path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/interfaces.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/interfaces.py')
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope.interface-3.6.4-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/interfaces.py
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-# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Interface Package Interfaces
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.interface.interface import Attribute
-class IElement(Interface):
- """Objects that have basic documentation and tagged values.
- """
- __name__ = Attribute('__name__', 'The object name')
- __doc__ = Attribute('__doc__', 'The object doc string')
- def getTaggedValue(tag):
- """Returns the value associated with `tag`.
- Raise a `KeyError` of the tag isn't set.
- """
- def queryTaggedValue(tag, default=None):
- """Returns the value associated with `tag`.
- Return the default value of the tag isn't set.
- """
- def getTaggedValueTags():
- """Returns a list of all tags."""
- def setTaggedValue(tag, value):
- """Associates `value` with `key`."""
-class IAttribute(IElement):
- """Attribute descriptors"""
- interface = Attribute('interface',
- 'Stores the interface instance in which the '
- 'attribute is located.')
-class IMethod(IAttribute):
- """Method attributes"""
- def getSignatureInfo():
- """Returns the signature information.
- This method returns a dictionary with the following keys:
- o `positional` - All positional arguments.
- o `required` - A list of all required arguments.
- o `optional` - A list of all optional arguments.
- o `varargs` - The name of the varargs argument.
- o `kwargs` - The name of the kwargs argument.
- """
- def getSignatureString():
- """Return a signature string suitable for inclusion in documentation.
- This method returns the function signature string. For example, if you
- have `func(a, b, c=1, d='f')`, then the signature string is `(a, b,
- c=1, d='f')`.
- """
-class ISpecification(Interface):
- """Object Behavioral specifications"""
- def extends(other, strict=True):
- """Test whether a specification extends another
- The specification extends other if it has other as a base
- interface or if one of it's bases extends other.
- If strict is false, then the specification extends itself.
- """
- def isOrExtends(other):
- """Test whether the specification is or extends another
- """
- def weakref(callback=None):
- """Return a weakref to the specification
- This method is, regrettably, needed to allow weakrefs to be
- computed to security-proxied specifications. While the
- zope.interface package does not require zope.security or
- zope.proxy, it has to be able to coexist with it.
- """
- __bases__ = Attribute("""Base specifications
- A tuple if specifications from which this specification is
- directly derived.
- """)
- __sro__ = Attribute("""Specification-resolution order
- A tuple of the specification and all of it's ancestor
- specifications from most specific to least specific.
- (This is similar to the method-resolution order for new-style classes.)
- """)
- __iro__ = Attribute("""Interface-resolution order
- A tuple of the of the specification's ancestor interfaces from
- most specific to least specific. The specification itself is
- included if it is an interface.
- (This is similar to the method-resolution order for new-style classes.)
- """)
- def get(name, default=None):
- """Look up the description for a name
- If the named attribute is not defined, the default is
- returned.
- """
-class IInterface(ISpecification, IElement):
- """Interface objects
- Interface objects describe the behavior of an object by containing
- useful information about the object. This information includes:
- o Prose documentation about the object. In Python terms, this
- is called the "doc string" of the interface. In this element,
- you describe how the object works in prose language and any
- other useful information about the object.
- o Descriptions of attributes. Attribute descriptions include
- the name of the attribute and prose documentation describing
- the attributes usage.
- o Descriptions of methods. Method descriptions can include:
- - Prose "doc string" documentation about the method and its
- usage.
- - A description of the methods arguments; how many arguments
- are expected, optional arguments and their default values,
- the position or arguments in the signature, whether the
- method accepts arbitrary arguments and whether the method
- accepts arbitrary keyword arguments.
- o Optional tagged data. Interface objects (and their attributes and
- methods) can have optional, application specific tagged data
- associated with them. Examples uses for this are examples,
- security assertions, pre/post conditions, and other possible
- information you may want to associate with an Interface or its
- attributes.
- Not all of this information is mandatory. For example, you may
- only want the methods of your interface to have prose
- documentation and not describe the arguments of the method in
- exact detail. Interface objects are flexible and let you give or
- take any of these components.
- Interfaces are created with the Python class statement using
- either Interface.Interface or another interface, as in::
- from zope.interface import Interface
- class IMyInterface(Interface):
- '''Interface documentation'''
- def meth(arg1, arg2):
- '''Documentation for meth'''
- # Note that there is no self argument
- class IMySubInterface(IMyInterface):
- '''Interface documentation'''
- def meth2():
- '''Documentation for meth2'''
- You use interfaces in two ways:
- o You assert that your object implement the interfaces.
- There are several ways that you can assert that an object
- implements an interface:
- 1. Call zope.interface.implements in your class definition.
- 2. Call zope.interfaces.directlyProvides on your object.
- 3. Call 'zope.interface.classImplements' to assert that instances
- of a class implement an interface.
- For example::
- from zope.interface import classImplements
- classImplements(some_class, some_interface)
- This approach is useful when it is not an option to modify
- the class source. Note that this doesn't affect what the
- class itself implements, but only what its instances
- implement.
- o You query interface meta-data. See the IInterface methods and
- attributes for details.
- """
- def providedBy(object):
- """Test whether the interface is implemented by the object
- Return true of the object asserts that it implements the
- interface, including asserting that it implements an extended
- interface.
- """
- def implementedBy(class_):
- """Test whether the interface is implemented by instances of the class
- Return true of the class asserts that its instances implement the
- interface, including asserting that they implement an extended
- interface.
- """
- def names(all=False):
- """Get the interface attribute names
- Return a sequence of the names of the attributes, including
- methods, included in the interface definition.
- Normally, only directly defined attributes are included. If
- a true positional or keyword argument is given, then
- attributes defined by base classes will be included.
- """
- def namesAndDescriptions(all=False):
- """Get the interface attribute names and descriptions
- Return a sequence of the names and descriptions of the
- attributes, including methods, as name-value pairs, included
- in the interface definition.
- Normally, only directly defined attributes are included. If
- a true positional or keyword argument is given, then
- attributes defined by base classes will be included.
- """
- def __getitem__(name):
- """Get the description for a name
- If the named attribute is not defined, a KeyError is raised.
- """
- def direct(name):
- """Get the description for the name if it was defined by the interface
- If the interface doesn't define the name, returns None.
- """
- def validateInvariants(obj, errors=None):
- """Validate invariants
- Validate object to defined invariants. If errors is None,
- raises first Invalid error; if errors is a list, appends all errors
- to list, then raises Invalid with the errors as the first element
- of the "args" tuple."""
- def __contains__(name):
- """Test whether the name is defined by the interface"""
- def __iter__():
- """Return an iterator over the names defined by the interface
- The names iterated include all of the names defined by the
- interface directly and indirectly by base interfaces.
- """
- __module__ = Attribute("""The name of the module defining the interface""")
-class IDeclaration(ISpecification):
- """Interface declaration
- Declarations are used to express the interfaces implemented by
- classes or provided by objects.
- """
- def __contains__(interface):
- """Test whether an interface is in the specification
- Return true if the given interface is one of the interfaces in
- the specification and false otherwise.
- """
- def __iter__():
- """Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
- """
- def flattened():
- """Return an iterator of all included and extended interfaces
- An iterator is returned for all interfaces either included in
- or extended by interfaces included in the specifications
- without duplicates. The interfaces are in "interface
- resolution order". The interface resolution order is such that
- base interfaces are listed after interfaces that extend them
- and, otherwise, interfaces are included in the order that they
- were defined in the specification.
- """
- def __sub__(interfaces):
- """Create an interface specification with some interfaces excluded
- The argument can be an interface or an interface
- specifications. The interface or interfaces given in a
- specification are subtracted from the interface specification.
- Removing an interface that is not in the specification does
- not raise an error. Doing so has no effect.
- Removing an interface also removes sub-interfaces of the interface.
- """
- def __add__(interfaces):
- """Create an interface specification with some interfaces added
- The argument can be an interface or an interface
- specifications. The interface or interfaces given in a
- specification are added to the interface specification.
- Adding an interface that is already in the specification does
- not raise an error. Doing so has no effect.
- """
- def __nonzero__():
- """Return a true value of the interface specification is non-empty
- """
-class IInterfaceDeclaration(Interface):
- """Declare and check the interfaces of objects
- The functions defined in this interface are used to declare the
- interfaces that objects provide and to query the interfaces that have
- been declared.
- Interfaces can be declared for objects in two ways:
- - Interfaces are declared for instances of the object's class
- - Interfaces are declared for the object directly.
- The interfaces declared for an object are, therefore, the union of
- interfaces declared for the object directly and the interfaces
- declared for instances of the object's class.
- Note that we say that a class implements the interfaces provided
- by it's instances. An instance can also provide interfaces
- directly. The interfaces provided by an object are the union of
- the interfaces provided directly and the interfaces implemented by
- the class.
- """
- def providedBy(ob):
- """Return the interfaces provided by an object
- This is the union of the interfaces directly provided by an
- object and interfaces implemented by it's class.
- The value returned is an IDeclaration.
- """
- def implementedBy(class_):
- """Return the interfaces implemented for a class' instances
- The value returned is an IDeclaration.
- """
- def classImplements(class_, *interfaces):
- """Declare additional interfaces implemented for instances of a class
- The arguments after the class are one or more interfaces or
- interface specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- The interfaces given (including the interfaces in the
- specifications) are added to any interfaces previously
- declared.
- Consider the following example::
- class C(A, B):
- ...
- classImplements(C, I1, I2)
- Instances of ``C`` provide ``I1``, ``I2``, and whatever interfaces
- instances of ``A`` and ``B`` provide.
- """
- def implementer(*interfaces):
- """Create a decorator for declaring interfaces implemented by a facory
- A callable is returned that makes an implements declaration on
- objects passed to it.
- """
- def classImplementsOnly(class_, *interfaces):
- """Declare the only interfaces implemented by instances of a class
- The arguments after the class are one or more interfaces or
- interface specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- The interfaces given (including the interfaces in the
- specifications) replace any previous declarations.
- Consider the following example::
- class C(A, B):
- ...
- classImplements(C, IA, IB. IC)
- classImplementsOnly(C. I1, I2)
- Instances of ``C`` provide only ``I1``, ``I2``, and regardless of
- whatever interfaces instances of ``A`` and ``B`` implement.
- """
- def implementer_only(*interfaces):
- """Create a decorator for declaring the only interfaces implemented
- A callable is returned that makes an implements declaration on
- objects passed to it.
- """
- def directlyProvidedBy(object):
- """Return the interfaces directly provided by the given object
- The value returned is an IDeclaration.
- """
- def directlyProvides(object, *interfaces):
- """Declare interfaces declared directly for an object
- The arguments after the object are one or more interfaces or
- interface specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- The interfaces given (including the interfaces in the
- specifications) replace interfaces previously
- declared for the object.
- Consider the following example::
- class C(A, B):
- ...
- ob = C()
- directlyProvides(ob, I1, I2)
- The object, ``ob`` provides ``I1``, ``I2``, and whatever interfaces
- instances have been declared for instances of ``C``.
- To remove directly provided interfaces, use ``directlyProvidedBy`` and
- subtract the unwanted interfaces. For example::
- directlyProvides(ob, directlyProvidedBy(ob)-I2)
- removes I2 from the interfaces directly provided by
- ``ob``. The object, ``ob`` no longer directly provides ``I2``,
- although it might still provide ``I2`` if it's class
- implements ``I2``.
- To add directly provided interfaces, use ``directlyProvidedBy`` and
- include additional interfaces. For example::
- directlyProvides(ob, directlyProvidedBy(ob), I2)
- adds I2 to the interfaces directly provided by ob.
- """
- def alsoProvides(object, *interfaces):
- """Declare additional interfaces directly for an object::
- alsoProvides(ob, I1)
- is equivalent to::
- directlyProvides(ob, directlyProvidedBy(ob), I1)
- """
- def noLongerProvides(object, interface):
- """Remove an interface from the list of an object's directly
- provided interfaces::
- noLongerProvides(ob, I1)
- is equivalent to::
- directlyProvides(ob, directlyProvidedBy(ob)-I1)
- with the exception that if ``I1`` is an interface that is
- provided by ``ob`` through the class's implementation,
- ValueError is raised.
- """
- def implements(*interfaces):
- """Declare interfaces implemented by instances of a class
- This function is called in a class definition.
- The arguments are one or more interfaces or interface
- specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- The interfaces given (including the interfaces in the
- specifications) are added to any interfaces previously
- declared.
- Previous declarations include declarations for base classes
- unless implementsOnly was used.
- This function is provided for convenience. It provides a more
- convenient way to call classImplements. For example::
- implements(I1)
- is equivalent to calling::
- classImplements(C, I1)
- after the class has been created.
- Consider the following example::
- class C(A, B):
- implements(I1, I2)
- Instances of ``C`` implement ``I1``, ``I2``, and whatever interfaces
- instances of ``A`` and ``B`` implement.
- """
- def implementsOnly(*interfaces):
- """Declare the only interfaces implemented by instances of a class
- This function is called in a class definition.
- The arguments are one or more interfaces or interface
- specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- Previous declarations including declarations for base classes
- are overridden.
- This function is provided for convenience. It provides a more
- convenient way to call classImplementsOnly. For example::
- implementsOnly(I1)
- is equivalent to calling::
- classImplementsOnly(I1)
- after the class has been created.
- Consider the following example::
- class C(A, B):
- implementsOnly(I1, I2)
- Instances of ``C`` implement ``I1``, ``I2``, regardless of what
- instances of ``A`` and ``B`` implement.
- """
- def classProvides(*interfaces):
- """Declare interfaces provided directly by a class
- This function is called in a class definition.
- The arguments are one or more interfaces or interface
- specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- The given interfaces (including the interfaces in the
- specifications) are used to create the class's direct-object
- interface specification. An error will be raised if the module
- class has an direct interface specification. In other words, it is
- an error to call this function more than once in a class
- definition.
- Note that the given interfaces have nothing to do with the
- interfaces implemented by instances of the class.
- This function is provided for convenience. It provides a more
- convenient way to call directlyProvides for a class. For example::
- classProvides(I1)
- is equivalent to calling::
- directlyProvides(theclass, I1)
- after the class has been created.
- """
- def provider(*interfaces):
- """A class decorator version of classProvides"""
- def moduleProvides(*interfaces):
- """Declare interfaces provided by a module
- This function is used in a module definition.
- The arguments are one or more interfaces or interface
- specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- The given interfaces (including the interfaces in the
- specifications) are used to create the module's direct-object
- interface specification. An error will be raised if the module
- already has an interface specification. In other words, it is
- an error to call this function more than once in a module
- definition.
- This function is provided for convenience. It provides a more
- convenient way to call directlyProvides for a module. For example::
- moduleImplements(I1)
- is equivalent to::
- directlyProvides(sys.modules[__name__], I1)
- """
- def Declaration(*interfaces):
- """Create an interface specification
- The arguments are one or more interfaces or interface
- specifications (IDeclaration objects).
- A new interface specification (IDeclaration) with
- the given interfaces is returned.
- """
-class IAdapterRegistry(Interface):
- """Provide an interface-based registry for adapters
- This registry registers objects that are in some sense "from" a
- sequence of specification to an interface and a name.
- No specific semantics are assumed for the registered objects,
- however, the most common application will be to register factories
- that adapt objects providing required specifications to a provided
- interface.
- """
- def register(required, provided, name, value):
- """Register a value
- A value is registered for a *sequence* of required specifications, a
- provided interface, and a name.
- """
- def registered(required, provided, name=u''):
- """Return the component registered for the given interfaces and name
- Unlike the lookup method, this methods won't retrieve
- components registered for more specific required interfaces or
- less specific provided interfaces.
- If no component was registered exactly for the given
- interfaces and name, then None is returned.
- """
- def lookup(required, provided, name='', default=None):
- """Lookup a value
- A value is looked up based on a *sequence* of required
- specifications, a provided interface, and a name.
- """
- def queryMultiAdapter(objects, provided, name=u'', default=None):
- """Adapt a sequence of objects to a named, provided, interface
- """
- def lookup1(required, provided, name=u'', default=None):
- """Lookup a value using a single required interface
- A value is looked up based on a single required
- specifications, a provided interface, and a name.
- """
- def queryAdapter(object, provided, name=u'', default=None):
- """Adapt an object using a registered adapter factory.
- """
- def adapter_hook(provided, object, name=u'', default=None):
- """Adapt an object using a registered adapter factory.
- """
- def lookupAll(required, provided):
- """Find all adapters from the required to the provided interfaces
- An iterable object is returned that provides name-value two-tuples.
- """
- def names(required, provided):
- """Return the names for which there are registered objects
- """
- def subscribe(required, provided, subscriber, name=u''):
- """Register a subscriber
- A subscriber is registered for a *sequence* of required
- specifications, a provided interface, and a name.
- Multiple subscribers may be registered for the same (or
- equivalent) interfaces.
- """
- def subscriptions(required, provided, name=u''):
- """Get a sequence of subscribers
- Subscribers for a *sequence* of required interfaces, and a provided
- interface are returned.
- """
- def subscribers(objects, provided, name=u''):
- """Get a sequence of subscription adapters
- """