path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/config.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/config.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 730 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/config.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8632b2e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import warnings
-from buildbot.util import safeTranslate
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot import locks
-from buildbot.revlinks import default_revlink_matcher
-from twisted.python import log, failure
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.application import service
-class ConfigErrors(Exception):
- def __init__(self, errors=[]):
- self.errors = errors[:]
- def __str__(self):
- return "\n".join(self.errors)
- def addError(self, msg):
- self.errors.append(msg)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return len(self.errors)
-_errors = None
-def error(error):
- if _errors is not None:
- _errors.addError(error)
- else:
- raise ConfigErrors([error])
-class MasterConfig(object):
- def __init__(self):
- # local import to avoid circular imports
- from buildbot.process import properties
- # default values for all attributes
- # global
- self.title = 'Buildbot'
- self.titleURL = 'http://buildbot.net'
- self.buildbotURL = 'http://localhost:8080/'
- self.changeHorizon = None
- self.eventHorizon = 50
- self.logHorizon = None
- self.buildHorizon = None
- self.logCompressionLimit = 4*1024
- self.logCompressionMethod = 'bz2'
- self.logMaxTailSize = None
- self.logMaxSize = None
- self.properties = properties.Properties()
- self.mergeRequests = None
- self.codebaseGenerator = None
- self.prioritizeBuilders = None
- self.slavePortnum = None
- self.multiMaster = False
- self.debugPassword = None
- self.manhole = None
- self.validation = dict(
- branch=re.compile(r'^[\w.+/~-]*$'),
- revision=re.compile(r'^[ \w\.\-\/]*$'),
- property_name=re.compile(r'^[\w\.\-\/\~:]*$'),
- property_value=re.compile(r'^[\w\.\-\/\~:]*$'),
- )
- self.db = dict(
- db_url='sqlite:///state.sqlite',
- db_poll_interval=None,
- )
- self.metrics = None
- self.caches = dict(
- Builds=15,
- Changes=10,
- )
- self.schedulers = {}
- self.builders = []
- self.slaves = []
- self.change_sources = []
- self.status = []
- self.user_managers = []
- self.revlink = default_revlink_matcher
- _known_config_keys = set([
- "buildbotURL", "buildCacheSize", "builders", "buildHorizon", "caches",
- "change_source", "codebaseGenerator", "changeCacheSize", "changeHorizon",
- 'db', "db_poll_interval", "db_url", "debugPassword", "eventHorizon",
- "logCompressionLimit", "logCompressionMethod", "logHorizon",
- "logMaxSize", "logMaxTailSize", "manhole", "mergeRequests", "metrics",
- "multiMaster", "prioritizeBuilders", "projectName", "projectURL",
- "properties", "revlink", "schedulers", "slavePortnum", "slaves",
- "status", "title", "titleURL", "user_managers", "validation"
- ])
- @classmethod
- def loadConfig(cls, basedir, filename):
- if not os.path.isdir(basedir):
- raise ConfigErrors([
- "basedir '%s' does not exist" % (basedir,),
- ])
- filename = os.path.join(basedir, filename)
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- raise ConfigErrors([
- "configuration file '%s' does not exist" % (filename,),
- ])
- try:
- f = open(filename, "r")
- except IOError, e:
- raise ConfigErrors([
- "unable to open configuration file %r: %s" % (filename, e),
- ])
- log.msg("Loading configuration from %r" % (filename,))
- # execute the config file
- localDict = {
- 'basedir': os.path.expanduser(basedir),
- '__file__': os.path.abspath(filename),
- }
- # from here on out we can batch errors together for the user's
- # convenience
- global _errors
- _errors = errors = ConfigErrors()
- old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
- sys.path.append(basedir)
- try:
- try:
- exec f in localDict
- except ConfigErrors, e:
- for err in e.errors:
- error(err)
- raise errors
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'error while parsing config file:')
- error("error while parsing config file: %s (traceback in logfile)" %
- (sys.exc_info()[1],),
- )
- raise errors
- finally:
- f.close()
- sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
- _errors = None
- if 'BuildmasterConfig' not in localDict:
- error("Configuration file %r does not define 'BuildmasterConfig'"
- % (filename,),
- )
- config_dict = localDict['BuildmasterConfig']
- # check for unknown keys
- unknown_keys = set(config_dict.keys()) - cls._known_config_keys
- if unknown_keys:
- if len(unknown_keys) == 1:
- error('Unknown BuildmasterConfig key %s' %
- (unknown_keys.pop()))
- else:
- error('Unknown BuildmasterConfig keys %s' %
- (', '.join(sorted(unknown_keys))))
- # instantiate a new config object, which will apply defaults
- # automatically
- config = cls()
- _errors = errors
- # and defer the rest to sub-functions, for code clarity
- try:
- config.load_global(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_validation(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_db(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_metrics(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_caches(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_schedulers(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_builders(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_slaves(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_change_sources(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_status(filename, config_dict)
- config.load_user_managers(filename, config_dict)
- # run some sanity checks
- config.check_single_master()
- config.check_schedulers()
- config.check_locks()
- config.check_builders()
- config.check_status()
- config.check_horizons()
- config.check_slavePortnum()
- finally:
- _errors = None
- if errors:
- raise errors
- return config
- def load_global(self, filename, config_dict):
- def copy_param(name, alt_key=None,
- check_type=None, check_type_name=None):
- if name in config_dict:
- v = config_dict[name]
- elif alt_key and alt_key in config_dict:
- v = config_dict[alt_key]
- else:
- return
- if v is not None and check_type and not isinstance(v, check_type):
- error("c['%s'] must be %s" %
- (name, check_type_name))
- else:
- setattr(self, name, v)
- def copy_int_param(name, alt_key=None):
- copy_param(name, alt_key=alt_key,
- check_type=int, check_type_name='an int')
- def copy_str_param(name, alt_key=None):
- copy_param(name, alt_key=alt_key,
- check_type=basestring, check_type_name='a string')
- copy_str_param('title', alt_key='projectName')
- copy_str_param('titleURL', alt_key='projectURL')
- copy_str_param('buildbotURL')
- copy_int_param('changeHorizon')
- copy_int_param('eventHorizon')
- copy_int_param('logHorizon')
- copy_int_param('buildHorizon')
- copy_int_param('logCompressionLimit')
- if 'logCompressionMethod' in config_dict:
- logCompressionMethod = config_dict.get('logCompressionMethod')
- if logCompressionMethod not in ('bz2', 'gz'):
- error("c['logCompressionMethod'] must be 'bz2' or 'gz'")
- self.logCompressionMethod = logCompressionMethod
- copy_int_param('logMaxSize')
- copy_int_param('logMaxTailSize')
- properties = config_dict.get('properties', {})
- if not isinstance(properties, dict):
- error("c['properties'] must be a dictionary")
- else:
- self.properties.update(properties, filename)
- mergeRequests = config_dict.get('mergeRequests')
- if (mergeRequests not in (None, True, False)
- and not callable(mergeRequests)):
- error("mergeRequests must be a callable, True, or False")
- else:
- self.mergeRequests = mergeRequests
- codebaseGenerator = config_dict.get('codebaseGenerator')
- if (codebaseGenerator is not None and
- not callable(codebaseGenerator)):
- error("codebaseGenerator must be a callable accepting a dict and returning a str")
- else:
- self.codebaseGenerator = codebaseGenerator
- prioritizeBuilders = config_dict.get('prioritizeBuilders')
- if prioritizeBuilders is not None and not callable(prioritizeBuilders):
- error("prioritizeBuilders must be a callable")
- else:
- self.prioritizeBuilders = prioritizeBuilders
- if 'slavePortnum' in config_dict:
- slavePortnum = config_dict.get('slavePortnum')
- if isinstance(slavePortnum, int):
- slavePortnum = "tcp:%d" % slavePortnum
- self.slavePortnum = slavePortnum
- if 'multiMaster' in config_dict:
- self.multiMaster = config_dict["multiMaster"]
- copy_str_param('debugPassword')
- if 'manhole' in config_dict:
- # we don't check that this is a manhole instance, since that
- # requires importing buildbot.manhole for every user, and currently
- # that will fail if pycrypto isn't installed
- self.manhole = config_dict['manhole']
- if 'revlink' in config_dict:
- revlink = config_dict['revlink']
- if not callable(revlink):
- error("revlink must be a callable")
- else:
- self.revlink = revlink
- def load_validation(self, filename, config_dict):
- validation = config_dict.get("validation", {})
- if not isinstance(validation, dict):
- error("c['validation'] must be a dictionary")
- else:
- unknown_keys = (
- set(validation.keys()) - set(self.validation.keys()))
- if unknown_keys:
- error("unrecognized validation key(s): %s" %
- (", ".join(unknown_keys)))
- else:
- self.validation.update(validation)
- def load_db(self, filename, config_dict):
- if 'db' in config_dict:
- db = config_dict['db']
- if set(db.keys()) > set(['db_url', 'db_poll_interval']):
- error("unrecognized keys in c['db']")
- self.db.update(db)
- if 'db_url' in config_dict:
- self.db['db_url'] = config_dict['db_url']
- if 'db_poll_interval' in config_dict:
- self.db['db_poll_interval'] = config_dict["db_poll_interval"]
- # we don't attempt to parse db URLs here - the engine strategy will do so
- # check the db_poll_interval
- db_poll_interval = self.db['db_poll_interval']
- if db_poll_interval is not None and \
- not isinstance(db_poll_interval, int):
- error("c['db_poll_interval'] must be an int")
- else:
- self.db['db_poll_interval'] = db_poll_interval
- def load_metrics(self, filename, config_dict):
- # we don't try to validate metrics keys
- if 'metrics' in config_dict:
- metrics = config_dict["metrics"]
- if not isinstance(metrics, dict):
- error("c['metrics'] must be a dictionary")
- else:
- self.metrics = metrics
- def load_caches(self, filename, config_dict):
- explicit = False
- if 'caches' in config_dict:
- explicit = True
- caches = config_dict['caches']
- if not isinstance(caches, dict):
- error("c['caches'] must be a dictionary")
- else:
- valPairs = caches.items()
- for (x, y) in valPairs:
- if not isinstance(y, int):
- error("value for cache size '%s' must be an integer" % x)
- self.caches.update(caches)
- if 'buildCacheSize' in config_dict:
- if explicit:
- msg = "cannot specify c['caches'] and c['buildCacheSize']"
- error(msg)
- self.caches['Builds'] = config_dict['buildCacheSize']
- if 'changeCacheSize' in config_dict:
- if explicit:
- msg = "cannot specify c['caches'] and c['changeCacheSize']"
- error(msg)
- self.caches['Changes'] = config_dict['changeCacheSize']
- def load_schedulers(self, filename, config_dict):
- if 'schedulers' not in config_dict:
- return
- schedulers = config_dict['schedulers']
- ok = True
- if not isinstance(schedulers, (list, tuple)):
- ok = False
- else:
- for s in schedulers:
- if not interfaces.IScheduler.providedBy(s):
- ok = False
- if not ok:
- msg="c['schedulers'] must be a list of Scheduler instances"
- error(msg)
- # convert from list to dict, first looking for duplicates
- seen_names = set()
- for s in schedulers:
- if s.name in seen_names:
- error("scheduler name '%s' used multiple times" %
- s.name)
- seen_names.add(s.name)
- self.schedulers = dict((s.name, s) for s in schedulers)
- def load_builders(self, filename, config_dict):
- if 'builders' not in config_dict:
- return
- builders = config_dict['builders']
- if not isinstance(builders, (list, tuple)):
- error("c['builders'] must be a list")
- return
- # convert all builder configs to BuilderConfig instances
- def mapper(b):
- if isinstance(b, BuilderConfig):
- return b
- elif isinstance(b, dict):
- return BuilderConfig(**b)
- else:
- error("%r is not a builder config (in c['builders']" % (b,))
- builders = [ mapper(b) for b in builders ]
- for builder in builders:
- if builder and os.path.isabs(builder.builddir):
- warnings.warn("Absolute path '%s' for builder may cause "
- "mayhem. Perhaps you meant to specify slavebuilddir "
- "instead.")
- self.builders = builders
- def load_slaves(self, filename, config_dict):
- if 'slaves' not in config_dict:
- return
- slaves = config_dict['slaves']
- if not isinstance(slaves, (list, tuple)):
- error("c['slaves'] must be a list")
- return
- for sl in slaves:
- if not interfaces.IBuildSlave.providedBy(sl):
- msg = "c['slaves'] must be a list of BuildSlave instances"
- error(msg)
- return
- if sl.slavename in ("debug", "change", "status"):
- msg = "slave name '%s' is reserved" % sl.slavename
- error(msg)
- self.slaves = config_dict['slaves']
- def load_change_sources(self, filename, config_dict):
- change_source = config_dict.get('change_source', [])
- if isinstance(change_source, (list, tuple)):
- change_sources = change_source
- else:
- change_sources = [change_source]
- for s in change_sources:
- if not interfaces.IChangeSource.providedBy(s):
- msg = "c['change_source'] must be a list of change sources"
- error(msg)
- return
- self.change_sources = change_sources
- def load_status(self, filename, config_dict):
- if 'status' not in config_dict:
- return
- status = config_dict.get('status', [])
- msg = "c['status'] must be a list of status receivers"
- if not isinstance(status, (list, tuple)):
- error(msg)
- return
- for s in status:
- if not interfaces.IStatusReceiver.providedBy(s):
- error(msg)
- return
- self.status = status
- def load_user_managers(self, filename, config_dict):
- if 'user_managers' not in config_dict:
- return
- user_managers = config_dict['user_managers']
- msg = "c['user_managers'] must be a list of user managers"
- if not isinstance(user_managers, (list, tuple)):
- error(msg)
- return
- self.user_managers = user_managers
- def check_single_master(self):
- # check additional problems that are only valid in a single-master
- # installation
- if self.multiMaster:
- return
- if not self.slaves:
- error("no slaves are configured")
- if not self.builders:
- error("no builders are configured")
- # check that all builders are implemented on this master
- unscheduled_buildernames = set([ b.name for b in self.builders ])
- for s in self.schedulers.itervalues():
- for n in s.listBuilderNames():
- if n in unscheduled_buildernames:
- unscheduled_buildernames.remove(n)
- if unscheduled_buildernames:
- error("builder(s) %s have no schedulers to drive them"
- % (', '.join(unscheduled_buildernames),))
- def check_schedulers(self):
- # don't perform this check in multiMaster mode
- if self.multiMaster:
- return
- all_buildernames = set([ b.name for b in self.builders ])
- for s in self.schedulers.itervalues():
- for n in s.listBuilderNames():
- if n not in all_buildernames:
- error("Unknown builder '%s' in scheduler '%s'"
- % (n, s.name))
- def check_locks(self):
- # assert that all locks used by the Builds and their Steps are
- # uniquely named.
- lock_dict = {}
- def check_lock(l):
- if isinstance(l, locks.LockAccess):
- l = l.lockid
- if lock_dict.has_key(l.name):
- if lock_dict[l.name] is not l:
- msg = "Two locks share the same name, '%s'" % l.name
- error(msg)
- else:
- lock_dict[l.name] = l
- for b in self.builders:
- if b.locks:
- for l in b.locks:
- check_lock(l)
- def check_builders(self):
- # look both for duplicate builder names, and for builders pointing
- # to unknown slaves
- slavenames = set([ s.slavename for s in self.slaves ])
- seen_names = set()
- seen_builddirs = set()
- for b in self.builders:
- unknowns = set(b.slavenames) - slavenames
- if unknowns:
- error("builder '%s' uses unknown slaves %s" %
- (b.name, ", ".join(`u` for u in unknowns)))
- if b.name in seen_names:
- error("duplicate builder name '%s'" % b.name)
- seen_names.add(b.name)
- if b.builddir in seen_builddirs:
- error("duplicate builder builddir '%s'" % b.builddir)
- seen_builddirs.add(b.builddir)
- def check_status(self):
- # allow status receivers to check themselves against the rest of the
- # receivers
- for s in self.status:
- s.checkConfig(self.status)
- def check_horizons(self):
- if self.logHorizon is not None and self.buildHorizon is not None:
- if self.logHorizon > self.buildHorizon:
- error("logHorizon must be less than or equal to buildHorizon")
- def check_slavePortnum(self):
- if self.slavePortnum:
- return
- if self.slaves:
- error("slaves are configured, but no slavePortnum is set")
- if self.debugPassword:
- error("debug client is configured, but no slavePortnum is set")
-class BuilderConfig:
- def __init__(self, name=None, slavename=None, slavenames=None,
- builddir=None, slavebuilddir=None, factory=None, category=None,
- nextSlave=None, nextBuild=None, locks=None, env=None,
- properties=None, mergeRequests=None, description=None,
- canStartBuild=None):
- # name is required, and can't start with '_'
- if not name or type(name) not in (str, unicode):
- error("builder's name is required")
- name = '<unknown>'
- elif name[0] == '_':
- error("builder names must not start with an underscore: '%s'" % name)
- self.name = name
- # factory is required
- if factory is None:
- error("builder '%s' has no factory" % name)
- from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
- if factory is not None and not isinstance(factory, BuildFactory):
- error("builder '%s's factory is not a BuildFactory instance" % name)
- self.factory = factory
- # slavenames can be a single slave name or a list, and should also
- # include slavename, if given
- if type(slavenames) is str:
- slavenames = [ slavenames ]
- if slavenames:
- if not isinstance(slavenames, list):
- error("builder '%s': slavenames must be a list or a string" %
- (name,))
- else:
- slavenames = []
- if slavename:
- if type(slavename) != str:
- error("builder '%s': slavename must be a string" % (name,))
- slavenames = slavenames + [ slavename ]
- if not slavenames:
- error("builder '%s': at least one slavename is required" % (name,))
- self.slavenames = slavenames
- # builddir defaults to name
- if builddir is None:
- builddir = safeTranslate(name)
- self.builddir = builddir
- # slavebuilddir defaults to builddir
- if slavebuilddir is None:
- slavebuilddir = builddir
- self.slavebuilddir = slavebuilddir
- # remainder are optional
- if category is not None and not isinstance(category, str):
- error("builder '%s': category must be a string" % (name,))
- self.category = category or ''
- self.nextSlave = nextSlave
- if nextSlave and not callable(nextSlave):
- error('nextSlave must be a callable')
- self.nextBuild = nextBuild
- if nextBuild and not callable(nextBuild):
- error('nextBuild must be a callable')
- self.canStartBuild = canStartBuild
- if canStartBuild and not callable(canStartBuild):
- error('canStartBuild must be a callable')
- self.locks = locks or []
- self.env = env or {}
- if not isinstance(self.env, dict):
- error("builder's env must be a dictionary")
- self.properties = properties or {}
- self.mergeRequests = mergeRequests
- self.description = description
- def getConfigDict(self):
- # note: this method will disappear eventually - put your smarts in the
- # constructor!
- rv = {
- 'name': self.name,
- 'slavenames': self.slavenames,
- 'factory': self.factory,
- 'builddir': self.builddir,
- 'slavebuilddir': self.slavebuilddir,
- }
- if self.category:
- rv['category'] = self.category
- if self.nextSlave:
- rv['nextSlave'] = self.nextSlave
- if self.nextBuild:
- rv['nextBuild'] = self.nextBuild
- if self.locks:
- rv['locks'] = self.locks
- if self.env:
- rv['env'] = self.env
- if self.properties:
- rv['properties'] = self.properties
- if self.mergeRequests:
- rv['mergeRequests'] = self.mergeRequests
- if self.description:
- rv['description'] = self.description
- return rv
-class ReconfigurableServiceMixin:
- reconfig_priority = 128
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def reconfigService(self, new_config):
- if not service.IServiceCollection.providedBy(self):
- return
- # get a list of child services to reconfigure
- reconfigurable_services = [ svc
- for svc in self
- if isinstance(svc, ReconfigurableServiceMixin) ]
- # sort by priority
- reconfigurable_services.sort(key=lambda svc : -svc.reconfig_priority)
- for svc in reconfigurable_services:
- yield svc.reconfigService(new_config)