path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/schedulers/base.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/schedulers/base.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 453 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/schedulers/base.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/schedulers/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b18f935..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/schedulers/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import failure, log
-from twisted.application import service
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
-from buildbot.util import ComparableMixin
-from buildbot import config, interfaces
-from buildbot.util.state import StateMixin
-class BaseScheduler(service.MultiService, ComparableMixin, StateMixin):
- """
- Base class for all schedulers; this provides the equipment to manage
- reconfigurations and to handle basic scheduler state. It also provides
- utility methods to begin various sorts of builds.
- Subclasses should add any configuration-derived attributes to
- C{base.Scheduler.compare_attrs}.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IScheduler)
- DefaultCodebases = {'':{}}
- compare_attrs = ('name', 'builderNames', 'properties', 'codebases')
- def __init__(self, name, builderNames, properties,
- codebases = DefaultCodebases):
- """
- Initialize a Scheduler.
- @param name: name of this scheduler (used as a key for state)
- @type name: unicode
- @param builderNames: list of builders this scheduler may start
- @type builderNames: list of unicode
- @param properties: properties to add to builds triggered by this
- scheduler
- @type properties: dictionary
- @param codebases: codebases that are necessary to process the changes
- @type codebases: dict with following struct:
- key: '<codebase>'
- value: {'repository':'<repo>', 'branch':'<br>', 'revision:'<rev>'}
- @param consumeChanges: true if this scheduler wishes to be informed
- about the addition of new changes. Defaults to False. This should
- be passed explicitly from subclasses to indicate their interest in
- consuming changes.
- @type consumeChanges: boolean
- """
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.name = name
- "name of this scheduler; used to identify replacements on reconfig"
- ok = True
- if not isinstance(builderNames, (list, tuple)):
- ok = False
- else:
- for b in builderNames:
- if not isinstance(b, basestring):
- ok = False
- if not ok:
- config.error(
- "The builderNames argument to a scheduler must be a list "
- "of Builder names.")
- self.builderNames = builderNames
- "list of builder names to start in each buildset"
- self.properties = Properties()
- "properties that are contributed to each buildset"
- self.properties.update(properties, "Scheduler")
- self.properties.setProperty("scheduler", name, "Scheduler")
- self.objectid = None
- self.master = None
- # Set the codebases that are necessary to process the changes
- # These codebases will always result in a sourcestamp with or without changes
- if codebases is not None:
- if not isinstance(codebases, dict):
- config.error("Codebases must be a dict of dicts")
- for codebase, codebase_attrs in codebases.iteritems():
- if not isinstance(codebase_attrs, dict):
- config.error("Codebases must be a dict of dicts")
- if (codebases != BaseScheduler.DefaultCodebases and
- 'repository' not in codebase_attrs):
- config.error("The key 'repository' is mandatory in codebases")
- else:
- config.error("Codebases cannot be None")
- self.codebases = codebases
- # internal variables
- self._change_subscription = None
- self._change_consumption_lock = defer.DeferredLock()
- ## service handling
- def startService(self):
- service.MultiService.startService(self)
- def findNewSchedulerInstance(self, new_config):
- return new_config.schedulers[self.name] # should exist!
- def stopService(self):
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._stopConsumingChanges)
- d.addCallback(lambda _ : service.MultiService.stopService(self))
- return d
- ## status queries
- # TODO: these aren't compatible with distributed schedulers
- def listBuilderNames(self):
- "Returns the list of builder names"
- return self.builderNames
- def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
- "Returns a list of the next times that builds are scheduled, if known."
- return []
- ## change handling
- def startConsumingChanges(self, fileIsImportant=None, change_filter=None,
- onlyImportant=False):
- """
- Subclasses should call this method from startService to register to
- receive changes. The BaseScheduler class will take care of filtering
- the changes (using change_filter) and (if fileIsImportant is not None)
- classifying them. See L{gotChange}. Returns a Deferred.
- @param fileIsImportant: a callable provided by the user to distinguish
- important and unimportant changes
- @type fileIsImportant: callable
- @param change_filter: a filter to determine which changes are even
- considered by this scheduler, or C{None} to consider all changes
- @type change_filter: L{buildbot.changes.filter.ChangeFilter} instance
- @param onlyImportant: If True, only important changes, as specified by
- fileIsImportant, will be added to the buildset.
- @type onlyImportant: boolean
- """
- assert fileIsImportant is None or callable(fileIsImportant)
- # register for changes with master
- assert not self._change_subscription
- def changeCallback(change):
- # ignore changes delivered while we're not running
- if not self._change_subscription:
- return
- if change_filter and not change_filter.filter_change(change):
- return
- if change.codebase not in self.codebases:
- log.msg(format='change contains codebase %(codebase)s that is'
- 'not processed by scheduler %(scheduler)s',
- codebase=change.codebase, name=self.name)
- return
- if fileIsImportant:
- try:
- important = fileIsImportant(change)
- if not important and onlyImportant:
- return
- except:
- log.err(failure.Failure(),
- 'in fileIsImportant check for %s' % change)
- return
- else:
- important = True
- # use change_consumption_lock to ensure the service does not stop
- # while this change is being processed
- d = self._change_consumption_lock.run(self.gotChange, change, important)
- d.addErrback(log.err, 'while processing change')
- self._change_subscription = self.master.subscribeToChanges(changeCallback)
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def _stopConsumingChanges(self):
- # (note: called automatically in stopService)
- # acquire the lock change consumption lock to ensure that any change
- # consumption is complete before we are done stopping consumption
- def stop():
- if self._change_subscription:
- self._change_subscription.unsubscribe()
- self._change_subscription = None
- return self._change_consumption_lock.run(stop)
- def gotChange(self, change, important):
- """
- Called when a change is received; returns a Deferred. If the
- C{fileIsImportant} parameter to C{startConsumingChanges} was C{None},
- then all changes are considered important.
- The C{codebase} of the change has always an entry in the C{codebases}
- dictionary of the scheduler.
- @param change: the new change object
- @type change: L{buildbot.changes.changes.Change} instance
- @param important: true if this is an important change, according to
- C{fileIsImportant}.
- @type important: boolean
- @returns: Deferred
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- ## starting bulids
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def addBuildsetForLatest(self, reason='', external_idstring=None,
- branch=None, repository='', project='',
- builderNames=None, properties=None):
- """
- Add a buildset for the 'latest' source in the given branch,
- repository, and project. This will create a relative sourcestamp for
- the buildset.
- This method will add any properties provided to the scheduler
- constructor to the buildset, and will call the master's addBuildset
- method with the appropriate parameters.
- @param reason: reason for this buildset
- @type reason: unicode string
- @param external_idstring: external identifier for this buildset, or None
- @param branch: branch to build (note that None often has a special meaning)
- @param repository: repository name for sourcestamp
- @param project: project name for sourcestamp
- @param builderNames: builders to name in the buildset (defaults to
- C{self.builderNames})
- @param properties: a properties object containing initial properties for
- the buildset
- @type properties: L{buildbot.process.properties.Properties}
- @returns: (buildset ID, buildrequest IDs) via Deferred
- """
- # Define setid for this set of changed repositories
- setid = yield self.master.db.sourcestampsets.addSourceStampSet()
- # add a sourcestamp for each codebase
- for codebase, cb_info in self.codebases.iteritems():
- ss_repository = cb_info.get('repository', repository)
- ss_branch = cb_info.get('branch', branch)
- ss_revision = cb_info.get('revision', None)
- yield self.master.db.sourcestamps.addSourceStamp(
- codebase=codebase,
- repository=ss_repository,
- branch=ss_branch,
- revision=ss_revision,
- project=project,
- changeids=set(),
- sourcestampsetid=setid)
- bsid,brids = yield self.addBuildsetForSourceStamp(
- setid=setid, reason=reason,
- external_idstring=external_idstring,
- builderNames=builderNames,
- properties=properties)
- defer.returnValue((bsid,brids))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def addBuildsetForSourceStampDetails(self, reason='', external_idstring=None,
- branch=None, repository='', project='', revision=None,
- builderNames=None, properties=None):
- """
- Given details about the source code to build, create a source stamp and
- then add a buildset for it.
- @param reason: reason for this buildset
- @type reason: unicode string
- @param external_idstring: external identifier for this buildset, or None
- @param branch: branch to build (note that None often has a special meaning)
- @param repository: repository name for sourcestamp
- @param project: project name for sourcestamp
- @param revision: revision to build - default is latest
- @param builderNames: builders to name in the buildset (defaults to
- C{self.builderNames})
- @param properties: a properties object containing initial properties for
- the buildset
- @type properties: L{buildbot.process.properties.Properties}
- @returns: (buildset ID, buildrequest IDs) via Deferred
- """
- # Define setid for this set of changed repositories
- setid = yield self.master.db.sourcestampsets.addSourceStampSet()
- yield self.master.db.sourcestamps.addSourceStamp(
- branch=branch, revision=revision, repository=repository,
- project=project, sourcestampsetid=setid)
- rv = yield self.addBuildsetForSourceStamp(
- setid=setid, reason=reason,
- external_idstring=external_idstring,
- builderNames=builderNames,
- properties=properties)
- defer.returnValue(rv)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def addBuildsetForSourceStampSetDetails(self, reason, sourcestamps,
- properties, builderNames=None):
- if sourcestamps is None:
- sourcestamps = {}
- # Define new setid for this set of sourcestamps
- new_setid = yield self.master.db.sourcestampsets.addSourceStampSet()
- # Merge codebases with the passed list of sourcestamps
- # This results in a new sourcestamp for each codebase
- for codebase in self.codebases:
- ss = self.codebases[codebase].copy()
- # apply info from passed sourcestamps onto the configured default
- # sourcestamp attributes for this codebase.
- ss.update(sourcestamps.get(codebase,{}))
- # add sourcestamp to the new setid
- yield self.master.db.sourcestamps.addSourceStamp(
- codebase=codebase,
- repository=ss.get('repository', ''),
- branch=ss.get('branch', None),
- revision=ss.get('revision', None),
- project=ss.get('project', ''),
- changeids=[c['number'] for c in ss.get('changes', [])],
- patch_body=ss.get('patch_body', None),
- patch_level=ss.get('patch_level', None),
- patch_author=ss.get('patch_author', None),
- patch_comment=ss.get('patch_comment', None),
- sourcestampsetid=new_setid)
- rv = yield self.addBuildsetForSourceStamp(
- setid=new_setid, reason=reason,
- properties=properties,
- builderNames=builderNames)
- defer.returnValue(rv)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def addBuildsetForChanges(self, reason='', external_idstring=None,
- changeids=[], builderNames=None, properties=None):
- changesByCodebase = {}
- def get_last_change_for_codebase(codebase):
- return max(changesByCodebase[codebase],key = lambda change: change["changeid"])
- # Define setid for this set of changed repositories
- setid = yield self.master.db.sourcestampsets.addSourceStampSet()
- # Changes are retrieved from database and grouped by their codebase
- for changeid in changeids:
- chdict = yield self.master.db.changes.getChange(changeid)
- # group change by codebase
- changesByCodebase.setdefault(chdict["codebase"], []).append(chdict)
- for codebase in self.codebases:
- args = {'codebase': codebase, 'sourcestampsetid': setid }
- if codebase not in changesByCodebase:
- # codebase has no changes
- # create a sourcestamp that has no changes
- args['repository'] = self.codebases[codebase]['repository']
- args['branch'] = self.codebases[codebase].get('branch', None)
- args['revision'] = self.codebases[codebase].get('revision', None)
- args['changeids'] = set()
- args['project'] = ''
- else:
- #codebase has changes
- args['changeids'] = [c["changeid"] for c in changesByCodebase[codebase]]
- lastChange = get_last_change_for_codebase(codebase)
- for key in ['repository', 'branch', 'revision', 'project']:
- args[key] = lastChange[key]
- yield self.master.db.sourcestamps.addSourceStamp(**args)
- # add one buildset, this buildset is connected to the sourcestamps by the setid
- bsid,brids = yield self.addBuildsetForSourceStamp( setid=setid,
- reason=reason, external_idstring=external_idstring,
- builderNames=builderNames, properties=properties)
- defer.returnValue((bsid,brids))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def addBuildsetForSourceStamp(self, ssid=None, setid=None, reason='', external_idstring=None,
- properties=None, builderNames=None):
- """
- Add a buildset for the given, already-existing sourcestamp.
- This method will add any properties provided to the scheduler
- constructor to the buildset, and will call the master's
- L{BuildMaster.addBuildset} method with the appropriate parameters, and
- return the same result.
- @param reason: reason for this buildset
- @type reason: unicode string
- @param external_idstring: external identifier for this buildset, or None
- @param properties: a properties object containing initial properties for
- the buildset
- @type properties: L{buildbot.process.properties.Properties}
- @param builderNames: builders to name in the buildset (defaults to
- C{self.builderNames})
- @param setid: idenitification of a set of sourcestamps
- @returns: (buildset ID, buildrequest IDs) via Deferred
- """
- assert (ssid is None and setid is not None) \
- or (ssid is not None and setid is None), "pass a single sourcestamp OR set not both"
- # combine properties
- if properties:
- properties.updateFromProperties(self.properties)
- else:
- properties = self.properties
- # apply the default builderNames
- if not builderNames:
- builderNames = self.builderNames
- # translate properties object into a dict as required by the
- # addBuildset method
- properties_dict = properties.asDict()
- if setid == None:
- if ssid is not None:
- ssdict = yield self.master.db.sourcestamps.getSourceStamp(ssid)
- setid = ssdict['sourcestampsetid']
- else:
- # no sourcestamp and no sets
- yield None
- rv = yield self.master.addBuildset(sourcestampsetid=setid,
- reason=reason, properties=properties_dict,
- builderNames=builderNames,
- external_idstring=external_idstring)
- defer.returnValue(rv)