path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/builder.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/builder.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 629 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/builder.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/builder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fe521581..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/process/builder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import weakref
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log, failure
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from buildbot import interfaces, config
-from buildbot.status.progress import Expectations
-from buildbot.status.builder import RETRY
-from buildbot.status.buildrequest import BuildRequestStatus
-from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
-from buildbot.process import buildrequest, slavebuilder
-from buildbot.process.build import Build
-from buildbot.process.slavebuilder import BUILDING
-def enforceChosenSlave(bldr, slavebuilder, breq):
- if 'slavename' in breq.properties:
- slavename = breq.properties['slavename']
- if isinstance(slavename, basestring):
- return slavename==slavebuilder.slave.slavename
- return True
-class Builder(config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin,
- pb.Referenceable,
- service.MultiService):
- # reconfigure builders before slaves
- reconfig_priority = 196
- def __init__(self, name, _addServices=True):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.name = name
- # this is created the first time we get a good build
- self.expectations = None
- # build/wannabuild slots: Build objects move along this sequence
- self.building = []
- # old_building holds active builds that were stolen from a predecessor
- self.old_building = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
- # buildslaves which have connected but which are not yet available.
- # These are always in the ATTACHING state.
- self.attaching_slaves = []
- # buildslaves at our disposal. Each SlaveBuilder instance has a
- # .state that is IDLE, PINGING, or BUILDING. "PINGING" is used when a
- # Build is about to start, to make sure that they're still alive.
- self.slaves = []
- self.config = None
- self.builder_status = None
- if _addServices:
- self.reclaim_svc = internet.TimerService(10*60,
- self.reclaimAllBuilds)
- self.reclaim_svc.setServiceParent(self)
- # update big status every 30 minutes, working around #1980
- self.updateStatusService = internet.TimerService(30*60,
- self.updateBigStatus)
- self.updateStatusService.setServiceParent(self)
- def reconfigService(self, new_config):
- # find this builder in the config
- for builder_config in new_config.builders:
- if builder_config.name == self.name:
- break
- else:
- assert 0, "no config found for builder '%s'" % self.name
- # set up a builder status object on the first reconfig
- if not self.builder_status:
- self.builder_status = self.master.status.builderAdded(
- builder_config.name,
- builder_config.builddir,
- builder_config.category,
- builder_config.description)
- self.config = builder_config
- self.builder_status.setDescription(builder_config.description)
- self.builder_status.setCategory(builder_config.category)
- self.builder_status.setSlavenames(self.config.slavenames)
- self.builder_status.setCacheSize(new_config.caches['Builds'])
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def stopService(self):
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- service.MultiService.stopService(self))
- return d
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Builder '%r' at %d>" % (self.name, id(self))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def getOldestRequestTime(self):
- """Returns the submitted_at of the oldest unclaimed build request for
- this builder, or None if there are no build requests.
- @returns: datetime instance or None, via Deferred
- """
- unclaimed = yield self.master.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(
- buildername=self.name, claimed=False)
- if unclaimed:
- unclaimed = [ brd['submitted_at'] for brd in unclaimed ]
- unclaimed.sort()
- defer.returnValue(unclaimed[0])
- else:
- defer.returnValue(None)
- def reclaimAllBuilds(self):
- brids = set()
- for b in self.building:
- brids.update([br.id for br in b.requests])
- for b in self.old_building:
- brids.update([br.id for br in b.requests])
- if not brids:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- d = self.master.db.buildrequests.reclaimBuildRequests(brids)
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while re-claiming running BuildRequests')
- return d
- def getBuild(self, number):
- for b in self.building:
- if b.build_status and b.build_status.number == number:
- return b
- for b in self.old_building.keys():
- if b.build_status and b.build_status.number == number:
- return b
- return None
- def addLatentSlave(self, slave):
- assert interfaces.ILatentBuildSlave.providedBy(slave)
- for s in self.slaves:
- if s == slave:
- break
- else:
- sb = slavebuilder.LatentSlaveBuilder(slave, self)
- self.builder_status.addPointEvent(
- ['added', 'latent', slave.slavename])
- self.slaves.append(sb)
- self.botmaster.maybeStartBuildsForBuilder(self.name)
- def attached(self, slave, remote, commands):
- """This is invoked by the BuildSlave when the self.slavename bot
- registers their builder.
- @type slave: L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
- @param slave: the BuildSlave that represents the buildslave as a whole
- @type remote: L{twisted.spread.pb.RemoteReference}
- @param remote: a reference to the L{buildbot.slave.bot.SlaveBuilder}
- @type commands: dict: string -> string, or None
- @param commands: provides the slave's version of each RemoteCommand
- @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
- @return: a Deferred that fires (with 'self') when the slave-side
- builder is fully attached and ready to accept commands.
- """
- for s in self.attaching_slaves + self.slaves:
- if s.slave == slave:
- # already attached to them. This is fairly common, since
- # attached() gets called each time we receive the builder
- # list from the slave, and we ask for it each time we add or
- # remove a builder. So if the slave is hosting builders
- # A,B,C, and the config file changes A, we'll remove A and
- # re-add it, triggering two builder-list requests, getting
- # two redundant calls to attached() for B, and another two
- # for C.
- #
- # Therefore, when we see that we're already attached, we can
- # just ignore it.
- return defer.succeed(self)
- sb = slavebuilder.SlaveBuilder()
- sb.setBuilder(self)
- self.attaching_slaves.append(sb)
- d = sb.attached(slave, remote, commands)
- d.addCallback(self._attached)
- d.addErrback(self._not_attached, slave)
- return d
- def _attached(self, sb):
- self.builder_status.addPointEvent(['connect', sb.slave.slavename])
- self.attaching_slaves.remove(sb)
- self.slaves.append(sb)
- self.updateBigStatus()
- return self
- def _not_attached(self, why, slave):
- # already log.err'ed by SlaveBuilder._attachFailure
- # TODO: remove from self.slaves (except that detached() should get
- # run first, right?)
- log.err(why, 'slave failed to attach')
- self.builder_status.addPointEvent(['failed', 'connect',
- slave.slavename])
- # TODO: add an HTMLLogFile of the exception
- def detached(self, slave):
- """This is called when the connection to the bot is lost."""
- for sb in self.attaching_slaves + self.slaves:
- if sb.slave == slave:
- break
- else:
- log.msg("WEIRD: Builder.detached(%s) (%s)"
- " not in attaching_slaves(%s)"
- " or slaves(%s)" % (slave, slave.slavename,
- self.attaching_slaves,
- self.slaves))
- return
- if sb.state == BUILDING:
- # the Build's .lostRemote method (invoked by a notifyOnDisconnect
- # handler) will cause the Build to be stopped, probably right
- # after the notifyOnDisconnect that invoked us finishes running.
- pass
- if sb in self.attaching_slaves:
- self.attaching_slaves.remove(sb)
- if sb in self.slaves:
- self.slaves.remove(sb)
- self.builder_status.addPointEvent(['disconnect', slave.slavename])
- sb.detached() # inform the SlaveBuilder that their slave went away
- self.updateBigStatus()
- def updateBigStatus(self):
- try:
- # Catch exceptions here, since this is called in a LoopingCall.
- if not self.builder_status:
- return
- if not self.slaves:
- self.builder_status.setBigState("offline")
- elif self.building or self.old_building:
- self.builder_status.setBigState("building")
- else:
- self.builder_status.setBigState("idle")
- except Exception:
- log.err(None, "while trying to update status of builder '%s'" % (self.name,))
- def getAvailableSlaves(self):
- return [ sb for sb in self.slaves if sb.isAvailable() ]
- def canStartWithSlavebuilder(self, slavebuilder):
- locks = [(self.botmaster.getLockFromLockAccess(access), access)
- for access in self.config.locks ]
- return Build.canStartWithSlavebuilder(locks, slavebuilder)
- def canStartBuild(self, slavebuilder, breq):
- if callable(self.config.canStartBuild):
- return defer.maybeDeferred(self.config.canStartBuild, self, slavebuilder, breq)
- return defer.succeed(True)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _startBuildFor(self, slavebuilder, buildrequests):
- """Start a build on the given slave.
- @param build: the L{base.Build} to start
- @param sb: the L{SlaveBuilder} which will host this build
- @return: (via Deferred) boolean indicating that the build was
- succesfully started.
- """
- # as of the Python versions supported now, try/finally can't be used
- # with a generator expression. So instead, we push cleanup functions
- # into a list so that, at any point, we can abort this operation.
- cleanups = []
- def run_cleanups():
- try:
- while cleanups:
- fn = cleanups.pop()
- fn()
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), "while running %r" % (run_cleanups,))
- # the last cleanup we want to perform is to update the big
- # status based on any other cleanup
- cleanups.append(lambda : self.updateBigStatus())
- build = self.config.factory.newBuild(buildrequests)
- build.setBuilder(self)
- log.msg("starting build %s using slave %s" % (build, slavebuilder))
- # set up locks
- build.setLocks(self.config.locks)
- cleanups.append(lambda : slavebuilder.slave.releaseLocks())
- if len(self.config.env) > 0:
- build.setSlaveEnvironment(self.config.env)
- # append the build to self.building
- self.building.append(build)
- cleanups.append(lambda : self.building.remove(build))
- # update the big status accordingly
- self.updateBigStatus()
- try:
- ready = yield slavebuilder.prepare(self.builder_status, build)
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'while preparing slavebuilder:')
- ready = False
- # If prepare returns True then it is ready and we start a build
- # If it returns false then we don't start a new build.
- if not ready:
- log.msg("slave %s can't build %s after all; re-queueing the "
- "request" % (build, slavebuilder))
- run_cleanups()
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # ping the slave to make sure they're still there. If they've
- # fallen off the map (due to a NAT timeout or something), this
- # will fail in a couple of minutes, depending upon the TCP
- # timeout.
- #
- # TODO: This can unnecessarily suspend the starting of a build, in
- # situations where the slave is live but is pushing lots of data to
- # us in a build.
- log.msg("starting build %s.. pinging the slave %s"
- % (build, slavebuilder))
- try:
- ping_success = yield slavebuilder.ping()
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'while pinging slave before build:')
- ping_success = False
- if not ping_success:
- log.msg("slave ping failed; re-queueing the request")
- run_cleanups()
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # The buildslave is ready to go. slavebuilder.buildStarted() sets its
- # state to BUILDING (so we won't try to use it for any other builds).
- # This gets set back to IDLE by the Build itself when it finishes.
- slavebuilder.buildStarted()
- cleanups.append(lambda : slavebuilder.buildFinished())
- # tell the remote that it's starting a build, too
- try:
- yield slavebuilder.remote.callRemote("startBuild")
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'while calling remote startBuild:')
- run_cleanups()
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # create the BuildStatus object that goes with the Build
- bs = self.builder_status.newBuild()
- # record the build in the db - one row per buildrequest
- try:
- bids = []
- for req in build.requests:
- bid = yield self.master.db.builds.addBuild(req.id, bs.number)
- bids.append(bid)
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(), 'while adding rows to build table:')
- run_cleanups()
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # IMPORTANT: no yielding is allowed from here to the startBuild call!
- # it's possible that we lost the slave remote between the ping above
- # and now. If so, bail out. The build.startBuild call below transfers
- # responsibility for monitoring this connection to the Build instance,
- # so this check ensures we hand off a working connection.
- if not slavebuilder.remote:
- log.msg("slave disappeared before build could start")
- run_cleanups()
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # let status know
- self.master.status.build_started(req.id, self.name, bs)
- # start the build. This will first set up the steps, then tell the
- # BuildStatus that it has started, which will announce it to the world
- # (through our BuilderStatus object, which is its parent). Finally it
- # will start the actual build process. This is done with a fresh
- # Deferred since _startBuildFor should not wait until the build is
- # finished. This uses `maybeDeferred` to ensure that any exceptions
- # raised by startBuild are treated as deferred errbacks (see
- # http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/2428).
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(build.startBuild,
- bs, self.expectations, slavebuilder)
- d.addCallback(self.buildFinished, slavebuilder, bids)
- # this shouldn't happen. if it does, the slave will be wedged
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'from a running build; this is a '
- 'serious error - please file a bug at http://buildbot.net')
- # make sure the builder's status is represented correctly
- self.updateBigStatus()
- defer.returnValue(True)
- def setupProperties(self, props):
- props.setProperty("buildername", self.name, "Builder")
- if len(self.config.properties) > 0:
- for propertyname in self.config.properties:
- props.setProperty(propertyname,
- self.config.properties[propertyname],
- "Builder")
- def buildFinished(self, build, sb, bids):
- """This is called when the Build has finished (either success or
- failure). Any exceptions during the build are reported with
- results=FAILURE, not with an errback."""
- # by the time we get here, the Build has already released the slave,
- # which will trigger a check for any now-possible build requests
- # (maybeStartBuilds)
- # mark the builds as finished, although since nothing ever reads this
- # table, it's not too important that it complete successfully
- d = self.master.db.builds.finishBuilds(bids)
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while marking builds as finished (ignored)')
- results = build.build_status.getResults()
- self.building.remove(build)
- if results == RETRY:
- self._resubmit_buildreqs(build).addErrback(log.err)
- else:
- brids = [br.id for br in build.requests]
- db = self.master.db
- d = db.buildrequests.completeBuildRequests(brids, results)
- d.addCallback(
- lambda _ : self._maybeBuildsetsComplete(build.requests))
- # nothing in particular to do with this deferred, so just log it if
- # it fails..
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while marking build requests as completed')
- if sb.slave:
- sb.slave.releaseLocks()
- self.updateBigStatus()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _maybeBuildsetsComplete(self, requests):
- # inform the master that we may have completed a number of buildsets
- for br in requests:
- yield self.master.maybeBuildsetComplete(br.bsid)
- def _resubmit_buildreqs(self, build):
- brids = [br.id for br in build.requests]
- return self.master.db.buildrequests.unclaimBuildRequests(brids)
- def setExpectations(self, progress):
- """Mark the build as successful and update expectations for the next
- build. Only call this when the build did not fail in any way that
- would invalidate the time expectations generated by it. (if the
- compile failed and thus terminated early, we can't use the last
- build to predict how long the next one will take).
- """
- if self.expectations:
- self.expectations.update(progress)
- else:
- # the first time we get a good build, create our Expectations
- # based upon its results
- self.expectations = Expectations(progress)
- log.msg("new expectations: %s seconds" %
- self.expectations.expectedBuildTime())
- # Build Creation
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def maybeStartBuild(self, slavebuilder, breqs):
- # This method is called by the botmaster whenever this builder should
- # start a set of buildrequests on a slave. Do not call this method
- # directly - use master.botmaster.maybeStartBuildsForBuilder, or one of
- # the other similar methods if more appropriate
- # first, if we're not running, then don't start builds; stopService
- # uses this to ensure that any ongoing maybeStartBuild invocations
- # are complete before it stops.
- if not self.running:
- defer.returnValue(False)
- return
- # If the build fails from here on out (e.g., because a slave has failed),
- # it will be handled outside of this function. TODO: test that!
- build_started = yield self._startBuildFor(slavebuilder, breqs)
- defer.returnValue(build_started)
- # a few utility functions to make the maybeStartBuild a bit shorter and
- # easier to read
- def getMergeRequestsFn(self):
- """Helper function to determine which mergeRequests function to use
- from L{_mergeRequests}, or None for no merging"""
- # first, seek through builder, global, and the default
- mergeRequests_fn = self.config.mergeRequests
- if mergeRequests_fn is None:
- mergeRequests_fn = self.master.config.mergeRequests
- if mergeRequests_fn is None:
- mergeRequests_fn = True
- # then translate False and True properly
- if mergeRequests_fn is False:
- mergeRequests_fn = None
- elif mergeRequests_fn is True:
- mergeRequests_fn = Builder._defaultMergeRequestFn
- return mergeRequests_fn
- def _defaultMergeRequestFn(self, req1, req2):
- return req1.canBeMergedWith(req2)
-class BuilderControl:
- implements(interfaces.IBuilderControl)
- def __init__(self, builder, control):
- self.original = builder
- self.control = control
- def submitBuildRequest(self, ss, reason, props=None):
- d = ss.getSourceStampSetId(self.control.master)
- def add_buildset(sourcestampsetid):
- return self.control.master.addBuildset(
- builderNames=[self.original.name],
- sourcestampsetid=sourcestampsetid, reason=reason, properties=props)
- d.addCallback(add_buildset)
- def get_brs((bsid,brids)):
- brs = BuildRequestStatus(self.original.name,
- brids[self.original.name],
- self.control.master.status)
- return brs
- d.addCallback(get_brs)
- return d
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def rebuildBuild(self, bs, reason="<rebuild, no reason given>", extraProperties=None):
- if not bs.isFinished():
- return
- # Make a copy of the properties so as not to modify the original build.
- properties = Properties()
- # Don't include runtime-set properties in a rebuild request
- properties.updateFromPropertiesNoRuntime(bs.getProperties())
- if extraProperties is None:
- properties.updateFromProperties(extraProperties)
- properties_dict = dict((k,(v,s)) for (k,v,s) in properties.asList())
- ssList = bs.getSourceStamps(absolute=True)
- if ssList:
- sourcestampsetid = yield ssList[0].getSourceStampSetId(self.control.master)
- dl = []
- for ss in ssList[1:]:
- # add defered to the list
- dl.append(ss.addSourceStampToDatabase(self.control.master, sourcestampsetid))
- yield defer.gatherResults(dl)
- bsid, brids = yield self.control.master.addBuildset(
- builderNames=[self.original.name],
- sourcestampsetid=sourcestampsetid,
- reason=reason,
- properties=properties_dict)
- defer.returnValue((bsid, brids))
- else:
- log.msg('Cannot start rebuild, rebuild has no sourcestamps for a new build')
- defer.returnValue(None)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def getPendingBuildRequestControls(self):
- master = self.original.master
- brdicts = yield master.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(
- buildername=self.original.name,
- claimed=False)
- # convert those into BuildRequest objects
- buildrequests = [ ]
- for brdict in brdicts:
- br = yield buildrequest.BuildRequest.fromBrdict(
- self.control.master, brdict)
- buildrequests.append(br)
- # and return the corresponding control objects
- defer.returnValue([ buildrequest.BuildRequestControl(self.original, r)
- for r in buildrequests ])
- def getBuild(self, number):
- return self.original.getBuild(number)
- def ping(self):
- if not self.original.slaves:
- self.original.builder_status.addPointEvent(["ping", "no slave"])
- return defer.succeed(False) # interfaces.NoSlaveError
- dl = []
- for s in self.original.slaves:
- dl.append(s.ping(self.original.builder_status))
- d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
- d.addCallback(self._gatherPingResults)
- return d
- def _gatherPingResults(self, res):
- for ignored,success in res:
- if not success:
- return False
- return True