
- self.check(":this-is-sender ACTION this-is-recip :this is action\r\n")
- def testJoin(self):
- self.p.join("this-person", "#this-channel")
- self.check(":this-person JOIN #this-channel\r\n")
- def testPart(self):
- self.p.part("this-person", "#that-channel")
- self.check(":this-person PART #that-channel\r\n")
- def testWhois(self):
- """
- Verify that a whois by the client receives the right protocol actions
- from the server.
- """
- timestamp = int(time.time()-100)
- hostname = self.p.hostname
- req = 'requesting-nick'
- targ = 'target-nick'
- self.p.whois(req, targ, 'target', 'host.com',
- 'Target User', 'irc.host.com', 'A fake server', False,
- 12, timestamp, ['#fakeusers', '#fakemisc'])
- expected = '\r\n'.join([
-':%(hostname)s 311 %(req)s %(targ)s target host.com * :Target User',
-':%(hostname)s 312 %(req)s %(targ)s irc.host.com :A fake server',
-':%(hostname)s 317 %(req)s %(targ)s 12 %(timestamp)s :seconds idle, signon time',
-':%(hostname)s 319 %(req)s %(targ)s :#fakeusers #fakemisc',
-':%(hostname)s 318 %(req)s %(targ)s :End of WHOIS list.',
-'']) % dict(hostname=hostname, timestamp=timestamp, req=req, targ=targ)
- self.check(expected)
-class DummyClient(irc.IRCClient):
- """
- A L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient} that stores sent lines in a
- C{list} rather than transmitting them.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.lines = []
- def connectionMade(self):
- irc.IRCClient.connectionMade(self)
- self.lines = []
- def _truncateLine(self, line):
- """
- Truncate an IRC line to the maximum allowed length.
- """
- return line[:irc.MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH - len(self.delimiter)]
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- # Emulate IRC servers throwing away our important data.
- line = self._truncateLine(line)
- return irc.IRCClient.lineReceived(self, line)
- def sendLine(self, m):
- self.lines.append(self._truncateLine(m))
-class ClientInviteTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{IRCClient.invite}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{DummyClient} to call C{invite} on in test methods.
- """
- self.client = DummyClient()
- def test_channelCorrection(self):
- """
- If the channel name passed to L{IRCClient.invite} does not begin with a
- channel prefix character, one is prepended to it.
- """
- self.client.invite('foo', 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(self.client.lines, ['INVITE foo #bar'])
- def test_invite(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.invite} sends an I{INVITE} message with the specified
- username and a channel.
- """
- self.client.invite('foo', '#bar')
- self.assertEqual(self.client.lines, ['INVITE foo #bar'])
-class ClientMsgTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for messages sent with L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.client = DummyClient()
- self.client.connectionMade()
- def test_singleLine(self):
- """
- A message containing no newlines is sent in a single command.
- """
- self.client.msg('foo', 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(self.client.lines, ['PRIVMSG foo :bar'])
- def test_invalidMaxLength(self):
- """
- Specifying a C{length} value to L{IRCClient.msg} that is too short to
- contain the protocol command to send a message raises C{ValueError}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.client.msg, 'foo', 'bar', 0)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.client.msg, 'foo', 'bar', 3)
- def test_multipleLine(self):
- """
- Messages longer than the C{length} parameter to L{IRCClient.msg} will
- be split and sent in multiple commands.
- """
- maxLen = len('PRIVMSG foo :') + 3 + 2 # 2 for line endings
- self.client.msg('foo', 'barbazbo', maxLen)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.lines,
- ['PRIVMSG foo :bar',
- 'PRIVMSG foo :baz',
- 'PRIVMSG foo :bo'])
- def test_sufficientWidth(self):
- """
- Messages exactly equal in length to the C{length} paramtere to
- L{IRCClient.msg} are sent in a single command.
- """
- msg = 'barbazbo'
- maxLen = len('PRIVMSG foo :%s' % (msg,)) + 2
- self.client.msg('foo', msg, maxLen)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.lines, ['PRIVMSG foo :%s' % (msg,)])
- self.client.lines = []
- self.client.msg('foo', msg, maxLen-1)
- self.assertEqual(2, len(self.client.lines))
- self.client.lines = []
- self.client.msg('foo', msg, maxLen+1)
- self.assertEqual(1, len(self.client.lines))
- def test_newlinesAtStart(self):
- """
- An LF at the beginning of the message is ignored.
- """
- self.client.lines = []
- self.client.msg('foo', '\nbar')
- self.assertEqual(self.client.lines, ['PRIVMSG foo :bar'])
- def test_newlinesAtEnd(self):
- """
- An LF at the end of the message is ignored.
- """
- self.client.lines = []
- self.client.msg('foo', 'bar\n')
- self.assertEqual(self.client.lines, ['PRIVMSG foo :bar'])
- def test_newlinesWithinMessage(self):
- """
- An LF within a message causes a new line.
- """
- self.client.lines = []
- self.client.msg('foo', 'bar\nbaz')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.lines,
- ['PRIVMSG foo :bar',
- 'PRIVMSG foo :baz'])
- def test_consecutiveNewlines(self):
- """
- Consecutive LFs do not cause a blank line.
- """
- self.client.lines = []
- self.client.msg('foo', 'bar\n\nbaz')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.lines,
- ['PRIVMSG foo :bar',
- 'PRIVMSG foo :baz'])
- def assertLongMessageSplitting(self, message, expectedNumCommands,
- length=None):
- """
- Assert that messages sent by L{IRCClient.msg} are split into an
- expected number of commands and the original message is transmitted in
- its entirety over those commands.
- """
- responsePrefix = ':%s!%s@%s ' % (
- self.client.nickname,
- self.client.realname,
- self.client.hostname)
- self.client.msg('foo', message, length=length)
- privmsg = []
- self.patch(self.client, 'privmsg', lambda *a: privmsg.append(a))
- # Deliver these to IRCClient via the normal mechanisms.
- for line in self.client.lines:
- self.client.lineReceived(responsePrefix + line)
- self.assertEqual(len(privmsg), expectedNumCommands)
- receivedMessage = ''.join(
- message for user, target, message in privmsg)
- # Did the long message we sent arrive as intended?
- self.assertEqual(message, receivedMessage)
- def test_splitLongMessagesWithDefault(self):
- """
- If a maximum message length is not provided to L{IRCClient.msg} a
- best-guess effort is made to determine a safe maximum, messages longer
- than this are split into multiple commands with the intent of
- delivering long messages without losing data due to message truncation
- when the server relays them.
- """
- message = 'o' * (irc.MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH - 2)
- self.assertLongMessageSplitting(message, 2)
- def test_splitLongMessagesWithOverride(self):
- """
- The maximum message length can be specified to L{IRCClient.msg},
- messages longer than this are split into multiple commands with the
- intent of delivering long messages without losing data due to message
- truncation when the server relays them.
- """
- message = 'o' * (irc.MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH - 2)
- self.assertLongMessageSplitting(
- message, 3, length=irc.MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH // 2)
- def test_newlinesBeforeLineBreaking(self):
- """
- IRCClient breaks on newlines before it breaks long lines.
- """
- # Because MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH includes framing characters, this long
- # line is slightly longer than half the permissible message size.
- longline = 'o' * (irc.MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH // 2)
- self.client.msg('foo', longline + '\n' + longline)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.lines,
- ['PRIVMSG foo :' + longline,
- 'PRIVMSG foo :' + longline])
- def test_lineBreakOnWordBoundaries(self):
- """
- IRCClient prefers to break long lines at word boundaries.
- """
- # Because MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH includes framing characters, this long
- # line is slightly longer than half the permissible message size.
- longline = 'o' * (irc.MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH // 2)
- self.client.msg('foo', longline + ' ' + longline)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.lines,
- ['PRIVMSG foo :' + longline,
- 'PRIVMSG foo :' + longline])
- def test_splitSanity(self):
- """
- L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.split} raises C{ValueError} if given a
- length less than or equal to C{0} and returns C{[]} when splitting
- C{''}.
- """
- # Whiteboxing
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, irc.split, 'foo', -1)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, irc.split, 'foo', 0)
- self.assertEqual([], irc.split('', 1))
- self.assertEqual([], irc.split(''))
- def test_splitDelimiters(self):
- """
- L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.split} skips any delimiter (space or
- newline) that it finds at the very beginning of the string segment it
- is operating on. Nothing should be added to the output list because of
- it.
- """
- r = irc.split("xx yyz", 2)
- self.assertEqual(['xx', 'yy', 'z'], r)
- r = irc.split("xx\nyyz", 2)
- self.assertEqual(['xx', 'yy', 'z'], r)
- def test_splitValidatesLength(self):
- """
- L{twisted.words.protocols.irc.split} raises C{ValueError} if given a
- length less than or equal to C{0}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, irc.split, "foo", 0)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, irc.split, "foo", -1)
- def test_say(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.say} prepends the channel prefix C{"#"} if necessary and
- then sends the message to the server for delivery to that channel.
- """
- self.client.say("thechannel", "the message")
- self.assertEquals(
- self.client.lines, ["PRIVMSG #thechannel :the message"])
-class ClientTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the protocol-level behavior of IRCClient methods intended to
- be called by application code.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create and connect a new L{IRCClient} to a new L{StringTransport}.
- """
- self.transport = StringTransport()
- self.protocol = IRCClient()
- self.protocol.performLogin = False
- self.protocol.makeConnection(self.transport)
- # Sanity check - we don't want anything to have happened at this
- # point, since we're not in a test yet.
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), "")
- self.addCleanup(self.transport.loseConnection)
- self.addCleanup(self.protocol.connectionLost, None)
- def getLastLine(self, transport):
- """
- Return the last IRC message in the transport buffer.
- """
- return transport.value().split('\r\n')[-2]
- def test_away(self):
- """
- L{IRCCLient.away} sends an AWAY command with the specified message.
- """
- message = "Sorry, I'm not here."
- self.protocol.away(message)
- expected = [
- 'AWAY :%s' % (message,),
- '',
- ]
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
- def test_back(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.back} sends an AWAY command with an empty message.
- """
- self.protocol.back()
- expected = [
- 'AWAY :',
- '',
- ]
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
- def test_whois(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message.
- """
- self.protocol.whois('alice')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.transport.value().split('\r\n'),
- ['WHOIS alice', ''])
- def test_whoisWithServer(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message with a server name if a
- value is passed for the C{server} parameter.
- """
- self.protocol.whois('alice', 'example.org')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.transport.value().split('\r\n'),
- ['WHOIS example.org alice', ''])
- def test_register(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.register} sends NICK and USER commands with the
- username, name, hostname, server name, and real name specified.
- """
- username = 'testuser'
- hostname = 'testhost'
- servername = 'testserver'
- self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
- self.protocol.password = None
- self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
- expected = [
- 'NICK %s' % (username,),
- 'USER %s %s %s :%s' % (
- username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname),
- '']
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
- def test_registerWithPassword(self):
- """
- If the C{password} attribute of L{IRCClient} is not C{None}, the
- C{register} method also sends a PASS command with it as the
- argument.
- """
- username = 'testuser'
- hostname = 'testhost'
- servername = 'testserver'
- self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
- self.protocol.password = 'testpass'
- self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
- expected = [
- 'PASS %s' % (self.protocol.password,),
- 'NICK %s' % (username,),
- 'USER %s %s %s :%s' % (
- username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname),
- '']
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
- def test_registerWithTakenNick(self):
- """
- Verify that the client repeats the L{IRCClient.setNick} method with a
- new value when presented with an C{ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE} while trying to
- register.
- """
- username = 'testuser'
- hostname = 'testhost'
- servername = 'testserver'
- self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
- self.protocol.password = 'testpass'
- self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
- self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
- lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
- self.assertNotEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (username,))
- # Keep chaining underscores for each collision
- self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
- lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
- self.assertEqual(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (username + '__',))
- def test_overrideAlterCollidedNick(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.alterCollidedNick} determines how a nickname is altered upon
- collision while a user is trying to change to that nickname.
- """
- nick = 'foo'
- self.protocol.alterCollidedNick = lambda nick: nick + '***'
- self.protocol.register(nick)
- self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
- lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
- self.assertEqual(
- lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (nick + '***',))
- def test_nickChange(self):
- """
- When a NICK command is sent after signon, C{IRCClient.nickname} is set
- to the new nickname I{after} the server sends an acknowledgement.
- """
- oldnick = 'foo'
- newnick = 'bar'
- self.protocol.register(oldnick)
- self.protocol.irc_RPL_WELCOME('prefix', ['param'])
- self.protocol.setNick(newnick)
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol.nickname, oldnick)
- self.protocol.irc_NICK('%s!quux@qux' % (oldnick,), [newnick])
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol.nickname, newnick)
- def test_erroneousNick(self):
- """
- Trying to register an illegal nickname results in the default legal
- nickname being set, and trying to change a nickname to an illegal
- nickname results in the old nickname being kept.
- """
- # Registration case: change illegal nickname to erroneousNickFallback
- badnick = 'foo'
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol._registered, False)
- self.protocol.register(badnick)
- self.protocol.irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME('prefix', ['param'])
- lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
- self.assertEqual(
- lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (self.protocol.erroneousNickFallback,))
- self.protocol.irc_RPL_WELCOME('prefix', ['param'])
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol._registered, True)
- self.protocol.setNick(self.protocol.erroneousNickFallback)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.protocol.nickname, self.protocol.erroneousNickFallback)
- # Illegal nick change attempt after registration. Fall back to the old
- # nickname instead of erroneousNickFallback.
- oldnick = self.protocol.nickname
- self.protocol.setNick(badnick)
- self.protocol.irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME('prefix', ['param'])
- lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
- self.assertEqual(
- lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (badnick,))
- self.assertEqual(self.protocol.nickname, oldnick)
- def test_describe(self):
- """
- L{IRCClient.desrcibe} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target
- specified.
- """
- target = 'foo'
- channel = '#bar'
- action = 'waves'
- self.protocol.describe(target, action)
- self.protocol.describe(channel, action)
- expected = [
- 'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (target, action),
- 'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action),
- '']
- self.assertEqual(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
- def test_noticedDoesntPrivmsg(self):
- """
- The default implementation of L{IRCClient.noticed} doesn't invoke
- C{privmsg()}
- """
- def privmsg(user, channel, message):
- self.fail("privmsg() should not have been called")
- self.protocol.privmsg = privmsg
- self.protocol.irc_NOTICE(
- 'spam', ['#greasyspooncafe', "I don't want any spam!"])
-class DccChatFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{DccChatFactory}
- """
- def test_buildProtocol(self):
- """
- An instance of the DccChat protocol is returned, which has the factory
- property set to the factory which created it.
- """
- queryData = ('fromUser', None, None)
- f = irc.DccChatFactory(None, queryData)
- p = f.buildProtocol('')
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, irc.DccChat))
- self.assertEqual(p.factory, f)