path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/botmaster.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/botmaster.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/botmaster.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/botmaster.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c3b9fe..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/botmaster.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-from twisted.python import log, reflect
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.application import service
-from buildbot.process.builder import Builder
-from buildbot import interfaces, locks, config, util
-from buildbot.process import metrics
-from buildbot.process.buildrequestdistributor import BuildRequestDistributor
-class BotMaster(config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin, service.MultiService):
- """This is the master-side service which manages remote buildbot slaves.
- It provides them with BuildSlaves, and distributes build requests to
- them."""
- debug = 0
- def __init__(self, master):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.setName("botmaster")
- self.master = master
- self.builders = {}
- self.builderNames = []
- # builders maps Builder names to instances of bb.p.builder.Builder,
- # which is the master-side object that defines and controls a build.
- # self.slaves contains a ready BuildSlave instance for each
- # potential buildslave, i.e. all the ones listed in the config file.
- # If the slave is connected, self.slaves[slavename].slave will
- # contain a RemoteReference to their Bot instance. If it is not
- # connected, that attribute will hold None.
- self.slaves = {} # maps slavename to BuildSlave
- self.watchers = {}
- # self.locks holds the real Lock instances
- self.locks = {}
- # self.mergeRequests is the callable override for merging build
- # requests
- self.mergeRequests = None
- self.shuttingDown = False
- self.lastSlavePortnum = None
- # subscription to new build requests
- self.buildrequest_sub = None
- # a distributor for incoming build requests; see below
- self.brd = BuildRequestDistributor(self)
- self.brd.setServiceParent(self)
- def cleanShutdown(self, _reactor=reactor):
- """Shut down the entire process, once all currently-running builds are
- complete."""
- if self.shuttingDown:
- return
- log.msg("Initiating clean shutdown")
- self.shuttingDown = True
- # first, stop the distributor; this will finish any ongoing scheduling
- # operations before firing
- d = self.brd.stopService()
- # then wait for all builds to finish
- def wait(_):
- l = []
- for builder in self.builders.values():
- for build in builder.builder_status.getCurrentBuilds():
- l.append(build.waitUntilFinished())
- if len(l) == 0:
- log.msg("No running jobs, starting shutdown immediately")
- else:
- log.msg("Waiting for %i build(s) to finish" % len(l))
- return defer.DeferredList(l)
- d.addCallback(wait)
- # Finally, shut the whole process down
- def shutdown(ign):
- # Double check that we're still supposed to be shutting down
- # The shutdown may have been cancelled!
- if self.shuttingDown:
- # Check that there really aren't any running builds
- for builder in self.builders.values():
- n = len(builder.builder_status.getCurrentBuilds())
- if n > 0:
- log.msg("Not shutting down, builder %s has %i builds running" % (builder, n))
- log.msg("Trying shutdown sequence again")
- self.shuttingDown = False
- self.cleanShutdown()
- return
- log.msg("Stopping reactor")
- _reactor.stop()
- else:
- self.brd.startService()
- d.addCallback(shutdown)
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while processing cleanShutdown')
- def cancelCleanShutdown(self):
- """Cancel a clean shutdown that is already in progress, if any"""
- if not self.shuttingDown:
- return
- log.msg("Cancelling clean shutdown")
- self.shuttingDown = False
- @metrics.countMethod('BotMaster.slaveLost()')
- def slaveLost(self, bot):
- metrics.MetricCountEvent.log("BotMaster.attached_slaves", -1)
- for name, b in self.builders.items():
- if bot.slavename in b.config.slavenames:
- b.detached(bot)
- @metrics.countMethod('BotMaster.getBuildersForSlave()')
- def getBuildersForSlave(self, slavename):
- return [ b for b in self.builders.values()
- if slavename in b.config.slavenames ]
- def getBuildernames(self):
- return self.builderNames
- def getBuilders(self):
- return self.builders.values()
- def startService(self):
- def buildRequestAdded(notif):
- self.maybeStartBuildsForBuilder(notif['buildername'])
- self.buildrequest_sub = \
- self.master.subscribeToBuildRequests(buildRequestAdded)
- service.MultiService.startService(self)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def reconfigService(self, new_config):
- timer = metrics.Timer("BotMaster.reconfigService")
- timer.start()
- # reconfigure slaves
- yield self.reconfigServiceSlaves(new_config)
- # reconfigure builders
- yield self.reconfigServiceBuilders(new_config)
- # call up
- yield config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin.reconfigService(self,
- new_config)
- # try to start a build for every builder; this is necessary at master
- # startup, and a good idea in any other case
- self.maybeStartBuildsForAllBuilders()
- timer.stop()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def reconfigServiceSlaves(self, new_config):
- timer = metrics.Timer("BotMaster.reconfigServiceSlaves")
- timer.start()
- # arrange slaves by name
- old_by_name = dict([ (s.slavename, s)
- for s in list(self)
- if interfaces.IBuildSlave.providedBy(s) ])
- old_set = set(old_by_name.iterkeys())
- new_by_name = dict([ (s.slavename, s)
- for s in new_config.slaves ])
- new_set = set(new_by_name.iterkeys())
- # calculate new slaves, by name, and removed slaves
- removed_names, added_names = util.diffSets(old_set, new_set)
- # find any slaves for which the fully qualified class name has
- # changed, and treat those as an add and remove
- for n in old_set & new_set:
- old = old_by_name[n]
- new = new_by_name[n]
- # detect changed class name
- if reflect.qual(old.__class__) != reflect.qual(new.__class__):
- removed_names.add(n)
- added_names.add(n)
- if removed_names or added_names:
- log.msg("adding %d new slaves, removing %d" %
- (len(added_names), len(removed_names)))
- for n in removed_names:
- slave = old_by_name[n]
- del self.slaves[n]
- slave.master = None
- slave.botmaster = None
- yield defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- slave.disownServiceParent())
- for n in added_names:
- slave = new_by_name[n]
- slave.setServiceParent(self)
- self.slaves[n] = slave
- metrics.MetricCountEvent.log("num_slaves",
- len(self.slaves), absolute=True)
- timer.stop()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def reconfigServiceBuilders(self, new_config):
- timer = metrics.Timer("BotMaster.reconfigServiceBuilders")
- timer.start()
- # arrange builders by name
- old_by_name = dict([ (b.name, b)
- for b in list(self)
- if isinstance(b, Builder) ])
- old_set = set(old_by_name.iterkeys())
- new_by_name = dict([ (bc.name, bc)
- for bc in new_config.builders ])
- new_set = set(new_by_name.iterkeys())
- # calculate new builders, by name, and removed builders
- removed_names, added_names = util.diffSets(old_set, new_set)
- if removed_names or added_names:
- log.msg("adding %d new builders, removing %d" %
- (len(added_names), len(removed_names)))
- for n in removed_names:
- builder = old_by_name[n]
- del self.builders[n]
- builder.master = None
- builder.botmaster = None
- yield defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- builder.disownServiceParent())
- for n in added_names:
- builder = Builder(n)
- self.builders[n] = builder
- builder.botmaster = self
- builder.master = self.master
- builder.setServiceParent(self)
- # Use order according to configuration files builders list
- self.builderNames = list([ (bc.name) for bc in new_config.builders ])
- metrics.MetricCountEvent.log("num_builders",
- len(self.builders), absolute=True)
- timer.stop()
- def stopService(self):
- if self.buildrequest_sub:
- self.buildrequest_sub.unsubscribe()
- self.buildrequest_sub = None
- for b in self.builders.values():
- b.builder_status.addPointEvent(["master", "shutdown"])
- b.builder_status.saveYourself()
- return service.MultiService.stopService(self)
- def getLockByID(self, lockid):
- """Convert a Lock identifier into an actual Lock instance.
- @param lockid: a locks.MasterLock or locks.SlaveLock instance
- @return: a locks.RealMasterLock or locks.RealSlaveLock instance
- """
- assert isinstance(lockid, (locks.MasterLock, locks.SlaveLock))
- if not lockid in self.locks:
- self.locks[lockid] = lockid.lockClass(lockid)
- # if the master.cfg file has changed maxCount= on the lock, the next
- # time a build is started, they'll get a new RealLock instance. Note
- # that this requires that MasterLock and SlaveLock (marker) instances
- # be hashable and that they should compare properly.
- return self.locks[lockid]
- def getLockFromLockAccess(self, access):
- # Convert a lock-access object into an actual Lock instance.
- if not isinstance(access, locks.LockAccess):
- # Buildbot 0.7.7 compability: user did not specify access
- access = access.defaultAccess()
- lock = self.getLockByID(access.lockid)
- return lock
- def maybeStartBuildsForBuilder(self, buildername):
- """
- Call this when something suggests that a particular builder may now
- be available to start a build.
- @param buildername: the name of the builder
- """
- self.brd.maybeStartBuildsOn([buildername])
- def maybeStartBuildsForSlave(self, slave_name):
- """
- Call this when something suggests that a particular slave may now be
- available to start a build.
- @param slave_name: the name of the slave
- """
- builders = self.getBuildersForSlave(slave_name)
- self.brd.maybeStartBuildsOn([ b.name for b in builders ])
- def maybeStartBuildsForAllBuilders(self):
- """
- Call this when something suggests that this would be a good time to
- start some builds, but nothing more specific.
- """
- self.brd.maybeStartBuildsOn(self.builderNames)
-class DuplicateSlaveArbitrator(object):
- """Utility class to arbitrate the situation when a new slave connects with
- the name of an existing, connected slave
- @ivar buildslave: L{buildbot.process.slavebuilder.AbstractBuildSlave}
- instance
- @ivar old_remote: L{RemoteReference} to the old slave
- @ivar new_remote: L{RemoteReference} to the new slave
- """
- _reactor = reactor # for testing
- # There are several likely duplicate slave scenarios in practice:
- #
- # 1. two slaves are configured with the same username/password
- #
- # 2. the same slave process believes it is disconnected (due to a network
- # hiccup), and is trying to reconnect
- #
- # For the first case, we want to prevent the two slaves from repeatedly
- # superseding one another (which results in lots of failed builds), so we
- # will prefer the old slave. However, for the second case we need to
- # detect situations where the old slave is "gone". Sometimes "gone" means
- # that the TCP/IP connection to it is in a long timeout period (10-20m,
- # depending on the OS configuration), so this can take a while.
- """Timeout for pinging the old slave. Set this to something quite long, as
- a very busy slave (e.g., one sending a big log chunk) may take a while to
- return a ping.
- """
- def __init__(self, buildslave):
- self.buildslave = buildslave
- self.old_remote = self.buildslave.slave
- def getPerspective(self, mind, slavename):
- self.new_remote = mind
- self.ping_old_slave_done = False
- self.old_slave_connected = True
- self.ping_new_slave_done = False
- old_tport = self.old_remote.broker.transport
- new_tport = self.new_remote.broker.transport
- log.msg("duplicate slave %s; delaying new slave (%s) and pinging old "
- "(%s)" % (self.buildslave.slavename, new_tport.getPeer(),
- old_tport.getPeer()))
- # delay the new slave until we decide what to do with it
- d = self.new_slave_d = defer.Deferred()
- # Ping the old slave. If this kills it, then we can allow the new
- # slave to connect. If this does not kill it, then we disconnect
- # the new slave.
- self.ping_old_slave(new_tport.getPeer())
- # Print a message on the new slave, if possible.
- self.ping_new_slave()
- return d
- def ping_new_slave(self):
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- self.new_remote.callRemote("print", "master already has a "
- "connection named '%s' - checking its liveness"
- % self.buildslave.slavename))
- def done(_):
- # failure or success, doesn't matter - the ping is done.
- self.ping_new_slave_done = True
- self.maybe_done()
- d.addBoth(done)
- def ping_old_slave(self, new_peer):
- # set a timer on this ping, in case the network is bad. TODO: a
- # timeout on the ping itself is not quite what we want. If there is
- # other data flowing over the PB connection, then we should keep
- # waiting. Bug #1703
- def timeout():
- self.ping_old_slave_timeout = None
- self.ping_old_slave_timed_out = True
- self.old_slave_connected = False
- self.ping_old_slave_done = True
- self.maybe_done()
- self.ping_old_slave_timeout = self._reactor.callLater(
- self.PING_TIMEOUT, timeout)
- self.ping_old_slave_timed_out = False
- # call this in maybeDeferred because callRemote tends to raise
- # exceptions instead of returning Failures
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- self.old_remote.callRemote("print",
- "master got a duplicate connection from %s; keeping this one"
- % new_peer))
- def clear_timeout(r):
- if self.ping_old_slave_timeout:
- self.ping_old_slave_timeout.cancel()
- self.ping_old_slave_timeout = None
- return r
- d.addBoth(clear_timeout)
- def old_gone(f):
- if self.ping_old_slave_timed_out:
- return # ignore after timeout
- f.trap(pb.PBConnectionLost, pb.DeadReferenceError)
- log.msg(("connection lost while pinging old slave '%s' - " +
- "keeping new slave") % self.buildslave.slavename)
- self.old_slave_connected = False
- d.addErrback(old_gone)
- def other_err(f):
- log.err(f, "unexpected error pinging old slave; disconnecting it")
- self.old_slave_connected = False
- d.addErrback(other_err)
- def done(_):
- if self.ping_old_slave_timed_out:
- return # ignore after timeout
- self.ping_old_slave_done = True
- self.maybe_done()
- d.addCallback(done)
- def maybe_done(self):
- if not self.ping_new_slave_done or not self.ping_old_slave_done:
- return
- # both pings are done, so sort out the results
- if self.old_slave_connected:
- self.disconnect_new_slave()
- else:
- self.start_new_slave()
- def start_new_slave(self):
- # just in case
- if not self.new_slave_d: # pragma: ignore
- return
- d = self.new_slave_d
- self.new_slave_d = None
- if self.buildslave.isConnected():
- # we need to wait until the old slave has fully detached, which can
- # take a little while as buffers drain, etc.
- def detached():
- d.callback(self.buildslave)
- self.buildslave.subscribeToDetach(detached)
- self.old_remote.broker.transport.loseConnection()
- else: # pragma: ignore
- # by some unusual timing, it's quite possible that the old slave
- # has disconnected while the arbitration was going on. In that
- # case, we're already done!
- d.callback(self.buildslave)
- def disconnect_new_slave(self):
- # just in case
- if not self.new_slave_d: # pragma: ignore
- return
- d = self.new_slave_d
- self.new_slave_d = None
- log.msg("rejecting duplicate slave with exception")
- d.errback(Failure(RuntimeError("rejecting duplicate slave")))