path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/util/steps.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/util/steps.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/util/steps.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/util/steps.py
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index 3c70d92e..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/buildbot-0.8.8-py2.7.egg/buildbot/test/util/steps.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
-# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
-import mock
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot.process import buildstep
-from buildbot.test.fake import remotecommand, fakebuild, slave
-class BuildStepMixin(object):
- """
- Support for testing build steps. This class adds two capabilities:
- - patch out RemoteCommand with fake versions that check expected
- commands and produce the appropriate results
- - surround a step with the mock objects that it needs to execute
- The following instance variables are available after C{setupStep}:
- @ivar step: the step under test
- @ivar build: the fake build containing the step
- @ivar progress: mock progress object
- @ivar buildslave: mock buildslave object
- @ivar step_status: mock StepStatus object
- @ivar properties: build properties (L{Properties} instance)
- """
- def setUpBuildStep(self):
- # make an (admittedly global) reference to this test case so that
- # the fakes can call back to us
- remotecommand.FakeRemoteCommand.testcase = self
- self.patch(buildstep, 'RemoteCommand',
- remotecommand.FakeRemoteCommand)
- self.patch(buildstep, 'RemoteShellCommand',
- remotecommand.FakeRemoteShellCommand)
- self.expected_remote_commands = []
- def tearDownBuildStep(self):
- # delete the reference added in setUp
- del remotecommand.FakeRemoteCommand.testcase
- # utilities
- def setupStep(self, step, slave_version={'*':"99.99"}, slave_env={}):
- """
- Set up C{step} for testing. This begins by using C{step} as a factory
- to create a I{new} step instance, thereby testing that the the factory
- arguments are handled correctly. It then creates a comfortable
- environment for the slave to run in, repleate with a fake build and a
- fake slave.
- As a convenience, it calls the step's setDefaultWorkdir method with
- C{'wkdir'}.
- @param slave_version: slave version to present, as a dictionary mapping
- command name to version. A command name of '*' will apply for all
- commands.
- @param slave_env: environment from the slave at slave startup
- """
- factory = interfaces.IBuildStepFactory(step)
- step = self.step = factory.buildStep()
- # step.build
- b = self.build = fakebuild.FakeBuild()
- def getSlaveVersion(cmd, oldversion):
- if cmd in slave_version:
- return slave_version[cmd]
- if '*' in slave_version:
- return slave_version['*']
- return oldversion
- b.getSlaveCommandVersion = getSlaveVersion
- b.slaveEnvironment = slave_env.copy()
- step.setBuild(b)
- # watch for properties being set
- self.properties = interfaces.IProperties(b)
- # step.progress
- step.progress = mock.Mock(name="progress")
- # step.buildslave
- self.buildslave = step.buildslave = slave.FakeSlave()
- # step.step_status
- ss = self.step_status = mock.Mock(name="step_status")
- ss.status_text = None
- ss.logs = {}
- def ss_setText(strings):
- ss.status_text = strings
- ss.setText = ss_setText
- ss.getLogs = lambda : ss.logs.values()
- self.step_statistics = {}
- ss.setStatistic = self.step_statistics.__setitem__
- ss.getStatistic = self.step_statistics.get
- ss.hasStatistic = self.step_statistics.__contains__
- self.step.setStepStatus(ss)
- # step overrides
- def addLog(name):
- l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name, step)
- ss.logs[name] = l
- return l
- step.addLog = addLog
- def addHTMLLog(name, html):
- l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name, step)
- l.addStdout(html)
- ss.logs[name] = l
- return l
- step.addHTMLLog = addHTMLLog
- def addCompleteLog(name, text):
- l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name, step)
- l.addStdout(text)
- ss.logs[name] = l
- return l
- step.addCompleteLog = addCompleteLog
- step.logobservers = self.logobservers = {}
- def addLogObserver(logname, observer):
- self.logobservers.setdefault(logname, []).append(observer)
- observer.step = step
- step.addLogObserver = addLogObserver
- # set defaults
- step.setDefaultWorkdir('wkdir')
- # expectations
- self.exp_outcome = None
- self.exp_properties = {}
- self.exp_missing_properties = []
- self.exp_logfiles = {}
- self.exp_hidden = False
- return step
- def expectCommands(self, *exp):
- """
- Add to the expected remote commands, along with their results. Each
- argument should be an instance of L{Expect}.
- """
- self.expected_remote_commands.extend(exp)
- def expectOutcome(self, result, status_text):
- """
- Expect the given result (from L{buildbot.status.results}) and status
- text (a list).
- """
- self.exp_outcome = dict(result=result, status_text=status_text)
- def expectProperty(self, property, value, source=None):
- """
- Expect the given property to be set when the step is complete.
- """
- self.exp_properties[property] = (value, source)
- def expectNoProperty(self, property):
- """
- Expect the given property is *not* set when the step is complete
- """
- self.exp_missing_properties.append(property)
- def expectLogfile(self, logfile, contents):
- """
- Expect a logfile with the given contents
- """
- self.exp_logfiles[logfile] = contents
- def expectHidden(self, hidden):
- """
- Set whether the step is expected to be hidden.
- """
- self.exp_hidden = hidden
- def runStep(self):
- """
- Run the step set up with L{setupStep}, and check the results.
- @returns: Deferred
- """
- self.remote = mock.Mock(name="SlaveBuilder(remote)")
- # TODO: self.step.setupProgress()
- d = self.step.startStep(self.remote)
- def check(result):
- self.assertEqual(self.expected_remote_commands, [],
- "assert all expected commands were run")
- got_outcome = dict(result=result,
- status_text=self.step_status.status_text)
- self.assertEqual(got_outcome, self.exp_outcome, "expected step outcome")
- for pn, (pv, ps) in self.exp_properties.iteritems():
- self.assertTrue(self.properties.hasProperty(pn),
- "missing property '%s'" % pn)
- self.assertEqual(self.properties.getProperty(pn), pv, "property '%s'" % pn)
- if ps is not None:
- self.assertEqual(self.properties.getPropertySource(pn), ps, "property '%s' source" % pn)
- for pn in self.exp_missing_properties:
- self.assertFalse(self.properties.hasProperty(pn), "unexpected property '%s'" % pn)
- for log, contents in self.exp_logfiles.iteritems():
- self.assertEqual(self.step_status.logs[log].stdout, contents, "log '%s' contents" % log)
- self.step_status.setHidden.assert_called_once_with(self.exp_hidden)
- d.addCallback(check)
- return d
- # callbacks from the running step
- def _remotecommand_run(self, command, step, remote):
- self.assertEqual(step, self.step)
- self.assertEqual(remote, self.remote)
- got = (command.remote_command, command.args)
- if not self.expected_remote_commands:
- self.fail("got command %r when no further commands were expected"
- % (got,))
- exp = self.expected_remote_commands.pop(0)
- # handle any incomparable args
- for arg in exp.incomparable_args:
- self.failUnless(arg in got[1],
- "incomparable arg '%s' not received" % (arg,))
- del got[1][arg]
- # first check any ExpectedRemoteReference instances
- self.assertEqual((exp.remote_command, exp.args), got)
- # let the Expect object show any behaviors that are required
- d = exp.runBehaviors(command)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: command)
- return d