path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/status_json.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/status_json.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 741 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/status_json.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/status_json.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a725a35d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/status/web/status_json.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Portions Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-# Original Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors.
-"""Simple JSON exporter."""
-import datetime
-import os
-import re
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.web import html, resource, server
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource
-from buildbot.util import json
-_IS_INT = re.compile('^[-+]?\d+$')
-FLAGS = """\
- - as_text
- - By default, application/json is used. Setting as_text=1 change the type
- to text/plain and implicitly sets compact=0 and filter=1. Mainly useful to
- look at the result in a web browser.
- - compact
- - By default, the json data is compact and defaults to 1. For easier to read
- indented output, set compact=0.
- - select
- - By default, most children data is listed. You can do a random selection
- of data by using select=<sub-url> multiple times to coagulate data.
- "select=" includes the actual url otherwise it is skipped.
- - numbuilds
- - By default, only in memory cached builds are listed. You can as for more data
- by using numbuilds=<number>.
- - filter
- - Filters out null, false, and empty string, list and dict. This reduce the
- amount of useless data sent.
- - callback
- - Enable uses of JSONP as described in
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP. Note that
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* is set in the HTTP response header so you
- can use this in compatible browsers.
-EXAMPLES = """\
- - /json
- - Root node, that *doesn't* mean all the data. Many things (like logs) must
- be explicitly queried for performance reasons.
- - /json/builders/
- - All builders.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>
- - A specific builder as compact text.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds
- - All *cached* builds.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds/_all
- - All builds. Warning, reads all previous build data.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds/<A_BUILD>
- - Where <A_BUILD> is either positive, a build number, or negative, a past
- build.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds/-1/source_stamp/changes
- - Build changes
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds?select=-1&select=-2
- - Two last builds on '<A_BUILDER>' builder.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds?select=-1/source_stamp/changes&select=-2/source_stamp/changes
- - Changes of the two last builds on '<A_BUILDER>' builder.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>/slaves
- - Slaves associated to this builder.
- - /json/builders/<A_BUILDER>?select=&select=slaves
- - Builder information plus details information about its slaves. Neat eh?
- - /json/slaves/<A_SLAVE>
- - A specific slave.
- - /json?select=slaves/<A_SLAVE>/&select=project&select=builders/<A_BUILDER>/builds/<A_BUILD>
- - A selection of random unrelated stuff as an random example. :)
-def RequestArg(request, arg, default):
- return request.args.get(arg, [default])[0]
-def RequestArgToBool(request, arg, default):
- value = RequestArg(request, arg, default)
- if value in (False, True):
- return value
- value = value.lower()
- if value in ('1', 'true'):
- return True
- if value in ('0', 'false'):
- return False
- # Ignore value.
- return default
-def FilterOut(data):
- """Returns a copy with None, False, "", [], () and {} removed.
- Warning: converts tuple to list."""
- if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
- # Recurse in every items and filter them out.
- items = map(FilterOut, data)
- if not filter(lambda x: not x in ('', False, None, [], {}, ()), items):
- return None
- return items
- elif isinstance(data, dict):
- return dict(filter(lambda x: not x[1] in ('', False, None, [], {}, ()),
- [(k, FilterOut(v)) for (k, v) in data.iteritems()]))
- else:
- return data
-class JsonResource(resource.Resource):
- """Base class for json data."""
- contentType = "application/json"
- cache_seconds = 60
- help = None
- pageTitle = None
- level = 0
- def __init__(self, status):
- """Adds transparent lazy-child initialization."""
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- # buildbot.status.builder.Status
- self.status = status
- def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request):
- """Adds transparent support for url ending with /"""
- if path == "" and len(request.postpath) == 0:
- return self
- if path == 'help' and self.help:
- pageTitle = ''
- if self.pageTitle:
- pageTitle = self.pageTitle + ' help'
- return HelpResource(self.help,
- pageTitle=pageTitle,
- parent_node=self)
- # Equivalent to resource.Resource.getChildWithDefault()
- if self.children.has_key(path):
- return self.children[path]
- return self.getChild(path, request)
- def putChild(self, name, res):
- """Adds the resource's level for help links generation."""
- def RecurseFix(res, level):
- res.level = level + 1
- for c in res.children.itervalues():
- RecurseFix(c, res.level)
- RecurseFix(res, self.level)
- resource.Resource.putChild(self, name, res)
- def render_GET(self, request):
- """Renders a HTTP GET at the http request level."""
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(lambda : self.content(request))
- def handle(data):
- if isinstance(data, unicode):
- data = data.encode("utf-8")
- request.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
- if RequestArgToBool(request, 'as_text', False):
- request.setHeader("content-type", 'text/plain')
- else:
- request.setHeader("content-type", self.contentType)
- request.setHeader("content-disposition",
- "attachment; filename=\"%s.json\"" % request.path)
- # Make sure we get fresh pages.
- if self.cache_seconds:
- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- expires = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.cache_seconds)
- request.setHeader("Expires",
- expires.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"))
- request.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")
- return data
- d.addCallback(handle)
- def ok(data):
- request.write(data)
- request.finish()
- def fail(f):
- request.processingFailed(f)
- return None # processingFailed will log this for us
- d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def content(self, request):
- """Renders the json dictionaries."""
- # Supported flags.
- select = request.args.get('select')
- as_text = RequestArgToBool(request, 'as_text', False)
- filter_out = RequestArgToBool(request, 'filter', as_text)
- compact = RequestArgToBool(request, 'compact', not as_text)
- callback = request.args.get('callback')
- # Implement filtering at global level and every child.
- if select is not None:
- del request.args['select']
- # Do not render self.asDict()!
- data = {}
- # Remove superfluous /
- select = [s.strip('/') for s in select]
- select.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.count('/'), y.count('/')),
- reverse=True)
- for item in select:
- # Start back at root.
- node = data
- # Implementation similar to twisted.web.resource.getChildForRequest
- # but with a hacked up request.
- child = self
- prepath = request.prepath[:]
- postpath = request.postpath[:]
- request.postpath = filter(None, item.split('/'))
- while request.postpath and not child.isLeaf:
- pathElement = request.postpath.pop(0)
- node[pathElement] = {}
- node = node[pathElement]
- request.prepath.append(pathElement)
- child = child.getChildWithDefault(pathElement, request)
- # some asDict methods return a Deferred, so handle that
- # properly
- if hasattr(child, 'asDict'):
- child_dict = yield defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- child.asDict(request))
- else:
- child_dict = {
- 'error' : 'Not available',
- }
- node.update(child_dict)
- request.prepath = prepath
- request.postpath = postpath
- else:
- data = yield defer.maybeDeferred(lambda : self.asDict(request))
- if filter_out:
- data = FilterOut(data)
- if compact:
- data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',',':'))
- else:
- data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
- if callback:
- # Only accept things that look like identifiers for now
- callback = callback[0]
- if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z$][a-zA-Z$0-9.]*$', callback):
- data = '%s(%s);' % (callback, data)
- defer.returnValue(data)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def asDict(self, request):
- """Generates the json dictionary.
- By default, renders every childs."""
- if self.children:
- data = {}
- for name in self.children:
- child = self.getChildWithDefault(name, request)
- if isinstance(child, JsonResource):
- data[name] = yield defer.maybeDeferred(lambda :
- child.asDict(request))
- # else silently pass over non-json resources.
- defer.returnValue(data)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def ToHtml(text):
- """Convert a string in a wiki-style format into HTML."""
- indent = 0
- in_item = False
- output = []
- for line in text.splitlines(False):
- match = re.match(r'^( +)\- (.*)$', line)
- if match:
- if indent < len(match.group(1)):
- output.append('<ul>')
- indent = len(match.group(1))
- elif indent > len(match.group(1)):
- while indent > len(match.group(1)):
- output.append('</ul>')
- indent -= 2
- if in_item:
- # Close previous item
- output.append('</li>')
- output.append('<li>')
- in_item = True
- line = match.group(2)
- elif indent:
- if line.startswith((' ' * indent) + ' '):
- # List continuation
- line = line.strip()
- else:
- # List is done
- if in_item:
- output.append('</li>')
- in_item = False
- while indent > 0:
- output.append('</ul>')
- indent -= 2
- if line.startswith('/'):
- if not '?' in line:
- line_full = line + '?as_text=1'
- else:
- line_full = line + '&as_text=1'
- output.append('<a href="' + html.escape(line_full) + '">' +
- html.escape(line) + '</a>')
- else:
- output.append(html.escape(line).replace(' ', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'))
- if not in_item:
- output.append('<br>')
- if in_item:
- output.append('</li>')
- while indent > 0:
- output.append('</ul>')
- indent -= 2
- return '\n'.join(output)
-class HelpResource(HtmlResource):
- def __init__(self, text, pageTitle, parent_node):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.text = text
- self.pageTitle = pageTitle
- self.parent_level = parent_node.level
- self.parent_children = parent_node.children.keys()
- def content(self, request, cxt):
- cxt['level'] = self.parent_level
- cxt['text'] = ToHtml(self.text)
- cxt['children'] = [ n for n in self.parent_children if n != 'help' ]
- cxt['flags'] = ToHtml(FLAGS)
- cxt['examples'] = ToHtml(EXAMPLES).replace(
- 'href="/json',
- 'href="../%sjson' % (self.parent_level * '../'))
- template = request.site.buildbot_service.templates.get_template("jsonhelp.html")
- return template.render(**cxt)
-class BuilderPendingBuildsJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe pending builds for a builder.
- pageTitle = 'Builder'
- def __init__(self, status, builder_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.builder_status = builder_status
- def asDict(self, request):
- # buildbot.status.builder.BuilderStatus
- d = self.builder_status.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses()
- def to_dict(statuses):
- return defer.gatherResults(
- [ b.asDict_async() for b in statuses ])
- d.addCallback(to_dict)
- return d
-class BuilderJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe a single builder.
- pageTitle = 'Builder'
- def __init__(self, status, builder_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.builder_status = builder_status
- self.putChild('builds', BuildsJsonResource(status, builder_status))
- self.putChild('slaves', BuilderSlavesJsonResources(status,
- builder_status))
- self.putChild(
- 'pendingBuilds',
- BuilderPendingBuildsJsonResource(status, builder_status))
- def asDict(self, request):
- # buildbot.status.builder.BuilderStatus
- return self.builder_status.asDict_async()
-class BuildersJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """List of all the builders defined on a master.
- pageTitle = 'Builders'
- def __init__(self, status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- for builder_name in self.status.getBuilderNames():
- self.putChild(builder_name,
- BuilderJsonResource(status,
- status.getBuilder(builder_name)))
-class BuilderSlavesJsonResources(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe the slaves attached to a single builder.
- pageTitle = 'BuilderSlaves'
- def __init__(self, status, builder_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.builder_status = builder_status
- for slave_name in self.builder_status.slavenames:
- self.putChild(slave_name,
- SlaveJsonResource(status,
- self.status.getSlave(slave_name)))
-class BuildJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe a single build.
- pageTitle = 'Build'
- def __init__(self, status, build_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.build_status = build_status
- # TODO: support multiple sourcestamps
- sourcestamp = build_status.getSourceStamps()[0]
- self.putChild('source_stamp',
- SourceStampJsonResource(status, sourcestamp))
- self.putChild('steps', BuildStepsJsonResource(status, build_status))
- def asDict(self, request):
- return self.build_status.asDict()
-class AllBuildsJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """All the builds that were run on a builder.
- pageTitle = 'AllBuilds'
- def __init__(self, status, builder_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.builder_status = builder_status
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- # Dynamic childs.
- if isinstance(path, int) or _IS_INT.match(path):
- build_status = self.builder_status.getBuild(int(path))
- if build_status:
- return BuildJsonResource(self.status, build_status)
- return JsonResource.getChild(self, path, request)
- def asDict(self, request):
- results = {}
- # If max > buildCacheSize, it'll trash the cache...
- cache_size = self.builder_status.master.config.caches['Builds']
- max = int(RequestArg(request, 'max', cache_size))
- for i in range(0, max):
- child = self.getChildWithDefault(-i, request)
- if not isinstance(child, BuildJsonResource):
- continue
- results[child.build_status.getNumber()] = child.asDict(request)
- return results
-class BuildsJsonResource(AllBuildsJsonResource):
- help = """Builds that were run on a builder.
- pageTitle = 'Builds'
- def __init__(self, status, builder_status):
- AllBuildsJsonResource.__init__(self, status, builder_status)
- self.putChild('_all', AllBuildsJsonResource(status, builder_status))
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- # Transparently redirects to _all if path is not ''.
- return self.children['_all'].getChildWithDefault(path, request)
- def asDict(self, request):
- # This would load all the pickles and is way too heavy, especially that
- # it would trash the cache:
- # self.children['builds'].asDict(request)
- # TODO(maruel) This list should also need to be cached but how?
- builds = dict([
- (int(file), None)
- for file in os.listdir(self.builder_status.basedir)
- if _IS_INT.match(file)
- ])
- return builds
-class BuildStepJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """A single build step.
- pageTitle = 'BuildStep'
- def __init__(self, status, build_step_status):
- # buildbot.status.buildstep.BuildStepStatus
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.build_step_status = build_step_status
- # TODO self.putChild('logs', LogsJsonResource())
- def asDict(self, request):
- return self.build_step_status.asDict()
-class BuildStepsJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """A list of build steps that occurred during a build.
- pageTitle = 'BuildSteps'
- def __init__(self, status, build_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.build_status = build_status
- # The build steps are constantly changing until the build is done so
- # keep a reference to build_status instead
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- # Dynamic childs.
- build_step_status = None
- if isinstance(path, int) or _IS_INT.match(path):
- build_step_status = self.build_status.getSteps()[int(path)]
- else:
- steps_dict = dict([(step.getName(), step)
- for step in self.build_status.getSteps()])
- build_step_status = steps_dict.get(path)
- if build_step_status:
- # Create it on-demand.
- child = BuildStepJsonResource(self.status, build_step_status)
- # Cache it.
- index = self.build_status.getSteps().index(build_step_status)
- self.putChild(str(index), child)
- self.putChild(build_step_status.getName(), child)
- return child
- return JsonResource.getChild(self, path, request)
- def asDict(self, request):
- # Only use the number and not the names!
- results = {}
- index = 0
- for step in self.build_status.getSteps():
- results[index] = step.asDict()
- index += 1
- return results
-class ChangeJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe a single change that originates from a change source.
- pageTitle = 'Change'
- def __init__(self, status, change):
- # buildbot.changes.changes.Change
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.change = change
- def asDict(self, request):
- return self.change.asDict()
-class ChangesJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """List of changes.
- pageTitle = 'Changes'
- def __init__(self, status, changes):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- for c in changes:
- # c.number can be None or clash another change if the change was
- # generated inside buildbot or if using multiple pollers.
- if c.number is not None and str(c.number) not in self.children:
- self.putChild(str(c.number), ChangeJsonResource(status, c))
- else:
- # Temporary hack since it creates information exposure.
- self.putChild(str(id(c)), ChangeJsonResource(status, c))
- def asDict(self, request):
- """Don't throw an exception when there is no child."""
- if not self.children:
- return {}
- return JsonResource.asDict(self, request)
-class ChangeSourcesJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe a change source.
- pageTitle = 'ChangeSources'
- def asDict(self, request):
- result = {}
- n = 0
- for c in self.status.getChangeSources():
- # buildbot.changes.changes.ChangeMaster
- change = {}
- change['description'] = c.describe()
- result[n] = change
- n += 1
- return result
-class ProjectJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Project-wide settings.
- pageTitle = 'Project'
- def asDict(self, request):
- return self.status.asDict()
-class SlaveJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe a slave.
- pageTitle = 'Slave'
- def __init__(self, status, slave_status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.slave_status = slave_status
- self.name = self.slave_status.getName()
- self.builders = None
- def getBuilders(self):
- if self.builders is None:
- # Figure out all the builders to which it's attached
- self.builders = []
- for builderName in self.status.getBuilderNames():
- if self.name in self.status.getBuilder(builderName).slavenames:
- self.builders.append(builderName)
- return self.builders
- def asDict(self, request):
- results = self.slave_status.asDict()
- # Enhance it by adding more informations.
- results['builders'] = {}
- for builderName in self.getBuilders():
- builds = []
- builder_status = self.status.getBuilder(builderName)
- cache_size = builder_status.master.config.caches['Builds']
- numbuilds = int(request.args.get('numbuilds', [cache_size - 1])[0])
- for i in range(1, numbuilds):
- build_status = builder_status.getBuild(-i)
- if not build_status or not build_status.isFinished():
- # If not finished, it will appear in runningBuilds.
- break
- if build_status.getSlavename() == self.name:
- builds.append(build_status.getNumber())
- results['builders'][builderName] = builds
- return results
-class SlavesJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """List the registered slaves.
- pageTitle = 'Slaves'
- def __init__(self, status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- for slave_name in status.getSlaveNames():
- self.putChild(slave_name,
- SlaveJsonResource(status,
- status.getSlave(slave_name)))
-class SourceStampJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Describe the sources for a SourceStamp.
- pageTitle = 'SourceStamp'
- def __init__(self, status, source_stamp):
- # buildbot.sourcestamp.SourceStamp
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.source_stamp = source_stamp
- self.putChild('changes',
- ChangesJsonResource(status, source_stamp.changes))
- # TODO(maruel): Should redirect to the patch's url instead.
- #if source_stamp.patch:
- # self.putChild('patch', StaticHTML(source_stamp.path))
- def asDict(self, request):
- return self.source_stamp.asDict()
-class MetricsJsonResource(JsonResource):
- help = """Master metrics.
- title = "Metrics"
- def asDict(self, request):
- metrics = self.status.getMetrics()
- if metrics:
- return metrics.asDict()
- else:
- # Metrics are disabled
- return None
-class JsonStatusResource(JsonResource):
- """Retrieves all json data."""
- help = """JSON status
-Root page to give a fair amount of information in the current buildbot master
-status. You may want to use a child instead to reduce the load on the server.
-For help on any sub directory, use url /child/help
- pageTitle = 'Buildbot JSON'
- def __init__(self, status):
- JsonResource.__init__(self, status)
- self.level = 1
- self.putChild('builders', BuildersJsonResource(status))
- self.putChild('change_sources', ChangeSourcesJsonResource(status))
- self.putChild('project', ProjectJsonResource(status))
- self.putChild('slaves', SlavesJsonResource(status))
- self.putChild('metrics', MetricsJsonResource(status))
- # This needs to be called before the first HelpResource().body call.
- self.hackExamples()
- def content(self, request):
- result = JsonResource.content(self, request)
- # This is done to hook the downloaded filename.
- request.path = 'buildbot'
- return result
- def hackExamples(self):
- global EXAMPLES
- # Find the first builder with a previous build or select the last one.
- builder = None
- for b in self.status.getBuilderNames():
- builder = self.status.getBuilder(b)
- if builder.getBuild(-1):
- break
- if not builder:
- return
- EXAMPLES = EXAMPLES.replace('<A_BUILDER>', builder.getName())
- build = builder.getBuild(-1)
- if build:
- EXAMPLES = EXAMPLES.replace('<A_BUILD>', str(build.getNumber()))
- if builder.slavenames:
- EXAMPLES = EXAMPLES.replace('<A_SLAVE>', builder.slavenames[0])
-# vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: