path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/build.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/build.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 479 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/build.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/build.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d1efa96d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/build.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import os, shutil, re
-from cPickle import dump
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log, runtime, components
-from twisted.persisted import styles
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from buildbot import interfaces, util, sourcestamp
-from buildbot.process import properties
-from buildbot.status.buildstep import BuildStepStatus
-class BuildStatus(styles.Versioned, properties.PropertiesMixin):
- implements(interfaces.IBuildStatus, interfaces.IStatusEvent)
- persistenceVersion = 4
- persistenceForgets = ( 'wasUpgraded', )
- sources = None
- reason = None
- changes = []
- blamelist = []
- progress = None
- started = None
- finished = None
- currentStep = None
- text = []
- results = None
- slavename = "???"
- set_runtime_properties = True
- # these lists/dicts are defined here so that unserialized instances have
- # (empty) values. They are set in __init__ to new objects to make sure
- # each instance gets its own copy.
- watchers = []
- updates = {}
- finishedWatchers = []
- testResults = {}
- def __init__(self, parent, master, number):
- """
- @type parent: L{BuilderStatus}
- @type number: int
- """
- assert interfaces.IBuilderStatus(parent)
- self.builder = parent
- self.master = master
- self.number = number
- self.watchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- self.steps = []
- self.testResults = {}
- self.properties = properties.Properties()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s #%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.number)
- # IBuildStatus
- def getBuilder(self):
- """
- @rtype: L{BuilderStatus}
- """
- return self.builder
- def getNumber(self):
- return self.number
- def getPreviousBuild(self):
- if self.number == 0:
- return None
- return self.builder.getBuild(self.number-1)
- def getAllGotRevisions(self):
- all_got_revisions = self.properties.getProperty('got_revision', {})
- # For backwards compatibility all_got_revisions is a string if codebases
- # are not used. Convert to the default internal type (dict)
- if not isinstance(all_got_revisions, dict):
- all_got_revisions = {'': all_got_revisions}
- return all_got_revisions
- def getSourceStamps(self, absolute=False):
- sourcestamps = []
- if not absolute:
- sourcestamps.extend(self.sources)
- else:
- all_got_revisions = self.getAllGotRevisions() or {}
- # always make a new instance
- for ss in self.sources:
- if ss.codebase in all_got_revisions:
- got_revision = all_got_revisions[ss.codebase]
- sourcestamps.append(ss.getAbsoluteSourceStamp(got_revision))
- else:
- # No absolute revision information available
- # Probably build has been stopped before ending all sourcesteps
- # Return a clone with original revision
- sourcestamps.append(ss.clone())
- return sourcestamps
- def getReason(self):
- return self.reason
- def getChanges(self):
- return self.changes
- def getRevisions(self):
- revs = []
- for c in self.changes:
- rev = str(c.revision)
- if rev > 7: # for long hashes
- rev = rev[:7]
- revs.append(rev)
- return ", ".join(revs)
- def getResponsibleUsers(self):
- return self.blamelist
- def getInterestedUsers(self):
- # TODO: the Builder should add others: sheriffs, domain-owners
- return self.properties.getProperty('owners', [])
- def getSteps(self):
- """Return a list of IBuildStepStatus objects. For invariant builds
- (those which always use the same set of Steps), this should be the
- complete list, however some of the steps may not have started yet
- (step.getTimes()[0] will be None). For variant builds, this may not
- be complete (asking again later may give you more of them)."""
- return self.steps
- def getTimes(self):
- return (self.started, self.finished)
- _sentinel = [] # used as a sentinel to indicate unspecified initial_value
- def getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=_sentinel):
- """Summarize the named statistic over all steps in which it
- exists, using combination_fn and initial_value to combine multiple
- results into a single result. This translates to a call to Python's
- X{reduce}::
- return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)
- """
- step_stats_list = [
- st.getStatistic(name)
- for st in self.steps
- if st.hasStatistic(name) ]
- if initial_value is self._sentinel:
- return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list)
- else:
- return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)
- def isFinished(self):
- return (self.finished is not None)
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- if self.finished:
- d = defer.succeed(self)
- else:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.finishedWatchers.append(d)
- return d
- # while the build is running, the following methods make sense.
- # Afterwards they return None
- def getETA(self):
- if self.finished is not None:
- return None
- if not self.progress:
- return None
- eta = self.progress.eta()
- if eta is None:
- return None
- return eta - util.now()
- def getCurrentStep(self):
- return self.currentStep
- # Once you know the build has finished, the following methods are legal.
- # Before ths build has finished, they all return None.
- def getText(self):
- text = []
- text.extend(self.text)
- for s in self.steps:
- text.extend(s.text2)
- return text
- def getResults(self):
- return self.results
- def getSlavename(self):
- return self.slavename
- def getTestResults(self):
- return self.testResults
- def getLogs(self):
- logs = []
- for s in self.steps:
- for loog in s.getLogs():
- logs.append(loog)
- return logs
- # subscription interface
- def subscribe(self, receiver, updateInterval=None):
- # will receive stepStarted and stepFinished messages
- # and maybe buildETAUpdate
- self.watchers.append(receiver)
- if updateInterval is not None:
- self.sendETAUpdate(receiver, updateInterval)
- def sendETAUpdate(self, receiver, updateInterval):
- self.updates[receiver] = None
- ETA = self.getETA()
- if ETA is not None:
- receiver.buildETAUpdate(self, self.getETA())
- # they might have unsubscribed during buildETAUpdate
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.updates[receiver] = reactor.callLater(updateInterval,
- self.sendETAUpdate,
- receiver,
- updateInterval)
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.watchers.remove(receiver)
- if receiver in self.updates:
- if self.updates[receiver] is not None:
- self.updates[receiver].cancel()
- del self.updates[receiver]
- # methods for the base.Build to invoke
- def addStepWithName(self, name):
- """The Build is setting up, and has added a new BuildStep to its
- list. Create a BuildStepStatus object to which it can send status
- updates."""
- s = BuildStepStatus(self, self.master, len(self.steps))
- s.setName(name)
- self.steps.append(s)
- return s
- def addTestResult(self, result):
- self.testResults[result.getName()] = result
- def setSourceStamps(self, sourceStamps):
- self.sources = sourceStamps
- self.changes = []
- for source in self.sources:
- self.changes.extend(source.changes)
- def setReason(self, reason):
- self.reason = reason
- def setBlamelist(self, blamelist):
- self.blamelist = blamelist
- def setProgress(self, progress):
- self.progress = progress
- def buildStarted(self, build):
- """The Build has been set up and is about to be started. It can now
- be safely queried, so it is time to announce the new build."""
- self.started = util.now()
- # now that we're ready to report status, let the BuilderStatus tell
- # the world about us
- self.builder.buildStarted(self)
- def setSlavename(self, slavename):
- self.slavename = slavename
- def setText(self, text):
- assert isinstance(text, (list, tuple))
- self.text = text
- def setResults(self, results):
- self.results = results
- def buildFinished(self):
- self.currentStep = None
- self.finished = util.now()
- for r in self.updates.keys():
- if self.updates[r] is not None:
- self.updates[r].cancel()
- del self.updates[r]
- watchers = self.finishedWatchers
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- for w in watchers:
- w.callback(self)
- # methods called by our BuildStepStatus children
- def stepStarted(self, step):
- self.currentStep = step
- for w in self.watchers:
- receiver = w.stepStarted(self, step)
- if receiver:
- if type(receiver) == type(()):
- step.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1])
- else:
- step.subscribe(receiver)
- d = step.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda step: step.unsubscribe(receiver))
- step.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self._stepFinished)
- def _stepFinished(self, step):
- results = step.getResults()
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.stepFinished(self, step, results)
- # methods called by our BuilderStatus parent
- def pruneSteps(self):
- # this build is very old: remove the build steps too
- self.steps = []
- # persistence stuff
- def generateLogfileName(self, stepname, logname):
- """Return a filename (relative to the Builder's base directory) where
- the logfile's contents can be stored uniquely.
- The base filename is made by combining our build number, the Step's
- name, and the log's name, then removing unsuitable characters. The
- filename is then made unique by appending _0, _1, etc, until it does
- not collide with any other logfile.
- These files are kept in the Builder's basedir (rather than a
- per-Build subdirectory) because that makes cleanup easier: cron and
- find will help get rid of the old logs, but the empty directories are
- more of a hassle to remove."""
- starting_filename = "%d-log-%s-%s" % (self.number, stepname, logname)
- starting_filename = re.sub(r'[^\w\.\-]', '_', starting_filename)
- # now make it unique
- unique_counter = 0
- filename = starting_filename
- while filename in [l.filename
- for step in self.steps
- for l in step.getLogs()
- if l.filename]:
- filename = "%s_%d" % (starting_filename, unique_counter)
- unique_counter += 1
- return filename
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
- # for now, a serialized Build is always "finished". We will never
- # save unfinished builds.
- if not self.finished:
- d['finished'] = util.now()
- # TODO: push an "interrupted" step so it is clear that the build
- # was interrupted. The builder will have a 'shutdown' event, but
- # someone looking at just this build will be confused as to why
- # the last log is truncated.
- for k in [ 'builder', 'watchers', 'updates', 'finishedWatchers',
- 'master' ]:
- if k in d: del d[k]
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
- self.watchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- def setProcessObjects(self, builder, master):
- self.builder = builder
- self.master = master
- for step in self.steps:
- step.setProcessObjects(self, master)
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- if hasattr(self, "sourceStamp"):
- # the old .sourceStamp attribute wasn't actually very useful
- maxChangeNumber, patch = self.sourceStamp
- changes = getattr(self, 'changes', [])
- source = sourcestamp.SourceStamp(branch=None,
- revision=None,
- patch=patch,
- changes=changes)
- self.source = source
- self.changes = source.changes
- del self.sourceStamp
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def upgradeToVersion2(self):
- self.properties = {}
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def upgradeToVersion3(self):
- # in version 3, self.properties became a Properties object
- propdict = self.properties
- self.properties = properties.Properties()
- self.properties.update(propdict, "Upgrade from previous version")
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def upgradeToVersion4(self):
- # buildstatus contains list of sourcestamps, convert single to list
- if hasattr(self, "source"):
- self.sources = [self.source]
- del self.source
- self.wasUpgraded = True
- def checkLogfiles(self):
- # check that all logfiles exist, and remove references to any that
- # have been deleted (e.g., by purge())
- for s in self.steps:
- s.checkLogfiles()
- def saveYourself(self):
- filename = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, "%d" % self.number)
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- # leftover from 0.5.0, which stored builds in directories
- shutil.rmtree(filename, ignore_errors=True)
- tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp"
- try:
- with open(tmpfilename, "wb") as f:
- dump(self, f, -1)
- if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
- # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one, so
- # fall back to delete-first. There are ways this can fail and
- # lose the builder's history, so we avoid using it in the
- # general (non-windows) case
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- os.unlink(filename)
- os.rename(tmpfilename, filename)
- except:
- log.msg("unable to save build %s-#%d" % (self.builder.name,
- self.number))
- log.err()
- def asDict(self):
- result = {}
- # Constant
- result['builderName'] = self.builder.name
- result['number'] = self.getNumber()
- result['sourceStamps'] = [ss.asDict() for ss in self.getSourceStamps()]
- result['reason'] = self.getReason()
- result['blame'] = self.getResponsibleUsers()
- # Transient
- result['properties'] = self.getProperties().asList()
- result['times'] = self.getTimes()
- result['text'] = self.getText()
- result['results'] = self.getResults()
- result['slave'] = self.getSlavename()
- # TODO(maruel): Add.
- #result['test_results'] = self.getTestResults()
- result['logs'] = [[l.getName(),
- self.builder.status.getURLForThing(l)] for l in self.getLogs()]
- result['eta'] = self.getETA()
- result['steps'] = [bss.asDict() for bss in self.steps]
- if self.getCurrentStep():
- result['currentStep'] = self.getCurrentStep().asDict()
- else:
- result['currentStep'] = None
- return result
-components.registerAdapter(lambda build_status : build_status.properties,
- BuildStatus, interfaces.IProperties)